raffiki said:
Come on Red, go for it!

I am not saying Red should try it. My German to English translation was done by a program that I found on Google, and I a not sure if any of the mice died or not or had other serious side effects. The pictures are clear though.
red. so when are you going to do this? you have the entire Penis Enlargement community waiting on your findings!!!!!! lets go bro!!!
I aint the time nor the material ATM.
The plant is dead here in the UK. I have tested the leaves and they DO slowdown ejaculation, but the root is supposed to, perhaps make the penis larger. I AINT tested that yet. Maybe someone else could do some testing also.
To Redzulu:
I'm Bkara, from Brazil. That's my first post here. Excuse me, I have no fluency in English. Please, don't use the roots of Dryopteris filix-mas. It's the very poisonous part of the plant. The leaves aren't very poisonous but if eaten frequently can have carcinogenic effects.
I have a friend that bought a little farm here where are a big number of ferns. He is a universitary teacher, pensioned, and pretended be a cattle breeder. His cattle eats a lot of fern leaves because the plant is native in their property and impossible to eradicate. The high occurence of malignant tumour in his cattle made he stop the business.
This plant is well know since thousands of years by chinese and others ancient civilizations. The internal use of a oil extract from the roots was used only as a vermifuge for tapeworms, in some places, more for animals than for humans. It's very toxic: the DL (mortal dosis) is about 0,3 - 3g/kg, of a oil extract. Other bad efects can be paralises of optical nerves with blindness and/or diplopia. Persons with cardiac problems are specially sensible to this toxic plant.
The notice by Kantemir, I, 1976 about a penis enlargement observed in mices don't cleared if the effect was a real enlargement or only a strong (and transitory) intumescence. FORGET THIS PLANT ! The Penis Enlargement is MUCH BETTER !
I saw your pics. You have a formidable piece. Don't destroy your health with these dangerous experiences.
Friendly, Bkara.
I agree with bkara. You have a big penis already and this stuff is proven to be really toxic. Although humans a mice are very similar genetically, there are still many differences and it seems more likely than not that this will not work for us because there are no reports of penile hypertrophy in those treated with it for tape worm.
You are a modern adventurer and I admire you spirit, however, I think you are headed toward a well disguised cliff on this one.
Your right guys, to hell with the root stuff.
I AINT doing ANYMORE of this experiment.....I'll leave the thread here as its a little test of what did happen, and could have happened. I suppose we found some stuf out, that the leaves can help delay ejaculation...but I dont have specialist equipment to get rid of the toxins. Its too dangerous like you guys say to test this out. Experiment CLOSED with regards to me doing it, if anyone else wants to take the torch from me on this than your more than welcome. Thanks guys for opening my eyes to the risks.....merry xmas also and happy new year.
lol looking back over some old material and cant believe the crazy experiemnts that went down here
REDZULU2003;32619 said:
Okay so I did it.
anyways I found out that my dosage [half a male leaf] did not increase my size, or at least not so one could really notice...BUT I have found something with this.

Here goes.

I started masturbating.....I was REAL horny as hell.
Just wanking away at �naked people movies� like a kid again.
So what I did as 'a'' got the day of, I phoned an escort up to come round ;) anyways I shagged her to death for 1 whole hour and guess what??? I could not no matter what was tryed, even cum once.....I fealt the urge and the sensation of it, but I didnt cum once.
I had the orgasms time after time I was faint.
She left and I carryed on wanking and doing some pulls, jelqs.
I knew this wasnt my PC muscle or anything like that cos when I wonna cum I can cum.
I was wanking away and I would get near the zone than suddenly it would go...than my orgasm set in like when you cum...but I didnt cum.
I could still wank and have more and more.

I did all this within 2 hours of taking the leaf.

Alright so it doesnt seem to make the penis bigger, but it works GREAT at making you last LONG LONG LONG.

I will try another test with the leafs, dunno when..but it will be one more before spring as the things are dead.

Anyone else wonna try?

Half a leaf.
It really works....you can last for ages.

WOW I did some mad stuff back in the early days! This plant is very toxic and rumored to be inducing of penile size. I tried it several times and no note of that but from this post it helped me last long. I forgot all about this. Just one of those old dusty ancient threads that reminds you about the classic days :)
REDZULU2003;449343 said:
WOW I did some mad stuff back in the early days! This plant is very toxic and rumored to be inducing of penile size. I tried it several times and no note of that but from this post it helped me last long. I forgot all about this. Just one of those old dusty ancient threads that reminds you about the classic days :)

Hey, we all took risks and put ourselves through things most men would cringe at! I say good show!
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