Does this give you any length or only width+girth?
How much have you gained so far? Being on this SSJ.
GhosT_DoGG said:
Does this give you any length or only width+girth?
How much have you gained so far? Being on this SSJ.

No length with this exercise but I am doing close to 5 hours of hanging and stretching before my SSJ Session. As far as gains go, I have cemented 6.90" midshaft after two days of rest and my goal is 7" at rest. I know these will get me there.
oh one other thing is my flaccid girth looks incredible too.
i was finishing up my session last night with these...i got to the second set and blew all over the place...i never had that happen before...maybe twice while jelqing but never during other exercises...i hope this doesn't become a reoccuring thing...& can someone help me out on what to do not to lose my erection after a minute...i tried clamping with my hands and a clamp and it still diminishes after a minute of me pushing..thanks
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twins172_up said:
i was finishing up my session last night with these...i got to the second set and blew all over the place...i never had that happen before...maybe twice while jelqing but never during other exercises...i hope this doesn't become a reoccuring thing...& can someone help me out on what to do not to lose my erection after a minute...i tried clamping with my hands and a clamp and it still diminishes after a minute of me pushing..thanks

It is ok to lose your erection as long as you get it back. I think the constant erect to flaccid to erect to flaccid may even be beneficial. Just be sure that when you are doing the exercise you are almost erect.
I guess I will have to see a video of it, I cannot seem to 'grip' what you are explaining... no pun intended..........................
doublelongdaddy said:
It is ok to lose your erection as long as you get it back. I think the constant erect to flaccid to erect to flaccid may even be beneficial. Just be sure that when you are doing the exercise you are almost erect.

you said make sure you are almost erect when doing these...i thought they were done with a full erection....that is how i have been attempting them
is clamping a requirement? cant I just use one of my hands as a clamp?
Azael said:
is clamping a requirement? cant I just use one of my hands as a clamp?

Not at all. I only use my hands as a clamp and I have had incredible success with these.
I've tried a few of these and noticed some incredible expansion. I was amazed at how thick and raised my veins become while doing the exercise. I've only been Penis Enlargement'ing for a couple of months now so I'll give it more time before I really get into these, but I can't wait to incorporate them into my exercises.
Tried it yesterday and today. Seems like a great exercise. If I can do this instead of jelqing the choise is easy. I hate jelqin but this exercise is fun and I feel it much more then I ever did jelqing(even power jelqing). I feelt alot more "worked" afterwards..
doublelongdaddy said:
No length with this exercise but I am doing close to 5 hours of hanging and stretching before my SSJ Session. As far as gains go, I have cemented 6.90" midshaft after two days of rest and my goal is 7" at rest. I know these will get me there.

According to your recent break post you have lost over .25" of girth, is this correct? Why do you think this happened if you cemented these gains or were you assuming these gains were cemented and they really were not?
Dr. Paul said:
According to your recent break post you have lost over .25" of girth, is this correct? Why do you think this happened if you cemented these gains or were you assuming these gains were cemented and they really were not?

I guess I assumed they were cemented as they were still there 48 hours after my last workout. I am starting to realize now what a real extended break does to gains. So far I have not lost any length to speak of and even though I lost some girth it now seems to have stabilized. I once told someone that if I quit Penis Enlargement and I leveled off at a permanent 6.5" of girth I would be happy. I am still way ahead of the game and I am going to start up again very soon.
Get 'em DLD. I took an extended break, and the girth went from 5.5 to just a tad below, but I think it's all good. It's already looking like I'll be over 5.5 since I've gotten back to training a bit. My focus is girth for now, I need to get a hanger to see if I can break through this 7.5 plateau. When is the power assist goin on sale???
millionman said:
Get 'em DLD. I took an extended break, and the girth went from 5.5 to just a tad below, but I think it's all good. It's already looking like I'll be over 5.5 since I've gotten back to training a bit. My focus is girth for now, I need to get a hanger to see if I can break through this 7.5 plateau. When is the power assist goin on sale???

I am not sweatin' the loss at all, the way I see it when I start again my penis is going to be newbie status and I am hoping on reaping those gains.

AlloyCG said:
The last Slow Squash Jelq thread was convoluted, confusing, and misrepresented. DLD and I chatted about the SSJ tonite and got all the kinks worked out. This is the epitome of girth exercises - massive expansion with minimal to nil fluid buildup. This not only incorporates expansion theory but also a state of mind to approach the exercise with.

DLD: "It is by far the best girth exercise ever...a 30 minute session gets me over .75" of temp. girth..."

Step #1 : Visualization, Daily Goal
DLD: "Here is another tip I use... When I start I look at my penis girth and my wrist making a visual comparison... My initial goal is to get my girth as big as my wrist... THAT IS MY ONLY GOAL... once I am there, as sili and impossible as this sounds, I look at my ankle and try to get to that thickness... It, of course, does not happen but the visualization is incredible..."

Step #2 : Creating the Mood. Get Sexy
DLD: "I treat my session like masturbation ... is I pop in a really good �naked people movies� and get myself 100% erect... Girth NEEDS to be highly sexual ..."

Approach the exercise as sexually as possible. As odd as it sounds, breathing and making a little noise like you are having sex makes the whole experience sexier. Anything else that gets you going and makes you feel sexy could be in line (thrusting hips, etc.) Make it enjoyable, like masturbation. Work your way up to a 100% erection.

Step #3 : Squeezing at the Base
DLD: "once I am there [100% erect] I will clamp off at the extreme base after I kegel as much blood in as I can... I squeeze my head to release that much blood out of my penis. I want about that much room to work with... I then have my shaft really hard and the glans is empty."

Right - Uli, but once there squeeze all the blood from the head. DLD : "don't worry about the head losing size... because my glans is gaining size."

Step #4 : Performing the SSJ
DLD: "I will jelq up maybe an inch... Then I take my other hand, using the palm, and push down against the other hand... it is like the hand below is trying to jelq up while the upper hand is squashing the head and upper shaft against it... I will bend, squash, compress, push in all possible directions... I do this until I am at like maybe 80% erect... About 2 minutes... Then I will get myself hard again and repeat, switching hands..."

I think this is where the confusion started. When doing the jelq part, move the clamped hand up around an inch or so, and begin the compression with the other hand. Then, if it increases pressure, slide the clamped hand up the shaft *slightly* for the remainder of the ~2 minutes.

Yes, this is similar to Iso Comp Squeezes and Horsies, but you are using your palm/palm grip to compress, twist, bend, etc. until you get down to an 80% erection. Refer to the sexy step to be sure you are in the right mind state during the exercise.

DLD : "NO COUNTING... Remember, this is sexual... No counting... Not work, so treat it like masturbation."

Now for words from DLD about this exercise:

"It is by far the best girth exercise ever (for me)"
"a 30 minute session gets me over .75" of temp. girth"
"My shirt is rock hard and thick" [I could edit this one to say 'shit', but it's too funny otherwise.]
"get excited to do it"
"just gain massive girth... MASSIVE"
"I wish more folks did this exercise because it is so incredible for me and the couple of guys I have on a custom routine"
"My ankle is dumb thick"
"My shaft was like twice the size of my head"
"The expansion was sick"

Ok, this is my interpretation from DLD's exact text. While DLD can only explain to himself the exact way to do it, I think this gets closer than any other description used.
I'm about to try these out. Is it best to do them wet or dry? I'm thinking wet...
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