
  1. R

    Top of Penis Only Shows Growth?!?

    Hello, I've been PE'ing on and off for over 10 years with positive results. I've noticed however that all my gains in length came on the top side of the penis as opposed to the bottom side (scrotum to glands). Is this normal? I noticed while viewing from the side it's very evident...
  2. megamike

    various ball hang

    guys,is there any reason why my balls get sucked up during sleep,but hang normally throughout the day?
  3. S

    Burning sensation when stretching?

    So I have been PEing for a while now and I always start a session with the basic stretching in DLD's newbie routine. Although I never did the behind the cheeks stretches cause my penis was too short and I was never able to perform the stretch effectively. Up until recently, I started doing...
  4. X

    Study: tunica strength / deformation

    Hey guy, I stumbled upon a cool study that some of the theory/ science guys around here might like. It's a study about the tunica of the penis regarding its tensile strength AND at what point the tunica will give in to deformation. This is the holy grail goal of PE IMO (figuring out exactly what...
  5. S

    Odd question for experts

    I'm not masturbating for now, is there a way to gain girth without doing erect exercises? Just wondering
  6. S

    Brand new here trying to find out info

    Hey guys so from what I've gathered so far I know NOTHING of this topic beyond what it is meant to achieve. In any sense what Im looking for is the recommended ways to go about increasing both length and girth. Unfortunately while I want to do this time is a bit of an issue with a bastard of a...
  7. M

    Manual P.E or Device

    Dear Brothers, Question is which one is better more effective.... Manual Stretching or Using an Extender Manual Girth PE or Bathmate
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