I like the way you broke it down into 4 steps...

Manual stretching until gains are maxed out

That is something I can start on right away.
But, at what point do you conclude - I'm maxed out?
bigdaddy777;527367 said:
I like the way you broke it down into 4 steps...

Manual stretching until gains are maxed out

That is something I can start on right away.
But, at what point do you conclude - I'm maxed out?

First of all, make sure you do thorough warm ups. You will know when your penis is ready to be stretched after you've heated it up and it becomes soft and jelly like. The skin surrounding the penis should feel looser than normally.

Next, do your stretches at a light tension when starting out. Very slowly increase the tension (force) each day, until you are stretching at your max force (or close to it).

Doing 2-3 shorter session per day is better than doing 1 big stretch session per day. Always stretching your dick throughout the day is a great idea. I did two 15 min sessions per day.

On the note of always stretching your dick, if you can help it, get an extender or some type of extending device (divo suit, small weight etc) and have your penis stretched out between manual stretch sessions.

The key is not to over do it. Start very slow. You don't want to set the bar high for tolerance, then always have to clear the bar each day/workout to see any gains. Start out with one 10 min manual stretch session a day, very light force. Gradually increase force, then maybe a two weeks later, throw in a second set during the day. Then maybe two weeks after that, start using your extender for 1 hour a day. Two weeks later, increase time in the extender by an hour. All the while slowly increasing the force of your manual stretches. Heating up thoroughly before your session. You can also heat up right after the session, then strap into the extender. It's up to you. I always heat up after hanging my sets then jelq for 10-20 min.

Maybe you can do 5 min of jelqing every other day, slowly increase time with that. Try to do flaccid jelqing, after your manual session. You say you already have a thick girth. You want to work length before girth. More girth = tougher to deform the tunica, for two reasons. 1. A thick rubber band is harder to stretch than a thin one. 2. Doing lots of girth work toughens the tunica, making it harder to stretch and deform.

I jelq flaccid and find it puts my dick in the best possible state for hanging loose and long, and awaiting the next hanging session.

As for your question, you will know when you are maxed out from manuals when you have gone a few months without gaining any more BPFSL or BPenis EnlargementL, while still steadily increasing time and force. I wouldn't let it go more than 2-3 months without any gains before I start hanging. Better to get going with it.
8incyclops;525340 said:
The price is always a major put off for me check out autoextender.com there still pretty expensive tho

The sleeve on there is the shit. I just got it and I've worn it all week working. The sleeve is 5oz and there is 9 and 14oz weights to attach to the end so u can have a little over a pound. I've worn it 7 straight hours working on my feet and to my surprise you don't notice I through my pants. I'm just over 7bpel and after 7hrs with this on I had over 6in flaccid! I'm in love I think this will help me a lot as I'm on my feet all day at work. Also no loss of blood flow at all and I've tried as much as 8 straight hrs took off once for 1 minute to pee and right back on
MikeShlort;527357 said:
Lol your Bently analogy is exactly what I am talking about with the dick not being able to go all the way in thing.

I agree that kingsnake is the most right on. He did what I would tell any newbie to do:
1. Manual stretching until gains are maxed out
2. Hanging (first BTC, then high angles/RSDT fulcrum - in snake's case, he had a low LOT so he starter at high angles. I would still have tried for low angled hanging but he went from 8"NBPenis EnlargementL to 9.5" NBPenis EnlargementL, which is very amazing)
3. Girth work, pumping and chemPenis Enlargement, once the hanging length gains are maximized.
4. Go back to hanging for any additional length gains, which he is doing with his chem Penis Enlargement protocol.

Good work, king.
sounds good but I'd personally add in the sg in the beginning also. I know a lot of you die hard manualguys don't deem it needed but I gained an inch off just sg in my first 7 months of pe without doing manuals so it's effective for sure
Jdcsd;527932 said:
sounds good but I'd personally add in the sg in the beginning also. I know a lot of you die hard manualguys don't deem it needed but I gained an inch off just sg in my first 7 months of pe without doing manuals so it's effective for sure

Sorry I forgot to add that extending is somethign that can be done step 1-4. I've gained some nice BPFSL with extending as well. I am going to start using it again soon to complement my hanging routine.

Extending during step 3 may be painful, so do it with caution
MikeShlort;527939 said:
Sorry I forgot to add that extending is somethign that can be done step 1-4. I've gained some nice BPFSL with extending as well. I am going to start using it again soon to complement my hanging routine.

Extending during step 3 may be painful, so do it with caution

I'm at the 10 month mark and I'm still at step one. Manuals and extender although I've only done manuals a couple months. I'm still slowly gaining so no "real" hanging for me yet. Although this week I started wearing a sleeve with a pound of weight in it 7hrs a day. Figured this will will be a nice intro to step 2 and hopefully gain a little more before I have to hang if I do have to do it
Snake or anyone are you cycling the DMSO and PABA mix? or do you do it everyday just cant find the answer hidden in this thread
In Australia i can only find PABA in tablet form so i'm going to have to buy the tablets and break them up when mixing the DMSO hoping this will give the same result as the powder i don't see why it wouldn't.Anyone think differently??
Where can one get the pge1? It looks like the place where k.s. got it from is out.
Falcon88;528315 said:
Where can one get the pge1? It looks like the place where k.s. got it from is out.

Goggle it places come up unless you will be as dedicated as snake don't do it
8incyclops;528260 said:
In Australia i can only find PABA in tablet form so i'm going to have to buy the tablets and break them up when mixing the DMSO hoping this will give the same result as the powder i don't see why it wouldn't.Anyone think differently??

Hey Im in NZ and I got PABA powder from purebulk.com. No problems at all.
Ramrod360;528360 said:
Hey Im in NZ and I got PABA powder from purebulk.com. No problems at all.

Thanks for that going to have to buy.
Calling the Snake...Calling Mr. Kingsnake, please report to the Chemical Log:)
doublelongdaddy;529114 said:
Calling the Snake...Calling Mr. Kingsnake, please report to the Chemical Log:)

Maybe no changes to his size to report.
8incyclops;530364 said:
Maybe no changes to his size to report.

Maybe he's getting tired of half-sticking every broad he meets.
Hey fellas the SNAKE MAN is here. Been in the lab training my penis hard and studying extensively on different growth factors and peptides that the penis is flooded with during puberty when receptors are high.

For the question on cycling dmso and paba the answer is no. There is no cycling. You are to use dmso/paba everyday. 2 times a day is best. We want the tunica and connective tissues as soft as possible and filled with as much anti scarring compounds as possible.

Ok fellas. My routine has been applified since the last time I posted which was a while ago. I've been using a new growth peptide added to my routine. I now introduce MGF aka Mechano growth factor.

IGF-I gene is spliced towards MGF. Mgf intiates the creation and division of stem cells in skellital muscle and smooth muscle. MGF mainly works on micro damaged tissue which is why bodybuilders inject mgf immediately post workout to created a large pool of new stem cell proliferation. Later after mgf levels have gone dropped, bodybuilders inject igf in the form of des or Long R3 to cause cell differentiation of the new stem cells created by MGF.

Both MGF and igf go hand in hand. So it’s like this. After causing adequate muscle damage, MGF is injected into the muscle to cause rapid stem cell division. These millions of new stem cells don’t have a purpose yet. They are immature cells but are extremely anabolic and excellerate muscle recovery. Later on igf is injected into the muscle to cause cell differentiation, meaning the igf will assign the new stem cells to a specific task, turning the stem cells into a permanent cell type. When injected into the muscles the igf turns the new stem cells from the MGF into muscle cells.

Guess what else mgf and igf effects. Smooth muscle. Guess what organ is loaded with smooth muscle and vascular tissue. You got it. The penis. As yall now I’ve been using igf-des in my chemical cocktail for some time now but 2 weeks ago I’ve added MGF into the mix. Im now injecting twice a day, 5 to 6 days a week.

I do my first injection in the morning after my morning Penis Enlargement workout is over. My morning injection cocktail is 40 to 80 mcgs of MGF and 100mcgs of TB-500. This cocktail is to promote angeogenisis, and stem cell proliferation after a heavy micro tissue damaging Penis Enlargement workout. After injection I cable clamp off a semi erection to trap the mgf and tb500 in my penis to give both peptides enough time to bind to as many available receptor sites as possible. MGF has a short half life of 5 to 7 minutes after injection making it extremely site specific in growth.

Later on in the evening I do my second injection after my evening Penis Enlargement workout. My second injection cocktail is 20 to 50 mcgs of igf-des, 100 mcgs of tb4, and 10 to 20 mcgs of pge1 for a 2 to 3 hour erection. This cocktail is to promote cell differentiation of the new stem cells created by the morning mgf shot and for a chemical erection.

My routine is as follows. 5 to 6 days a week.

Morning: 20 minute DMSO/PABA treatment/ 1 hour of hanging using 5 to 10 pounds/ 40 minutes of extreme jelqing/ (MGF,TB-500 injection)

Evening: 20 minutes DMSO/PABA treatment/ 1 hour of hanging using 5 to 10 pounds/ 2 twenty minute pumping sets up to 5 to 6 gs of pressure/ (PGE1, igf-des, tb-500 injection) resulting in a 2 to 3 hour painful erection.

In between my morning and evening Penis Enlargement sessions Im still wearing my 1 pound weighted sleeve to heal in an extended state promoting constant cell division.

My erect girth stays at a constant 6.6 to 6.7 inches thick at midgirth from the all of the jelqing, pumping, and chemical erection workouts, I’ve been doing almost every day. Im still only counting my midgirth at 6.5 inches since with pumping false girth can happen from fluid build up.

My girth is becoming quite monsterous with new veins running along my shaft with the treatment of mgf and igf-des. None of the women that Im coming across can get any of there fingers to close around my dick when gripping me at midshaft which has always been my dream.

MGF AND IGF create perfect synergy in the penis. Mgf proliferates and IGF differentiates but they have to be injected separately at different times of the day our they will cancel each other out. When MGF is proliferating new stem cells, igf can’t be present other wise it will interrupt the proliferation process and start differentiating the stem cells prematurely which will limit the amount of new stem cells being created by MGF.

For those of yall that have read my essay I’ve talked about VEGF aka Vascular endothelial growth factor. The penis is mainly composed of vascular endothelial cells and rat studies have should VEGF restoring erectile function to castrated rats that have had there penis’s reattached.

VEGF causes growth of new blood vessels and blood pathways in tissue. The penis’s function is to become engorged with blood during an erection. With more blood pathways and vessels feeding the penis, growth and erectile function will be greatly enhanced.

Human VEGF is now available and there’s already a patent on it with doctors using it to enhance erectile capacity and growth in humans. The human brand of VEGF is called (VEGF 165 aa). I have several sources and have talked to 2 researchers over seas and will be buying some in 1 month after I get my income tax money back. Vegf is expensive because vegf is some serious shit.

Also on futher news, I got DHT aka andractam cream in route right now and it should be here hopefully this week. Im not playing around fellas. Im on a mission here with my protocol.

As you guys already now. A man’s penis size, especially his flaccid size is based on natural testosterone levels, aka natural DHT and the amount of vascular tissue in the penis. For men that are lucky through genetics to have abnormally naturally high DHT levels, and growth hormone levels they usually as a result are blessed with a huge flaccid size composed of a ton of vascular tissue that can engorge with more blood then average men. This is the hormonal environment that we need to be simulating fellas so our Manual Penis Enlargement training becomes more effective.
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Cycling what was i thinking,your definitely on a mission here.
i dont think kingsnake can gain any length anymore. Your girth might interfere with your lenght gain.
Hey Seun. Yeah it's been pretty rough for me with gaining any more length. I think the reason for this is because do to pge1 soreness from my chemical erection workouts, Im unable to hang with heavy weights during my daily hanging sessions. Lately all I've been able to handle is 5 pounds max with my vacuum hanger. Anything beyond 5 pounds and it feels like my tunica is tearing.

I think once Im able to start hanging some real weights like 10 to 20 pounds, length gains will pick up again but with these painful pge1 erection workouts, Im just to damn sore to hang heavy.

PGE1 leaves my dick sore and fatigued after my pge1 erection workouts. One thing Im curious of is with pge1 it actually helps to make soft issue more elastic and it's a potent vasodiolater thus it's use to generate an erection when injected into the penis. Now I know that pge1 is suppose to delink the tunica while the erection is going but why the fuck does it hurt so bad.

Im not bitching or anything since Im doing it to myself but I would like to know what is going on in the penis to where pge1 erections cause so much fucking pain. I can have sex with a pge1 erection with 10 mcgs injected but anything over 10 to 12 mcgs of pge1 injected and I get a throbbing painful erection and sometimes painful semi erection for 2 to 3 hours.

I know with other ed meds like trimix injections they use other vasodiolaters like pavernine and phentolamine to add with a small amount of pge1 and most guys don't report any pain. Im thinking of adding phentolamine to my pge1 injections, this way I don't have to use as much pge1 to get a 2 to 3 hour raging boner.

I've heard alot about pavernine's ability to keep the penis 95% erect for hours when combined with pge1 but Ima stay away from pavernine since I hear the risk of fibrosis is higer with pavernine injections. I have however heard that applying pavernine with dmso to the skin causes small vasodilation for a several hour semi erect hang according to ronielle experiances with it.

Still waiting on my DHT aka Andractim cream in the mail from allsaints. It's taking a long ass time for them clowns to get me my damn cream. LOL.
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