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Thanx Mike! Really appreciate it. That clears up some doubts I was beginning to have...again thanx alot man!!
SuperShaft;475152 said:
Wuddup fellas? Just joined the site but have been pe'ing off and on for a year now. Nov. 2011 I started being extremely consistent(10 missed days as of today). I'm focusing on length mainly and hoping to one day get to 9 in. so I can truly say that I have a supershaft . Still haven't had any growth that I can see on a ruler yet but I'm hopeful. I've been wearing an extender for the last 3 weeks and plan on taking no days off for the next few months until I see some gains from my manual work. Question? How many exercises per session should I do to be considered a good workout? Good luck to you all.

Sometimes it's good to take a break if you aren't gaining. Overtraining is a bad thing because your ligaments become tougher and resist being stretched. When I started Penis Enlargement, I yanked as hard as I could for like 3 full months, and I plateaued very quickly and haven't gained length in 2 months. So I am taking about a 1.5 month break for length work to allow my ligaments to soften up again. I am only working girth for now. Sometimes it's good to take the odd day off if your penis is getting over worked and you are having trouble getting a good erection. The most important thing is to make sure you increase the intensity of your workouts each time - whether it be more reps or more strength. I think the newbie routine for length here is a little intense. When I start length work again I am going to do 30 seconds of each stretch only once, then 20 A-stretches and gradually increase reps and force slowly with each session
Hi everyone. Stumbled on this great site so I decided to join. I'm a newbie to Penis Enlargement, just tried jelqing a few times, but there are some brilliant techniques and stories on here for motivation. Hoping to make good gains and get a solid routine going. Wish me luck! I hope to become more experienced with Penis Enlargement and an excepted member of this community.

Mooski;475407 said:
Hi everyone. Stumbled on this great site so I decided to join. I'm a newbie to Penis Enlargement, just tried jelqing a few times, but there are some brilliant techniques and stories on here for motivation. Hoping to make good gains and get a solid routine going. Wish me luck! I hope to become more experienced with Penis Enlargement and an excepted member of this community.


Good luck man and welcome
haha :). I'm still waitingon mine. They haven't even shipped it yet. I'll probably be waiting a while.
Tron;475455 said:
Well I just bought a damn Bathmate because of you jerks hahaah! ;) I just found the newbie routine with the Bathmate worked into it.

Here's a heads up - if you're jelqing with vaseline, wipe yourself off before entering the Bathmate so it doesn't build up in the valve.
Also, I'd do a solid 3-4 weeks of jelqing before you incorporate the Bathmate.
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MikeShlort;475623 said:
Here's a heads up - if you're jelqing with vaseline, wipe yourself off before entering the Bathmate so it doesn't build up in the valve.
Also, I'd do a solid 3-4 weeks of jelqing before you incorporate the Bathmate.

Good looking out broseph, I was going to ask about the vaseline thing because I do use that to grease myself up
I have missed the welcome wagon for about a month and I apologize. I welcome all new people and I hope you all remain tenacious and consistent to make your desires become a reality. We are an excellent forum with so much to offer, please take advantage and prosper! If I missed a question or comment please repost and I will respond.
MikeShlort;475171 said:
Sometimes it's good to take a break if you aren't gaining. Overtraining is a bad thing because your ligaments become tougher and resist being stretched. When I started Penis Enlargement, I yanked as hard as I could for like 3 full months, and I plateaued very quickly and haven't gained length in 2 months. So I am taking about a 1.5 month break for length work to allow my ligaments to soften up again. I am only working girth for now. Sometimes it's good to taoke the odd day off if your penis is getting over worked and you are having trouble getting a good erection. The most important thing is to make sure you increase the intensity of your workouts each time - whether it be more reps or more strength. I think the newbie routine for length here is a little intense. When I start length work again I am going to do 30 seconds of each stretch only once, then 20 A-stretches and gradually increase reps and force slowly with each session

Thanks my man!
Hello all! This looks like a great forum! I just recently got serious about Penis Enlargement. I bought some Naturally Huge (is it a scam? Seems to increase my nighttime erections), extender (a little over a month), jelq device, Bathmate and enlargel. My "turtled" flacid is a bit bigger, but I'm waiting awhile before I measure my erection.
I have a question about extenders. They seem to put a limit on their ads about gains. Why couldn't you gain more if you wore it every year with breaks? Good to be here!
bigdaddyhoho;476026 said:
Hello all! This looks like a great forum! I just recently got serious about Penis Enlargement. I bought some Naturally Huge (is it a scam? Seems to increase my nighttime erections), extender (a little over a month), jelq device, Bathmate and enlargel. My "turtled" flacid is a bit bigger, but I'm waiting awhile before I measure my erection.
I have a question about extenders. They seem to put a limit on their ads about gains. Why couldn't you gain more if you wore it every year with breaks? Good to be here!

DLD wrote something about extenders being best utilized after manual stretching sessions so the penis can heal in a stretched state, makes sense to me
bigdaddyhoho;476026 said:
Hello all! This looks like a great forum! I just recently got serious about Penis Enlargement. I bought some Naturally Huge (is it a scam? Seems to increase my nighttime erections), extender (a little over a month), jelq device, Bathmate and enlargel. My "turtled" flacid is a bit bigger, but I'm waiting awhile before I measure my erection.
I have a question about extenders. They seem to put a limit on their ads about gains. Why couldn't you gain more if you wore it every year with breaks? Good to be here!

About extenders...the companies don't (well the honest ones :D) make extraordinary claims because the studies done don't show extraordinary gains. You will not grow 4" in a year with an extender :D :D :D Just look up the studies to get a decent idea of what gains to actually expect if using similar force and duration. There are at least three legitimate traction studies out there to be found.

Interestingly, and the flamers may be lighting their torches on this one, look at the rate of growth during the studies. :D Growth rates typically slow as intensity, or force, is increased. LOL I guess the doctors themselves had the "body-builder" mentality when they set up the studies. You would think that they would understand mitosis but... Anyway, they didn't have the subjects increase the necessary chemical supplementation for the growing number of daughter cells and slowed down the subjects growth rate by starving the daughter cells and making the overall cell cycles last longer and longer. Oh well, they will learn. LOL :D

But the clearest correlation to overall growth of all the subject in all studies was duration of force. Even while they were all "overtraining" due to an ever more starved cell cycle, those who spent more time extended grew more. Again, for the mathy types, the cell cycle, and the mitosis part of it, that we attempt to use to increase the number of cells in our penis, is clearly represented by a geometric sequence. Time is the exponent, Force is the constant. So the sum of all cells over a give period of time is time dependent while force is almost insignificant to the final number of cells. :D Happy "stretching". :D


*Theoretically, there is no limit on how many cells that you could produce over a long period of time. However, there are limits on how much blood can be diverted to your penis. :D If you got big enough, a boner would render you unconscious. LOL*
Haha..."starving" is not really a good term, just one that I use :D. But the idea is that if you induce too many cells into mitosis at once or by using too much force, there is only a finite amount of chemicals necessary to carry the new daughter cells through the rest of the cell cycle. What happens in such an environment is that these daughter cells must stagnate in their "growth" phases of the cell cycle while "waiting" for more chemical supplies to arrive. :D This then causes the entire "conveyor belt" to slow down, leaving fewer and fewer mature parent cells available at any given time waiting to begin the cycle again, or available to be induced into mitosis.

From the studies that I have seen, yes, it appears that the doctors in their short-sightedness decided before hand to simply increase the intensity over the study period for no reason other than faulty assumptions or preconceived notions. And if looking at each phase of the studies, it is evident that the rate of growth slowed at each successive increase in intensity. So in essence, the increase in intensity, being applied arbitrarily, simply made the complete cell cycle take longer and longer. Thereby reducing the potential of maximizing the number of new cells by the end of the study period overal, decreasing the rate of growth, and taxing the chemical supply beyond its efficient level of production.

Just to be clear, I have not done enough research as to how best to tackle a supplementation regimen to match ever increasing amounts of new "daughter cells" in their growth phase. It may be that each person can only support so many daughter cells at one time, or if you like number of growing cells on the conveyor belt of a perpetual mitosis system. But I can say that there is only a finite supply of said chemicals at any give time to feed a certain amount of daughter cell's growth stages and that when the number of daughters exceeds this supply the overall cell cycle will slow down markedly and may even come to a virtual stop.

Thanks again for a great reply! I work full time and have a family, so I won't be devoting as much time as I'd like to Penis Enlargement. I hope the extender a few hours a day during the week (a lot more on weekends), Bathmate in the shower every other day (unless I should do more) and a little jelqing will work well. I started doing JAI stretches and kegels when I take a leak also. Thanks for the great info!
No worries Brother. :D Any Penis Enlargement works infinitely better than no Penis Enlargement LOL. You will see results as long as you put in the effort and time. (By the way, you will be performing much more Penis Enlargement than I, and I have seen good results.)

Ok, so I'm on week 3 of nonstop 7 day a week training (DLD says he takes no days off so I don't either), I started at 6" BPenis EnlargementL and 4.25" MSEG, I pulled out the tape today and I am 6.25" BPenis EnlargementL and 4.5" MSEG... is that even right or am I just seeing things???? my BPSFL went from 6" to 6.5"....
My routine is warm up, newbie stretches followed with 300 wet jelqs then Bathmate for 10 minutes, 5 minutes of SSJ, 10 minutes Bathmate, 5 Minutes SSJ, 10 minutes Bathmate, warm down, 100KGs followed with the 60 second hold, then testical health massage. I'm not making this shit up, I didn't even get the Bathmate till last week either. if I measure after all that I'm the same length but 4.75" girth. I just want to know what everyone else's experiences were when they just got into the Penis Enlargement stuff. DLD please feel free to chime in here because I'm not sure if this is the norm or not... I am dedicated no doubt but didn't expect this to happen that fast...
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