agent7x6;533882 said:
I seem to recall that you mentioned in another thread of speaking with a doctor regarding chemical Penis Enlargement. Is your regimen doctor prescribed?

My PGE1 regimen was. My current routine is hanging. He doesn't like hangers that act like a vice. However, once I get down to 2-3 sets/day, I may try PGE1 with hanging. I may try a cheap vac hanger with that if the traditional hanger is too painful. The purpose of the PGE1 for me would be increased EQ and a bit of girth.
Kingsnake if thats true about massive amounts of PGE1 being needed to cause enlargement then there is an easy way of doing it. Just inject multiple times a day and do it every day. I found that if I injected twice a day, 2 days in a row then I would build a tolerance very rapidly. I think I was up at 30 mcgs within a week of doing this.
MikeShlort;533894 said:
My PGE1 regimen was. My current routine is hanging. He doesn't like hangers that act like a vice. However, once I get down to 2-3 sets/day, I may try PGE1 with hanging. I may try a cheap vac hanger with that if the traditional hanger is too painful. The purpose of the PGE1 for me would be increased EQ and a bit of girth.
Sounds like you're focusing on length for the moment which is also my primary objective. I just ordered some PGE and am considering combining it with testosterone (like patient 1 in Dr Wright's patent application) for my injections. Did your doctor make any mention of using androgens or any of the other so called potentiators?
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Hey Seun. User the dmso solution which is the liquid form. 70% dmso is good but you don’t need to have it on for an hour. That is to long and is the reason for your skin irritation. 20 to 40 minutes is enough.

Hey DLD. Thanks for the support bro. Im looking forward the new supplement you got coming out bro and the topical with tb-500 in it. Hopefully we can find a carrier that will bring peps through the skin.

Hey agent7x6. You and I are on the same page bro. Having high testosterone is one thing but having a high amount of testosterone concentrated and localized in the receptor sites of the penis is a whole other thing that will lead to growth in combination with other tactics like combinding a Penis Enlargement routine with it.

As far as testosterone injections in the penis, you have to becareful with that bro because testosterone if Im not mistaking is to be injected in sterile oil. You have to make sure you know what you’re doing with injecting oils into the penis. The test subjects in the patent where doing penile test injections under doctor supervision. I too am interested in test injections in the penis but I need to research it more. Coughroniellcough has told me that he was injecting test in his penis along with growth hormone and reported small girth gains. He did say that when using dht gel in 1 month cycles his girth grew rapidly more so then the actual test injections in the penis.

Hey Mikeshlort. Yeah IGF is an important peptide when it comes to smooth muscle growth which the penis is 40 to 50% of. This is why I’ve been injecting 20 to 40 mcgs of igf-des into my penis with tb-500 and pge1. Igf-des is the quick acting kind with a half life of 15 at 20 minutes. Igf-des is also more anabolic then the orginal igf and more anabolic then igf-rl3 which is the long acting one.

I agree with you Mikeshlorts about hangers that use compression like a vice to attach to the penis. With constant pge1 soreness vac hangers are way more comfortable. Less skin pull as well. When I hang with my vac I feel the stress in nothing but the actual shaft, ligs and the internal structures inside.

Hey bigdex28. That sounds like a good idea but I don’t have time to do multiple pge1 injections a day. Right now at work I can’t be walking around with a boner. I use to be able to when I was confined to my cubicle but they got me working in the data center which means Im out in the open.

Well. Injected 35 mcgs of pge1 2 days ago and got an extremely painful 40 minute 75% erection.

Yesterday I injected injected 43 mcgs of pge1 and got the most painful ever 50 to 80% erection. Pain was at an all time high but the erection only lasted 30 minutes with an hour of walking around with a painful plumped flaccid.

I don’t know if my tolerance is massively increasing at a rapid rate or if my pge1 is going bad because just last week I was using 25 mcgs of pge1 for a good 1 ½ to 2 hour erection when injected in the evenings.

When I first started chemical Penis Enlargement I bought 4 bottles of pge1 and have kept them in my refridgerator. It’s been about 6 or so months now so Im wondering if the pge1 is starting to lose potency which is why my jump to 43 mcgs isn’t giving me a 3 plus hour erection. Hell I’m not even getting a 1 hour erection anymore with this stuff.

I need to check and see what the shelf life of reconstituted pge1 is when stored in the fridge because it doesn’t make any sense for me to be building a tolerance to it that damn fast.

If it turns out that my tolerance is going up thus the lack of erection time, then Im going to be stacking my pge1 with phentolamine and possibley papaverine for a more powerful erection that will last for 3 hours or more. I heard that as painful as pge1 already is, when stacked with papaverine, the pain is out of this world if the pge1 is of a high dosage in the mix.

So far Im very pleased with my new ADS device. Standing, sitting, or whatever I get a constant pull with my ADS and can adjust the amount of resistance with my bungee cord or by stretching out my leg. So far with DHT gel, all I’ve noticed an increase in libido but that’s about it. Been on it for about 2 weeks now. Got another two weeks to go with dht gel before I cycle off. Once I cycle off I’ll measure for progress.

Tomorrow for my next chemical erection workout, I plan on upping the pge1 dosage to 50 mcgs, hoping for a good 2 to 3 hour erection. The throbbing pain with 43 mcgs yesterday was pure agony so Im already mentally preparing my self for tomorrows torture session. If I don’t get at least a decent 2 hour boner with 50 mcgs of liquid pain then I’m going to be PISSED!!!
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agent7x6;534080 said:
Sounds like you're focusing on length for the moment which is also my primary objective. I just ordered some PGE and am considering combining it with testosterone (like patient 1 in Dr Wright's patent application) for my injections. Did your doctor make any mention of using androgens or any of the other so called potentiators?

If you're focusing on length, forget about injections and all other exercises other than hanging. Straight up. How do you think kingsnake got from 8"NBPenis EnlargementL to 9.5" NBPenis EnlargementL? Hanging.
Ok fellas. I just had a skype convo with coughroniellecought. He told me that pge1 after reconstitution stays good for over a year and that it's my dick increasing in receptor sites which demands more pge1. Basically my penis is increasing in receptors sites as well as blood vessel growth thus I have to keep titrating up in pge1 until I find my new sweet spot that will grant a 2 to 4 hour erection.

He also told me to keep my cockring on for as long as Im able to with stand to keep the chems trapped in the shaft for full saturation of every cell in the CCs. I usually take the cockring off after 10 to 15minutes of injecting but coughroniellecough is saying to keep the cockring on for at least 45 minutes to an hour or as long as I can with stand.

So now that I know that my supply of pge1 is good and it's my dick's tolerance needing more, I will continue to up the dosage. Tomorrow I'll be injecting 50 mcgs of pge1 and see what kind of erection time that grants me.

So far Im about 2 weeks into my dht cycle. Coughroniellecought told me that I made a big mistake with the order of using DHT and that I should have cycled first with finasterone for a month to block dht in the body on purpose, thus upregulating dht androgen sensetivity. I have 2 more weeks to go with dht so after I cycle off, I will be on finasterone for a month to increase recepector sensetivity thus making dht more effective when I start back up.

Coughroniellecought told me that after 3 cycles of dht and finasterone, he had to stop dht because his girth was getting to big for his clients to handle being 7 inches in thickness. What a problem to have. LOL. While on Finasterone, low libido is expected since dht will be blocked during that month but Im ok with that. Finasterone is used in a lot of hair treatments to restore hair in balding men since it blocks the conversion of dht in the body which attacks hair follicles in the scalp. I wanted to avoid using finasterone since it blocks dht thus lowering anobolic activity but after reading up on how it actually does increase dht receptor activity after starving the body of it for a month, I'll be going this route.

So the idea is to take Finasterone for 1 month to starve the body of DHT which will increase DHT receptor sensitivity to damn near pre puberty levels. Then blast DHT for 1 month which will cause libido to sky rocket, penile sensitivity to skyrocket and angiogenesis and cell proliferation to sky rocket. Combined with my Penis Enlargement workouts this sounds promising.

So I'll be ordering some finasterone. Hopefully it will get here before my current dht cycle is over which is in 2 weeks. Still plan on measuring after this current cycle is over.

Heres a link showing the the orginal chemical penis enlargement protocal with the use of cycling DHT with Finasterone.
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That sounds to easy the dht/finasterone cycle to make size but sounds like it would work.
hey snake you're probably aware of this but just wanted to throw out a reminder to make sure your unit is clear of any topical DHT before beating in your regulars' guts. apparently it can have bad effects ... dont want them sprouting a bigger unit too ;)
rakas;534019 said:
I'm a bit on an exhibitionist in that if i had the massive cock i would be showing my bulge on purpose.

No need for a massive just a good flaccid size for show. My whole reason for pe was to increase my flaccid size to be able to show off without trying to maintain a semi erection. I have succeeded my flaccid is about a half inch away from my semi and I am able to show off a bulge without touching it (fluffing up). Pe should be able to get you swinging and showing through your clothes. I don't even have to freeball anymore it's so prominent now.
kingsnake;534083 said:
Hey agent7x6. You and I are on the same page bro. Having high testosterone is one thing but having a high amount of testosterone concentrated and localized in the receptor sites of the penis is a whole other thing that will lead to growth in combination with other tactics like combinding a Penis Enlargement routine with it.

As far as testosterone injections in the penis, you have to becareful with that bro because testosterone if Im not mistaking is to be injected in sterile oil. You have to make sure you know what you’re doing with injecting oils into the penis. The test subjects in the patent where doing penile test injections under doctor supervision. I too am interested in test injections in the penis but I need to research it more. Coughroniellcough has told me that he was injecting test in his penis along with growth hormone and reported small girth gains. He did say that when using dht gel in 1 month cycles his girth grew rapidly more so then the actual test injections in the penis.
Thanks for the heads up on sterility. If I proceed with this idea, I'll make sure to run the compound through a syringe filter to make sure there are no contaminants. I'm already taking testosterone replacement at 70 mg a week, which is on the low side for TRT, so the 0.5 mg dosages Patient 1 was taking with each injection will make almost no difference in my hormone profile. The whole idea is to localize the androgenic effect in the penis. My PGE should arrive in a few days. I'll keep investigating for a while before taking the plunge.
Hey therulersback and bigdex28. I make sure to wash off good after using the dht gel and dmso to prevent any contamination to anyone else.

Hey agent7x6. Good luck when you pge1 arrives. Let me know if you need any help with using it and what to expect with your erection workouts.

Hey 88man. Good thread you got there bro. I’ll definitely be keeping tabs on your progress.

Hey fellas so two days ago I upped the pge1 dosage to an all time high for me being 50 mcgs. The pain was utterly amazing. Extreme torture 10 minutes after injecting. To make matters worse I kept my silicone sleeve and cable clamp on as a cockring for 1 hour to keep my penis saturated in pge1 and to keep the rest of the chems (igf-des, tb-500) local in the shaft for as long as possible.

I didn’t have the clamp on tight like a real clamping workout. I just had it on tight enough to keep the chems trapped but man did my dick swell like no other. During the first hour of my pge1 erection, I would take off the clamp for 5 minutes at a time every 10 to 15 minutes to get circulation back then reapply it. The pain was excruciating.
I had to run some bath water and sit in the tub to let my dick sooth from the immense pain of 50 mcgs of pge1.

After 1 hour went by, I couldn’t take it any more and removed the silicone sleeve and the clamp. After removing the clamp and the sleeve my erection went down to about 60 to 70% lasted for another hour for a total of 2 hours of pge1 erection time. Not bad. Im still not satisfied though. Im looking for 2 to 3 hours or even 4 hours of erection time so next time I’ll increase the dosage to 55 mcgs.

Also, Im in the process of ordering some phentolamine and forskolin. Phentolamine is a vasodilator used in different erection medications. It grants a nice strong painless erection all by itself which is great for having sex with. However it doesn’t have any tunica delinking properties like pge1. I will be stacking phentolamine with pge1 in my injection cocktail. PGE1 erections right now bring me to 60 to 80% erection level if Im not physically stimulating myself. With the use of phentolamine working in synergy with the pge1, the erection strength will most definitely increase up to 90 to 95% without any needed physical or sexual stimulation.

A 90% erection maintained for at least 1 to 2 hours will cause more internal pressure and expansion to the tunica as its collagen bonds are delinked by the pge1. Im looking for 2 hours of being 90 to 95% erect then 1 to 2 hours of being 70 to 50% erect as the erection dies down. So the phentolamine’s main purpose for me will be to increase my erection strength working with pge1 for a better internal stretch workout while the pge1 delinks collagen.

The forskolin that I will be adding is to increase my sensitivity to pge1 so my need to increase in pge1 will slow down a bit. I still want to reach over 100mcgs of pge1 for 2 to 4 hour erections since the more pge1 in the penis, the more collagen delinking happens. I just don’t want to reach such high levels so fast. I need time to let my pain tolerance catch up to PGE1 aka liquid PAIN.

Boy I remember back in the day when just 15 mcgs injected any time of the day would grant me a nice painful 3 to 4 hour erection. Now with more size in girth and more created receptor sites as a result, my pge1 dosage continues to increase to meet the demand.
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let me suggest something to help with your rapidly increasing tolerance to pge1....which i also am experiencing. I while back i read a couple of studies suggesting that α1-selective alpha blockers can markedly increase the potency of pge-1 induced erections. Doxazosin (a drug used to treat high blood pressure and benign prostatic hyperplasia) in particular was shown to be effective at the 4mg dose.

I'm sorry i dont have the links to the studies. but a search on PubMD might help.

the study said that 4mg oral doxazosin with pge-1 injections produced erections in men in which pge-1 alone failed.
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Hey snakes, been following your thread since the beginning and was wanting to say thanks for putting this all out there/here.

Had a cluster of questions I wanted to throw out there if you don't mind. You seem to have better "keyword" search terms you use for searching for items that might suit Penis Enlargement.

Question 1: Was curious if you have ever looked into helichrysum italicum essential oil as a topical with DMSO? A lot of people report that it has amazing effects on scar tissue reduction. Was researching it for cell/nerve regeneration. Not sure what affect it may have on Penis Enlargement and actually adding to anything regarding gains.

Question 2: Are you using anything special for jelqing(oil/lube wise)?

Somewhat of a Question 3: I was also playing with the idea of jelqing with a primrose oil (16oz for around $18, higher linolenic, but lower GLA than borage by 10-15%(?)) and maybe with a magnesium chloride concoction (mag = vasodilator / angiogenic). Maybe this idea has or hasn't cross your mind, was curious.

Question 4: Have you looked into low molecular hyaluronic acid for adding to a DMSO+PABA topical application?

Then there is frankincense essential oil. It looks to have around the same effects as helichrysum, but I seen that it was antiangiogenic for tumor cells. Not sure if that will correlate to the cells needed for Penis Enlargement purposes (ie: being counter-productive) though.

Thanks again.
Thanks, Kingsnake. Much appreciated. If you ever have any hormonal questions - I am well versed in the subject being that it is my field of study and I bodybuild competitively.
Damn there's a lot of brain power being flexed on this thread. Keep up the good work guys. Learning heaps.
Someone needs to write a disclaimer that this approach should only be taken if all other forms of Penis Enlargement are properly applied for proper amounts of time without any results.
I couldn't agree more. This more than anything else is where newbies will screw themselves up.
Hey King check your PM's I need your help brotha'.
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