penis growth

  1. G

    What is it that makes the penis grow during puberty?

    Now, the title itselfs asks the question. But to be specific! - What is it that makes the penis grow during puberty? I know its genes and bla bla. But which hormones and stuff gets it to grow? which other factors are in play? Some of you gurus should know this :)
  2. slutbuster24

    Dickster Subliminal penis growth mp3 If anyones interested Im selling this $55 mp3 for $20 So far its pretty good and really gets the testosterone flowing. Im going to keep testing it.
  3. R

    Name the best dating Guru's, books, sites and other stuff

    Okay we could all do with a hand sometimes, more so than others and I do fall into that category now since I have literally collapsed off the wagon :s Name Guru's, books, DVD's, sites and anything else you can that helps and guides men on seduction, dateing, body language etc etc and why you...

    Health & environmental news you can actually use

    The Environmental Working Group; good, solid useful info for the continued health & safety of you and your family. Of particular interest are the harmful effects of common household chemicals and plastics on the development of your male childs masculinity and fertility.
  5. U

    Anyone have any experience with Propecia (Hair loss drug)?

    Hi guys, I know this probably isn't the best forum section to put this thread in, but I was pretty sure this section gets the most amount of attention, so I decided to put it here. Mods can move it if you really need to. I was just prescribed Proscar (Propecia) to stop my hair loss (I Am...
  6. KingCobra

    Penile tissue memory

    I'm questioning myself if the theory of "muscle memory" is also valid for Penile tissue? Consider this: When weight training, muscle mass increases. If you got to a certain level of mass and then stop training for lets say a 1/2 year. After that time you will start again with building mass...
  7. P

    PE and gear

    Ok, anyone using gear and have all the free T and GH floating around prior to PCT find it helping in their Penis Enlargement efforts? Inquiring minds want to know. cheers! Penis Enlargements
  8. slutbuster24

    I just started taking this stuff It has testosterone, hgh, igf-1,dhea, tribulus, and other herbs and extracts in it. You rub the cream on thin skinned parts of your body. I have a two month supply. It makes me horny as a mother effer.
  9. I

    Can jelqing grow extra skin?

    I think I read that jelqing can grow some skin. I was circumsized and Id be interested in stretching and getting some extra skin. When I jelq, I try and push as much skin forward over my glans. Lately, I feel like Im slighly growing some new skin, and when I dont jelq for 2 or 3 days my skin...
  10. I

    hair growing on shaft?

    so i got hair growing on the shaft of my dick, it makes my dick look wierd. am i the only one with this bullshit? is there any way i can get rid of it? i pluck the lil fuckers but they always grow back.
  11. Y

    Testosterone effects on penis size? I'm confused. I've been told if you boost your testosterone with supplements, your penis shrinks or balls shrink but in the link above, the subjects used cream that increased their tesstosterone levels and their penis size increased. Doesn't steriods...
  12. B

    thepenisbible :section of penis growth

    im getting really ticked off frm this guy frm not relpying to my emails bcus i cannot view the penisbible any more and i dint pay 129 dollars to only see the dam thing once, il be posting the supplements shortly.
  13. thicker79

    Supplement Suggestions/Advice ???

    With getting more serious with Penis Enlargement I had purchased some stuff and want to get some feedback. Vitamin E- I heard its good as a blood thinner if I remember correctly, i have read 1) to take it orally or 2) to actually apply the liquid from the caplet to the penis, not sure which...
  14. E

    any1 aged 19 - 23

    i want to know whos the youngest memeber in this forums..i hav just turned 20 dis july..and i am still goin through my sessions normally at nights when i have time to me myself...( in my kitchen, mwaaahahaha) ...but im hopin 2 do 2 sessions a day instead of like 2 kno if thers...
  15. Girth Hammer

    What is rest worth?

    There alot of guys who Penis Enlargement daily. Some have days off alot. Some take breaks for weeks or a full month and have had gains with this. I have a long history of weight training so I fully understand the "grow when you rest" stuff. I dont want to throw myself in a ditch by taking days...
  16. Girth Hammer

    Is Busting Nuts,busting Your Gains?

    Now I hear ALOT of different view on busting nuts. Some say once a day is OK. Other say as long as your not messing with stuff in your personal life you can do it much as possible. Some doctors say limit them 2-3 times a week. Me personal I might bust 3-6 times a week.I hear that some of the...
  17. K


    which supplements 2 take for penis growth
  18. C

    TiTan Penis Growth Assistant Pills

    I know there like 60 pills in the bottle i was wondering does it take 2 pills at the same time after the meal? or does it take one in the afternoon and then at night? does it required with meal? or just drink water?
  19. D

    The Fastest Gaining Routines

    Hi Guys...... It will be very interesting if everyone on the forum explains their fastest gaining routine. 1 - YOUR METHOD ( type of jelqing, stretching, etc) 2 - YOUR GAIN (cm - inches) 3 - HOW LONG IT TOOK YOU (weeks,months,year) I HOPenis Enlargement THIS THREAD REVEALS THE BEST...
  20. E

    I lost almost 2 inches!

    Whats up guys, I'm new to the forum. I'm excited about what DLD has put together with this program. I know it may sound crazy but I lost damn near 2 inches on my dick! Just wondering if anyone can give feedback on how this happens, but I know I'm not fucking crazy! Growing up, my pops...
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