Some men experience pain with PGE1 treatment, some don't.

What I want to know is why you would even bother having sex with a painful PGE1 erection, crashing into cervix for an hour. But then again, I can't figure out why you do any of the things you do involving your penis and sex. I had just one experience of "half-sticking" and that was enough for me to stop trying to be Peter North. I'd rather play Tiddly Winks than bother with not getting my entire dick in a woman again. More frustrating than an 8th that bubbles in the spoon.
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Hey MikeShlort. To each his own bro. For me I get off on the fact that I can't fully penetrate a woman. The women that I fuck also get off on the fact that they can't take all of my dick. I have this one move where when Im fucking a woman in the missionary position, I lift there head up so they can look down and see that even though they feel me deep in the pussy and maxed out, I still have 2 to 3 inches of dry dick left out in the cold. This turns them on seeing how dominating it is to not be able to handle a big dick sending them into orgasm city multiple times during the session.

I know I may seem weird to you but I want to have the biggest dick Im capable of having. Like I said on another post. I know my dick is big but Im shooting for mutant dick status.

With having sex with a pge1 erection, most of the time it doesn't hurt so much if I keep the dosage under 10mcgs. It's when I go above that where the pain and torture begins. What I've been doing lately is after all of my Penis Enlargement training, I've been doing my chemical erection workout at night time while fucking one of my regulars. At night time, my body is more relaxed thus less PGE1 is needed for a good 2 to 3 hour erection. Usually only 10 mcgs is needed for me at night so I kill two birds with one stone. Get my chemical erection workout in while at the same time beating one of my regular's guts in.

My poor next door neigbor, Heather is sore as hell from all of the pussy pounding I've inflicted on her this week. Lol.
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Lol, that's quite a move. I can see how your target market would appreciate all the time and effort you put in. Unfortunately for me, those types of women are not attracted to me. I have to settle for girls who tend not to act on their black cock rape fantasies, which is quite a shame, as I am a pervert, plus nothing gets me going more than love handles and a lower back tattoo.

It definitely does not seem weird to me that you want to have the biggest dick you are capable of having. That is exactly what I wanted to have. Then I had sex with a women who could only take 3/4 of my current penis. Since I am more concerned with how sex feels to me, I decided my efforts could be better spent on things such as looking for a better career, hanging out with new people, or collecting tiny figurines of the entire cast of Full House. You would be surprised how difficult it is acquiring a mint condition Joey Gladstone. And don't even get me started on his puppet Chuck, the woodchuck. I think to acquire that one, I'd have to pleasure a middle aged woman with clitoral piercings and get her off by having 5 inches of my penis still sticking out when I am fully inside of her. Maybe you can help me with this. Once my collection is complete, I plan to sell it on eBay for plane tickets to New Jersey, the home of lower back tattoos and women who smoke. If you help me acquire this figurine, I will give one of the tickets to you, and we can go to New Jersey and bask in the glory of thoroughly pleasuring orange women. Just make sure to get all your shots first. I know of a great clinic just a few blocks from JFK airport. They give you a stamp card and every 5th visit you get a free uretheral swab.
kingsnake;531555 said:
Hey Seun. Yeah it's been pretty rough for me with gaining any more length. I think the reason for this is because do to pge1 soreness from my chemical erection workouts, Im unable to hang with heavy weights during my daily hanging sessions. Lately all I've been able to handle is 5 pounds max with my vacuum hanger. Anything beyond 5 pounds and it feels like my tunica is tearing.

I think once Im able to start hanging some real weights like 10 to 20 pounds, length gains will pick up again but with these painful pge1 erection workouts, Im just to damn sore to hang heavy.

PGE1 leaves my dick sore and fatigued after my pge1 erection workouts. One thing Im curious of is with pge1 it actually helps to make soft issue more elastic and it's a potent vasodiolater thus it's use to generate an erection when injected into the penis. Now I know that pge1 is suppose to delink the tunica while the erection is going but why the fuck does it hurt so bad.

Im not bitching or anything since Im doing it to myself but I would like to know what is going on in the penis to where pge1 erections cause so much fucking pain. I can have sex with a pge1 erection with 10 mcgs injected but anything over 10 to 12 mcgs of pge1 injected and I get a throbbing painful erection and sometimes painful semi erection for 2 to 3 hours.

I know with other ed meds like trimix injections they use other vasodiolaters like pavernine and phentolamine to add with a small amount of pge1 and most guys don't report any pain. Im thinking of adding phentolamine to my pge1 injections, this way I don't have to use as much pge1 to get a 2 to 3 hour raging boner.

I've heard alot about pavernine's ability to keep the penis 95% erect for hours when combined with pge1 but Ima stay away from pavernine since I hear the risk of fibrosis is higer with pavernine injections. I have however heard that applying pavernine with dmso to the skin causes small vasodilation for a several hour semi erect hang according to ronielle experiances with it.

Still waiting on my DHT aka Andractim cream in the mail from allsaints. It's taking a long ass time for them clowns to get me my damn cream. LOL.

I have ordered from them before it takes a while but it will show up, I rubbed the stuff on my penis but didnt get anywhere with it, im sure you will do better with everything else your doing though.
Snake I just looked at your routine where do you find the time and money for all the brotha! More power to ya. I wanna get back into Chem Penis Enlargement with ya, I think you and me could come up with some new to really get some length gains going.
Hey Supra. With me I've made Penis Enlargement first priority right now so I've been putting my Penis Enlargement training before everything else at the moment. For me length gains haven't happened in a long time. My dick has been way to sore from my pge1 erection workouts to hang anything over 5 pounds. I've been putting in 2 hours of hanging a day but I fear that 5 pounds isn't enough to yeald any gains for me. If you jump back into chempe Supra defentley keep me posted. With your vast knowledge on chem pe from your time back with magnumforce and the knowledge that I have, Im sure we can make great progress together as we share knowledge and experiance.
I wish magnum was still around! Im looking up all that stuff you are using, what do you take PABA for, to reduce scar tissue?
Hey Supra. Yeah the PABA is to reduce scarring from all of the abuse Im inflicting on my unit. I mix it with 70% DMSO since dmso is an excellent transdermal carrier and an anti inflamatory agent its self. Paba's molecular weight is low enough for the DMSO to drag it through the skin into the tissues. Both compounds help to reduce scarring and tissue fibrosis as well as soften the tunica so manual Penis Enlargement workouts become more effective.

I do two 20 to 30 minute DMSO/PABA treatments a day to help keep my tunica in good shape and prevent peyronie's from my Penis Enlargement sessions and all of the injections.
Where is a link to your current size, i saw your beginning pics.
Hey Supra. Here's a link to my latest measured pics in girth in my picture progress thread.

In that link my midgirth was 6.4 inches and base girth 6.6 inches.

Right now Im at npbel 9.5 x 6.5 midgirth x 6.65 base girth.

This link is to my latest pics showing some chemical erection shots and me using my new hanging equipment and 1 pound weighted sleeve ADS device that I wear while at work in between Penis Enlargement sessions to heal in an extended state and promote cell division.
MAN YOU have made crazy gains!
Ok so the DSMO and PABA how are you taking/using those?
Hey Supra. With DMSO AND PABA pour the powdered paba into a vial of DMSO and shake it up well. Once you have powdered paba sitting at the bottom of the vial after shaking it up with DMSO then that means that that size vial of DMSO has reached full saturation of PABA and can dissolve no more in that size vial unless more DMSO is added in a bigger vial or container.

I apply it to my penis using an eye dropper. After my penis is fully soaked in the solution I let it sit and dry on my penis from any where from 20 to 40 minutes as the solution goes through the skin into the tunica.

Heres a link back to my picture thread showing with detailed pics how I mix the DMSO and PABA together and how I apply it to my dick.
"When Im get some money Im going to buy some powdered vitamin E, powdered acetyl carnitine, and iodine to mix with my DMSO and PABA. Once I save up a little cash I'll get the powdered supplements in bulk from"

Hey Snake have you fixed the burning balls problem? maybe putting a sock on your balls,also are you still going to use the same mix above? My DMSO and PABA are in the mail.
Hey 8incyclops. Im actually planning on getting some powdered vitamin E and powedered acetly carnitine as well to add into my DMSO mix. I also plan on getting powdered ariginine to mix in as well. I know Iodine can mix well with DMSO but Im still researching to see if powdered vitamin E and powdered acetyl-carnitine, and powdered arginine have a low enough molecular weight for DMSO to carry through the skin.

For the burning balls problem I've fixed that by coating my scrotum skin with vaseline. The vaseline provides a nice thick barrier to keep DMSO out.
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Arr ha Vaseline sounds good,iv'e seen products advertised selling DMSO/vitamin E for sale online,some guys on hair loss forums are putting DMSO,arginine,and acetyl-carntinie among other things on there head for hair loss,weather it penetrates the skin i'm not sure poor bald guys trying to regrow there hair it must suck to be bald.
Hey Snake,
You're hanging with the vacu hanger right? When you do your 1 hour hanging is it broken up into sets, like 3x20 min sets or do you just go the whole hour straight? Also what are the effects of powdered vitamin E, powdered acetyl carnitine, arginine with the DMSO? Is it just for extra softening of the tunica?

Thanks man.
SUPRA is going to end up at the fucking Methadone Clinic for cock:)
Hey kingsnake,
I am planning to add some chemicals to my Penis Enlargement. What do you think on using testosterone boosters like Tribulus, or other body buliding suplements? They are cheaper and I can get them more easily than DHT (we talk here about Andractim DHT Gel?)
Hey KS, what exactly is in your chemical cocktail? PGE-1, tb-400, IGF-DES, and...? Do you mix everything and inject it together into the CC? And you're adding the VEGF soon, I read. Do you need to cycle the IGF and VEGF?
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