penis growth

  1. H

    The hormones you need to know

    If you want to grow your penis, you need DHT gel, and maybe IGF1 which is not available. I don't know if these will actually grow your penis, but please read more. I will post links to studies soon, though they are easy to find with google. To understand why your penis is not growing now, you...
  2. S

    Angiogenisis and insulin

    I found this information on angiogenisis and hypoxia and thought it could prove relevant to penis enlargement. The timing of our Penis Enlargement exercises with an elevation in insulin, combined with controlled hypoxia...
  3. A

    size seems relative after a while

    I am almost to my goal on length. Fairly close to goal on girth. Once you get within 1/4" to 1/8" of your goal it seems like the difference won't matter that much. Will my gal notice that it's almost 8" or 8" long? I doubt it. Will she notice my girth gains? I doubt it. 5.5 to 5 3/4...
  4. E

    Elastin & Collagen

    Hello i am new and i hope i am in the right section and that my question is not naive.Has anyone tried elastin and colllagen containing creams like the ones that women use in their face? Wouldnt long term usage of such things provide the penis with a greater capacity to stretch? Though i must...
  5. DLD

    Going to Start Active PE Again

    As many of you know I have been retired from active Penis Enlargement for more than a year or more. I stopped for a few reasons. I felt as though I was big enough, I also felt it was time to get my head into something new and this led to me stopping, with the exception of creating new...
  6. S

    Newbie Here (salutations And Questions)

    HELLO EVERYONE! I am completely psyched to be here. First off, let me say that this is an absolutely wonderful place. So many men around the world have insecurities and issues regarding their size, how to enlarge safely, etc., and from what it looks like, this forum is the place to be. Thanks...
  7. L

    Supplements I Will Try to Enlarge My Penis

    By what I read on the penis bible website and post I came up with what I will start supplementing with as I am definately not going to spend 129 bucks for some guide to tell me to supplemnet with. These are the supplements I will use to see if I can get penis growth from and also see if I can...
  8. D

    Natural Growers, what was your diet to make it grow?

    Hi guys, This question is for those whose penises grew naturally. What was your diet when your dick started to grow by itself? I found that soy products should be avoided because they are proven in Asians to make their dicks small. I could post my story if you would like me to. I now know...
  9. E

    Hey! where to buy cheap " Penis Growth Oil"???

    Hi all! where to buy cheap " Penis Growth Oil"?! Strange name, but Im REALLY need it! Help!!!
  10. C

    Thoughts on hypnosis, wondering if anyone given this a try & seen results

    Has anyone really seen any results? I've seen lots of chatter about it, and one person saying he gained something ridiculous like .75 inches in 18days. Sounded like complete BS. Has anyone else had any results? There are a lot of people who are skeptical and others who are just curious if...
  11. J

    The "Penis Bible"

    So whos gonna take one for the team and find out what this program is all about?
  12. S

    Andractim and Finasteride Combination. A newbie needs your help!!!

    Let’s cut to the chase! I’ve got a traction device, a power jelq, and two tubes of Andractim(DHT). I Penis Enlargement’d a few years ago, I was able to get some halfway decent gains, but due to certain circumstances I “fell off the horse” and have been desperately trying to regain my footing and...
  13. gymjohn

    Cell growth and a Video

    Hey dudes. Basically I wanted to start a thread to get people's opinions on how growth occurs in the penis. I was talking to some people in the thread about the guy who says he grew 2 inches in 2 months from 300 jelqs per week (or something like that). All I can go on is my own personal...
  14. S

    My Ex Gf Fucked Jon Davis From Korn & I wanted too

    she did it, and after tellin me she loved me and everything. broke my fuckin heart, sent me the audios of them fuckin too. very nice of her, pissed me off beyond belief. however she forgot that its confidential. and i have the convo to prove that she did it, and i want the world to know. if...
  15. hotrodtodd1968

    Lots of Sex to Enlarge?

    Just wondering - if having sex 5 times a day, for an hour each time, every day, holding on to the edge just before you go as long as you can - if that would increase your size. No, it's not a joke.
  16. K


    long ago ive had this idea and now after reading alot about pe ive remembered it and i again find it quite interesting. basically i think that sleeping with no underwear can help penis growth. its because when we sleep is the only time when we are not obliged to wear something (walking in the...
  17. D

    PE Recovery

    Any of you guys ever use a product called NUBOUND i use to use it all the time in college when lifting heavy and I had great results on growth and recovery, I'm thinking of trying during Penis Enlargement to see if gains will be quicker, it's mainly for helping cell repair/recovery I know when I...
  18. GashKing

    When is a man at his peak in cock size ?

    When is a man at his peak for cock growth - when you cock is done growing. Like by what age do you stop growing (without Penis Enlargement). Is it easier to grow/gain at a certain age ? Can it be over come by doing Penis Enlargement .
  19. PumpinPeter

    Warming the penis-really important???

    There is a penis growth site, (no this is not spam) that promotes two different growth programs (although they seem similar to me). The one thing that caught my attention was how they stressed the importance of "warming up the suspensory ligament" to promote growth. In the...
  20. G

    exploding penis girth routine!!!

    8:00 oclock morning: 300 wet jelqs at 85% erection for 3 second each. then put on the ring of power for the next 5 hours. 12:00- eat healthy and take 2000mg of vitamin c +1000 mg of l-arginine. 4 oclock :3 sets of clamping for 10 minutes each and wear the ring of power for 2 hours after...
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