So it's working well for u dickleaker?
Did u get the discount code off them?
I sent them my extender invoice and i'm hopeing to get the discount code...
Dickleaker;469363 said:
Any luck with the head attachment?Your glans at 6 1/2" in circumference is massive!!

Are the the connective ropes what attach to the pelvic bone?

Yeah it is a really good stretch and one I didn't feel with the VLC attachment. We will see if it translates to gains.
I did get it to work somewhat. BTW, to remove the device: try putting the bulb back on (not squeezed), rotate the blub/valve and then squeeze the bulb. This forces air into the dome and should expel your glans easily.

I use the term 'connective ropes' to talk about the connection from the end of the septum at back of the glans (the corona) all the way through to the bone, including any tough collagen in between (ligaments, septum, fascia and I include tunicae). When you feel that burn you are stretching the skeletal muscle which is also an erection-length hindrance. It's minor, but everything adds up to fight the blood pressure filling the penis. I found when I felt that burn it also indicated I was not pulling skin or much in the way of tunicae. You can test that by feeling the skin and tunicae for tightness. If they're relatively loose, yet there is a tight cord inside the penis: voila! Connective rope is being tugged almost exclusively.

Every device is horrible for one guy and great for another. Each of our brains seems to make sense of different designs. It took me a long time to pull only the rope with the Bib, but the first time I felt it was with the SS heavy. I think this is simply because vacuum-based devices pull from the skin of the glans exclusively. Therefore, the only transfer point is the septum. Of course this is why vacuum became so popular years ago. But most guys became frustrated with them due to blistering so they never became the de facto standard. Also, attaching them can be a nightmare. The penismaster pro seems to have solved that problem for some guys and once again a device will be perfect for some guys.

I'm still staring at it trying to figure out how I might be able to get it to work for me. Based on its design I have altered my SS heavy and used it for 12 hours yesterday without issue. I got the application time down to 4 minutes. So I think if you get the penimaster pro: 1) try it 2) if it works, stretch your penis 3) if it doesn't, they have a return policy.
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Yeah its working great now for me.I was removing the pump to create the vacuum too early and now leave it on for about 30 seconds to get a good seal.Then into the extender and stretch for hours.I remove it every 2 hours or so and rest my glans for 10 minutes.
I feel the stretch in the connective ropes that MoreGains is talking about in his post above.
It is a very different stretch than when using the VLC tugger.

Like I said we will see if this translates to gains for me.
So far I have been able to wear this device much longer without any discomfort so that is a good thing when it comes to extenders.

I didn't request a discount when I ordered mine cause I didn't know they offered one.
Altho it seems expensive to anyone who hasn't used it ,for me now that I have ,the comfort and
stretch I get are definitely worth the steep price!

Let me know when you get yours and if you have any problems with it.There is a small learning curve to it.
Good luck!
celttank;469367 said:
So it's working well for u dickleaker?
Did u get the discount code off them?
I sent them my extender invoice and i'm hopeing to get the discount code...

Those are ingenious!!
I will try this out.Do you insert a bridge both up and down of the rods or are you trying to induce or reduce a curve at all?

The skin cones on the VLC do stretch ou of shape I find after about 2 months or less if you are stretching at high tension.
Squashbuddie;469369 said:

I added a big bar after 3 weeks of doing these in short intervals of 1 hour during a vlc session.. But i cannot do it anymore, the vlc is too uncomfortable, and the cone has gotten bigger since i started on these stretches.. Hopefully the penimaster Will be better.

Thanks for the tip on removing the attachment...thats a great idea!

Have you asked if they make a larger glans attachment?Is the major problem for you?

4 minutes is still frustrating but if you went for 12 hours thats a good payoff man!!

Good luck with it ...hope it gets easier for you to apply.

MoreGains123;469435 said:
I did get it to work somewhat. BTW, to remove the device: try putting the bulb back on (not squeezed), rotate the blub/valve and then squeeze the bulb. This forces air into the dome and should expel your glans easily.

I use the term 'conne,
ctive ropes' to talk about the connection from the end of the septum at back of the glans (the corona) all the way through to the bone, including any tough collagen in between (ligaments, septum, fascia and I include tunicae). When you feel that burn you are stretching the skeletal muscle which is also an erection-length hindrance. It's minor, but everything adds up to fight the blood pressure filling the penis. I found when I felt that burn it also indicated I was not pulling skin or much in the way of tunicae. You can test that by feeling the skin and tunicae for tightness. If they're relatively loose, yet there is a tight cord inside the penis: voila! Connective rope is being tugged almost exclusively.

Every device is horrible for one guy and great for another. Each of our brains seems to make sense of different designs. It took me a long time to pull only the rope with the Bib, but the first time I felt it was with the SS heavy. I think this is simply because vacuum-based devices pull from the skin of the glans exclusively. Therefore, the only transfer point is the septum. Of course this is why vacuum became so popular years ago. But most guys became frustrated with them due to blistering so they never became the de facto standard. Also, attaching them can be a nightmare. The penismaster pro seems to have solved that problem for some guys and once again a device will be perfect for some guys.

I'm still staring at it trying to figure out how I might be able to get it to work for me. Based on its design I have altered my SS heavy and used it for 12 hours yesterday without issue. I got the application time down to 4 minutes. So I think if you get the penimaster pro: 1) try it 2) if it works, stretch your penis 3) if it doesn't, they have a return policy.
I do it on one side at a time.. The stretch is incredible, the flaccid length after a couple of hours with this is insane. I went directly into my Bathmate when I did these, I think that also had something to do with the gains I had. I have a small curve to the left. I was actually thinking about twisting the VLC/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender 90 degrees, to straighten everything out, but my penis just doesn't bend to the side as well as the other way, if that makes sense :)
Dickleaker;469451 said:
Have you asked if they make a larger glans attachment?Is the major problem for you?
It is the primary issue. I will email them today.

Dickleaker;469451 said:
4 minutes is still frustrating but if you went for 12 hours thats a good payoff man!!
But it's straight-forward so I don't mind. What I find frustrating are applications that can fail at any point. It kind of makes you nervous as you're putting something on. BTW, the 12 hours was in 4 groups of 3 hours each. My glans is a little pink from being yanked all day, but other than that it's ok. (It doesn't hurt.) I'm also going to suggest SS tell its SS HD users about this mod.
Dickleaker;469357 said:
Good for you have come a long way with this device and deserve a bigger cock because of your
perseverance(I hope it works that way haha).

The stretch I feel all the way to my asshole is from the peni pro/SG. Its a different stretch then the VLC/SG.
Only time will tell if it transmits to gains but already my flaccid is about 1/2" bigger after only a few days.

Good luck to you my friend.

So the Penimaster was def. worth getting?
I'm tempted to get it and then wear the sg/vlc one day, then penimaster/sg the next.

You have any pics on how it connects to the SG?
I go 2 hours with a 10 minute break. Do you get any FR in your glans or expansion at the end of session?
Good luck on a larger head piece!

Who are the SS and the SS HD?
MoreGains123;469458 said:
It is the primary issue. I will email them today.

But it's straight-forward so I don't mind. What I find frustrating are applications that can fail at any point. It kind of makes you nervous as you're putting something on. BTW, the 12 hours was in 4 groups of 3 hours each. My glans is a little pink from being yanked all day, but other than that it's ok. (It doesn't hurt.) I'm also going to suggest SS tell its SS HD users about this mod.

For me the value is in the length of time I can stretch without counting the hours.It is very comfortable!
I can't say at this point whether it will translate to gains but my feeling is because the stretch I get is similar to the one you get with a comfort strap setup designed by SG ,the chances of getting gains are better (that's just my opinion).

The pro kit comes with a rod piece attachment that fits the rods of the SG.The pro attaches to this.
Gravik;469501 said:
So the Penimaster was def. worth getting?
I'm tempted to get it and then wear the sg/vlc one day, then penimaster/sg the next.

You have any pics on how it connects to the SG?
Haven't tried your bridge stretches yet but maybe tonight!
I just had a thought that if you have a thicker and thicker bridge you could increase this sort of stretch in the middle of your penis.
So far I love the peni pro and didn't think there could be anything better than the VLC!I have a small curve to the left and have a curve upwards that I also like.
Squashbuddie;469455 said:
I do it on one side at a time.. The stretch is incredible, the flaccid length after a couple of hours with this is insane. I went directly into my Bathmate when I did these, I think that also had something to do with the gains I had. I have a small curve to the left. I was actually thinking about twisting the VLC/SG 90 degrees, to straighten everything out, but my penis just doesn't bend to the side as well as the other way, if that makes sense :)
Dickleaker;469523 said:
Who are the SS and the SS HD?
I use SS to mean Static Stretcher and the SS HD to mean the Static Stretcher Heavy Duty. It's just too much to type!

I'm using a new tape and in a new manner that eliminates a great deal of time and aggravation and I'm using their Static Press Vac (whatever that means) like the latex balloon on the Penimaster.

I got the idea after studying the Penimaster and comparing it to how the SS HD functions. I've always used the SS HD after Bib-hanger sessions and have found the combo to be very successful over the past 3 years. However, I've gained a lot of unexpected girth which I attribute to the Bib. I just don't want anymore: 6 is my thinnest spot, base girth is 7.5.

I've always wanted to be able to use the SS HD as a true all-day device because I'm really tired of hanging (after many, many hours and significant discoloration). But when I saw this Penimaster Pro I thought it could be the missing link for me. I had intended to use it as the attachment point along with the SS HD's base and tension rods. It was pricey and that's why I suggested we wait and see what some early adopters thought. Then I decided to become an early adopter. Unfortunately, my girth appears to be an issue.

But it inspired me to create a solution, so I'm still happy. In my modified SS HD, I've logged 40 hours in the past 5 days with zero issues. The SS base is superior to all the other bases (they've got a patent on it) because it goes around the testicles instead of pressing against them: I hated that with my first extender (Andropenis).

So the SS HD is working really well for me now, but as I said before: the penimaster pro's concept is clever and if it works for you, use it!
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anybody gain any erect length with this yet? because i want to buy it now but i want to know if it is worth it and whether the fuss about getting suction or not is true. is it really simple to use and apply?
karmi;469587 said:
anybody gain any erect length with this yet?
Too early to say, but anything that pulls on your penis over a long period of time will give you gains.
karmi;469587 said:
because i want to buy it now but i want to know if it is worth it and whether the fuss about getting suction or not is true.
As with all Penis Enlargement gear: some like it, some don't. There's no such thing as a "magic-bullet-one-device-suits-all".
karmi;469587 said:
is it really simple to use and apply?
It can be, but again different guys see device designs differently. Some people like golf weights but you'd never catch me suggesting them.
Like MoreGains said its too early to tell.There are a few guys here now using it but if you read this entire thread the earliest user would be Fonic .The rest of us have only just started with it .I have used it for about a week.
So far my flaccid size is longer and my erections are more frequent.That is a good sign to me.

Also when I get erect with it on and in the extender with an erection it measures about 1/2" more than my erection without .That is pretty exciting to see!

Its super comfortable for me and I am wearing it up to 8 hours a day.That is good time to be in an extender and most guys get gains from putting in long hours over time in the past.

If you have a monster cockhead like MoreGains you may not fit inside the head attachment.It is not as easy to apply as the the VLC which takes me max of 5 seconds to put on.However once you learn it ,takes approximately 30 seconds.
karmi;469587 said:
anybody gain any erect length with this yet? because i want to buy it now but i want to know if it is worth it and whether the fuss about getting suction or not is true. is it really simple to use and apply?
I just got it today as well..

My first impressions are very good, its the most comfortable thing I have tried so far. I never found out how to use the bulb.. My glans just wont get in.. I tried for about 30 min without any progress. I then tried the hose, 10 seconds later i was ready to go. I put on some Breaking bad and fell asleep.. 3 hours later the burning feeling in my shaft woke me. I honestly have never felt that before.. Dont get me wrong, it wasnt bad pain, but pain as in "watch out DLD".. ;)

Jokes aside, I am looking forward to try it out again after work.. I feel like i Can stay in it for as long as i want.. Im gonna try out the bulb a lot more, otherwise i will write them for advise since i must be doing something wrong.

I will get back to you all in a couple of days with a complete review.. I only tried it for 3 hours so far. But I think things are going the right way..
is everyone just getting the upgrade kit 1?
I just ordered the upgrade kit 1. The price is fucking ridiculous but i'm considering it as an investment.
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