If I can find something more on filix mas to read, I might be willing to try the ointment. That's if it works like that 4AD stuff I've read elsewhere about. (able to penitrate the skin)

Too bad that site says "no alcohol" with the plant, because I was gonna say to dry it, chop it up real fine, then soak it in high proofage liquor for 2 or 3 weeks - shaking it up a few times a day.

What ever magic that is in the plant will go into the alcohol, thus creating a nice Penis Enlargement-lixer. One or two shots'll do ya!

But if you read somewhere about NO ALCOHOL, then scratch what I just said.

Why don't you just SMOKE THAT SHIT?!!

Sorry don't get here as often as I'd like... But do read posts from time to time.

I called a few local health-herb dealers, concerning buying a pill or massage oil of the planet.

Learned it was banned for non RX usage due, a number of serious reactions to using it... Toxic reactions...

So the only way to get it, according to local herbal suppliers is through RX and Doctor.... With that information added to a search engine, there was more to be learned.

Part of this form is researching, which this thread has proven. Toxic reactions, a large number of people... Hospital stays... Need I say more? Be warned, experimenting on yourself could be dangerous...

Keep us posted...

While I warn of the dangers, if not for my RX meds, I am crazied enough to try it...

damn I may have to give tonight a miss cos I drink heavy tonight.
I will do it tommorow cos I never drink on sundays.
Please post how to do it exactly one you try this, this could be the missing link to Penis Enlargement!!
I find it hard to believe in this kind of thing, but if it does in fact turn out to be for real then I pray to God that we can somehow manage to keep this news mainstream. I don't want all of my Penis Enlargement'ing efforts to be in vain and wind up being average again...that would piss me off.
FUCK IT...I am gunna eat half a male leaf tommorow *scouts honour* I will photo the fucking eaten leaf and post it here...or photo the leaf going into my mouth.

I will die trying...I really dont give a fuck anymore.
I need to know two things first before I try this.

#1 what are RX meds that rain keeps mentioning?
#2 How would one know [me] that I have been poisoned..toxins in me?


Okay this is what I WILL do tommorow at around 12pm GMT.
Get a male fern leaf and eat 1/2 of it, the largest half of the leaf.
I gunna get it fresh from the garden, cut it up into bits than add it to some warm water and take it orally.

Than after that I will take X1 multi vitamin and mineral pill to help boost the depleted vitamin B2 the fern takes away.

Thats it.

I will monitor my cock size throughout the day.

I'll also keep you informed here thru'' the day on how I am feeling etc from the thing.
can someone upload that song ''Live and let die'' from the bond film....very appropiate for this..cos I could poison myself tommorow or nuthing could happen, or maybe my dick will swellup alot bigger???

also I need these answering

#1 what are RX meds that rain keeps mentioning?
#2 How would one know [me] that I have been poisoned..toxins in me?
A transdermal experiment with using a catalyst like DMSO.
Certain types of oral steroids can be used this way (e.g.) primobolan acetate. It is rubbed onto the stomach and mostly bypasses the liver, maybe in theory it could be used as such.
Just a thought
I tryed this at 12:40pm GMT [40 mins ago].
I had probz finding a leaf, cos they have nearly all died here.

I found a big one.
I cut it in half, washed it and ate the biggest half.

Washed it down with some milk...YUK it was fucking aweful, the most bitter shit I ever tasted.

The effect thus far.

I fealt sick at times, very slight headache, but the most syomptoms are dizzyness and also a spasm like movement around my pectoral region now and again.

I feel alright.
Okay so I did it.
anyways I found out that my dosage [half a male leaf] did not increase my size, or at least not so one could really notice...BUT I have found something with this.

Here goes.

I started masturbating.....I was REAL horny as hell.
Just wanking away at �naked people movies� like a kid again.
So what I did as 'a'' got the day of, I phoned an escort up to come round ;) anyways I shagged her to death for 1 whole hour and guess what??? I could not no matter what was tryed, even cum once.....I fealt the urge and the sensation of it, but I didnt cum once.
I had the orgasms time after time I was faint.
She left and I carryed on wanking and doing some pulls, jelqs.
I knew this wasnt my PC muscle or anything like that cos when I wonna cum I can cum.
I was wanking away and I would get near the zone than suddenly it would go...than my orgasm set in like when you cum...but I didnt cum.
I could still wank and have more and more.

I did all this within 2 hours of taking the leaf.

Alright so it doesnt seem to make the penis bigger, but it works GREAT at making you last LONG LONG LONG.

I will try another test with the leafs, dunno when..but it will be one more before spring as the things are dead.

Anyone else wonna try?

Half a leaf.
It really works....you can last for ages.
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