As someone who has posted clear gains in the past myself, I know it can be hard to get good clear pics. Also, to measure consistently in the 'same' spot, so it looks legit can be difficult. I always took erect pics because flaccid stretched measurements can be 'fluffed' so to speak depending on things like how far a guy actually decides to stretch. All pics are up for skepticism, but I've found the better pics you provide, the better for everyone. If a guy is going to commit himself to keeping a visual record of his gains, he needs to do just that, make a commitment. I sometimes had to take the same picture 10 or more times to get the lighting, and everything right so the measurement could be seen on the ruler. It can be a hassle, but it's worth the effort! Good job so far btw Airshy!
Wow, nice gains. How did you get your bpfsl so much longer than your bpel? I've never to get my bpfsl past my bpel personally, no matter how much hanging or stretching I did.
Thanks 10. On my BPenis EnlargementL measurement I noticed something interesting and was not sure how to handle it. If I just stuck the ruler there (which is what I did) I measured 7.5. If I used my hand in any way I could pull my penis out and then take the photo or for more length leave my hand there pulling out some.

So I decided to focus on the constant BPFL for now as I know for a fact I am shortchanging myself on the EL measurements and do not enjoy trying to take the photos.

I wish you could see the pounds of pressure I am actually pulling with because it is probably in the 20 pound range.
While waiting on the arrival of the Bib, I decided to make my own. So, I just finished constructing a modified Bib hanger per the stickied instructions and am hanging SO with it currently. I will update you guys on the results.
I am sure you are being careful but I have read more than a few stories of injuries by homeade hangers.

I was thinking lets break this hangoff into some time frames - maybe like a football game with 4 quarters and a halftime in a month or two....

What do you think would work?
airshy said:
I am sure you are being careful but I have read more than a few stories of injuries by homeade hangers.

I was thinking lets break this hangoff into some time frames - maybe like a football game with 4 quarters and a halftime in a month or two....

What do you think would work?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean with the 'time frames'.
How long is the hangoff for? Lets assume it is 4 months -from June 9 to Oct 9.

I think we should come up with a timeframe so we can work training time goals, hanging goals, and length goals around what we come up with and break the goals up into quarters withing the hangoff.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I'm not sure this is a wonderful idea considering that a hanger's growth will often come in spurts. Are you wanting to divide, let's say, a hanger's goal length gains X into 4 so that x/4 should be gained each quarter? This would be fine, however, many hangers do not gain until after a certain set of limiting factors are overcome. At this point gains may come in a hurry until a new set of limiting factors are encountered. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you?

By the way, the homemade Bib feels great. It gives a definite fatigue which is just not accomplishable by the vacu-hanger.
any ideas on why sd hanging makes the lig on this side so sore and this side of my groin sore? I find it interesting I curve to the left, as this side is way tighter.

Well - just knowing the initial hanging phase for training purposes and goals may help. Someone does not have to use it of course...

But I think at least having the option of training goals for a time period and using each other for support is good. You are right it is tough to have gain goals but good too - as they come in cycles.

I am glad the hanger is working out. I dont even use my vacu-hanger anymore lately. I can do everything with the BIB it did except the longer sessions... I just take a few minute break.

When do you expect the BIB to arrive?
When do I expect the Bib to arrive? In the next few days. Obviously the check has been cashed so I assume the Bib is in the works as we speak. Regarding the vacu-hanger... fuck it. I'm now convinced that all of my hundreds of hanging hours spent with it have been wasted. It is obvious that the use of vice-style hangers places stress where it ought to be properly applied - the internal structures of the penis. Fatigue as produced by such hangers are as it ought to be. I wonder, HAS ANYONE MADE SIGNIFICANT GAINS (over .5") FROM THE USE OF ONLY A VACUUM-HANGER DEVICE. Hypothesis: vacuum-hangers are ineffective Penis Enlargement devices as they do not properly place stress upon the 'internal penis'.
I have absolutely the same thoughts and feel like 20 minutes with the BIB is comprable to 60-90 minutes of vacu-hanging. I wish I never even went that route but I do think it was better than nothing.
actually what I am most impressed by are the people who manually pull their penis out. I am not exact calculating force but know roudabout what is applied to my penis daily with the bib and I am not sure my triceps and hands could produce that force without steroids.
airshy said:
actually what I am most impressed by are the people who manually pull their penis out. I am not exact calculating force but know roudabout what is applied to my penis daily with the bib and I am not sure my triceps and hands could produce that force without steroids.

I've never been able to feel fatigue by soley performing manual exercises.
airshy said:
any ideas on why sd hanging makes the lig on this side so sore and this side of my groin sore? I find it interesting I curve to the left, as this side is way tighter.


Another example of something I experienced when I was hanging. I had many days where one side felt more of the 'pull' than the other. Nothing to be concerned over. It's pretty much 'normal'.
airshy said:
I was thinking lets break this hangoff into some time frames - maybe like a football game with 4 quarters and a halftime in a month or two....

in a football game there are two 45 minute halfs. the beautiful game should never have had its title looted :)

keep pushing
jqsderrida said:
I've never been able to feel fatigue by soley performing manual exercises.

is this a requirement for gains in Penis Enlargement? because i never fatigued from manual stretching yet still produced gains.

also, do you NEED to fatigue whilst hanging to yeild gains?

keep pushing
stillwantmore2 said:
Another example of something I experienced when I was hanging. I had many days where one side felt more of the 'pull' than the other. Nothing to be concerned over. It's pretty much 'normal'.
Can't believe you actually did it!!! You is crazy!
I just stopped by �other PE site�... I can't help but comment on how irritating it is to see every other post Thunder comment on the spelling or grammar of the content. I have not posted there and would be afraid to have the tecehers red pen all over me words. I hope you all don't mind some of these rambles while hanging.


Airshy SS
As was just posted in my log (see link in signature)


1x15 minutes hanging SO @ 5lbs
1x17 minutes hanging SO @ 5lbs
1x20 minutes hanging SO @ 5lbs
1x17 minutes hanging SO @ 8lbs
1x17 minutes hanging SO @ 8lbs
1x18 minutes hanging BTC @ 5lbs
1x20 minutes hanging BTC @ 5lbs

For these sets I used a homemade modified Bib hanger. I dry jelqed between every set for approximately 5 minutes. All performed sets were consecutive. Following all of the performed sets I did 10 minutes of wet jelqing. I am currently wearing the StaticWrap (hereafter SW) as an ADS. Hereafter I plan to hang soley BTC.

Total hang time today: 124 minutes
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