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Anything is possible Brother. I gained about 1/2" in flaccid hang in two weeks. Although I would have been much happier getting a 1/2" added to my erect length like you :D

Newbie gains CAN be quick as your penis is quite unconditioned and may react very quickly to the new induction of force. Just don't think that you will stay at that rate of "growth" continuously, although possible theroetically, it is not the experience of many. Hell, just be thrilled that you are gaining quickly at this stage!

Very Good! Congratulations! Use these spurts to keep you motivated during times when the growth rate SEEMS stagnant.

By the way, your workout seems quite good for a new guy, very dedicated. Keep it up!

Hi everyone, names Michael, I am new to the site and Penis Enlargement, I bought a Bathmate and hoping to get it soon, had a couple questions if you didnt mind, #1 what can I realisticly expect from this product I.E, the 20 min a day 6 week program and #2 I have read about some guys having problems, I am scared of injuring my junk and not being able to use it, if anyone would post some advice and give me some pointers I would be very grateful. Thanks guys. Michael

Hey man, I remember I measured in at 6.50 (this was from the side of my penis, which I'm not sure, but I think it's what they call npel) but anyways I measured in at 6.50. I used the extender for about 2 weeks - 1 month. When I measured the ruler read 6.75. I seconded guess myself and said to myself that I had 2 measure incorrectly. And I couldn't visually see a change in penis length so I second guessed myself and thought that I had jus measured wrong. Now tho I know that I didn't. I believe it's possible 4 many people to receive a quick quarter inch or maybe a little more because their penis get shocked because something unusual is happening to it. And that's where I think these quick .25 inch newbie gains come from for many of us. However keep in mind that was just a guess and there are people on here much more knowledgable when it comes 2 this Penis Enlargement stuff and the science behind it. But yea u probably did gain what u stated because I had a similar experience, only mine came from a penis extender instead of the Bathmate.
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Welcome to MoS Michael.
Im a newb myself that also have Bathmate, that ive been using for about 1 month now.
If your scared of getting injured during use i would recommend starting with 10min then work your way up.
There is alot of different exercises with the Bathmate, i would check those out aswell.

wifesacougar;476279 said:
Hi everyone, names Michael, I am new to the site and Penis Enlargement, I bought a Bathmate and hoping to get it soon, had a couple questions if you didnt mind, #1 what can I realisticly expect from this product I.E, the 20 min a day 6 week program and #2 I have read about some guys having problems, I am scared of injuring my junk and not being able to use it, if anyone would post some advice and give me some pointers I would be very grateful. Thanks guys. Michael

Bathmate is an amazing product. I've gained .4" girth in 1.5 months with it. incorporate wet jelqs and other manual exercises with pumping to get great results. Let me know if you'd like to read my routine.
Main thing with Bathmate and Penis Enlargement in general is increase intensity gradually.
for example, start with 300 jelqs, 5 min pumped, then 200 slow hard jelqs, then 5 min pumped for your first day, then add 5 or 10 jelqs each day with an extra 15 seconds or 30 seconds in the Bathmate
After a week or two pump that sucker as hard as it gets. Then clamp off your balls and penis to keep the pump. I use a bathrobe cord to tie off and sleep with it tied off, have a pump all night and for a good part of the morning after I take it off.
The idea with girth work is to keep your penis pumped or swollen for as long as possible.
Avoid ejaculation. Makes the penis shrink and get weak
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Tron;476232 said:
Ok, so I'm on week 3 of nonstop 7 day a week training (DLD says he takes no days off so I don't either), I started at 6" BPenis EnlargementL and 4.25" MSEG, I pulled out the tape today and I am 6.25" BPenis EnlargementL and 4.5" MSEG... is that even right or am I just seeing things???? my BPSFL went from 6" to 6.5"....
My routine is warm up, newbie stretches followed with 300 wet jelqs then Bathmate for 10 minutes, 5 minutes of SSJ, 10 minutes Bathmate, 5 Minutes SSJ, 10 minutes Bathmate, warm down, 100KGs followed with the 60 second hold, then testical health massage. I'm not making this shit up, I didn't even get the Bathmate till last week either. if I measure after all that I'm the same length but 4.75" girth. I just want to know what everyone else's experiences were when they just got into the Penis Enlargement stuff. DLD please feel free to chime in here because I'm not sure if this is the norm or not... I am dedicated no doubt but didn't expect this to happen that fast...

That's a pretty intense routine for a beginner.
Make sure you don't over train length work and make your ligaments toughen up, or else you could possibly make it very very tough to gain.
I had to take a 2 month break from length work due to no gains because when I started Penis Enlargement i yanked as hard as I could and did way too long of a length session each night, I believe my gains stopped from ligaments toughening up.
That's just my theory, but congrats, I'm so glad to hear things are going well. I remember how concerned you were when you started at this forum and I understand how you felt.
I've been successful so far by starting with a workable routine, and adding a couple reps with a bit more intensity each night. I've read many sources that encourage this approach, and I have also found success using this method with weight lifting.
Listen to your body clues. It will tell you when slowing down/taking a day off is necessary for gains.
The most important part is that you keep at it daily. Even if you run into a problem with one part of Penis Enlargement, keep doing the exercises that still are keeping you gaining in other ways as you figure out the tricky parts.
Good luck and great to hear you're gaining :)
iGottaGetBigger;476283 said:

Hey man, I remember I measured in at 6.50 (this was from the side of my penis, which I'm not sure, but I think it's what they call npel) but anyways I measured in at 6.50. I used the extender for about 2 weeks - 1 month. When I measured the ruler read 6.75. I seconded guess myself and said to myself that I had 2 measure incorrectly. And I couldn't visually see a change in penis length so I second guessed myself and thought that I had jus measured wrong. Now tho I know that I didn't. I believe it's possible 4 many people to receive a quick quarter inch or maybe a little more because their penis get shocked because something unusual is happening to it. And that's where I think these quick .25 inch newbie gains come from for many of us. However keep in mind that was just a guess and there are people on here much more knowledgable when it comes 2 this Penis Enlargement stuff and the science behind it. But yea u probably did gain what u stated because I had a similar experience, only mine came from a penis extender instead of the Bathmate.

I think a great deal of the initial gains are due to increased erection quality from the exercises.
Hey guys. So glad yur all here. So I have been reading for awhile and figured it was time to join the brotherhood. I started dabbling in Penis Enlargement about 3 months ago but have been going seriously for about a month. I was wondering if someone can recommend a routine. I'm 5" BPenis EnlargementL (did I say that right). You guys that are 7+ dont know how blessed you are. It sucks avoiding intimacy cause your not confident. I'm decent looking and have no problems getting women but would be so much more confident if I had another inch or 2. I have a gf now who loves the sex but I still don't feel good about my size and thats what it's all about right?
endinsight;476768 said:
Hey guys. So glad yur all here. So I have been reading for awhile and figured it was time to join the brotherhood. I started dabbling in Penis Enlargement about 3 months ago but have been going seriously for about a month. I was wondering if someone can recommend a routine. I'm 5" BPenis EnlargementL (did I say that right). You guys that are 7+ dont know how blessed you are. It sucks avoiding intimacy cause your not confident. I'm decent looking and have no problems getting women but would be so much more confident if I had another inch or 2. I have a gf now who loves the sex but I still don't feel good about my size and thats what it's all about right?

You should feel blessed that you have no problems getting women.
Stick to these routines and you'll gain.
Good luck
Hey Bro, I think WE all want that extra inch or two, but saying that its making love time feel weird for a lack of a better term sound scary, your dick is NOT the end all of your lovin skills or why she would want to be with you, yeah its important man, but at 5" average is WAY better than 2" or 3" and there are many guys who have TINY pricks,my wife told me about a guy she dated and he was as big as her middle finger, I was like are you fucking kidding me and she said no he was small, well that day I was struttin around, hahahahahahah but to the point what you say is scary, if she cares she will LOVE your dick and YOU, but im with you on making it bigger we just have to keep that shit in persceptive, im doing it to give her the most I can and she's all for it, will she leave me if I only grow a 1/4 inch? hell no, shit she was bitchin I even did it to begin with, my point is if she loves you, a bigger dick will offer nothing more than more icying to an already sweet cake. get me bro?enjoy her and she will enjoy you. later.......
endinsight;476768 said:
Hey guys. So glad yur all here. So I have been reading for awhile and figured it was time to join the brotherhood. I started dabbling in Penis Enlargement about 3 months ago but have been going seriously for about a month. I was wondering if someone can recommend a routine. I'm 5" BPenis EnlargementL (did I say that right). You guys that are 7+ dont know how blessed you are. It sucks avoiding intimacy cause your not confident. I'm decent looking and have no problems getting women but would be so much more confident if I had another inch or 2. I have a gf now who loves the sex but I still don't feel good about my size and thats what it's all about right?

Don't stress Brother, you will get bigger if you follow basically any routine at all. The body adapts to stress period. It is a wonderful biological machine. If you need inspiration for a "tiny guy". Check out my progress thread. I am "small" and am gaining quite nicely, even though I am very untraditional or "erratic".

The only way that you won't grow, is if you don't try. :D

Hello everyone,

I'm on here to give Penis Enlargement another try. I tried Penis Enlargement about 8 years ago. I did it for a month, and saw no change. I got discouraged and quit. This time I want to stick to it no matter how long it will take.

I guess I'm what someone would call average BPenis EnlargementL 5.5. Though, I do have a factor against me, I am overweight. I weigh around 280 (my height is 5'9"). So, I'm 80 or so pounds overweight. I have read on a few health related websites that for every 20 pounds a person is overweight, it hides an inch of the penis (I guess that would be the flaccid length)?

So, flaccid not really sure how to stretch it to measure it, what I get is 2 inches or so. I'm on a diet and had been on a fitness program until recently when I broke my foot getting ready for a Karate tournament. Went for a side kick in our small living room, and landed it wrong; on the side of my foot. So all I can do is continue my diet.

I figured while I'm losing weight and getting in shape, that I should begin Penis Enlargement again. I am engaged, and my fiance says she is pleased with my size, but I have never been. I've always wanted to be around 8 inches. So, hopefully with the tips and routines here will help me in my journey to the size I've always dreamed about being.

I'd like to gain the 2.5 inches I need to reach my goal of 8. Any help with this since I am so new at this would greatly be appreciated.

I wish everyone here the best of luck and thank you for having a site like this that is so full of information.

Extreme Wilson
Hey everybody! I've been reading around the forums for the past few weeks, but today was my first official day of Penis Enlargement. The name's SunOfA_Beach, and I hope that this works out well for me. I'm 5.75" BPenis EnlargementL X 4.75" EG. I'm pretty much the average of average penises, although I've never had a complaint in the sack. I know how to use what I've got, haha. Anyways, I'd like to be 9" NBPenis EnlargementL or I'm guessing 8.5" BPenis EnlargementL X 6.5" EG (from what I've read this is the perfect pleaser), but if I get addicted and gains keep coming I may not be able to stop. I injured myself a while back from misinformation on another forum on my first week in Penis Enlargement, and dropped it a few years back, but I'm ready to try again... slowly this time. I've just ordered the SizeGenetics Extender, Bathmate X-40, and Male Extra pills, along with getting the membership to the site and DVD's. I will be going all out, but for starters I'll be using the bare essentials, my hands. When I gain I want to do it in the most efficient way known possible. Wish me luck, and I hope all your goals are met too!
Extreme Wilson;476838 said:
Hello everyone,

I'm on here to give Penis Enlargement another try. I tried Penis Enlargement about 8 years ago. I did it for a month, and saw no change. I got discouraged and quit. This time I want to stick to it no matter how long it will take.

I guess I'm what someone would call average BPenis EnlargementL 5.5. Though, I do have a factor against me, I am overweight. I weigh around 280 (my height is 5'9"). So, I'm 80 or so pounds overweight. I have read on a few health related websites that for every 20 pounds a person is overweight, it hides an inch of the penis (I guess that would be the flaccid length)?

So, flaccid not really sure how to stretch it to measure it, what I get is 2 inches or so. I'm on a diet and had been on a fitness program until recently when I broke my foot getting ready for a Karate tournament. Went for a side kick in our small living room, and landed it wrong; on the side of my foot. So all I can do is continue my diet.

I figured while I'm losing weight and getting in shape, that I should begin Penis Enlargement again. I am engaged, and my fiance says she is pleased with my size, but I have never been. I've always wanted to be around 8 inches. So, hopefully with the tips and routines here will help me in my journey to the size I've always dreamed about being.

I'd like to gain the 2.5 inches I need to reach my goal of 8. Any help with this since I am so new at this would greatly be appreciated.

I wish everyone here the best of luck and thank you for having a site like this that is so full of information.

Extreme Wilson

If there is any way you can get on an exercise bike with minimal pressure on your foot that'll help you lose weight.
When you heal though you'll have to go very hard to lose it. 30 minutes pushing it cardio per day at least.
While you're laid up, Penis Enlargement everyday. The Penis Enlargement will make your erections strong as well, even if you aren't able to exercise much now to help that.
Good luck!
Yo fellaz is precum normal during and after jelqing? Just wondering cuz I hope I'm not doing something wrong!!
Again, WOW! So many new guys, so many new friends! I appreciate your coming out and becoming part of the brotherhood, it is a big step but you will gain much. I wish you all the best of luck and a joyful jorney! If you need anything please ask, live, learn and prosper!
Been peing off and on for a few years and now I'm looking to get back into it and try some devices along with jelqing this time around to gain about an inch in length and an inch in girth and hoping to fully reach my goals this time around.
Hi everyone! Sorry in advance for my bad english. I'm and italian guy, 39 y.o., my lifestyle isn't very healty, because I do a sedentary life (I'm a guitarist), overweight and I smoke. Started with P.E. an year ago. Unfortunately I'm very hard gained, only 1 cm=0,4 inches in lenght and 0,5 cm=0,2 inches in girth. Now I'm doing the newbie MoS routine....DLD is a Guru:) hope to gain with his advice and yours.
famelico;477159 said:
Hi everyone! Sorry in advance for my bad english. I'm and italian guy, 39 y.o., my lifestyle isn't very healty, because I do a sedentary life (I'm a guitarist), overweight and I smoke. Started with P.E. an year ago. Unfortunately I'm very hard gained, only 1 cm=0,4 inches in lenght and 0,5 cm=0,2 inches in girth. Now I'm doing the newbie MoS routine....DLD is a Guru:) hope to gain with his advice and yours.

Get a Bathmate.. you'll gain girth
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