I've been so happy about my temp gain in the x40 that I got a little overzealous, and seemed to come about less expanded than usual with it. Still crazy swole, but I notice the little guy is resenting those extra sets <:(. There's almost no rest required in PE if you train the right amount of times at the right intensity:blush:
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templnite;681791 said:
I've been so happy about my temp gain in the x40 that I got a little overzealous, and seemed to come about less expanded than usual with it. Still crazy swole, but I notice the little guy is resenting those extra sets <:(. There's almost no rest required in PE if you train the right amount of times at the right intensity:blush:

You are using the Wine-Vac too, right?
I've been taking the weekend off like swm and I have way sicker expansion after those two days off. I have way more discoloration the day back on though, good thing it only lasts about one day before going back to normal.
templnite;686015 said:
I've been taking the weekend off like swm and I have way sicker expansion after those two days off. I have way more discoloration the day back on though, good thing it only lasts about one day before going back to normal.

As long as it is not sticking around you should be fine. Just don't over pump and try to keep it balanced with some SSJ or jelqs and at the end get in some massage.
Yeah I do the on where I roll the cock like dough, that always helps get out most of it. There's still some redness left over but that goes away in a night
templnite;686287 said:
Yeah I do the on where I roll the cock like dough, that always helps get out most of it. There's still some redness left over but that goes away in a night

Like you are warming your hands?
Hi_I_AM_neW19;472883 said:
We know that Pe gives gains,ok,in this 4-5 years in Pe i understood many things about it,but i suddenly realize that rest have something with it and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE what is happening down there.I am also fan of that all days stretching for 7 days a week and yes,sounds beautiful,but i now realize that after 2,3 weeks of stretching and then resting 4-5 days i can see the results.How much penis should rest???? The muscles need 24-48 hours for recovery,how much the penis need? I now i can gain more if i realize whats happening with the rest and penis enlargement...but now i don't have any idea.

I train 7 days of the week and rarely take off days. But I will be embarking on a 7 days break in June. But it might as well not be up to 7 days, maybe 4 to 5 days.
huge-girth;759343 said:
I train 7 days of the week and rarely take off days. But I will be embarking on a 7 days break in June. But it might as well not be up to 7 days, maybe 4 to 5 days.

The break is for measurements?
Wow, what happened to this thread?
Right when we were about to learn that most things we've been doing are wrong...
Wow, what happened to this thread?
Right when we were about to learn that most things we've been doing are wrong...

The member who started the thread was banned and that’s probably why the thread got buried. But there are many incredible threads that people never see that are buried deep in the forum that’s why it’s smart to go through old threads.
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I hate when people get banned... but even so he was around for two years after the start of this thread, so not sure why he couldn’t of made a follow up report showing that his ideas produced the ultimate penis in 6 months...?

The thought behind some of Tom’s ideas and theories is a great read and should be used for reference in putting together a successful PE routine but I just don’t buy the fact that traditional PE is not effective - kinda the indirect point of the thread.

24 hour medium force PE may be the magic ticket but the closest thing to that is the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger-2 and although a great and an amazing tool (and the method I personally used for my first 1”+ length gains) there still gets to be a point of reduced results because at some point, the body adapts and a new kind of stress has to be introduced to re-start the process.

Again, good read and I will prolly even experiment with a couple of things because of this thread... but I just don’t see it as any major game changer because if it was this thread wouldn’t have died 7 years ago.
Anyone else feel like they don't want to perform any other manual stretch for the rest of his life after reading this thread?
Some well thought out ideas, and this should be used as a reference.

I don't believe an ultimate method, exercise, device, or methology does exist for any of this.

Your best weapon is training smart, but knowing that even with the same biological functions, we being human, each of us has unique needs, and some grow quicker due to how their own body heals, not necessarily due to a magic bullet.

From all my experience, all methods get stale eventually, and the user must overcome, and adapt, otherwise you stay put.

It's not easy at this stage, more psychological, and you even have to challenge your own views on how to exercise more effective, but change must occur.
Omg, thanks for bumping this thread up guys ? <3
Had some kind of same thoughts and really excited for trying to wear my extender beside normal manual training for as long as I can during the day and later maybe even at night.
Anyone else here who wants to try with me wearing an extender 12-18h? Since yesterday I'm researching through dozens of threads but haven't found somebody who did it so far.
I love your youthful enthusiasm, go for it, but always remember safety.
I love your youthful enthusiasm, go for it, but always remember safety.

Very good advice as sometimes we can become overzealous in what we’re doing and when we get lost in that excitement sometimes caution goes to the wind. Take your time be sure you’re safe and do not rush, PE is a lifetime commitment.
We know that Pe gives gains,ok,in this 4-5 years in Pe i understood many things about it,but i suddenly realize that rest have something with it and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE what is happening down there.I am also fan of that all days stretching for 7 days a week and yes,sounds beautiful,but i now realize that after 2,3 weeks of stretching and then resting 4-5 days i can see the results.How much penis should rest???? The muscles need 24-48 hours for recovery,how much the penis need? I now i can gain more if i realize whats happening with the rest and penis enlargement...but now i don't have any idea.

For me, I think rest days are important for pumping. But for length, I suggest we train every other day and be on a good diet.
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There is no limit on stretching...the more the better
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