penis growth

  1. R

    My pumping results and hopes

    Well I decieded to post. I bought a pump a long time ago, maybe 4 years ago. I was 5.1 inches long and 4.5 girth. I used it 4-6 times a week for 7 or 8 months. I did not do any Penis Enlargement, streaching, or pills. I did grow! After that period of time I reached 5.625 x 4.75. That's...
  2. DLD

    (FROM MY BLOG) Stretching The Penis for Natural Length Enlargement

    Stretching The Penis for Natural Length Enlargement Upon a search in GOOGLE on gaining penis length one would be met with thousands of searches found on pills, pumps, creams and equipment. If you spend enough time researching your results you may run into natural penis enlargement, the...
  3. S


    Do Vimax Pills Acctually Work, They say In 4Months, By just taking these pills reg, You will gain around 3'' Penis EnlargementRMANENTLY. True Or False? And Is this Vimax Excersize Thing thats just come out Anygood? FeedBack Please. Im Around 7-8'' Now Currently Going for 10'' Thanks.
  4. C

    is there a coorelation of Penis size in regards to a persons height?

    I am curious as to whether or not there is a coorelation of penis size and how tall guy is. I have seen some tall men with small endowments and some short fellows with rather large endowments. I myself am not extremely tall (5'!0"), but not exactly short either! My penis is 7.5" with a...
  5. S

    jacking off after PE session

    I was at the end of my jelqing session when I just couldn't take it anymore and had to jerk it :blush: ...I know theres a thread somewhere about masturbation during Penis Enlargement seesions, but i just wanted to know your guys opinions again if there are negative sides to masturbating after a...
  6. wannagrow4real

    DLD apears in a Dutch science magazine :D

    Here's a scan from a page that appeared in a Dutch science magazine called Quest. I've highlighted DLD's part/ I've tried to translate it the best I could: Do penis enlargement pills work or not? Why do you think the advertisement of these pills is always being send though SPAM? Because...
  7. J

    When does the Penis stop growing?

    Okay when I was 16 years old my penis was 6.9 inches in length and 5.3 in width and I'm still that now in the age of 18. And I don't think I'm fully done with puberty seeing that I still kinda sound like a teenager and still look young. Does anyone know what age you stop growing? And is it...
  8. B

    Androgenic Steroid On Size

    I have been reading around that the cause of penis growth during puberty is the androgenic effects of testosterone and DHT. When i was young i dabbled around with the dark side stuff, but never any serious cycles. Yes, im sure we've all done things we regret. But onto my question, if i had done...
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