theman6;659908 said:
whats the new additions to srt other rhan bundled stretch with sg?

And should i bundle stretch with the sg every day or no?

Bundles can be done in a few different ways. as far as actively stretching the Tunica before training through LengthMaster Bundles or Hand Bundles using a good deal of intensity. This should be done for 5-10 minutes before starting your routine. Now, Passive gains will be made by using the SizeGenetics in a Bundled state. Not that it won't bring active gains but it definitely fits the role of healing in an extended state. The long periods of Tunica stretching in the SizeGenetics will increase over all gains big time. Remember, if going for long periods of time in you SizeGenetics, be sure to vary the twist equally.
ChilDsh;657502 said:
What is your current size?I think 1 inch in length and 0,5 in girth would be a good goal until february-may next year , if you're dedicated.More or less ofc.My advice would be set small goals , like let's say 0,5 by the next february,and when you measure next february if you only gained 0,5 you won't be deppresed or sad because that was your goal.And if you gain more than that you are going to be one happy motherfucker since you gained more than your goal..setting a goal of 1,5 inch in girth in 6 months it's WAY too big , i would say even 1 inch in 6 months it's some hardcore shit and i would be amazed to see that.I know every person it's diffrent but i feel like girth is harder to gain than i would say hope for 5' in girth until the next february-may.That would be a 0,5 girth gain since you're 4,5 now.

I completely agree with this. Set micro-goals on the way to your macro goal. I try to do quarterly goals for myself. Ones that are realistically achieved that way I continue to feel motivated as I achieve them. Girth has been a struggle for me too man, but I think your total gain goal is possible, but for the time period you are talking about I would sat .5" - .75" would be great goals for gains. Even .75" would require serious diligence and consistency in training but it's possible if you are a good gainer.
It is great to have a final goal, I used to have one back in the day and it was unrealistic but this was long before I really understood size as I do today. Originally I wanted to go for the world record at 13.5" but I realized after I broke 10" that going too much bigger would be ridiculous. Now getting to 10" from 6.5" took lots of small goals to get to the bigger goals. I knew it was going to take a long time to get to where I wanted but that journey never bothered me, as a matter of fact I loved the idea of spending all the time I do here, it is my hangout where all my Brothers are...I never want to leave.
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