
  1. S

    How to convert BPFSL to BPEL?

    Any advice on converting BPFSL to BPEL? My BPFSL is at 6.5 and I would LOVE to convert this to my BPEL!
  2. T

    Long Read. Suffered ED at young age from PE but Fighting back for size! Not all bad!

    Hi guys. I would like to tell my story. Many years ago, about 10, I found out about PE. I had a normal penis and was a healthy, spry, 18 year old horny teen. One day, I read about jelqing and I quickly sort of jumped right in. An hour later, I was erect jelqing, my eyes could not believe the...
  3. A

    Seeking direction.

    In the past few weeks, I've been investing in gear for a total P.E. gym so that I can set upon an advanced daily regimen. I am hoping I can garner some quality input on structuring a routine with what gear I currently have but also am very interested in being introduced to others so that I can...
  4. Q

    Have I been doing stretches wrong the whole time?

    After a little browsing and reading here it has dawned on me that stretching means elongating. People always say it's about consistency, not intensity, but I haven't really gained much with just a little pulling. So I tried pulling harder than usual and I could actually see my flaccid getting...
  5. K

    My current workout

    I'm not faithful to pe as I should and sometimes go weeks without doing any pe. No reason why but now I'm going to be dedicated and so far one solid week in the books. My current routine is 5 minutes in Bathmate then do 150 jelqs. I repeat this 3 times and at the end do 10 minutes of...
  6. B

    Maximum Gains From Only Jelqing

    Hi Everyone, I haven't posted here in quite a while because I've been trying to handle other areas of my life. I recently began wet jelqing about 18 minutes a day and the previous gains I had came back in no time (about one month). My plan for now is to continue to wet jelq indefinitely...
  7. C

    I need to stop doing so many Bundled Stretches

    My current routine follows the Newbie Routine - 1 round by hand and 2 rounds at 45s each stretch with LM. I was doing all my LM stretches bundled, usually just half a turn, and thought I was doing good. Turns out I haven't been getting good stretches. At the end of my stretching a few nights...
  8. C

    Looking forward to this!

    Hello all, Been lurking here for a week and thought I'd join to keep me motivated and going. Essentially this came about quite recently where I just wanted to get bigger, I'm currently BPEL 6" x EG 5". I'd love to get up to 8" x 6" of course. Heck I'd be happy with 7" x 6". I'm going on...
  9. K

    Uncle Jim's Wrap vs. Phallosan

    Hey Brotherhood, The question is, if the goal is to stay extended after a PE session using Uncle Jim's Wrap, could you just use the Phallosan to stay extended instead of the wrap? Thanks!
  10. B

    The Girlfriend says thanks for helping me get to 6 1/2 x 5 inches

    she said tell you all thanks, now she has a dick she cant get enough of and wants more, she said I have been the best shes been with, we fucked for hours last night, so much I kept her screaming, below are some pics with a measurements.
  11. B

    can penis grow just with devices?

    hey, can the penis grow just with devices like phollosan, BM or SG, and without Jelq and streching with LM and manual? i have problem to do streching. my flaccid is really small is 2.5inches and all the skin is based near the glans, when i try to pull it , it really hurt in the skin, will baby...
  12. D

    Reducing fluid retention when doing girth

    Hey guys. I am currently doing 100 jelqs followed by 60s of SSJ for a total duration of 30 minutes. I started at 15 and worked up. Recently I have been getting a lot of fluid build up on the underside of the penis just below the head. Admittedly I have reduced my jelqs and increased my time...
  13. 7

    Pe didnt seem to work for me

    whats up guys! first time poster here but im no newbie to pe. ive trying manual pe ( stretch and jelq), for many years but only now im doing it consistenly (5 times a week for almost 10 months). I havent been able to made a single gain in lenght or in girth... My eq was never very bad, but...
  14. S

    Best exercises for girth and length?

    I know there are 100's of exercises out there but i wanna know the exercises which are the ABSOLUTE BEST! What do you think are the best exercises for girth? AND What do you think are the best exercises for length? Cheers mates! Also feel free to include any devices!!
  15. T

    Penis is getting harder to stretch

    So my routine has been 40 minutes hanging 5 min tunica and than newbie routine stretching and than 40 minutes hanging. 10 minute jelqing than cool down. Ive been doing this 6 days on 1 day off for the last 4 weeks going on 5 weeks. But this week Ive noticed my penis is getting tougher to...
  16. B

    most effective exercises for tunica/ligaments/inner penis?

    whats up brothers so my question is : what are the most effective length exercises for the ligaments , and for the tunica , and for the inner penis separately?
  17. A

    PE sessions becoming somthing else

    Although i could ask this question in my other thread, but i guess it requires its own topic. I do PE but i cant control myself at rewarding myself at the end of each session, sometimes i ejaculate during the session and this brings an end to it. I do stretching first and then bring myself to...
  18. A

    Pushing to limits?

    Hi, Ive been doing PE for some years, but never consistantly. Now i am back to it and doing great , feeling great :). I always got this feeling that my penis can take a lot of beating. Somehow my penis perfoms better and take more stressful PE. Probably because when i started some years ago i...
  19. DutchAthletic92

    Bundled stretches before jelqing &before stretching

    Hi MOS, Should I do a bundled stretch session before jelqing and one before stretching? I'm going to incorporate jelqing :) It seems that my smooth muscle is holding me back in the length department. I had a 2,5 week break, but now i'm going continue my routine *All stretches will be...
  20. C

    To wrap or not to wrap, that is the question

    The other night I was getting frustrated with my wrapping. I'd wrap okay but halfway through Round 1 of stretches my penis would want a break. The wrap would just push against the head and be uncomfortable. I'd be clamped in super tight and turning the head purple. Sometimes I'd get a great...
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