bubblehead;417104 said:
Hey JIL you are a beast! You're moving through those bars pretty fast. I just started using an extender not to long ago. I wanted to know what kind of gains have you seen in your nbfl?

Hi bubblehead. I haven't measured NBPFL, but I can confidently say that I am larger flaccid all around in both length and girth and have never seen it go back to the size it was when I first started using the SizeGenetics and Bathmate. A conservative estimate would be a 1" length, and 0.25-0.5" girth increase while flaccid. Good luck with your SG and the gains to come!
gadam;416666 said:
Thank you JIL for your response. You are right customs are really lame. They charged me $57.25 through DHL. Any how leave it. I just wore my SG it is a new experience for me. I just used my original strap with comfort foam sponge. I don't know how to comment on its proper use. I wore on my foreskin itself no slippage. Earlier I tried with foreskin pulled back but it was slipping a lot. Any suggestions?

I don't really have experience with this since I don't have foreskin. I will suggest doing the velcro modification since it will reduce slippage and improve comfort. The only suggestion I can make is to wear in a manner which gives you the best direct stretch. If you're wearing the comfort strap on the foreskin, it might not be giving you an optimal stretch? Have you done manual stretching before? How do you hold your your penis when you do the stretches? I guess that would be the best way to attach the strap?
02/18/2011 - Day 40

Rods: Large x 4 (2 per side)
Spring: 1500g+ locked
Time: 8 hours
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

I wore the SG for 2 x 4 hour sessions and stretched with the full lock method. I really want to move to the next set of bars but I also feel that this stretch might not be as good as the gradual stretching with the springs having some give and being below maximum tension. I'm going to try not using the locked method on the next session and see how that goes.

I also tried wrapping a thin cotton cloth strip around the memory foam. It's slightly more comfortable, but I don't feel that the stretch is as good as without it. It makes it a bit easier to secure the velcro strap and has decent friction to reduce slippage. I didn't get as good of a stretch as the previous couple of days where the springs pushed me to the maximum length of the current setup with the thumbscrews maxed out. It's like I'm using the lock method to force the length where I could achieve a similar length before.
02/19/2011 - Day 41

Rods: Large x 4 (2 per side)
Spring: 1450g+ locked
Time: 8 hours
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Much better stretch today after a 2 day break. I used the SG for 3, then 5 hours with a break in between. I didn't wrap the memory foam and stretched locked for the first 3 hours. I felt that the stretch was forced and similar to the previous session.

I tried adding the 1/4" rods and it was still slightly too long to secure easily. I could use them, but 1/8" less would be better. Instead of forcing it, I went back to stretching with the spring rate at 1450g+ so that there was some give. I had to start with the thumbscrews slightly extended and after about an hour I was able to max out the current setup without using the locked stretching.

I think this is the way to go for me. Locked doesn't seem to provide as good and consistent of a stretch. I still have 19 days before 2 months have passed (30 days/month) and I believe I can get in another 0.5" gain in this time since last measuring at 7.5" for a 1" per month gain.

I haven't supplemented my SG with the Bathmate X-40 lately, but will use it tonight. I'm not as full as usual when I use the Bathmate, but it's not by a huge amount.
J1L;417124 said:
02/19/2011 - Day 41


I haven't supplemented my SG with the Bathmate X-40 lately, but will use it tonight. I'm not as full as usual when I use the Bathmate, but it's not by a huge amount.

I have noticed that since including the Bathmate into my Penis Enlargement, I have been much fuller while stretched in SG. Before when I was stretched, I was skinny as hell. But now, from the base is certainly thicker and all the way up. At first I was concerned that I must be slightly erect or something. Not the case. I'm just fatter it seems, even when I'm the stretched.

To add though, I have gone back to using the foam due to some blister development that started after including the Bathmate. I believe there was some abrasive slippage from using a thera-band and ace wrap wrapping method.
Thanks for your response on my query above. I could wear my extender only for two days of one hour each so far. Yesterday I found it difficult to fix it on my foreskin even. I got annoyed and left it. Yea, I do manual stretches before fixing the extender by holding the head in OK grip. I am trying to wear strap on the foam pad just below my glans but every time it slips and comes out. I am fed up now.
gadam;417236 said:
Thanks for your response on my query above. I could wear my extender only for two days of one hour each so far. Yesterday I found it difficult to fix it on my foreskin even. I got annoyed and left it. Yea, I do manual stretches before fixing the extender by holding the head in OK grip. I am trying to wear strap on the foam pad just below my glans but every time it slips and comes out. I am fed up now.

Have you tried the velcro head attachment fix yet? This is working wonders for many guys with slippage issues.
02/21/2011 - Day 42

Rods: Large x 4 (2 per side)
Spring: 1200-1500g
Time: 4 hours
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Very good results with the SG. Instead of doing any locked stretching, I started off at 1200g with the current setup and let it do the stretching. I kept adjusting the length and spring rate every 30 minutes or so until I was maxed out on the current setup. I find that building up to max length instead of forcing it with locked stretches immediately works better for me.

It was a partial experimentation of stretching methods today and I will go for this method for the whole session next time.
02/24/2011 - Day 43

Rods: Large x 4 (2 per side)
Spring: 1200-1500g
Time: 2.5
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Great session again today. Even though I wasn't able to go for more than 2.5 hours, I experimented and did the spring only stretching for the whole session. This worked a lot better and I was able to max out the setup in approximately 30-45 minutes. I could feel a much more intense "dull stretch" than I do with the locked stretches. It's a good pain.

I'm still using the memory foam that came with the SG even though it's getting worn out with the velcro modification. I had to put 2 more pieces of velcro on the fastening side since I started the modification, and have now place it vertically instead of horizontally as it isn't as secure and comes off too easily.

I'm noticing at the end of the session, I'm getting some slippage from not securing tight enough and from the worn out memory foam. I'll start trying other wraps but I find that so far the memory foam works extremely well.

I was able to reach a new max length in the Bathmate X-40 today as well which I attribute to the SG. I'm hoping to add the 1/4" rods in the next 7 days once I can get some more consistency and time with the SG than I have in the last couple of weeks.
gadam;417236 said:
Thanks for your response on my query above. I could wear my extender only for two days of one hour each so far. Yesterday I found it difficult to fix it on my foreskin even. I got annoyed and left it. Yea, I do manual stretches before fixing the extender by holding the head in OK grip. I am trying to wear strap on the foam pad just below my glans but every time it slips and comes out. I am fed up now.

gadam, don't give up! Go do the velcro modification first, then experiment with wrapping and attachment methods. If it keeps not working one way, try something else or the same thing will happen. The velcro will definitely allow you to secure the glands a LOT tighter. Do that and attach with as much pressure as possible and CLOSELY monitor your glands. You'll be surprised how much you can take. If that's not working, try a wrap material with better friction for the velcro strap and your glands. You can do it, but it will take trial and error and patience. It took me at LEAST 2 weeks of daily use to figure out how to get going, let alone strap it quickly.

I'm pretty good at it now but I still have problems sometimes at 42 days in!
Thanks JIL once again for your concern towards me. I am really frustrated after purchasing my SG by paying so much Customs duty as well as wearing problems with my foreskin. Here I could not get Velcro Tape in my place in India. It is costlier from abroad. I kept my SG in the closed chest and locked it till I get some enthusiasm and zeal. All the best for your gains which will be my hope.
J1L;417524 said:
gadam, don't give up! Go do the velcro modification first, then experiment with wrapping and attachment methods. If it keeps not working one way, try something else or the same thing will happen. The velcro will definitely allow you to secure the glands a LOT tighter. Do that and attach with as much pressure as possible and CLOSELY monitor your glands. You'll be surprised how much you can take. If that's not working, try a wrap material with better friction for the velcro strap and your glands. You can do it, but it will take trial and error and patience. It took me at LEAST 2 weeks of daily use to figure out how to get going, let alone strap it quickly.

I agree with this post. I have been using the SG for about 14-15 days and I have seen amazing gains so far. The downside for me has been strapping in securely, and comfortably, in a timely fashion. Just yesterday I hooked up the Velcro modification and I am amazed at how much easier and more secure the SG has been. Overall, I think SG or Jes should implement their Velcro modification strap as the default attachment. It takes some trial and error for sure, just never give up! You WILL prevail!
Agree with sizerp, the velcro attachment is the shit! I had to change the default "comfort strap" two days after my first use, because a. the foam pad got destroyed and b. the comfort strap was not so comfortable with THERABAND, so I took a bus and went to the city to buy some velcro. That was 1.5m of velcro just for under 3 bucks and it's super quality. Of course you could also buy it from the jes extender website, but why would you want to spend 81 bucks *cough* for a simple velcro attachment?
gadam;417527 said:
Thanks JIL once again for your concern towards me. I am really frustrated after purchasing my SG by paying so much Customs duty as well as wearing problems with my foreskin. Here I could not get Velcro Tape in my place in India. It is costlier from abroad. I kept my SG in the closed chest and locked it till I get some enthusiasm and zeal. All the best for your gains which will be my hope.


Maybe you can swing a deal with one of these manufacturers if you're close to one of them. They might be export only but I don't see why you couldn't get some samples or something. Good luck!

Don't give up!!!
02/25/2011 - Day 44

Rods: Large x 4 (2 per side)
Spring: 1200-1500g
Time: 2.8
Position: 100% Down
Supplements: MultiVitamins

Barely had time today and got the SG in at the end of the day. I proceeded with the usual "take it easy" and let the springs do the stretching method. After 2 hours I was able to max out my current setup on the thumbscrews and start getting some give in the springs at 1500gs. That tells me I'm stretching a tiny bit further and with a longer session, I'll be able to get a little further.

Time is now the most negative factor on my SG use. If I could use the SG 4-8 hours daily like when I first started, I would be gaining a lot quicker. I'm still gaining, but I definitely notice that it has slowed down. I should be on to the next set of rods by now, but I'm just not getting the hours in.
Thank you JIL for your information. I already know that site but they supply in bulk length like 5000 mts. Any how I have sent a request for 16MM X 3ft. I hope they will send me their quote. I am really attracted by your enthusiasm.
gadam;417629 said:
I am really attracted by your enthusiasm.

It is contagious!

Sorry, I'm new here, what does "BP" stand for?
and what's all this about "supplements" and are basic multi-vitamins ok or what else is recommended?
Crazy Doc;417722 said:

Sorry, I'm new here, what does "BP" stand for?
and what's all this about "supplements" and are basic multi-vitamins ok or what else is recommended?

BP=Bone Pressed which is a type of measurement. Check THIS LINK to see a list of penis enlargement terms and definitions. I believe they are talking about basic multi-vitamins.
doublelongdaddy;417676 said:
It is contagious!

So is gaining! Ordering the SG through the MOS discount has literally changed my life. It is the best thing I've ever purchased because I can do other things while it works. I love the Bathmate too, I just don't like spending 20+ minutes in the bath. Thanks again for getting that deal going.
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