Damnt guys, how come i dont get a pump from jelqing? I mean does getting erect count? As for increase of girth temporarily i dont get any...and i cant say that im doing it wrong because im doing it right im 100% sure i even see my penis head expand and look like a mushroom but when im done it immediatly returns normal.
theman6;658137 said:
Damnt guys, how come i dont get a pump from jelqing? I mean does getting erect count? As for increase of girth temporarily i dont get any...and i cant say that im doing it wrong because im doing it right im 100% sure i even see my penis head expand and look like a mushroom but when im done it immediatly returns normal.

Give us more details..are you sure you're jelqing corectly?

You could try some super-sets,these will bring you expantion for sure :

- If you have a pump go for the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) program from the SRT where you pump for 5 min then you SSJ for 5 minutes,3 sets.

-Or if you don't , a manual super-set that worked great for me is something simmilar, 5 min of jelq ,followed by 5 min of SSJ...3 sets..or something like that.
100% sure, i make my ok sign, go from the base and almost squeeze the blood out through the top. I even try different speeds to see which one works. And i would use the pump but im still waiting for it, as soon as it comes in im starting SRT asap. But still i get no pump
theman6;658201 said:
100% sure, i make my ok sign, go from the base and almost squeeze the blood out through the top

Why do you mean through the top?You are supposed to stop right before the glans.Hope you're not jelqing your whole dick.

Try and do what i said , the manual super sets.If you don't see expansion after that you either are doing something wrong or you're some kind of mutant.
theman6;658137 said:
Damnt guys, how come i dont get a pump from jelqing? I mean does getting erect count? As for increase of girth temporarily i dont get any...and i cant say that im doing it wrong because im doing it right im 100% sure i even see my penis head expand and look like a mushroom but when im done it immediatly returns normal.

Some times it takes a while for the gains to start coming. I never really got any great expansion from jelqing, I do get a ton of expansion from SlowSquashJelqs though. You may also have a stubborn Tunica and will need to stretch that before real fans arrive. This is best done by doing Bundled Stretches. Once the Tunica breaks down it leaves room for growth both in length and girth.
I stop right before th head. And alright will dk

- - - Updated - - -

I stop right before th head. And alright will do
I think an inch is possible in that time frame.First off buy a lengthmaster before a bathmate! I did this routine & in a month I added 1/4 inch girth but YMMV;
A.M. 1/2 hr SSJ looking at �naked people movies�. It helps to be 60-80% erect, actually better expansion than being 100% erect. After this your tunica will be whipped!
Early afternoon do the lengthmaster routine but do the bundled stretches first! This WILL get you "1 in the time you want!
For the doubters; I'm not new to the game, I'm in my '50's, smoke, work out 5 days per week & nothing else ever gave me girth gains.For me regular jelqs were a waste.
I totally agree with Acromegaly.

The level of effort dictates the time frame.

Most people find it difficult to find enough free time in the day to accelerate the gains.

You'll do in your own time cycle, I did it, went from 4.5 girth to a 6.5 mid and 8.0 base, easily add another 1/2 inch with light constriction.

So,theman6 , you can gain 1.5 inch in girth,heck ,you can gain even more..but not in that time frame...i would say stick with the 1" gain in 6 months ( i still think it's too much,but w/e ) and hope for the best.Be consistent with your routine and you will gain the 1.5.It might not be 6 months,but you'll be there one day.
I think we are going to see much faster gains in girth and length with the greater understanding we have now of Bundled stretches. I invented these for length but now there is evidence that they are most effective at breaking down the Tunica which will allow for enlargement at a much faster rate. I am all over this study and I am also very happy that Jake has shown that a Bundled stretch is attainable with the SizeGenetics. Good stuff to look forward to Brothers!
And i can add bundled stretches with the LM to my regular routine? And how do you do Bundled stretches with a SG?
^ I don't believe jake shared his method. He probably just straps in then twists the extender.
theman6;658555 said:
And i can add bundled stretches with the LM to my regular routine? And how do you do Bundled stretches with a SG?

Yes, you can do them with your LengthMaster and that is the most powerful way. Jake has a picture in his thread showing how to get bundled in the SizeGenetics. This is excellent for long term Tunica stretching. If you are going to do this (and I hope Jake is listening too) be sure to twist both ways equally in the SizeGenetics so Tunica gains will be even.
And fled what's a good bundled stretch routine?
theman6;656817 said:
So how long would it take for 1.5 girth?

Unfortunately, that's a loaded question. It varies from man to man. Permanent girth? You can get it temporarily of course, but it will be lumpy and squishy from fluid build up with something like a penis pump. With exercises and/or clamping, you 'may' get there in a year, a year and a half, a few years. It takes time, consistent effort, knowing what to do, and a true desire.
^Bro with the 553 there is no fluid. Nobody even clamps anymore, we know manuals are much more rewarding/fun, and no discoloration.
stillwantmore2;658911 said:
UIt takes time, consistent effort, knowing what to do, and a true desire.

And this goes for all PE practices.
doublelongdaddy;659125 said:
And this goes for all PE practices.

true understanding PE is key,n takes time i have learned that lately;)LMAO it is never too late i guess LOL
shortdick;659149 said:
true understanding PE is key,n takes time i have learned that lately;)LMAO it is never too late i guess LOL

Yup and now with some new additions due to SRT I think we will have even a greater understanding in how to get men up and gaining even faster.
whats the new additions to srt other rhan bundled stretch with sg?

And should i bundle stretch with the sg every day or no?
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