hey guys I'm not huge into chemical Penis Enlargement but i was wondering what you guys think of this research chem i have heard nothing but great stuff from guys on boards calling it a miracle cure for joints and tendons and ligaments.

Its called Thymosin Beta

Increase muscle growth with huge increases in endurance and strength noted
Relaxed muscle spasm Improved muscle tone

Increase the exchange of substance between cells

Encourage tissue repair Stretches connective tissue

Helps maintain flexibility Reduces inflammation of tissue in joint

Enhances nutritional components in the animal

Prevents the formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments.

so here is why i was thinking why it would be good for Penis Enlargement it increase flexibility in tendons and ligaments and prevents scare tissue

so lets say your hanging or stretching this could allow faster gains due to more stretch tendons and ligs that are not stretch to begin with plus the hindering of scaring allows for breaks in pe with out scar tissue, which is ten times as strong as regular tissue. you guys may already know about this stuff and its old news but i just thought i would through it out there. see what you thought. I'm going to take it just because i have joint issues and I'm getting ready for a show in june so bulking up now heavy lifting phase and i don't want to tear anything. but maybe it will help my Penis Enlargement.
MikeShlort;519319 said:
I would put it everywhere, including the testicles. Its testosterone so it would make sense to apply it to the testicles. Might have to be careful how thick you put it on - I'mnot sure if it burns or irritates? Also, only go for 4-6 weeks max with that shit. Then go off for at least 6 weeks. Like any supplement that fucks with your hormones.

you don't want to put it on your testicals as your testicals produce test you don't want to single them that there is no need for them to produce test. it is the same effect as injecting test your testicals shrink due to singles in the blood stream saying there is to much test in the body don't produce test. the body then slows or shuts down the production of the LHF mormon that tells the testicals to produce test.

so when bigdex28 say shuts you down harder he is right cuz your going right to the source and chemically telling the balls to stop producing test.
MikeShlort;519319 said:
I would put it everywhere, including the testicles. Its testosterone so it would make sense to apply it to the testicles. Might have to be careful how thick you put it on - I'mnot sure if it burns or irritates? Also, only go for 4-6 weeks max with that shit. Then go off for at least 6 weeks. Like any supplement that fucks with your hormones.

Dude why risk with cream when you have the Ring of Power
I was incorrect when I said to put it on testicles. I later corrected my error a couple posts after the fact. I own a ROP. Only put the DHT on your penis, avoid testicles.
oh just saw that wasn't trying to current you just didn't want you to cause a shut down that would suck. how is the dht working out.
I'm not taking any DHT but I will be once I resume girth work, in a couple years.
Hey fellas. Yeah you definitely don't want to put DHT on your balls. You just apply it to the shaft and the head of the penis.

On other news. Just started back up with PGE1 erections every day since Friday. Been injecting igf-des and TB4/TB-500 since last Monday. My new schedule is to do my PGE1/IGF-DES/TB4 erections 5 days a week. Shooting for 2 to 4 hour erections. I will be shooting for the 4 hour erections on my off days at work with 90 to 100% erections. On the days where I do my PGE1 injections at work Im shooting for 2 to 3 hours at only about75% erection so on these days less PGE1 dosage is used for this. I was thinking about injecting the igf-des 6 to 7 days a week meaning injecting it by itself on my PGE1 off days. I want as much cell divison and hyperplasia local in the penis as possible everyday for the most part. With the use of the cockring on for 20 to 30 minutes combined with igf-des's short 10 to 15 minute half life, I should for the most part be protected from any unwanted systematic inhanced cell division in other areas of the body.

So all in all PGE1 and TB4 will be injected into my penis 5 days a week and IGF-DES will be injected 5 to 7 days a week.

Once I get my vac hanger and weight ADS sleeve gets in the mail Im looking to getting 3 to 4 twenty minute hanging sets a day. I plan on doing 1 to 2 sets of lig hanging, 1 to 2 sets of tunica hanging, 1 to 2 sets of over the leg hanging to the left and to the right. Basically hitting the penis from all angles. I will break up my hanging sets through out the day. Some sets will be before my PGE1/igf-des/TB4 injections to cause controlled damage to the tissues which makes the receptors in the penis more sensitive to the igf-des inducing hyperplasia. Some hanging sets will also be after my chemical erections subside to take advantage of all the tunica cologan delinking that pge1 does.

In between all of the hanging and chemical erections I will be wearing my new 1 LB weighted sleeve I just ordered to keep light tension on my penis for 4 to 8 hours a day to keep the microscopic gaps/wounds I created with my workouts open to stimulate cell divison, filling in the gaps which will accumilate into new raw tissue mass. The tb4 will help keep the tissue flexable and imflamation down. Not to mention TB4 accelerates wound healing and also enduces promotion of cell migration and angiogenesis. With the IGF-DES also causing angiogenesis and enhanced cell proliferation in the smooth muscles, my penis will be getting hit with a double dose of cell growth producing peptides.

Add in some heavy tension from hanging, heavy stress from chemical erections and light tension from an ADS system for 4 to 8 hours a day in between sessions and you have a recipe for growth.

Heres what I've been donig so far since I received my new chems to start my new chem cycle.

December 10 through December 18, 2012

Morning: 20 TO 30 minute DMSO/PABA treatment/ 20 minutes of manual stretching/ Injected 20 mcgs of IGF-DES and 100 mcgs of TB4 in the left or right chamber with a cockring on to keep chems local in the shaft for 30 minutes.

December 14 to December 18, 2012

Morning: 20 TO 30 minute DMSO/PABA treatment/ 20 minutes of manual stretching/ Injected 10 mcgs of PGE1, 20 mcgs of IGF-DES and 100 mcgs of TB4 in the left or right chamber with a cockring on to keep chems local in the shaft for 30 minutes.

Erection times have been averaging from 75% to 80% for 2 to 3 hours.

Im taking tomorrow off. Hopefully I'll get my vac hanger in the mail no later then tomorrow so I can commense with my protocal on Thursday.

Once I start back on Thursday I'll write my workouts in better detail on each Penis Enlargement day like I use too.
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You get your DHT from Allsaints, kingsnake?
Hey MikeShlort. Yep. Once I save up enough money Im getting my DHT from Allsaints. Fellas, for those that plan on taking DHT cream becareful and treat it as a steriod cycle because that's exactly what it is. It's best to take dht in 1 month cycles. 1 month on, 1 month off. You don't want to be severly shutting down your on dht production by staying on this stuff to long. I plan on using DHT strictly for gains then Im getting the fuck off the stuff. I think for those that are going to go down the dht cream route, it's a good idea to get some novadex or clomid on hand as a post cycle therapy treatment to get your testicles producing natural dht again as you cycle off the DHT cream.
Maybe even go one month on, 1.5-2 months off.
Would be great if DHT was available as an injectable. It would be a lot cheaper than that cream from allsaints. You could use it along with PGE1. DHT cream can fuck up a womans pussy and cause serious defects in a embryo or fetus.
bigdex28;523249 said:
Would be great if DHT was available as an injectable. It would be a lot cheaper than that cream from allsaints. You could use it along with PGE1. DHT cream can fuck up a womans pussy and cause serious defects in a embryo or fetus.

Monsanto for teenage soldiers
We're are you getting the weighted sleeve from?
Hey Mikeshlort. Here’s the link to the Penis Enlargement bible bro. http://www.scribd.com/doc/55203951/How-to-Make-Your-Penis-Bigger-z

Hey 8incyclops. I got the 1 pound weight sleeve from the gripsystem company. The same company where I got my vacuum hanger from. I’ve been hanging now with it since last Friday in conjunction with my chemical Penis Enlargement protocol.

Tommorow or Saturday I’ll be posting detailed pics of me using the vac hanger, weight sleeve, and some chemical erection pics.

Ok so I haven’t started my daily progress log yet for my second chem cycle but my routine has been as follows so far.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

Morning time: 20 minute DMSO/PABA treatment session/ 2 twenty minute hanging sets with 5 pounds/ Put 1 pound weight sleeve on an go about my day.

Late morning to early noon time: chemical erection workout. Inject pge1,igf-des, and tb-500 all in one syringe for a 2 to 4 hour painful boner. During the last 30 minutes to a hour of my erection do a 20 minute DMSO/PABA treatment session on the days Im off from work.

Evening time: 2 twenty minute hanging sets with 5 pounds to take advantage of fatigued tissues after pge1 erection workout. Afterwards put my 1 pound weight sleeve on for the rest of the day and only take it off if Im fucking, using the bathroom, or going to bed.

Wednesday and Thursday

Morning time: 20 minute dmso/paba treatment session/ 2 twenty minute hanging sets/ put 1 pound weight sleeve on and go to work.

Noon or lunch time: Take off weight sleeve ADS and do 1 twenty minute hanging set. If have enough time, go fuck Janiss in her office before lunch break is over. Afterwards put my 1 pound weight sleeve back on and go back to work.

Evening time: 20 min DMSO/PABA treatment session/ 1 or 2 twenty minute hanging sets
I dont really understand this about DHT Gel from Allsaints...

If it would improve some gains in Penis Enlargement, (Combinated with good routines of course), would it improve lenght or girth? Or even both? And what would it mostly be helpful for?
I'd like to start by giving props to the main man kingsnake

I was wondering why your using so many different combinations to induce the errections, when pge1 seemed to be working fine? Are you trying to find a combination that would be the least painful?
No problem MikeShlort.

Hey MartinGlad. With DHT it will improve both length and girth. As far as your question on what it would be helpful for, first you have to understand that DHT is the primary MALE hormone that’s responsible for a number of male traits like deepness of one’s voice, body hair, bone structure, libido and of course Penis EnlargementNIS SIZE.

When a boy hit’s puberty it’s the upregulation in DHT, GROWTH HORMONE, IGF, MGF, VEGF, PGE1 that are responsible for the growth of his penis in both length and girth up until he reaches adult hood then all of these hormones down regulate to low levels.

DHT cream will encourage cell proliferation inside the tissues of the penis which means concentrated cell growth to the entire organ.

DHT is so powerful that even transgender women use it to turn there clits into penises. If that doesn’t convince you how powerful topical dht cream is to the penis when combined with other forms of Penis Enlargement, then I don’t know what will?

Here’s the link with the transgender women who are using 10% concentration DHT cream on there clits in combination with pumping and are reporting good results.


Here’s another link talking about it more in depth. Definitely read this second link below. Very good info here.


When I spoke to chemical Penis Enlargement pioneer, Ronielle on the phone, he told me he actually had to stop using DHT cream with his chemical protocol because his girth was becoming too big and his clients were starting to have problems taking him.

Hey thebigindian. Im only using one chemical to induce a chemical erection and that’s PGE1. The other chemicals which are IGF-DES and TB-500 are for other purposes bro. The igf-des is for enhanced cell proliferation and cell hyperplasia. The TB-500 is for the same thing as well with added antiflamatory benefits to it and increased tissue elasticity.
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