Hey Al,

1. Like I said in the last posting (you actually quoted me on it in the next response!): "This goes out NOT to Big Al, but for everyone else who is reading: I don't care WHAT forum you post pics on, if you are a Penis Enlargementer and you are doing it to HELP people, I support you, no matter HOW you take the pictures. I'm serious."

See, (and now more than ever I see how much IN AGREEMENT we are, which is awesome and now this wave of mutual understanding needs to be ridden by us so we can figure out a way to make this kind of measuring and pic taking a usual thing: I will be glad to do it first), here's what confuses me:

1. You say "I stated that there were a lot of credible before and after pics and that many of them should come close to your criteria. The fact that they don't fit all of your specific criteria shouldn't invalidate them or be met with such criticism. In my opinion, as long as the before and after pictures are measured consistently for each pic, it's a valid testimonial." YET then state "The arrogance is in your demand that everyone else do so and that it's the defacto standard just because it's the method that you've adopted. How about measuring from the side. Or NBPenis Enlargement (many, including some health professionals, consider that method to be the only way to measure). Or flaccid stretched. Some men even measure along the underside, although most of us consider that "cheating". I've even heard of guys measuring using water displacement, which would actually be the best method for showing total volumetric gains (if done correctly). They all have their place and each measures a different aspect of progress. If you're content if measuring in just one fashion, more power to you." AND THEN STATE RIGHT AFTER THIS: "Erect bone pressed measurement pics are the best because they show the best proof of real gains."

I'm seriously confused. No joking around and no getting pissy; REALLY confused. The Defacto Standard? MY Standard?

DLD and anyone who has a penis knows about how MUCH of your cock can go into someone knows it all stops at that public bone. Everyone in the Penis Enlargement community knows this for sure. You yourself just admitted it it's the "best" (meaning MOST ACCURATE, RIGHT, CORRECT, etc.).

So why would you bring up all these other known methods of measuring when, even IF those folks who took those pics were in earnest, knew that the ULTIMATE way of measuring is BPenis EnlargementL? I can go ;)Frank Zappa:p on many different types of measurements. I can come up with so many that we could have a great laugh over it all, come up with ALL different types of numbers. And I could get others, unknowingly, to do the same, MANY others (just like people are conned by these full of shit �naked people movies� stars who get "measured" like in Bang Bros where they look 11" but they're really BPenis EnlargementL 7" or 8"). But, no matter what I do and what numbers I give, I'm not doing the appropriate measurement. You obviously, and rightly so, agree to this.

NOW, I WILL say that it is very possible that people sometimes see others taking pics at less than accurate angles (I will leave out negative words like 'bogus', 'incorrect' and 'deceptive' because you've already, even after I explained how seriously caring my intentions were, accused me of "alienating what other people have done in this community by claiming their pics aren't good enough") and then assume that's the way to do it. Some people are just inept, many are earnest, etc. And yes, there are a select few who are wasting everyone's time.

You and I and everyone obviously needs to correct this. If we want to bring Penis Enlargement out of the underground, THIS is the first step. Young men watching �naked people movies� will KNOW when these "huge" guys are measured incorrectly that they are obviously hiding something and that will help DRAMATICALLY their psyches. That's just one positive in what should be millions of them if everyone here took BPenis EnlargementL's. I am embarking on a huge mission, getting 2" legit BPenis EnlargementL inches out of me, and now I'm even more stoked to do it.

2. "We'll accomplish a lot more by working together than by getting upset over what's essentially a trivial topic."


Show of honest hands: Who here thinks that THIS TOPIC, and I'm especially looking for feedback from serious Penis Enlargementers, is a "trivial" topic? Namely, finding a uniform way of doing precise measurements for yourself, the Penis Enlargement community and skeptics? Or why it is that there are so few accurate examples following what even Al has admitted is the "best" way to measure? LILI9ZERO doesn't think its trivial. I know for SURE DLD doesn't think its trivial, and he started this whole world of exercise and goal achieving and support.

Do YOU, Big Al, REALLY think this is all trivial?

3. "To show progress, they should be measured in all images at the same angle, from the same position, and using the same measuring device each time for maximum consistency. I've even seen some pics with coins or other common objects next to the ruler for references. That would further strengthen the evidence. Clarity and good lighting should also be sought after, but that can be affected by the quality of the equipment, the photographic environment, and the computer program the images are saved to. You should make the image reasonably large to get the entire penis in one shot and to avoid having the image degrade too much from the upload. I also advise measuring with a cloth tape measure as opposed to a ruler so that you get a more accurate reading by measuring along the curve. Using Vaseline or similarly viscous lube should help the tape stick. From dealing with numerous clients, I've learned from them that the best pics are taken with a programmable camera that allows you to use both your hands (for measuring and positioning) or by someone else to take the pic for you while you're setting up."

Fantastic advice from a pro. Make it as difficult as possible for anyone to deny your gains.

Al, if you email me the link to the obscene forum (I think I can handle it), I promise not to show it to ANYONE. And if you are ever down for scheming a plan of attack to help the Penis Enlargement community break open further publicly with me, I would be glad to speak with you! You TOO DLD (although I am wondering if he is reading these; I hope so and, no matter what he has to say, or show us, he will write!).


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spinner2;327164 said:
For 2" growth before and after pictures go to �other PE site� and search for Bennet8.

Just did, three times, in the Advanced Search form. This message: "Invalid User specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the weBathmateaster" came up. Is bennet8 the correct spelling? I went to www.thundersplace.org
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lili9zero;327159 said:
All this back and forth, yet there is not a single honest, non-tampered, accurately measured picture to back up claims made by those who say they've gained 2"-4". Why are members so easily persuaded when there isn't any evidence for these claims?

I believe Penis Enlargement is a good thing and have been doing it many years. It has strengthen my cock, got it a little bigger and longer, but 2-4" is a far stretch. I am in agreement with Stevie. We are all appreciative of MoS, but let's see some proof.

Word. Anyone else? Please, and these are pictures with accurate BPenis EnlargementL gains as stated as the "best" way to measure by Big Al and the best way to do so by DLD, does anyone know where we can find these pics? Before and After or just After? Even a pic that just shows what true BPenis EnlargementL measurement looks like? On a banana even!

Does ANYONE think it strange that these pics aren't around?
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And while I'm at it...

1. http://www.drjoelkaplan.com/index_beforeAfter.php

Do those look legitimate? Those are pictures from Dr. Joel Kaplan's Penis Pump site. He actually guarantees permanent erect growth in his FAQ's. Why would someone running a business, selling a product that he GUARANTEES build BPenis EnlargementL AND girth, would have these kinds of pics on his site to ENTICE people?

2. http://www.drwhitehead.com/bnapics.html

This is one of the top Plastic Surgeons that does Penis Enlargement surgery. This, while relatively gross, is a lot closer to what SHOULD be on any Penis Enlargement site whose product purports to make permanent gains. Take a look.

3. http://www.x4labs.com/info/content/do-penis-extenders-work-and-after-photos

Or this.

4. http://www.pegym.com/forums/advanced-devices/3203-bib-hanger-guy-2.html

Hey, Big Al, did this guy ever get back to you? Seems he was concerned about this "trivial" (sorry) issue?

Just curious: why does MOS not have a Before and After POTENTIAL USER ENTICEMENT Photo Page, maybe with DLD's measured pics (who is already in the eyes of the world, YouTube, BBC, etc. a 10 inch monster AND Penis Enlargement guru, so no embarrassment there, right?) and others who have been schooled in DLD's ways? What does everyone think? Maybe we should start one?

What do you all think? Let's help DLD reach more people. If this is all for real and DLD is for real, then why not?

Any other Before and After web pages from other Penis Enlargement sites, both ridiculous and convincing, anyone knows about: POST EM' HERE!

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If someone doesn't believe this, let them. I know I will have the last laugh.
spinner2;327164 said:
For 2" growth before and after pictures go to �other PE site� and search for Bennet8.

Could one of you guys make a link with Bennet8's pics at �other forum�? I would love to see them and I know Stevie (and many others) would appreciate it. I was banned from �other forum� several years ago.

I'll keep looking for the two or three "legitimate" before and after pics I remember seeing here. They are rare, but they DO exist.
redpubes;327176 said:
If someone doesn't believe this, let them. I know I will have the last laugh.

You have a great outlook on this "proof" thing, redpubes. There will always be naysayers, especially if you make honest to goodness real progress; and if you are well endowed to start with, as I was, you really have to have a thick skin. I know. I have been there. And being too sensitive at the time, I found the whole thing beyond unpleasant.

This is what BigAl was talking about.
stevie7inch;327174 said:
And while I'm at it...

1. http://www.drjoelkaplan.com/index_beforeAfter.php

Do those look legitimate? Those are pictures from Dr. Joel Kaplan's Penis Pump site. He actually guarantees permanent erect growth in his FAQ's. Why would someone running a business, selling a product that he GUARANTEES build BPenis EnlargementL AND girth, would have these kinds of pics on his site to ENTICE people?

2. http://www.drwhitehead.com/bnapics.html

This is one of the top Plastic Surgeons that does Penis Enlargement surgery. This, while relatively gross, is a lot closer to what SHOULD be on any Penis Enlargement site whose product purports to make permanent gains. Take a look.

3. http://www.x4labs.com/info/content/do-penis-extenders-work-and-after-photos

Or this.

4. http://www.pegym.com/forums/advanced-devices/3203-bib-hanger-guy-2.html

Hey, Big Al, did this guy ever get back to you? Seems he was concerned about this "trivial" (sorry) issue?

Just curious: why does MOS not have a Before and After POTENTIAL USER ENTICEMENT Photo Page, maybe with DLD's measured pics (who is already in the eyes of the world, YouTube, BBC, etc. a 10 inch monster AND Penis Enlargement guru, so no embarrassment there, right?) and others who have been schooled in DLD's ways? What does everyone think? Maybe we should start one?

What do you all think? Let's help DLD reach more people. If this is all for real and DLD is for real, then why not?

Any other Before and After web pages from other Penis Enlargement sites, both ridiculous and convincing, anyone knows about: POST EM' HERE!


I like your suggestion, Stevie, about creating a Photo Page at MOS for potential members. Your examples above of "enticement" photos make me laugh. The first one looks like all the pics were taken in one session. I'll bet they were. The third one is interesting in that the pic on the right looks bone pressed (the after pic), the one on the left non-bone pressed, (the before pic). Again, I'll bet they were taken at the same photo session.
I have two sets of measured pics on this forum. One set seems to best follow DLD's formula regarding measuring, except I normally use a tape. I agree with BigAl on the advantages of using a tape.

The other set was not as successful. I've been flamed many a time for them. But yet, I had pressed the tape tight against my pubic bone, which lies well above the point where I would measure for non-bone pressed. Man oh man, did I take heat for those two pics. But I was doing my best at the time--not easy.
Where can we find your two sets of pictures, 11x7? I am more interested in the set where you feel you measured correctly, not the controversial one where you pressed the tape against your belly while starting measuring at the 2" or 3" mark. Is it in the same thread?
stevie7inch;327170 said:
Hey Al,

1. Like I said in the last posting (you actually quoted me on it in the next response!): "This goes out NOT to Big Al, but for everyone else who is reading: I don't care WHAT forum you post pics on, if you are a Penis Enlargementer and you are doing it to HELP people, I support you, no matter HOW you take the pictures. I'm serious."

See, (and now more than ever I see how much IN AGREEMENT we are, which is awesome and now this wave of mutual understanding needs to be ridden by us so we can figure out a way to make this kind of measuring and pic taking a usual thing: I will be glad to do it first), here's what confuses me:

1. You say "I stated that there were a lot of credible before and after pics and that many of them should come close to your criteria. The fact that they don't fit all of your specific criteria shouldn't invalidate them or be met with such criticism. In my opinion, as long as the before and after pictures are measured consistently for each pic, it's a valid testimonial." YET then state "The arrogance is in your demand that everyone else do so and that it's the defacto standard just because it's the method that you've adopted. How about measuring from the side. Or NBPenis Enlargement (many, including some health professionals, consider that method to be the only way to measure). Or flaccid stretched. Some men even measure along the underside, although most of us consider that "cheating". I've even heard of guys measuring using water displacement, which would actually be the best method for showing total volumetric gains (if done correctly). They all have their place and each measures a different aspect of progress. If you're content if measuring in just one fashion, more power to you." AND THEN STATE RIGHT AFTER THIS: "Erect bone pressed measurement pics are the best because they show the best proof of real gains."

I'm seriously confused. No joking around and no getting pissy; REALLY confused. The Defacto Standard? MY Standard?

DLD and anyone who has a penis knows about how MUCH of your cock can go into someone knows it all stops at that public bone. Everyone in the Penis Enlargement community knows this for sure. You yourself just admitted it it's the "best" (meaning MOST ACCURATE, RIGHT, CORRECT, etc.).

So why would you bring up all these other known methods of measuring when, even IF those folks who took those pics were in earnest, knew that the ULTIMATE way of measuring is BPenis EnlargementL? I can go ;)Frank Zappa:p on many different types of measurements. I can come up with so many that we could have a great laugh over it all, come up with ALL different types of numbers. And I could get others, unknowingly, to do the same, MANY others (just like people are conned by these full of shit �naked people movies� stars who get "measured" like in Bang Bros where they look 11" but they're really BPenis EnlargementL 7" or 8"). But, no matter what I do and what numbers I give, I'm not doing the appropriate measurement. You obviously, and rightly so, agree to this.

What I agreed with you on is that measuring bone pressed is the best because it shows the most accurate gains. EBP can also be measured from many angles and with different tools.

stevie7inch;327170 said:
NOW, I WILL say that it is very possible that people sometimes see others taking pics at less than accurate angles (I will leave out negative words like 'bogus', 'incorrect' and 'deceptive' because you've already, even after I explained how seriously caring my intentions were, accused me of "alienating what other people have done in this community by claiming their pics aren't good enough") and then assume that's the way to do it. Some people are just inept, many are earnest, etc. And yes, there are a select few who are wasting everyone's time.

You and I and everyone obviously needs to correct this. If we want to bring Penis Enlargement out of the underground, THIS is the first step. Young men watching �naked people movies� will KNOW when these "huge" guys are measured incorrectly that they are obviously hiding something and that will help DRAMATICALLY their psyches. That's just one positive in what should be millions of them if everyone here took BPenis EnlargementL's. I am embarking on a huge mission, getting 2" legit BPenis EnlargementL inches out of me, and now I'm even more stoked to do it.

2. "We'll accomplish a lot more by working together than by getting upset over what's essentially a trivial topic."


Show of honest hands: Who here thinks that THIS TOPIC, and I'm especially looking for feedback from serious Penis Enlargementers, is a "trivial" topic? Namely, finding a uniform way of doing precise measurements for yourself, the Penis Enlargement community and skeptics? Or why it is that there are so few accurate examples following what even Al has admitted is the "best" way to measure? LILI9ZERO doesn't think its trivial. I know for SURE DLD doesn't think its trivial, and he started this whole world of exercise and goal achieving and support.

Do YOU, Big Al, REALLY think this is all trivial?

To your reference as to what I stated was the "best" method, please read my response above.

I encourage creativity. It's interesting to see different ways of tracking progress. The water displacement idea is really ingenious and, if perfected and simplified, could be the best way of measuring total gains.

I give instructions for how to measure on my own sites. That doesn't mean that I'm going to discourage different ways of tracking progress, nor will I discount someones pics because they don't fit what I or anyone else thinks is best. If the pic is consistent and well done, let's accept it for what it is.

DLD is an innovative gentleman and has done a lot to help thousands of men, but he was definitely not the first person to develop the concept of Penis Enlargement exercises, goal achieving, and support. The online Penis Enlargement community was already well into existence when he came on to the scene.

stevie7inch;327170 said:
3. "To show progress, they should be measured in all images at the same angle, from the same position, and using the same measuring device each time for maximum consistency. I've even seen some pics with coins or other common objects next to the ruler for references. That would further strengthen the evidence. Clarity and good lighting should also be sought after, but that can be affected by the quality of the equipment, the photographic environment, and the computer program the images are saved to. You should make the image reasonably large to get the entire penis in one shot and to avoid having the image degrade too much from the upload. I also advise measuring with a cloth tape measure as opposed to a ruler so that you get a more accurate reading by measuring along the curve. Using Vaseline or similarly viscous lube should help the tape stick. From dealing with numerous clients, I've learned from them that the best pics are taken with a programmable camera that allows you to use both your hands (for measuring and positioning) or by someone else to take the pic for you while you're setting up."

Fantastic advice from a pro. Make it as difficult as possible for anyone to deny your gains.

Al, if you email me the link to the obscene forum (I think I can handle it), I promise not to show it to ANYONE. And if you are ever down for scheming a plan of attack to help the Penis Enlargement community break open further publicly with me, I would be glad to speak with you! You TOO DLD (although I am wondering if he is reading these; I hope so and, no matter what he has to say, or show us, he will write!).



I'm always interested in helping the Penis Enlargement community in positive endeavors. Feel free to PM me your ideas.

Happy New Year :)
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Big Al;327196 said:
Got back to me concerning what?

Hey Brother Al,

Great post before regarding DLD, exercise history, and everything else. Since the water measurement system you speak of isn't news to everybody, could you please post a link to info on it? I am MOST interested in reading about it!

I have a comment or two regarding your post (oh, and the getting back to you comment was it seemed that the guy had this same issue as I and was going to START Penis Enlargement and post pics: did he ever get back to you?):

1. If "measuring bone pressed is the best because it shows the most accurate gains." THEN WHY BOTHER WITH "EBP can also be measured from many angles and with different tools." Truly confused.

I agree that everyone should be creative with EVERYTHING they do in life, but, and everyone out there PLEASE GIVE YOUR 2 CENTS ON THIS, if BPenis EnlargementL is the best way, then shouldn't this BE THE STANDARD that everyone takes seriously, that everyone abides by who is serious not only about making gains, but also killing off as much skepticism as is humanly possible by doing THE MOST ACCURATE MEASUREMENT POSSIBLE? If Penis Enlargement was considered legitimate publicly, then it would be another story regarding everyone measuring THEIR WAY ALWAYS, ways in which we have already established are NOT AS ACCURATE as BPenis EnlargementL AND, furthermore, BPenis EnlargementL has by far the least leeway available for skeptics to contend with (no measurement will ever be 100% skeptic proof, granted, unless before and after is done in person?). Why bother with any other measurement unless you are genuinely misguided (we have power to stop that here), have made no real progress but want to appear you have through trick measurements, or ALSO HAVE THE SKEPTIC-KILLER BPenis EnlargementL Measurements AS WELL and are just keeping things interesting? For example, lili9zero ONLY WANTS TO SEE the properly measured pics of goinfor11X7, who I feel in my heart is completely legit; why doesn't he want to see the others? It isn't that other type of measurements aren't, say, interesting to look at, but as far as measuring the longest a dick is in relation to its usefulness in the act of intercourse (what we are all most concerned of in the end) and its thickness, BPenis EnlargementL is, as Al has stated as well as others, the top of the top quality-wise of measurements. BTW, that LIFESTYLES CONDOM research measured this way.

What are your sites, Al? I totally want to check them out! :)

And as far as the extremely lucid goinfor11X7's comments are concerned, excellent responses.

I'm telling you all: We need to get that Before and After page up. Can we work on this collectively?

And does anyone have any idea why DLD isn't commenting on this thread?

Spinner! So EVERYONE has immediate access to Bennett's pics, please provide a link because I am still having issues finding his post despite the letter change!

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stevie7inch;327206 said:
Hey Brother Al,

Great post before regarding DLD, exercise history, and everything else. Since the water measurement system you speak of isn't news to everybody, could you please post a link to info on it? I am MOST interested in reading about it!

Here's a link that discusses it in detail:

stevie7inch;327206 said:
I have a comment or two regarding your post (oh, and the getting back to you comment was it seemed that the guy had this same issue as I and was going to START Penis Enlargement and post pics: did he ever get back to you?):

Not yet, but I'll keep an eye on that thread.

stevie7inch;327206 said:
1. If "measuring bone pressed is the best because it shows the most accurate gains." THEN WHY BOTHER WITH "EBP can also be measured from many angles and with different tools." Truly confused.

I agree that everyone should be creative with EVERYTHING they do in life, but, and everyone out there PLEASE GIVE YOUR 2 CENTS ON THIS, if BPenis EnlargementL is the best way, then shouldn't this BE THE STANDARD that everyone takes seriously, that everyone abides by who is serious not only about making gains, but also killing off as much skepticism as is humanly possible by doing THE MOST ACCURATE MEASUREMENT POSSIBLE? If Penis Enlargement was considered legitimate publicly, then it would be another story regarding everyone measuring THEIR WAY ALWAYS, ways in which we have already established are NOT AS ACCURATE as BPenis EnlargementL AND, furthermore, BPenis EnlargementL has by far the least leeway available for skeptics to contend with (no measurement will ever be 100% skeptic proof, granted, unless before and after is done in person?). Why bother with any other measurement unless you are genuinely misguided (we have power to stop that here), have made no real progress but want to appear you have through trick measurements, or ALSO HAVE THE SKEPTIC-KILLER BPenis EnlargementL Measurements AS WELL and are just keeping things interesting? For example, lili9zero ONLY WANTS TO SEE the properly measured pics of goinfor11X7, who I feel in my heart is completely legit; why doesn't he want to see the others? It isn't that other type of measurements aren't, say, interesting to look at, but as far as measuring the longest a dick is in relation to its usefulness in the act of intercourse (what we are all most concerned of in the end) and its thickness, BPenis EnlargementL is, as Al has stated as well as others, the top of the top quality-wise of measurements. BTW, that LIFESTYLES CONDOM research measured this way.

I don't think everyone will agree that there's only "one" best way to measure a penis. Setting a standard for this site is a good idea- especially for the consistency aspect, but I think other forms of measuring have their place and should still be included. An example- it's very common for beginners to notice flaccid gains first. Flaccid stretched measuring usually confirms this.

stevie7inch;327206 said:
What are your sites, Al? I totally want to check them out! :)

There's a couple of them in my signature. I also regularly participate in several other Penis Enlargement forums.
Big Al;327216 said:
I don't think everyone will agree that there's only "one" best way to measure a penis. Setting a standard for this site is a good idea- especially for the consistency aspect, but I think other forms of measuring have their place and should still be included. An example- it's very common for beginners to notice flaccid gains first. Flaccid stretched measuring usually confirms this.

Right, but, ultimately, doesn't everyone just care about erect gains? If I KNEW FOR SURE that ALL my gains would JUST be flaccid, I wouldn't bother, would you? And the "AT BEST only flaccid gains" argument against Penis Enlargement is a favorite of medicial profession skeptics.
stevie7inch;327218 said:
Right, but, ultimately, doesn't everyone just care about erect gains? If I KNEW FOR SURE that ALL my gains would JUST be flaccid, I wouldn't bother, would you? And the "AT BEST only flaccid gains" argument against Penis Enlargement is a favorite of medicial profession skeptics.

Not everyone cares for erect gains only. The individual reasons why men get into Penis Enlargement are almost as varied as the men themselves. Some guys are more concerned with getting a bigger flaccid hang to impress their locker room buddies (this reason is more popular than you might think). Others are looking to add a little size but are more interested in getting a "fitter" looking penis and more sexual stamina. There are also older or injured gentlemen looking to recover their erectile abilities. That's why I always tell men to write everything concerning their Penis Enlargement endeavors down: how their erections are doing, their mood, even lovers' reactions to their new size. Penis Enlargement progress isn't only measured in inches.

Some of the biggest Penis Enlargement skeptics I've seen are on the LPSG site, and they bring up the "medical professional" opinion all the time as their defense. It got so bad at one point that I created this thread: Non-believers on a Penis Enlargement forum? It's a long read, but you'll find a lot of interesting and educational information and links concerning the science behind Penis Enlargement, as well as some data-filled retorts to the statements made against it.

It's a board I've only been participating on recently, but thankfully the attitude concerning Penis Enlargement is starting to change over there.
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lili9zero;327194 said:
Where can we find your two sets of pictures, 11x7? I am more interested in the set where you feel you measured correctly, not the controversial one where you pressed the tape against your belly while starting measuring at the 2" or 3" mark. Is it in the same thread?
No they are two separate threads. You are interested in "My First Measured Pics" on page 6 of the "Picture Proof" forum. I'll go fetch it and post it on page one. The other one (the controversial set, is near the bottom of page one).

The two best measured pics are on page one of "My First Measured Pics."
stevie7inch;327218 said:
Right, but, ultimately, doesn't everyone just care about erect gains? If I KNEW FOR SURE that ALL my gains would JUST be flaccid, I wouldn't bother, would you? And the "AT BEST only flaccid gains" argument against Penis Enlargement is a favorite of medicial profession skeptics.

I think both are important at certain times.
RAMONE, Semi-Flaccid at 9"


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