Hey snake, do you notice any improvements in your erections since you are applying the topical solutions on your dick.As well as softening of the tunica and the dissolving of some scar tissue or calcium on you dick, if you had some of those before ?
I am talking about your current mix.
(DMSO/MAGNISUIM OIL, PABA) (DMSO/PABA) (DMSO/ALCETYL Carnitine powder with a small amount of PABA mixed in) (DMSO/NASCENT IODINE, PABA)
I think i have some scar/plaque/calcium tissue build up at the top of my shaft just behind the head where i attached my hanger for very long time.Also just noticed that my upward curve is slightly increased, looking at some old pics of my dick.Which is giving me shitty EQ and i think is preventing my smooth muscle to fully relax.
I did some heavy SO Fulcrum hanging for long time despite my upward curve and i riding through low EQ times with it was fatigue but i was clearly inflicting macro damage and maybe scar tissue response, since my hanger attachment point got swollen after my hagning sets.Curently i have stoped my hanging since 4 months.Completely Stoped Penis Enlargement for 2 months and saw not much improvement in the EQ department.So i resumed Penis Enlargement and now i am pumping 2 days on 1 day off one 15minute set.Then 5min jelqs, So i can keep the bloodflow and dont lose gains. I lost the throbing pulsating feeling when i have erection.And i very rarely have sponatneous erections throught out the day and when i do they last 10-20 seconds.Morning woods are pretty rare too and most of the time i wake up with semi erections like 50-60% and not 100% hard throbbing boners like before. From time to time i get 90% erection imediately after i wake up with a little bit kegels. When i masturbate i have to keep my ass and thighs flexed in order to mainatain the erection and to force blood into my dick.When i relax them i lose the erection.So i think something is preventing my smooth muscle to fully relax and seal the penis so i can have effortless rock hard throbbing boner..I dont think it is low Testosterone issue because i started hiting the gym hard and i am gaining muscle pretty fast also i am pretty lean.Also i didnt orgrasmed for like 10 days and my libido was super high and my penis was a lot more sensitive but still, i had to flex my ass in order to maintain the erection..The downside of this is that if i fuck a girl i cant flex my ass the same way as i do when i masturbate as well as when the pc muscle and legs get tired i lose the erection. Before i could keep it at 100% EQ rock hard and pulsating while all my muscles were completely relaxed and i could do it for as long as i wanted.
One more thing that i noticed when i am pumping my dick isn't expanding just behind the glans on the top of it where i think i have the scar/calcium/plaque build up.It exapnds lengthwise and to the sides as well as at the base but the top part just behind the glands almost no expansion there.
So snake sorry for the long post but tell me do you think your treatment can help me ? I already ordered magnesium chloride tommorow i am ordering paba dmso and the other stuff.
Kingsnake, sucks to hear about your results from the peptides. I seen that you mention Iron-Dragon and I can vouch that there peptides are top notch. I have used them since they opened up shop and have actually tried their Igf-1 Lr3 when I was still into bodybuilding.

I actually used to run a steroid source board before handing it over to another admin. It became too much of a grey area for me and I had too much to lose to get busted for members selling bulk powders. Anyways I don't think I have ever seen anything bad written about them. I haven't been back to my old board but I am sure nothing has changed with ID.
This really dried out my penis skin. I just started using a penis health creme to counteract the effects, and it seems to be working. Anyone else use one of these cremes? Supposedly they are awesome for penis health in general.
Hi, king snake

I"d like to give it a try a chemical penis enlargment, but there are a lot information about it.
Where can I find more information?
well hung;726040 said:
Hi, king snake

I"d like to give it a try a chemical penis enlargment, but there are a lot information about it.
Where can I find more information?

Hopefully this bump will bring him back.
I know old thread but how the heck does he inject 5mcgs? It is such a tiny amount. How would he even be able to measure that on an insulin syringe? 1ml is 1000mcgs. Am I missing something here or does he mean 500mcgs of pge1 that he is injecting? Or is his vial diluted down enough to be able to take more accurate measurements of such tiny doses?
I know old thread but how the heck does he inject 5mcgs? It is such a tiny amount. How would he even be able to measure that on an insulin syringe? 1ml is 1000mcgs. Am I missing something here or does he mean 500mcgs of pge1 that he is injecting? Or is his vial diluted down enough to be able to take more accurate measurements of such tiny doses?

He was correct. I use 1mcg or even less sometimes., 0.5mcg. PGE-1 does not come in 1000mcg per ML. Caverject comes usually in 20mcg per ML.
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What up fellas. Snakeman here. Just posting an update on my Penis Enlargement training. I’m still doing chemical Penis Enlargement but only a small portion of it being just the topical portion with new topical chems added. I haven’t injected pge1, igf, mgf and tb500 for over 2 months now. I was up to injecting 95 extremely painful micrograms of pge1 which wasn’t granting me an erection over 30 minutes. I then switched to injecting only 15 to 20 mcgs of pge1 at night time which did grant me hours of hard wood but it kept me up all night. On top of that I was injecting so much for my chemical erection workouts that my natural erections started to suffer. It was like my body started relying on the pge1 for erections period, even for sex. I’m thinking the nerves that fire from the brain to the penis to initiate an erection started to get lazy since with PGE1 mental or physical stimulation isn’t needed. Once this started becoming consistent with me struggling to stay hard during sex with a normal erection, I said to hell with pge1 injections and stopped cold turkey.

Also after seeing that my gains have been minimal with chemical Penis Enlargement, I’ve also stopped with injecting all growth peptides in fear that they are all fake. I got all my igf-des, tb-500, and mgf from Ergopep.com, but after reading up on various sources it would seem that there peptides are all fake. The only thing that does work is the pge1 they sell but I’m also reading on complaints of solid crystals in the recent pge1 vials that people are buying from them. After vigorous studies on igf I’ve concluded that my dick would have grown a lot more with real igf use.

So right now I’m not injecting anything but I do plan on continuing with igf and tb500 penile injections once I find a legit company that sells the real shit. So far I’m hearing Irondragon.com and mpresearchsupply.com sells legit growth peptides. After the first two weeks of laying off pge1, my normal natural erections returned with a vengeance and I’ve been smashing hoes like crazy ever since.

Unfortunately, I have lost a little bit over .2 to my permanent dry girth since stopping cold turkey with PGE1 injections which means that CHEMICAL Penis Enlargement so far has only granted me a legit .1 in permanent girth instead of a quarter inch, making my midgirth 6.3 inches right now. Definitely sucks but what this means is that the constant daily PGE1 erections were causing both permanent and temporary gains like doing a pumping workout because right after a pumping set my midgirth reaches 6.5 to 6.6 inches again. Hoping with my new routine I'll get back what I lost and exceed it.

Right now my workout is centered around my topical chemical protocol which has grown. I’m using (DMSO/PABA), (DMSO/MAGNISUIM OIL), (DMSO/ALCETYL Carnitine), and (DMSO/NASCENT IODINE). My mechanical forms of Penis Enlargement are now pumping, hanging, ADS, and jelqing.

I’ll start with my topical protocol which I do twice a day. One session in the morning and one session in the evening.

What I do is apply magnesium oil mixed with 70% DMSO to my penis, letting the DMSO drag the magnesium oil through the skin into the tissues. Magnesium oil is a great compound that helps with energy production at the cellular level. Magnesium also helps to keep calcium and plaque out of the cells which is a must for Penis Enlargement. I let the magnesium oil/DMSO sit on my dick until it dries which usually takes about 7 minutes then I apply my next compound being the all familiar DMSO/PABA. After another 7 minutes I apply DMSO and powdered Acetyl L Carnitine.

Acetyl Carnitine has been used in peyronies studies for its ability to soften and dissolve scar tissue in the tunica. New discoveries have also been showing that carnitine increases androgen receptor activity through out the body. With an increase in androgen receptors this should make my next DHT cream phase more effective once I start DHT again.

The last topical compound that I apply 7 minutes later is nascent Iodine mixed with 70% DMSO. Nascent iodine has been known to soften scar tissue and hard plaques. I let the nascent iodine/ dmso dry on my dick then wash all topical chems off.

The purpose of all these topical tissue softening chems is to make up for me not using PGE1 right now since PGE1 is known to delink the collagen bonds of the tunica. My goal is to make my tunica as soft as possible for better Penis Enlargement gains. So in short my topical program is as follows.

(DMSO/MAGNISUIM OIL) for 7 minutes or until compound dries
(DMSO/PABA) for 7 minutes or until compound dries
(DMSO/ALCETYL Carnitine) for 7 minutes or until compound dries
(DMSO/NASCENT IODINE). for 7 minutes or until compound dries

So that sums up my topical chemical protocol. Now for the mechanical protocol. My Penis Enlargement training consists of hanging, pumping, jelqing, and ADS use.

I’m hanging and using an ADS every day now and pumping and jelqing every other day. Here’s the layout which is layed out using (DAY A) and (DAY B).

AM workout

Topical chemical treatment 40 minutes
4 hours of hanging with grip system hanger

PM workout
30 minutes of wet jelqs
2 fifteen minute sets of pumping with vacutech elliptical cylinders with edging between sets.
10 minutes of wet jelqs
Another 2 fifteen minute sets of pumping with vacutech elliptical cylinders with edging between sets.
20 minutes of wet jelqs
5 to 10 minutes of edging
Equals to 1 hour of total jelq time and 1 hour of total pumping time.
Afterwards second 40 minute chemical topical treatment

Afterwards but ADS on until bedtime unless I’m smashing a chick then no ADS.

(Day B)
AM workout

40 minute chemical topical treatment
4 hours of hanging with grip system hanger
Ads for rest of the day
Second 40 minute chemical topical treatment before bed if I’m not fucking with a team snake recruit.

So this has been my program for the past month now. I most say I’m very pleased with the thick walled elliptical vacutech pumps I’ve bought. They are oval shaped instead of circular shaped like a standard pump. Their oval shape is to mimick the natural shape of a penis for suppozet increased effectiveness according to vacutech. I’m using a 12 inch length by 2.5 inch width tube right now leaving me 2 inches of room to grow length wise before hitting the top. Hopefully with time I’ll pack that bad boy. I really like how intense the vacuum pressure is with the vacutech pump as oppose to the doctor Kaplan pump I use to use. With just 4 gs of pressure in the vacutech pump the vacuum is way more intense then with the Kaplan. Leaves my dick quite fatigued after my pumping/jelqing workout done every other day. I’ve also noticed less fluid build up with vacutech then my old Kaplan pump.

With all of the work I’m doing I’ve broken down what each exercise I’m doing is for. I consider my hanging workouts to be mainly for the tunica and ligs of the penis. Jelqing is to work the smooth muscle and glans of the penis. Pumping is to work the smooth muscle and the tunica of the penis.

Once I get some real IGF AND Tb-500, I’ll be commencing penile injections again to add to my new program.

Hey Kingsnake,

What's the deal with your protocol now? Have you made much progress?
Strange that he just disappeared. Wonder if he ever reached his goal...
Strange that he just disappeared. Wonder if he ever reached his goal...

He was already a monster I can't imagine he wanted even more
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