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Bigtony;586561 said:
Hey guys, a quick question!

I'm reading the SRT thread, and it sounds good, I wanna do it! But I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the exercises, and some of the equipment! Mainly things like slow squash jelqs, expressive stretching, DLD blasters, and equipment like the power assist, and the LengthMaster! Do you have videos on the techniques used for these exercises and equipment, so I know what I. Supposed to be doing?

Cheers guys!

The equipment used in SRT and how to use it is described throughout the thread and individual exercises are also found in the forum. We are working our butts off to create the SRT Section of the site that will include all videos for exercises and tools used. The SRT Thread gives great explanation of the exercises and tools within the thread, simply click on the links for each item of interest and it will bring you to that description.

Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory (SRT)

Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic than the next and all considered, but none that hold as much truth than the ones we experience ourselves. Over the past few months i have been experimenting with various ways to make faster gains and faster ways to heal and promote health and enlargement. I have also looking at reasons why someone would do penis enlargement, just like the next man, and not make similar gains. Perhaps I have grown old in my perspectives on penis enlargement but today I look more to perfect the process that is already working for so many!

I believe we pay great attention to penis enlargement and the best physical process of getting larger. At one time we may believe one thing to be better than the next or even completely change our view on something in penis enlargement. A perfect example of this is erect work. Doing any kind of penis enlargement exercise, while erect, was always a huge no no. I, being one who endorsed erect work, (see my past at all other online forums and how they reacted to my "erect exercises") today enjoys the benefits that have come through erect work, like length and girth gains, a very positive correction in the penis enlargement process. We found that certain exercises, while done erect, bring much faster gains, than when not done erect. You could pretty much kiss clamping good bye. Bends, Slow Squash Jelqs, DLD Bends, etc. all goodbye, if doing erect exercise was wrong.

Things I have been juggling in my mind have to do with many components. I can only speak for myself but I would like some other guys who are willing to experience this process I have already learned to be the best. I understand this process, of ultimate gaining, does not come easy, it takes time, dedication and commitment. Only the brave and patient should apply! I believe I have learned some very important things in the past few months. I have learned some very impotent things not only about gaining but retaining, cementing, and maximizing gains made through natural penis enlargement.

I am focusing heavily in recovery and the time spent not doing penis enlargement. Many things factor in the healing process and many of my experiments have been done while not doing penis enlargement. Now this accounts for one half of the process, the other half the time is done actually doing the physical penis enlargement:) What happens when you are not actually doing penis enlargement? How is your penis healing? How are you retaining gains from work out, to work out? Are you gaining steadily? There are many question that would explain many of these elements of Penis Enlargement....On or Off.

Curiously I have lost a bit of size recently but I expected too, based on this study I have been spending all of my time on. Now I have changed certain things in the way I address my penis, during workouts, after workouts, between workouts, etc. I have changed 1 very big thing (lets call it SRT) that has effected my penis in ways that I always believed would happen if I didn't do this 1 thing the way I always have.:) I do not want to disclose this part of my study yet as I always test these theories through other men before I disclose a theory in penis enlargement. I can tell you, however, I started doing SRT and within 2 months I had lost a half inch in erect length and a ½ inch in girth! Also, during this phase I lost a lot of flaccid size…more than 2"! I know exactly why this happened and it does not worry me, in fact, it excites me as I now know my theory was correct! This all happened after I started doing one thing different in the first 2 months. During this time I did not do any Penis Enlargement

At about 2 months in I started doing Penis Enlargement again. I remained doing SRT while doing active penis enlargement. I was doing the Gain One Inch in Twelve Weeks workout. This workout includes using the Bathmate and doing Slow Squash Jelqs for girth work and SizeGenetics use, super-setted with various manual stretches. I trained heavily during this time but I was not getting the gains I had lost back. After pumping the pump would not stick around. I felt stiff in the extender, it was difficult to get any added tension. Slow Squash Jelqs were not as productive and there was rarely a pump that stayed around for more than an hour. My penis felt skinny and hard when flaccid. My stretching felt tight and wiry. I was pretty much stuck at a smaller size! My flaccid lost another inch too, which really was a psychological mind fuck!! I was very confused and I really felt as though SRT theory may be making sense, sad sense, but sense non-the-less. I was happy at the end of this period of 2 months. I finally was ready to see what phase 3 had in store. If I was correct then I should see my gains come back and even see additional ones!

Phase 3, in the SRT study, allowed me to train in my routine without the use of SRT. This again was a 2 month course so I went to work. I immediately felt changes. The SizeGenetics Extender felt good again, productive, I could feel and see the stretch. I was able to move up to my old max in less than a week! I think I mentioned I was starting to do Penis Enlargement again, in some thread, but this was why. The SizeGenetics gently stretched me back to my biggest size, like penis-memory:) The Bathmate started to become productive again! The pump would stay around for hours and the lost girth returned in days! Slow Squash Jelqs were producing large, swollen veins and meaty girth bulging from all angles, when I stretched my penis I could feel the ability to stretch further. Everything went back to normal, or should I say much better than normal.
SRT being one of the theories I am studying is the next vital step in men getting bigger penises, faster, safer and with a predicted consistency. No more guessing if someone will gain or not, we will all have an equal shot at gaining like our fellow brothers. I have learned a lot in my decade long journey in penis enlargement. I have always been at the cutting edge of what the next big thing is for Penis Enlargement, you trust me in this position and I want to serve you with the best information I can. I hope I live up to this and I thank you for your trust and confidence in all of my affairs concerning male health issues.

Anyone can do this routine and follow this journal. That is why it is being presented as such but I do want to invite 3 users to take part in this routine and receive the equipment needed for free. The study will last for 3 months and I will need the participants to post on a daily bases, reporting changes and relating questions and discoveries. This routine is of medium intensity. My first job is to select 3 participants. I am looking for 3 guys who a able to dedicate the needed time each day, Be willing to use LengthMaster, Power Assist, Bathmate and SizeGenetics Extender. I will also want the participants to take a couple of supplements, a volume pill, an enlargement pill, daily vitamins. I also would like the 2 men to be 20-50 pounds overweight as the program will include cues from the AlphaBlade Exercise routines. Participants should also fairly new to penis enlargement but with a general understanding of it's effectiveness and mechanics. Age does not matter but all participants will be over 18. If you already have this equipment and want to participate, let me know and that would save us in having to pay for all the equipment. The ones who are chosen need to be able to take orders and follow them through. You will need to be motivated, determined and have a strong belief that penis enlargement works. Entering this routine requires these components, it is life changing and will bring you the gains you have always wanted. Having me as a coach is not an easy thing (with the whole Hitler complex thing:)) but trust that I only have your best intentions in mind and the things I am requesting will be for the betterment of your entire life.

We hope to not only increase the length and thickness of your penis but also give you a better body, a sharper mind, a better you! If you allow me to teach you these ways and are willing to follow with completely willingness I not only promise you An Inch in Twelve Weeks but a much better looking, more confident man.

Equipment and Supplement List
[URL=""]MOS DVD or MoS Members Only Access [/URL](for video explanations)
SizeGenetics Extender
Penile Sleeves
Ace Bandage
Velcro Roll
Cock Ring (soon to be announced)
Monkey Spanker (very helpful healing tool)
baby powder
weights: 2-20 pound dumbbells
Diet: TBA
Workout: TBA
Questionnaire: Coming Soon
Starting Date: October 5

Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory
At it's very root SRT theory or Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition is the fact that many of us do one thing but do not follow the logical steps to not only train with proper effort and form but allowing yourself time to heal correctly. This is where I would like to start, healing. This will not be based on pseudo-science, it is based on self exploration and exceptions I took notice of. I hope in my exploration with my 3 students and the countless others who may join in, similar results and find gains in a much smarter ways.

Healing would be classified as the time you are not training. Many men who do penis enlargement pretty much finish their session, clean up, put their clothes back on and go on with their day. Some may do a warm down but from that forward they are done with Penis Enlargement for the day and they will rest until the next workout. My first issue with this is what SRT was founded on. Suppression means holding something back. If we are trying to elongate or thicken something we need to not only do the proper exercises to break down the tissue for growth but we need to never suppress it's size after training. Some men may experience turtling, Some men may naturally shrink when flaccid. Many are squished into tight underwear where suppression is at it's worst.

When I was growing up we did not have a lot of money so some years I would have to wear the same clothes even though I was much taller or bigger a T-shirt can be worn for a while as you get bigger. You simply get in wet and stretch it, I would stretch out the shirt as big as I wanted, which took some force, and then in the healing process or curing process I would stretch the shirt over a picture frame that just held the shirts size at my desired, maximum length and width desired. The next day I had a bigger shirt:) Now lets say I stretched that wet shirt and after I was done I balled it up in the corner to heal, cure and dry, do you think it will have the same results as the one stretched against the frame? Of course not. The shirt will more than likely keep little of its stretch and dry to a similar size as when you started.

We are not talking about t-shirts here, we are talking about the penis. The penis has tissue, smooth muscle, ligaments, thick, porous cavernous, veins and capillaries that carry blood flow throughout. It is suspended by the suspensory ligaments. Without the suspensory ligament the penis would have little erection angle but little restricting it from being stretched to massive lengths. This is the premiss of most penis enlargement surgical procedures, they will cut these ligaments and send you home with a SizeGenetics Extender or something very similar to wear on your penis as it is healing. So in actuality, gains made in penis enlargement surgery are largely do to natural sources like Extenders, Pumps, Weights or the Like. Although cutting the ligaments would leave little restriction from the ligaments this is still an evasive, dangerous and unnatural, plus erection will suffer to some degree, whether it be impotence, infection or permanent deformation.

This information was some of the first science i paid attention to in the beginning days of modern Penis Enlargement and it's advent on the internet. I understood that cutting the ligaments would make the penis free to be stretched without ligament interference. This made sense. I also thought that they may make gains faster than someone who was only using natural methods. At the time I was working a lot with the kegel. One night, quite by mistake, I invented the reverse kegel and many things changes in the penis enlargement surgery field. (don't know who remembers some of the debates on XFM and Sirius where I debated with Phalloplasty Surgeons, doctors and other men's health specialists. It was amusing but I did learn something very important. By the time I did the interviews I found out there was a way to bypass the suspensory ligaments through what I called a "Reverse Kegel". WHen you do a normal Kegel you are squeezing, this is a total "hold back" of the suspensory ligaments. If you do it when you are erect and naked, if you have a strong PC muscle, you can bounce your penis by flexing this muscle. WHen you are peeing and you stop yourself midway through the contraction of a squeeze of the PC muscles you can stop the flow of urine, this, too, is a kegel. A reverse kegel is the complete opposite.

The reverse kegel would be the pushing, or total "unfelt" of the PC muscles. Amazingly, when you learn how to do the Reverse Kegel (RK) you have learned part of what changed penis enlargement and allowed it to stand toe to toe with the medical world version, surgery. When the Reverse Kegel is being performed the suspensory ligaments are bypassed and the user can effectively stretch the penis with no interference. It is also a very common reflex for some men to kegel out of fear when stretching, a kind of defend mechanism, when these guys learn the Reverse Kegel they start making much faster gains.

This type of Science pressed me onward in Penis Enlargement and I discovered quite a bit more as I progressed. I have spent many years experimenting with many exercises, theories, test subjects, equipment, etc. I more than likely know more about the penis than any other man in the world:) This burning passion I have for this craft is always pushing me further. If you read the introduction to this trial you will see that I was able to lose size and regain size within a 6 month period. This happened for a few reasons and we will get deeper into that. But, this was necessary to prove SRT theory to myself to be true.

About 5 years ago I was able to accomplish this transformation in 4 months. Within this time I lost 140 pounds, gained 2.5" in flaccid length and looked and felt my best! I am not looking to put my subjects through this routine as it is very extreme so I was shooting for something more realistic. I think the promises I have given are more than realistic and this is why I wanted the guys to be a bit overweight:) I wanted the weight loss and muscle gain to be part of the total transformation. Well I have found 2 people so far that fit the survey perfectly. I need one more person to complete the staff. I hope to get this before the Oct. 5 start date. With that said, I am not looking for you gets to lose 145 pounds and suffer the pains of that routine, it is simply an example of what is possible with the mind. This trial in SRT is more about exploring healing and maximizing healing. Yes, the exercises are demanding and will take focus and determination but I promise you a new life within 3 months. Something that would take many more than a year to accomplish.

The routine will occupy 100% off your day, 100% of your thoughts:), even the night time! This is necessary for many reasons but mainly because I want your entire mind, body and soul to be into this 3 month routine. It will not interrupt your life but it will demand some immediate changes. Some will need to sacrifice while others will find it to be a breeze, either way, if you do not do what I tell you to do you can not expect the results I have promised. When I say 100% of the day I am implying a schedule, one that can be adjusted to your time table but one that needs to be followed closely. I am now considering healing time at part of the routine. So many hours you will be in the healing process that will require little attention but the time you are doing Penis Enlargement will be intense and demand focus and wholehearted effort. I will explain each part of the routine and explain why it is the way it is.

Background Theory: As you may have read I was able to lose size and gain size based on my findings so I will try to be as specific and precise on why I did this, what I learned and what it means for penis enlargement. Now, when I started this experiment I decided to do this study it was because I wanted to see the damage restriction could have on the penis and size. Over the first 2 months I wore very tight underwear. I wanted to see the effects of this on my penis size plus it was necessary to the experiment. So for 2 months I wore very tight underwear, I did not do any Penis Enlargement and I masturbated very rarely. My penis was not being used and it was spending most of it's time suppressed in my underwear. At the end of 60 days I had lost size that was permanent for years! My flaccid was pathetically turtled, my erect length was short and my girth suffered a bit. All from underwear? That was really all I changed and the loss of size came during the period of wearing underwear.

The next phase took me to what if I did a good Penis Enlargement routine but still wore the underwear, would I regain my losses? 60 days later I had not recovered my losses and I was becoming a bit worried that I may have lost this size for good. Why was the Penis Enlargement not being fruitful? I mean my temporary gains always looked good but I would not retain them. As soon as I was back in my underwear the gains were suppressed, restricted and healed a transposed position. That is what I believe happened. I think the first thing men need to do is stop wearing anything that restricts you in any way. Where no underwear, let yourself dangle at the very least!

The last part of my research, the last 2 months, I did a good Penis Enlargement routine (mainly doing 1" in 12 Weeks Program), I stopped wearing underwear and started Extending and retaining for every moment I could. At the end on the 2 months I had gained back my looses plus made additional gains!

As the routine will dictate, you will make temporary gains, you will retain them through healing in an expanded/extended position. We will accomplish this through extensive SizeGenetics Extender and Uncle Jim's Strapping Method use. As important as every stretch is, it is pointless if you are going allow to heal in a shorter, squashed position….many will never see gains for this very reason. I already know, through the many polls, guys who went commando and masturbated frequently/roughly ended puberty larger than his underwear wearing, light masturbating counterpart. So natural size was greatly effected by SRT, that means it "naturally" needs to be included in all penis enlargement attempts, no matter what they may be. I chose the 2 methods as they are both very easily modified to be heavier or lighter. I like Uncle Jim's Strapping Method because it will train your penis to stay in an elongated position when flaccid, plus it can gently hold you at you max-flaccid size with ease for hours on end. We will start with Jims strap and move into the SizeGenetics. But even with the SizeGenetics we will be wearing at light levels much of the time and add tension at optimum points. There is a lot of thought that is going into this and I want to give you the promises I made, which I can do with ease, but you will need to trust in me 100% and do as I ask.

We will even be using cock rings as part of the healing process after girth work. Again, more than anything, we want to heal expanded/extended. Wearing a cock ring will help you retain those temp gains longer. The longer you hold them the quicker they become permanent. Plus, again, we want the penis to heal in it's longer, thickest form. I mean having an erection all day would be the best way to heal but that is difficult to achieve so we will use the cock Ring, The SizeGenetics Extender and Uncle Jim's Strapping Method to do the healing for us. Having an erection for hours on end, days on end always results in mega-phallus where it becomes much longer and thicker. This means the penis is very venerable to a size increase under optimum conditions (extended/expanded, erected position.) Obviously none of us could keep and erection up that long so Mega-Phallus will be out of the question but what we have learned from this is the longer the penis is expanded or elongated the bigger in can potentially become.

So the penis enlargement routine we will be doing are not so difficult, but they are chosen in a certain way that will change over the 3 months. It will begin at a base level and we will go forward and more intense from there. What we need to be obsessed with most is our SizeGenetics use and our Uncle Jim's Strapping Method. When we are not training we want to be healing in an elongated, expanded position. If you are not able to follow this requirement I suggest you look no further. SRT is all about healing in a highly manipulated position. A side story that should have plenty of merit is in the early days of my pe I wore an ads almost always! I used Jim's Strap like it was going out of style…Extending was too expensive then (like $900-$1200 for an extender) Today Extending is cheap, The SizeGenetics is only $165! And they give us so much for that! It is now affordable to do one of the most important parts of Penis Enlargement, heal in an extended position, or even with resistance or straight up maxed out and make gains while your healing!:) I do not expect this but I do expect you to stop wearing underwear, Jim Strap how and when I say, Wear your SizeGenetics how and when I say and put the Cock Ring on as I direct. The exercises we will be doing will make anyone grow, we are trying to get you to grow and keep it, QUICKLY!

Through creative routines we will access and expose inner penis, we will stretch the Tunica with much more ease, adjust exit point and length of penis while soft or flaccid. We will be using angular stretches at extreme opposites, we will be training our penis to stay long and full. We are literally teaching your penis a new way of living. This is important if you are not already doing it as length gains are attainable at three levels. Many men skip one or 2 of these steps and struggle with gaining.

3 Needed Sources of Stretching
• Shaft/Tunica Stretching (stretching what is already there)
• Ligament stretching (Preparing for what is coming)
• Expressive Stretching (Grabbing new gains from freely accessible inner penis)

Now we already know that much of the time we will not be stretching, we will be in an ADS (all day stretcher). The time we do stretch I want to focus on these three forms of stretching with equal force and importance.

You may think the exercises seem light at first but there is a reason for the progression of intensity and why I am starting as such a novice level. I want to spend time hitting all angles of the penis's exit points and see what we can find for quick gain here. These basic exercises are important to many factors, even if we are vets, each angle holds a potential gain, the only way to find them is to explore all angles, this is why will start with basic stretching. From the furthest point of between the cheeks to the straight up angle of tunica stretching, we will first pan for gold here, get everyone on the same page and ease into the intensity. By the close of the routine, after 3 months, you will be ripping inner penis from your body using the LengthMaster! We will get there, but I need to start basic. The Bathmate is included almost immediately because everyone, even newbies, need to see how much faster you gain with the Bathmate. It is the perfect companion to a girth routine and when used correctly it has the potential to really pack on some size. My point is, everything has it's place and time and will be introduced in this manner as I will chart a course of growth using a quick, progressive routine that will be forever evolving and keeping you active, fun, motivated and growing at all times!

The key difference I see between Uncle Jim's Strapping Method and the SizeGenetics Extender is the SG has the potential to apply force while Jim's strap is only to hold you extended, comfortably and safely. Jim's Strap is more of a healing method than a growing method but it will help you achieve a flaccid length close to your erect! The SizeGenetics will be used half the time as a healing tool and half the time as a growing tool. This will be progressive and it is this way because I want to explore many areas during this 3 months and capture gains as quickly and permanently as possible!

Now I will also ask those who are overweight to join me in the exercise/diet routines, but those who are in shape can forgo this. The idea behind losing the extra fat is to expose as much penis at it's exit point. We will not only expose hidden penis under the fat pad but we will gain new penis from the three primary forms of stretching. I think every guy can expect to see an inch gain (or more) if they follow the program. I think some men, who only need to make some adjustments to their routines and incorporate some of these healing methods, will go from struggling to gain to making gains with ease.

I suggest you take three supplements MaleExtra or Titan, Performer5 and a daily multivitamin like Centrum. I also suggest keeping some Viagra on hand for the more demanding girth workouts. Remeber, this a a three month trial.

I like to spend a week every month where I will masturbate before stretching. I believe it puts the penis in a different physical state than it normally is and stretching during this time can be productive. After your orgasm the penis will feel more pliable, malleable, stretchable and easier to hold form. I do this one week per month just a s a precautionary way to reap gains if there are some to grab. The jury remains out on masturbation and the effectiveness of stretching after but I am crazy enough to go with both sides just in case:) 1 week per month we will masturbate before stretching to search for possible, hormonal effects that may induce faster gains. Our first week will be light but it will also include masturbation.

AM: Wake, 6:30 AM: Masturbate or have morning sex (directly after start routine)
Stretching Routine:
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds x 3

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds x 3
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Apply a pea size portion of hydrocortisone cream. You will do this after every length workout, this will keep your skin free from irritation and stretch marks, spotting, etc.

hydrocortisone is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex and used medicinally to treat inflammation resulting from eczema and rheumatism. Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a steroid hormone, or glucocorticoid, produced by the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress and a low level of blood glucocorticoids. Its primary functions are to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis; suppress the immune system; and aid in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism which is very important to the healing process in penis enlargement!

After workout, which should take approximately 30 minutes tops, you will need to apply Uncle Jim's Strapping Method. Learn this, love it, embrace it and become one with it! This is vital and must happen directly after workout. Stretch your penis to it's full flaccid stretched length and wrap in that position. You will wear this for one hour at a time at which time you will take off, do 25 rotary cranks and 1 set of Behind the Cheeks Stretching. (this should take no more than 5 minutes in all, a normal bathroom break.) SOme may find they can go longer with the wrap but the idea is to re-stimulate the penis each hour and reapply Jim's Wrap, this is training while healing. People will notice a nice, long, thick penis running down your leg but hey, thats just me, I was born with it!:) I want to see 6 sets of this done (six hours worth) All day at work or school is great! Tell the teacher you are on a medication that make you pee a lot….Instant Pass!

Now your day is through and it is time for your girth session. First I would advise men, who have a partner, to do your girth work right before sex for a number of reasons. First, you will be at your biggest. Next, it will require you to gain an erection even when fatigued! It is time to put this fatigue shit to the wind and increase the strength of our erections. What better pressure than sex after girth? Another reason this will become good is it will teach you how to have sex and cum when YOU want to. You will learn complete control of your orgasm. When I was growing in girth, at my fastest rate, I would practicing this technique.

If you do not have a partner, NO MASTURBATION until girth is done. If you opt to masturbate in the AM prior to your stretching this is not only fine but highly advisable. It is never a good idea to have an orgasm within 6 hours of a girth session as you want optimum erection levels during the workout. Since you will be taking Titan/MaleExtra & Performer5, both are incredible with blood flow and great erections. So erections should always be very strong! I want this "art" to be mastered, an erection on command and complete control of orgasm!

Girth session. Most importantly with girth work is a comfortable, quiet, private area where you can view �naked people movies� and feel free to train with no fear of being discovered. However you need to accomplish this, DO IT! Girth, more than length requires a certain sexual focus and having a special area is optimum. Since this is the first week of this 12 week study, the girth work will be light. After girth work is done the Monkey Spanker will be used and finally a cock ring so be prepared. I am choosing jelqs in upward and downward positions to loosen ligaments and strengthen pelvic floor muscles, we will be doing Slow Squash Jelqs also as I believe this to be the fastest method of gaining girth using a hand exercise. We will look towards Alpha Jelqing for the first week to ensure the best blood flow possible. Eventually, we will depend on the Slow Squash Jelqs to not only expand our girth but to keep fluid retention low and discoloration and spotting at bay. Once the Bathmate is introduced we will be jumping feet first into super-sets, the most effective way to use your time and maximize your gains while keeping you happy and healthy:)

100 strong, upward, erect jelqs
1 sixty second Slow Squash jelqs
100 strong, downward, erect jelqs
1 sixty second Slow Squash jelqs
100 strong, upward, erect jelqs
1 sixty second Slow Squash jelqs
100 strong downward jelqs
1 sixty second Slow Squash jelqs
5 Minutes Alpha Jelqs
Immediately start 5 minute Monkey Spanker Session.
Directly strap on cock ring at extreme base of the penis tight enough to keep pump. If you are alone you could wear the ring right up to bedtime. If you are having sex, remove ring just prior to sex and put back on directly after while there is still blood in your penis.

Now it is time for sleep and I want you to be doing Penis Enlargement then too:) The cock ring should be removed, lightly stretch and massage your penis and use Jim's Wrap again, this time on a light wrap, just tight enough to keep you extended as much as possible while being comfortable and safe while you sleep. Remember the ACE Bandage can expand if you become erect so there should be no fear of cutting off circulation. The wrap should be very light, just tight enough to be in an extended position (we are not looking for gains, we are looking to heal in an extended/expanded position. Since your penis is extended you could choose to wear shorts, underwear or whatever else will keep you comfortable. As long as you are extended anything can be worn.

As the first week closes you will see how much of our efforts have been on stressing extreme angles and remaining extended or expanded as long as possible. This is the very heart of SRT, we heal longer or thicker if we are able to retain these gain long enough. What is the point of stretching your penis and letting it go back to it's natural flaccid size? What makes better sense is stretching my penis to break down the tissue and strapping it into a healing size that is very close to my erect size this way as it heals it heals in an expanded or elongated position. when doing girth work and Bathmate Work you want the gains to stay around the longest they can and a latex cock ring is wonderful.

Week 2 Girth AM (learning to stretch a thicker penis)
We have all become scared of stretching after girth. Although it is not something I would want to do always, I think sometimes it is very important to stretch the penis in an expanded state (after girth) This can all be done in one session (Girth and Length) or at different times but the closer to one another the better. I want to stretch the penis while it is like this because I believe we are stretching tissues that are only stretchable when in the expanded state. For instance, when we are finished with a girth session that produced lets say 1/2" of temporary girth. that 1/2" is largely comprised of the Tunica, at tissue with only 5% elasticity making it difficult to stretch but easier right after girth as much of the expansion is from the tunica expanding, hence becoming thinner and easier to stretch. This is the the reason we are doing girth prior to length…another place to secretly grab some golden nuggets.

Bathmate short sets with Jelqing will now be introduced but for good reason especially in the first part of the day. We want to become proficient at stretching our penis even when expanded or thick. You will also be introducing Expressive Stretching which can be done after girth using the Bathmate or using the circle in the LengthMaster or PowerAssist. I will also want you to start doing erect stretching. For a long time now we have believed it is best to do girth after length because it makes it too difficult to get a good stretch when penis is in an expanded state. I still agree with this but with a foot note: It is vital to stretch the penis while erect, this is what will convert your flaccid stretched gains to Bone-pressed Erect gains. Plus, yes, it is harder to stretch the penis after girth but think long and hard about what you are stretching! Erectile tissue! You will be stretching the penis when it is at it's largest….this just makes good, good sense. Yes, it requires more effort but that will be greatly rewarded. After the routine is done the Monkey Spanker will be used for 5 minutes and a cock ring will be fitted. With the cock ring in place you will also need to used Jim's Wrap. This is a bit tricky but this will only last 1 week.

Girth Routine: Bathmate (full pump for 6 minutes) this can be done any way you are comfortable using the Bathmate but I would like you to be at a full erection when pumping. After 6 minutes you will go into a 6 minute session of upward jelqs done erect. the next session will be similar but this time when you jelq it will be downward, against your erection angle (This will help improve pelvic floor muscle strength). And the last set will be 6 minutes in the pump followed by 6 minutes of a semi-hard Slow Squash Jelq (mainly as an expansive massage to eliminate discoloration and bring and/or red spots.

The last 6 minutes will be spent with Expressive Stretching. This can be done using any of the various methods, my favorites are Bathmate HardCore Stretches and PowerAssist Loop Stretches. The Monkey Spanker will be used for a few minutes followed by, finally a cock ring. (worn at base tight enough to keep a good size pump. You will want to be in your expanded state as long as possible.

Length Routine will consist of strictly behind the cheeks stretching, You will want to give way to new penis coming from expression so stretching your base back will give space for this and accelerate your ligamental growth from its furthest point. This week will be all about expansion and angular gains. The penis at it's furthest point back, being Behind The Cheeks Stretching will really help make the Expressive Stretching much more productive as we are dealing with two body extremes, Expression and BTC Stretching.

Your length routine will be:
Behind the Cheeks to the Left - 30 seconds x 3
Behind the Cheeks to the Center - 30 seconds x 3
Behind the Cheeks to the Right - 30 seconds x 3
DLD Blasters: five, 30 second reps.

Finish length with 3 sets of 25 Rotary Stretches in the highest position you can manage. I want it to equal the opposite of the BTC stretching. One extreme angle to it's other extreme. We are training the ligaments to be as long and malleable as possible. We are creating an optimum exit point for the penis. This is all preparatory for later training but equally important, even if you are a veteran of Penis Enlargement.

Apply a pea size portion of hydrocortisone cream and massage in thoroughly.

After workout, which should take approximately 20-30 minutes tops, you will need to apply Uncle Jim's Strapping Method. This is vital and must happen directly after workout. Stretch your penis to it's full flaccid stretched length and wrap in that position. You will wear this for one hour at a time at which time you will take off, do 25 rotary cranks and 1 set of Behind the Cheeks Stretching. (this should take no more than 5 minutes in all, a normal bathroom break.) Some may find they can go longer with the wrap but the idea is to re-stimulate the penis each hour and reapply Jim's Wrap, this is training while healing. People will notice a nice, long, thick penis running down your leg but hey, thats just me, I was born with it!:) I want to see 6 sets of this done (six hours worth).

This is very easy to do and do not make it out to be more than it is! You are only keeping yourself extended via the Jim Wrap, easy to do and comfortable! This will soon be the support to our SizeGenetics use and growth cycles. Becoming comfortable with a method is important. You will be proficient with Jim's Wrap by now.

Up to this point we are training our penis in a few ways. First we are stretching at extreme angles forcing the ligaments to elongate and stretch and we are expanding our penis through the girth work, and the stretching of the tunica at optimum points but most of all we are healing in an extender/expanded position which is what SRT is all about. We are now introducing Expressive Stretching which will help move inner penis forward and become accessible through our creative stretching tactics. We are healing most times in an extended or expanded position, a huge change! We are learning how putting two exercises together can bring the fastest results as in Super-Set with the Bathmate and the Jelq. This is the bootcamp for the rest of your time in this routine. I think we have learned enough to put all of this preparation and practice into form and function.

The next 6 weeks will be sharply on stretching with intent and using the SizeGenetics as way to gain length as we heal. Now I am not asking for your lives here, I am asking for 3 months and any man, if he really wants, can do this routine.

Expressive Stretching through the Loop of the PowerAssist or LengthMaster will be best but the Bathmate Hardcore Stretches may also be used instead. I like stretching through the Loop as it gives me great access to internal penis that I can easily stretch…very intense method. Six minutes of this will be fine, almost see it as your warmup! I push as much penis through and grab with both hands and stretch from the extreme base, exposed by the Loop. If I am I am rehearsed with my Bathmate I can accomplish the same thing doing Bathmate Hardcore Stretches. If you do not own either and still want to participate in these trials, be creative! Do low shaft stretching! Stretch from extreme base. Expressive Stretching is vital to making gains quickest and accessing penis that would otherwise be left dormant. There is quite a bit of penis in every one of us! Prior to doing Penis Enlargement, or in my early days of Penis Enlargement I measured close to 9" of inner penis! Tracing that much penis locked deep in the body, I became obsessed with Expressing it (hence Expressive Stretching).

In order to stretch this tissue we need to get our hands around it! It needs to be exposed and stretched with authority! So whatever method you use, be sure to be putting a solid 6 minutes into Expressive Stretching (ES) is important to this process. Now that we have exposed and stretched some of this inner tissue we want to take advantage of any temporary gains we may have seen in Expression. So as soon as ES is done go right into the next part of your stretching routine.

30 seconds for each stretch, simple! And will cover all important angles.
Straight up to Center
DLD Blasters: five, 30 second stretches
Straight Down to Left (under leg)
Straight Down to Right(under leg)
Rotaries: 25 Cranks
Behind the Cheeks to Left
Behind the Cheeks to Right

Attach your SizeGenetics Extender at medium tension you will wear for 1 Hour to help cement stretching session. The idea is to allow the tissue to heal in a fully stretched position. As the morning stretch is wearing off we are turning up the tension on the SizeGenetics with each bathroom break. If you are able to go 4 sets, that is four hours with each hour being a bit more demanding, is a smart way to introduce the proper use of the the amazing machine the SizeGenetics is! We are in no way abandoning Uncle Jim's Wrap, we will still use that for sleep and other times we can not wear our SG. 4 hours is a good number of logged hours, considering it is in addition to your morning stretch session, I think it will be very abundant and productive!

From the time period you stop using the SizeGenetics for the day be sure you are strapped! We are still living under the pretense Gains come fastest when they are allowed to be healed as close the Gain size during the healing periods.

Girth will be done when you choose but after 4 hours is logged in the SizeGenetics. I want your Extender work to be done by the time your do your girth work.

Girth Program:
2 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (warmup)
6 Minutes in the Bathmate at Full Intensit
Bigtony;586561 said:
Hey guys, a quick question!

I'm reading the SRT thread, and it sounds good, I wanna do it! But I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the exercises, and some of the equipment! Mainly things like slow squash jelqs, expressive stretching, DLD blasters, and equipment like the power assist, and the LengthMaster! Do you have videos on the techniques used for these exercises and equipment, so I know what I. Supposed to be doing?

Cheers guys!


If you get a membership to the MoS members area, we have all the videos and illustrations in there.
LIGHTNING;586588 said:

If you get a membership to the MoS members area, we have all the videos and illustrations in there.

Plus there are hundreds of new videos about to be added to the arsenal, it is a good time for all Brothers to become an official member.
Hello guys, I've decided to join the brotherhood in seek of wisdom and the right method for enlarge my own penis! A couple of years ago I tried some jelq/pc and so on exercises but didn't have the time and head to do them with continuity. Anyway now I want to do it the right way and I'm here to get the best out of it. I'll be reading some threads here and there and let me ask where I should start or what's the "best" method or the best air pump to buy (if one has to be bought.) My natural size is 17,5 cm in length and 4.8 cm in diameter, which I guess is not bad but well, wouldn't midn getting better!
AzimH;586678 said:
Hello guys, I've decided to join the brotherhood in seek of wisdom and the right method for enlarge my own penis! A couple of years ago I tried some jelq/pc and so on exercises but didn't have the time and head to do them with continuity. Anyway now I want to do it the right way and I'm here to get the best out of it. I'll be reading some threads here and there and let me ask where I should start or what's the "best" method or the best air pump to buy (if one has to be bought.) My natural size is 17,5 cm in length and 4.8 cm in diameter, which I guess is not bad but well, wouldn't midn getting better!

Welcome to the Brotherhood! Your Brothers here will get you where you want to be, it's what we do! Relax, look around, ask some questions and start the new life as a bigger men in all ways.
Hey guys,

I just purchased the lifetime membership to MoS! Excited!

I paid by PayPal, do I just wait for an email with log in instructions etc?
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Bigtony;586821 said:
Hey guys,

I just purchased the lifetime membership to MoS! Excited!

I paid by PayPal, do I just wait for an email with log in instructions etc?

You should be all set, if not, please check your spam filter or PM me. I will send you the info again just in case.

Been a lurker for some time. Figured I might as well introduce myself. What a TON of information! Really amazing stuff!
murdoc;587341 said:
Been a lurker for some time. Figured I might as well introduce myself. What a TON of information! Really amazing stuff!

Welcome to the Brotherhood murdoc!
Hi guys!
Mine is 6x6 :)
I hope to get 8x6.
Anyway, here I am. Beginning the stretches and other things.
But guys! I'm good with the girth. Do you think I should do all the exercises?
Hope to get motivated with you, and you by me.


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rightb4yuRI's;439721 said:
Hey everyone,
Im new to the site i just joined today. i been researching pe for for awhile like alot of guys i watch �naked people movies� and always dreamed of having what all the girls want a big dick. my size is ok 7.0x5.5 I want to get up to 8.5x7.0 i just started my routine 3 days ago I cant wait to see some gains and perfect my routine.

You have a great starting size, welcome to MoS!
Hey guys! Another new guy here. My current size in erection is Girth = bit under 5 inch and lenght = Around 6 inch. I was wondering if 6 inch Girth and 7-8inch lenght is any realistic goal? How do i know i gain fast enough? whats the minimum i should gain every month?

I'm starting with low budget because i'm student. But I already have andro penis extender. <--- haven't used it yet
I guess i should start DLD and add extender to routine?
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Jonas_;587477 said:
Hey guys! Another new guy here. My current size in erection is Girth = bit under 5 inch and lenght = Around 6 inch. I was wondering if 6 inch Girth and 7-8inch lenght is any realistic goal? How do i know i gain fast enough? whats the minimum i should gain every month?

I'm starting with low budget because i'm student. But I already have andro penis extender. <--- haven't used it yet
I guess i should start DLD and add extender to routine?

Your goals are very realistic and with some smart work you can get there pretty quickly. You should definitely work your Extender into your routine, there is some great advice in the SRT Thread on Extender use , how long and what can be added to it.
Hey I have been in enlargement for about 12 years. NEVER really stuck with it. I came across the MOS program last year and decided I like what I say and to buy it. I am here like so many other members feeling insecure about my size. Which would explain why I haven’t had a bunch of sex and being a 6ft 1 265 LB black man and the stereotype that comes with that. I am here to tell the members about my routine and supplements and any advice to help me on my journey to a bigger happier me.
So over the years I have got some supplements, healing agents, and tools to help me with this combination of a routine and also some I plan on getting.
First off my current size erect 5.5 to 5.75 length(NONPRESSED) and 5.75 to almost 6 inch girth on a good day.
1st 6inch length(time frame 4 to 6 weeks)
2nd 6.5 length(timeframe 6 to 8 weeks)
3rd 7.25 inch length(Timeframe 8 to 12 weeks)
Supplements I hadn’t really done a lot though have ordered pennatropin. Looks really promising only problem with it has to be taken on an empty stomach. Also at the end of my workouts just before bed I uses Sandha oil 4 to 5 mins. Really didn’t get it for enlargement though it says so but for the healing properties and restoring the health of the penis.
1st workout
5mins cup bath
The stretching workout that is in the MOS program which is DOWN,RIGHT,LEFT ,UP @ 30 SECONDS.
20 MINS Bathmate

I HAVE HAD MY EYE ON ADS ESL40 Penis Enlarger/Stretcher Male Enhancement ADS Silicone Cup Chest System.

Though honestly I will probably get this and make it more like a belt around the waist ADS. I have had ads in the past but they seem not to be comfortable at all. I also have a stretcher that is similar like the popular ones like x4 labs with the rods on the side. Really with everything I am doing really hadn’t figured how to work this one in.

Well, members if there is any advice you could give and suggestions routine I would appreciate it.
Hello Everyone! I am here to hopefully gain some girth growth, i am happy with my length its around 8" and my girth is ranges between 5" - 5.5" i would like to try and get to 6", and if i get there and it sticks, maybe 6.5". Im new to this and not sure how it all works, but thats what the forum is here for right?
Is it possible to work on girth alone?
I have had a few problems being a bit to long in the past so i wouldn't like it to get much longer.
longjohnsilver_;588171 said:
Hello Everyone! I am here to hopefully gain some girth growth, i am happy with my length its around 8" and my girth is ranges between 5" - 5.5" i would like to try and get to 6", and if i get there and it sticks, maybe 6.5". Im new to this and not sure how it all works, but thats what the forum is here for right?
Is it possible to work on girth alone?
I have had a few problems being a bit to long in the past so i wouldn't like it to get much longer.

Welcome to the forum Brother!

You can skip stretching exercises to work strictly on girth if girth is what you are after.
Hi everyone. I am new and decided to join the brotherhood as well. The reason for that is that i feel the need of hiding my size of the penis. I never get serious with any girl either. I have bone pressed 4.9 in length(erect) and 4.7 inches EG. My first goal is to reach average size and my second would be to reach 6-7 inches in length and 5-7 in girth. I am currently doing some basic stretching and 300+ jelqs every day, i hope i will reach my goal soon :)

a quick question:
Approximately how much would i gain in length and girth in one month. I justed started to be serious about this and have a very little experience.
Leo.hon;590626 said:
Hi everyone. I am new and decided to join the brotherhood as well. The reason for that is that i feel the need of hiding my size of the penis. I never get serious with any girl either. I have bone pressed 4.9 in length(erect) and 4.7 inches EG. My first goal is to reach average size and my second would be to reach 6-7 inches in length and 5-7 in girth. I am currently doing some basic stretching and 300+ jelqs every day, i hope i will reach my goal soon :)

a quick question:
Approximately how much would i gain in length and girth in one month. I justed started to be serious about this and have a very little experience.

Welcome my friend! I am so glad you decided to come forward and ask for support. I think in a months time you could realize quite a bit of gains especially as a newbie, as this is where men gain the fastest and you initial goal is quite humble. To get to average size you need only gain about 1/2 inch in length and girth is only .25", this could be the quick newbie gains that you make the first month. You later gains should happen within 6-8 months. The beginning workout looks like the newbie routine which is where I would direct you. I also suggest you take cues from the SRT routine to make gains happen and heal quicker.
Thank you so much dld. I can actually already see some length and girth gains, i have though one problem. My foreskin is pretty tight around my penis which make my penis hurt a little bit then i pull back the foreskin. Is there any exercises for expanding the foreskin?
Leo.hon;590648 said:
Thank you so much dld. I can actually already see some length and girth gains, i have though one problem. My foreskin is pretty tight around my penis which make my penis hurt a little bit then i pull back the foreskin. Is there any exercises for expanding the foreskin?

The skin will stretch naturally over time but you can stretch skin faster using many techniques. I would take a read through the Foreskin Restoration Forum to get more specific ideas.
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