Actually their is the possibility that the penis that is being pulled out of the body is bigger in girth, so this means that the penis that is laying dormant inside of the body is thicker than the penis laying outside, if you understand.
The answer is quite simple. People judge things based on THEIR OWN limitations.
Deep down many people do NOT want you to surpass them in anyway.

DLD i hear you loud and clear, I can only imagine the anger and the frustration you may go through w/ people doubting Penis Enlargement, but think of it this way Thomas Edison in the creation of modern electric light was ridiculed CONSTANTLY by at the time from the leading scientific minds of that day, saying he was foolish and that man would forever need kerosine to light his way through. (can you imagine that bullshit there)

The man who created a system to revolutionize home/mail delivery was laughed at by his teacher, saying that it was a foolish idea, and even gave him a c-. What a shame, interesting how fed ex blew up like that.

Bill Gates was laughed at when he put his mission to have a computer in every home.

Many great men throughout history are ridiculed and laughed at, but if there are only a few leaders and abundantly wealthy people in comparison to those who are not, wouldn't it make sense for those who have not and acheiveth not to ridicule on those who have.

Also a man who desired to build the v8 engine was told it would never work, however Henry Ford would not agree to so.

So put it like this, you need haters, you need the doubting thomases and the ridiculing roberts, let them doubt and get mad.
Real reasons why Penis Enlargement will never catch on, or why the general public doubts it:

1.) It takes a lot of time and dedication

2.) sometimes when people take the plunge (someone else mentioned this) and you work your ass off u gain something like only .25" in which people don't think it's worth the time, and or they disregard it as gain since it's so small (not noticeable)

3.) gains don't come quickly enough

4.) no money in it for the medical industry

5.) there are risks and to the average person yankin on their dick doesn't seem plausible (somewhat counterintuitive, not to mention the lack of effectiveness, seemingly only of course). risks seem more severe than the benefit, afterall you only have one penis

6.) the idea that penis size does not matter at all (BS)

7.) Privacy issues if someone even decides to try, which often reasons 1-6 come into play haha

8.) again, everyone else tells them it doesn't work, and the combination of time, dedication, uncertainty, embarrassment for doing all the work with nuthin to show for it and feeling even worse to think that actually just tuggin on your penis could work?

........all this in combination with true visible results being hard to tell (afterall we're talking .25" at a time) it just makes it discouraging to the point where there are too many filters and most people drop off somewhere along the line, let alone the general public. Success rate for a true natural Penis Enlargement'r with large results is less than 5% I'd say
How do I explain girth gains? Well I think the penis is allways thicker at the pelvic bone and thins towards the glands. whitch allso tyies into my theory. You see I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble. I just think it might be alot more simple than regenerating new skin. I would like to beleive you could regenerate new skin there. But its not just skin there. Underneth the skin is the corpus spogelum. Which isn't simple tissue. I wish I could have copied this picture but no. Go to the link please: Fuck now I'm getting nagged by my girl Nang. Gotta go to the mall. later.
alwaystrying;288946 said:
........all this in combination with true visible results being hard to tell (afterall we're talking .25" at a time) it just makes it discouraging to the point where there are too many filters and most people drop off somewhere along the line, let alone the general public. Success rate for a true natural Penis Enlargement'r with large results is less than 5% I'd say

I think there is alot of truth in what you have said here mate. Years ago in my teenage years I twice went to the docs coz I was so unhappy with my penis size! "There is no way other than surgery to increase your penis size" I was told on both occasions by different doctors. At least they told me not to bother with surgery!!

I am SO glad I stumbled across natural Penis Enlargement!

So can I ask man, with only 5 % of Penis Enlargementers succeeding, how can I be in that 5%? I refuse to fail! Any tips? Cheers mate!
Yeah, to be in that 5% you gotta be patient, and you have to have resiliency after going up against the ruler and not gaining, or gaining so little that it's basically down to erection quality (in your mind, which sux).

Here are the keys to gaining for me:

-try and limit measuring.
-be consistent when measuring (I tend to press pretty damn good as my pelvic bone for bpfl and bpel will always stay the same, good bencHydromaxark)
-go hard, good intensity, without injury (want that that sore feeling, but not hurt feeling)
-realize it takes time and dedication, and more time and more dedication

The time and dedication without seeing signifcant results is the killer for all. Whether it be working out (getting into shape) or Penis Enlargement. How many people do you know who went from chuybby to somewhat out of shape to way in shape in a matter of months? It takes time, and I'm talkin real time. If you think your gonna gain 2 inches in months, even 1 inch in months, you're setting yourself up for failure.....just like when someone who's somewhat fat goes into the gym hoping to get into shape for a new year's resolution by February?? Not gonna happen. Maybe February the following year, and that's if they work out hard and eat right, yeah, for a whole year! Then it will be noticeable.
I just came across this great thread- good read!

In my opinion, the problem is a combination of misinformation, deceptive marketing tactics, and "sour grapes". I posted a similar thread to LPSG a few months ago and it's still going strong: Non-believers on a Penis Enlargement forum?
Big Al;326940 said:
In my opinion, the problem is a combination of misinformation, deceptive marketing tactics, and "sour grapes".

That is it. With the amount of men we have on the major Penis Enlargement forums who are gaining there should be no doubt but many men start with pills, creams and other methods that do not produce gains like natural Penis Enlargement. Too bad many men don't find us first.
doublelongdaddy;326985 said:
That is it. With the amount of men we have on the major Penis Enlargement forums who are gaining there should be no doubt but many men start with pills, creams and other methods that do not produce gains like natural Penis Enlargement. Too bad many men don't find us first.

There will probably always be that faction that refuse to believe that Penis Enlargement works no matter how much evidence is provided. These are often the same types that say "be satisfied with what you have".
First off, before anyone rips my head off, let me say that I believe Penis Enlargement works.

Here's what I believe is a huge obstacle for people who are skeptical or just don't believe it works, and that obstacle is PROOF: specifically, PICTURE proof.

I've been on this wonderful forum for a while and over at another wonderful forum, Bib Hanger. I am going to take a BPenis EnlargementL and Girth photo WITH MEASUREMENTS and just hang with the BIB HANGER for a year, and every month, take pics and post them to show whatever progress I am making. I am so much more obsessed with length right now that I just want to focus on that until I reach my goal of 9.5 BPenis EnlargementL (currently at 7", have a lot of cock to come out, did Bib's tests to confirm, etc). Hey, I don't know 100% if it's a scam or not, but the ONLY way to find out is...

But why aren't other people doing this? Why aren't other people taking before and after pictures? Or just AFTER pictures? And for the few who actually post, why is it that they take the pics in weird angles? One guy on here supposed gained an inch or two, but won't post his pic fully erect and measured (he just pulls it out in front of him flaccid in front of a computer keyboard). And that pic of DLD's (who I KNOW isn't full of shit) with the "10" mark (his cock being the "1") and next to the ruler: it's such a small pic that I become totally confused how someone whose face and name and everything else personal is OUT THERE in PUBLIC and even THAT photo made difficult to see (Again, I love DLD and he cares and is the real deal: JUST CONFUSED!).

I've heard the excuses:
"Some people don't want their penises on the Internet": HUH? Do we each have our name permanently tattooed on our shaft!?!? Use a strange username with an email address not linked to a static IP, your real name, etc. Completely bogus reason.
"This person DID have theirs up but took it down because people thought it was fake. You can't convince people no matter WHAT you do...": Bullshit. Tell me how full of shit I am! Who cares? No one knows you! It's either true or not, but PICTURE PROOF, however skeptics see it, is PROOF nonetheless.
"Some people don't take before pics so they feel AFTER pics aren't necessary": COME THE FUCK ON!
"Someone will steal them": Um, it's called using Photoshop and branding an email address on them so no one CAN steal them? Remember Vaderic?

I can tell you right now that I'm holding a ruler in my hand. If my already large cock gets to be 9.5 FULL ON LONG, I will have all the following options:

1. Be able to make, oh I don't know, $1,000 minimum a week jacking off my humungous dong on a webcam anonymously for all the folks who will pay to watch. What the fuck do I care? I can say it's 12 inches and, like all the fucking jack off video dudes (like that Arab guy I posted) and what not, EVERYONE WILL BELIEVE ME THAT I'm 12.
2. Be able to become a �naked people movies� star with a mask on...
3. Get an insane, obscene amount of Craigslist and Adult Friend Finder poonany...
4. Get an insane and obscene amount of public pussy...

And the list goes on and on...

In SOME ways, it's more cool and admirable and sexy to have a huge dick BECAUSE you exercised as opposed to being born with it.

The bottom line is: Why? Why aren't there more clear, accurately BPenis EnlargementL and Girth pics out there? Even on CL, these guys who say they are like 12 inches! AND who have rulers in the pics! STILL have the room dark, or the numbers on the ruler are unreadable. In other words, they are completely full of shit.

That's why I feel like most people, after inititally being skeptical but then reading these forums, etc. STAY skeptical: there isn't enough actual PROOF (other than knowing a guy before and after and I won't go there...) of ANYTHING? Does what I'm saying make any sense??:(
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stevie7inch;327036 said:
First off, before anyone rips my head off, let me say that I believe Penis Enlargement works.

Here's what I believe is a huge obstacle for people who are skeptical or just don't believe it works, and that obstacle is PROOF: specifically, PICTURE proof.

I've been on this wonderful forum for a while and over at another wonderful forum, Bib Hanger. I am going to take a BPenis EnlargementL and Girth photo WITH MEASUREMENTS and just hang with the BIB HANGER for a year, and every month, take pics and post them to show whatever progress I am making. I am so much more obsessed with length right now that I just want to focus on that until I reach my goal of 9.5 BPenis EnlargementL (currently at 7", have a lot of cock to come out, did Bib's tests to confirm, etc). Hey, I don't know 100% if it's a scam or not, but the ONLY way to find out is...

But why aren't other people doing this? Why aren't other people taking before and after pictures? Or just AFTER pictures? And for the few who actually post, why is it that they take the pics in weird angles? One guy on here supposed gained an inch or two, but won't post his pic fully erect and measured (he just pulls it out in front of him flaccid in front of a computer keyboard). And that pic of DLD's (who I KNOW isn't full of shit) with the "10" mark (his cock being the "1") and next to the ruler: it's such a small pic that I become totally confused how someone whose face and name and everything else personal is OUT THERE in PUBLIC and even THAT photo made difficult to see (Again, I love DLD and he cares and is the real deal: JUST CONFUSED!).

I've heard the excuses:
"Some people don't want their penises on the Internet": HUH? Do we each have our name permanently tattooed on our shaft!?!? Use a strange username with an email address not linked to a static IP, your real name, etc. Completely bogus reason.
"This person DID have theirs up but took it down because people thought it was fake. You can't convince people no matter WHAT you do...": Bullshit. Tell me how full of shit I am! Who cares? No one knows you! It's either true or not, but PICTURE PROOF, however skeptics see it, is PROOF nonetheless.
"Some people don't take before pics so they feel AFTER pics aren't necessary": COME THE FUCK ON!
"Someone will steal them": Um, it's called using Photoshop and branding an email address on them so no one CAN steal them? Remember Vaderic?

I can tell you right now that I'm holding a ruler in my hand. If my already large cock gets to be 9.5 FULL ON LONG, I will have all the following options:

1. Be able to make, oh I don't know, $1,000 minimum a week jacking off my humungous dong on a webcam anonymously for all the folks who will pay to watch. What the fuck do I care? I can say it's 12 inches and, like all the fucking jack off video dudes (like that Arab guy I posted) and what not, EVERYONE WILL BELIEVE ME THAT I'm 12.
2. Be able to become a �naked people movies� star with a mask on...
3. Get an insane, obscene amount of Craigslist and Adult Friend Finder poonany...
4. Get an insane and obscene amount of public pussy...

And the list goes on and on...

In SOME ways, it's more cool and admirable and sexy to have a huge dick BECAUSE you exercised as opposed to being born with it.

The bottom line is: Why? Why aren't there more clear, accurately BPenis EnlargementL and Girth pics out there? Even on CL, these guys who say they are like 12 inches! AND who have rulers in the pics! STILL have the room dark, or the numbers on the ruler are unreadable. In other words, they are completely full of shit.

That's why I feel like most people, after inititally being skeptical but then reading these forums, etc. STAY skeptical: there isn't enough actual PROOF (other than knowing a guy before and after and I won't go there...) of ANYTHING? Does what I'm saying make any sense??:(

Skepticism is a good thing- it shows intelligence. What gets me are those people that will refuse to even entertain the idea of Penis Enlargement without giving it a try themselves. Sometimes it's tantamount to talking to a brick wall, and the worst part of it is that their statements can discourage men that are on the fence about trying Penis Enlargement.

I think a lot of this fear is due to statements against manual Penis Enlargement on several medical websites. Some seem to lump ALL methods of supposed Penis Enlargement (pills, creams, etc.) into the same category. Now, I understand that the medical community has to be ultraconservative in its recommendations, but there are a couple of issues with their statements:

The bashing of manual Penis Enlargement methods on those sites are based on conjecture and speculation- not science. Sometimes a doc will state something complete ridiculous like "the penis doesn't expand" or "the penis isn't a muscle" to justify their point. Firstly, the penis DOES expand- it's capable of expanding to many times its flaccid volume. It's folly to believe that the penis can't be forced just a little bit beyond its normal erect measurements (and there are references to the contrary). There's even an actual law that covers this physiological process- Davis' Law: Ligaments and other soft tissues, when placed under unremitting tension, elongate by the addition of new material. When remaining uninterrupted in a lax state, they gradually shorten by the absorption of material.

EVERY man that has done some form of Penis Enlargement and has measured temporary gains right after a workout has seen the proof of this process. The key to growth lies in pushing the penile tissues slightly past their accustomed limits each workout. Each facet of the penis- ligs, tunica, and corpora should be targeted to maximize gains. Over time, the boundaries get pushed a little further each time, and then you get measureable permanent gains.

Second, the penis itself is comprised of a good proportion of smooth muscle tissue, which is capable of growth and possibly even hyperplasia (cell division).

Even worse is the claim that any growth from Penis Enlargement is likely caused by swelling and/or scar tissue. Again, this is unfounded, and the vast majority of men that engage in regular, sensible Penis Enlargement report improvements in hardness and functioning- even after several years. I can understand the caution, but the key to successful Penis Enlargement without injury is moderation. The goal should be a bigger, fitter penis. This has to be stressed above all else!

Another issue that I have are with statements like "the only proven method of penis enlargement is surgery". This statement usually (and ironically) follows the manual Penis Enlargement-induced injury statements. Having been involved in the field of Penis Enlargement for over 10 years, I can tell you that the quality and quantity of injuries from phalloplasties far exceed anything I've ever seen coming from manual Penis Enlargement methods. The cost for these crippling and often disapponting procedures runs into the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars!

For a supposedly caring medical establisHydromaxent to recommend penis enlargement surgery over non-surgical Penis Enlargement is ludicrous! There is a ray of hope-this view against non-surgical Penis Enlargement methods seems to be prevalent mostly in the US. There are European medical establisHydromaxents that take non-surgical methods of Penis Enlargement quite seriously, despite it not bringing in the profits of Western medical "solutions" like phalloplasty.

Regarding proof pics- between all of the online forums there exists many before and after images as well as detailed journals. The problem is that even when some of these pictures are taken by reliable third parties and everything seems to check out there will always be folks that will claim they're "fake" or "photoshopped". Some people will simply refuse to believe- for whatever reason.

I've always said that the best proof you can have for whether or not something works is if you do it yourself. For those men brave enough and motivated enough to try Penis Enlargement (and stick with it), the rewards are many. For those men that are too afraid to try it (for whatever reason), it's truly their loss.
BIG AL: "Regarding proof pics- between all of the online forums there exists many before and after images as well as detailed journals. The problem is that even when some of these pictures are taken by reliable third parties and everything seems to check out there will always be folks that will claim they're "fake" or "photoshopped". Some people will simply refuse to believe- for whatever reason."

Big Al,

You quoted my long post so I'm assuming, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you think I'M skeptical. I'm not. I know it works. So, if I'm ON it, please leave me off of your "skeptical spectator" list. BIB, for one, is brilliant and completely on target medical-jargon-wise about EVERYTHING he talks about because I'm shared some of his words with my very cool, Scorpio sex-nutjob doctor (who, BTW, is in the Valley and takes care of �naked people movies� stars), and he actually is considering looking into buying a hanger. He also says that, while "dangerous", if there was a way to stretch those ligaments and the tunica, he says, and I quote, "Everything (meaning the inner penis) would HAVE to come out over time because everything would have nothing to hold it in". I also have two friends who hang (gay: one is a hustler) and they have VERY big dicks. Truth be told, I cannot wait to get my hanger and I certainly cannot wait to posts pics and a journal and give everyone the confidence they might be lacking.

I know that DLD is also telling the truth because I have made modest gains in girth and a little in length in two months using his methods.

I've highlighted in red and blue your only responses pertinent to my post: everything else you've written, while extremely articulate and "right on" (I like your supportive and educated posts very much), has nothing to do with defending or attacking my argument.

RED: Show me. Show me all of these before and after images and online journals. I want to see them. I promise you, if the people you say have pics with honest measurements of before and after BPenis EnlargementL and girth (ERECT girth), I won't question their authenticity. Show me.

BLUE: So what? Really man, so what? So what if some people think that legit pictures are photoshopped? I remember a guy named 3vil 3ric who had these pictures that looked SO REAL it pissed every guy off: he had what looked like to be a 16-18 inch cock. Good looking guy with zero body fat and an 18 inch dick. Now, I KNEW that the pictures were fake because when I saved them to my hard drive, my friend opened them up in Photoshop and somehow figured out how to see the pixel work that was done to them. You can do that, you know? 3ric was honest enough in the forum I was in (LPSG?) to admit in the end that they were fake. I actually called him out on it. It was most cool. They were ridiculous, black and white, anatomically impossible pictures. But they sure looked real as fuck.

BUT, remember, I didn't say he had BEFORE pics. If you see a cock pic that looks big, it very well may be or not. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The discussion we are having is why some people don't believe that Penis Enlargement works? How do we know, for example, that everyone on here isn't completely full of shit? How do you know that DLD and Bib and Thunder and everyone else here are being honest? Because of an article written about DLD in Slate? Because they are successful businessmen? How do you know I AM being straight and honest? How do you know that DLD even runs this forum? Hell, HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME IS STEVE! (and by the way, DLD and Bib and Thunder, I am not insinuating that you guys are anything but legit. I'm just making a point to make a point: devil's advocate kind of shizzle fizzle. Please know this and don't hold it against me).

Here's a comparison I'm about to make that will put this into perspective for EVERYBODY: Let's say I walk into a gym. There's a few people lifting weights, a few girls on the treadmill, but it's a Gold's Gym or a private gym, nothing overwhelmingly large and hyper-corporate. 20-30 people.

And let's say I walk up to a bench press bench. I, 175 pounds and overweight and weak, stand up on it and I shout: "Hey everybody! Listen up! I can bench press 400 pounds!". NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE believes me. The laughter is strangling. And anyone who isn't there who would be there under different circumstances would not believe me either.

I lay down, a group of guys stacks the barbell with 400 pounds. The gym is silent and everyone is watching.

I grab it, heave and huff and...lo and behold, I bench press the mother fucker full on! I DO IT! I bench press 400 pounds.

I get up and walk away. Everyone, EVERYONE is stunned.

Now: there are some people who will say that I have super powers. There are some that will say I'm on steroids. There are some that will pretend they didn't see it. They are some that will think that the weights were not really 400 pounds. Some may think it's a Candid Camera prank, that the guys around the bench were in on it. And they will be a few who don't give a shit one way or another. Maybe one person will completely care and completely believe that it happened legitimately. But they too will move on.

Nevertheless, I didn't just TALK about being able to press 400 and not do it. I didn't say "I can do it, but if I do it will be a waste of time because no one will believe it really happened legitimately". See how ridiculous that sounds? I simply got down, no matter what anyone might think, and I pressed 400.

So, I ask again, respectfully and knowing personally that Penis Enlargement works (at least I know for sure jelqing does): Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?


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BIG AL: "Regarding proof pics- between all of the online forums there exists many before and after images as well as detailed journals. The problem is that even when some of these pictures are taken by reliable third parties and everything seems to check out there will always be folks that will claim they're "fake" or "photoshopped". Some people will simply refuse to believe- for whatever reason."

Big Al,

You quoted my long post so I'm assuming, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you think I'M skeptical. I'm not. I know it works. So, if I'm ON it, please leave me off of your "skeptical spectator" list. BIB, for one, is brilliant and completely on target medical-jargon-wise about EVERYTHING he talks about because I'm shared some of his words with doctors. I know that DLD is also telling the truth because I have made modest gains in two months using his methods. So please, just don't go there...

I've highlighted in red and blue your only responses pertinent to my post: everything else you've written, while extremely articulate and "right on" (I like your posts very much), has nothing to do with defending or attacking my argument.

RED: Show me. Show me all of these before and after images and online journals. I want to see them. I promise you, if the people you say have pics with honest measurements of before and after BPenis EnlargementL and girth (ERECT girth), I won't question their authenticity. Show me.

BLUE: So what? Really man, so what? So what if some people think that legit pictures are photoshopped? I remember a guy named 3vil 3ric who had these pictures that looked SO REAL it pissed every guy off: he had what looked like to be a 16-18 inch cock. Good looking guy with zero body fat and an 18 inch dick. Now, I KNEW that the pictures were fake because when I saved them to my hard drive, I opened them up in Photoshop and saw the pixel work that was done to them. You can do that, you know? He was honest enough in the forum I was in (LPSG?) to admit in the end that they were fake. I actually called him out on it. It was most cool. They were ridiculous, black and white, anatomically impossible pictures. But they sure looked real as fuck.

BUT, remember, I didn't say he had BEFORE pics. If you see a cock pic that looks big, it very well may be or not. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The discussion we are having is why some people don't believe that Penis Enlargement works? How do we know, for example, that everyone on here isn't completely full of shit? How do you know that DLD and Bib and Thunder and everyone else here are being honest? Because of an article written about DLD in Slate? Because they are successful businessmen? How do you know I AM being straight and honest? How do you know that DLD even runs this forum? Hell, HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME IS STEVE! (and by the way, DLD and Bib and Thunder, I am not insinuating that you guys are anything but legit. I'm just making a point to make a point: devil's advocate kind of shizzle fizzle. Please know this and don't hold it against me).

Here's a comparison I'm about to make that will put this into perspective for EVERYBODY: Let's say I walk into a gym. There's a few people lifting weights, a few girls on the treadmill, but it's a Gold's Gym or a private gym, nothing overwhelmingly large and hyper-corporate. 20-30 people.

And let's say I walk up to a bench press bench. I, 175 pounds and overweight and weak, stand up on it and I shout: "Hey everybody! Listen up! I can bench press 400 pounds!". NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE believes me. The laughter is strangling. And anyone who isn't there who would be there under different circumstances would not believe me either.

I lay down, a group of guys stacks the barbell with 400 pounds. The gym is silent and everyone is watching.

I grab it, heave and huff and...lo and behold, I bench press the mother fucker full on! I DO IT! I bench press 400 pounds.

I get up and walk away. Everyone, EVERYONE is stunned.

Now: there are some people who will say that I have super powers. There are some that will say I'm on steroids. There are some that will pretend they didn't see it. They are some that will think that the weights were not really 400 pounds. Some may think it's a Candid Camera prank, that the guys around the bench were in on it. And they will be a few who don't give a shit one way or another. Maybe one person will completely care and completely believe that it happened legitimately. But they too will move on.

Nevertheless, I didn't just TALK about being able to press 400 and not do it. I didn't say "I can do it, but if I do it will be a waste of time because no one will believe it really happened legitimately". See how ridiculous that sounds? I simply got down, no matter what anyone might think, and I pressed 400.

So, I ask again, respectfully and knowing personally that Penis Enlargement works (at least I know for sure jelqing does): Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?


PS: Don't know exactly why the post repeats itself once. I edited a few sentences so maybe that's why?
The first post is the one I would like for everyone to read. I was more specific in it regarding my positive Penis Enlargement experiences and the people I've shared info with. I have no idea why it posted twice.
stevie7inch;327048 said:
BIG AL: "Regarding proof pics- between all of the online forums there exists many before and after images as well as detailed journals. The problem is that even when some of these pictures are taken by reliable third parties and everything seems to check out there will always be folks that will claim they're "fake" or "photoshopped". Some people will simply refuse to believe- for whatever reason."

Big Al,

You quoted my long post so I'm assuming, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you think I'M skeptical. I'm not. I know it works. So, if I'm ON it, please leave me off of your "skeptical spectator" list.

Not at all :) I'm agreeing with you- the concept of Penis Enlargement in general is riddled with so many different techniques and opinions that it's very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

stevie7inch;327048 said:
BIB, for one, is brilliant and completely on target medical-jargon-wise about EVERYTHING he talks about because I'm shared some of his words with my very cool, Scorpio sex-nutjob doctor (who, BTW, is in the Valley and takes care of �naked people movies� stars), and he actually is considering looking into buying a hanger. He also says that, while "dangerous", if there was a way to stretch those ligaments and the tunica, he says, and I quote, "Everything (meaning the inner penis) would HAVE to come out over time because everything would have nothing to hold it in".

That's only part of what happens when the penis grows. I believe that there's a lot more than just ligament release that goes on with long term Penis Enlargement gains.

stevie7inch;327048 said:
I also have two friends who hang (gay: one is a hustler) and they have VERY big dicks. Truth be told, I cannot wait to get my hanger and I certainly cannot wait to posts pics and a journal and give everyone the confidence they might be lacking.

I know that DLD is also telling the truth because I have made modest gains in girth and a little in length in two months using his methods.

I've highlighted in red and blue your only responses pertinent to my post: everything else you've written, while extremely articulate and "right on" (I like your supportive and educated posts very much), has nothing to do with defending or attacking my argument.

RED: Show me. Show me all of these before and after images and online journals. I want to see them. I promise you, if the people you say have pics with honest measurements of before and after BPenis EnlargementL and girth (ERECT girth), I won't question their authenticity. Show me.

Besides this forum, here are some others:

Success Stories & Other Writings - Free Penis Enlargement Exercise Forum - The Penis Enlargement Gym

Progress Reports - Penis Enlargement Forums- Penis enlargement and male enhancement[/quote]

There are even some on LPSG's Penis Enlargement Forum

stevie7inch;327048 said:
BLUE: So what? Really man, so what? So what if some people think that legit pictures are photoshopped? I remember a guy named 3vil 3ric who had these pictures that looked SO REAL it pissed every guy off: he had what looked like to be a 16-18 inch cock. Good looking guy with zero body fat and an 18 inch dick. Now, I KNEW that the pictures were fake because when I saved them to my hard drive, my friend opened them up in Photoshop and somehow figured out how to see the pixel work that was done to them. You can do that, you know? 3ric was honest enough in the forum I was in (LPSG?) to admit in the end that they were fake. I actually called him out on it. It was most cool. They were ridiculous, black and white, anatomically impossible pictures. But they sure looked real as fuck.

BUT, remember, I didn't say he had BEFORE pics. If you see a cock pic that looks big, it very well may be or not. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The discussion we are having is why some people don't believe that Penis Enlargement works? How do we know, for example, that everyone on here isn't completely full of shit? How do you know that DLD and Bib and Thunder and everyone else here are being honest? Because of an article written about DLD in Slate? Because they are successful businessmen? How do you know I AM being straight and honest? How do you know that DLD even runs this forum? Hell, HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME IS STEVE! (and by the way, DLD and Bib and Thunder, I am not insinuating that you guys are anything but legit. I'm just making a point to make a point: devil's advocate kind of shizzle fizzle. Please know this and don't hold it against me).

Not at all- I understand your POV 100%. It would be sili to think that rational, intelligent people should believe in something without studying up on it. That's why Penis Enlargement should be more about education than anything else. When someone learns how Penis Enlargement works and how to apply it, doubting no longer becomes an issue.

stevie7inch;327048 said:
Here's a comparison I'm about to make that will put this into perspective for EVERYBODY: Let's say I walk into a gym. There's a few people lifting weights, a few girls on the treadmill, but it's a Gold's Gym or a private gym, nothing overwhelmingly large and hyper-corporate. 20-30 people.

And let's say I walk up to a bench press bench. I, 175 pounds and overweight and weak, stand up on it and I shout: "Hey everybody! Listen up! I can bench press 400 pounds!". NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE believes me. The laughter is strangling. And anyone who isn't there who would be there under different circumstances would not believe me either.

I lay down, a group of guys stacks the barbell with 400 pounds. The gym is silent and everyone is watching.

I grab it, heave and huff and...lo and behold, I bench press the mother fucker full on! I DO IT! I bench press 400 pounds.

I get up and walk away. Everyone, EVERYONE is stunned.

Now: there are some people who will say that I have super powers. There are some that will say I'm on steroids. There are some that will pretend they didn't see it. They are some that will think that the weights were not really 400 pounds. Some may think it's a Candid Camera prank, that the guys around the bench were in on it. And they will be a few who don't give a shit one way or another. Maybe one person will completely care and completely believe that it happened legitimately. But they too will move on.

Nevertheless, I didn't just TALK about being able to press 400 and not do it. I didn't say "I can do it, but if I do it will be a waste of time because no one will believe it really happened legitimately". See how ridiculous that sounds? I simply got down, no matter what anyone might think, and I pressed 400.

So, I ask again, respectfully and knowing personally that Penis Enlargement works (at least I know for sure jelqing does): Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?



I haven't researched each Penis Enlargement forum in detail, but I've seen quite a few before and after pics on some of them. They do exist, you just have to know where to look (see the recommended links above).

Success Stories & Other Writings - Free Penis Enlargement Exercise Forum - The Penis Enlargement Gym

Progress Reports - Penis Enlargement Forums- Penis enlargement and male enhancement[/quote]

There are even some on LPSG's Penis Enlargement Forum

Big Al,

I've spent almost two hours looking through all of those links and cannot find ANY PICTURE EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for gains. None. If anyone reading this can provide links (specific links) to gains, please let me know.

Big Al, what have your gains been? You're a Moderator here, so obviously you've done Penis Enlargement and it has worked for you. Care to share anonymous pictures of what you've gained?


It's very strange and, unfortunately, suspicious that NO ONE on here shares their gains with picture proof. Hell, I'll be fine with AFTER BPenis EnlargementL/Erect Girth pics and you don't even have to tell me where you started from!!! It's ridiculous.
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PS: Just looked through the PICTURE PROOF section here and STILL, no one has BPenis EnlargementL before and after pics. Different inconsequential and non-measured angles, flaccid only measurements, and primarily links to �naked people movies� videos of big guys.
stevie7inch;327064 said:
Big Al,

I've spent almost two hours looking through all of those links and cannot find ANY PICTURE EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for gains. None. If anyone reading this can provide links (specific links) to gains, please let me know.

Here are a couple I found right off the bat:

Use keywords in your searches like "before", "after" and "pics". You'll see plenty :)

stevie7inch;327064 said:
Big Al, what have your gains been? You're a Moderator here, so obviously you've done Penis Enlargement and it has worked for you. Care to share anonymous pictures of what you've gained?

I'm not interested in sharing pics, but for the record I added 2" in length and over 1" in girth. Since reaching my goals over 10 years ago, I've been in maintenance mode with regular stamina work.
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