Fit Depends on the girl, so unless your in a "medium+" term relationship not really a biggy
The question is what is too big and what is too small. This question will be answered in different ways by every person asked.
I agree with almost everything this post has to say.....
However.... if a woman judges you by you "size", doesn't it makes it fare to judge her about her "size" too.....

I am not being disrespectful or anything towards women, but this thing has is just complete bullshit......

I haven't had sex yet but even I know that if any women judges me by my size, I am done with her......

You can have a relationship without money, big penis, blah blah blah......... but what you need the most is RESPECT. Make sure you are getting the amount of respect that you deserve. If not, I don't think you should stay with that person another minute.
So if a woman sees your dick and says "you are small", i recommend you pull up your pants and leave LOL

With that said, Happy PE
I agree with almost everything this post has to say.....
However.... if a woman judges you by you "size", doesn't it makes it fare to judge her about her "size" too.....

I am not being disrespectful or anything towards women, but this thing has is just complete bullshit......

I haven't had sex yet but even I know that if any women judges me by my size, I am done with her......

You can have a relationship without money, big penis, blah blah blah......... but what you need the most is RESPECT. Make sure you are getting the amount of respect that you deserve. If not, I don't think you should stay with that person another minute.
So if a woman sees your dick and says "you are small", i recommend you pull up your pants and leave LOL

With that said, Happy PE

Exactly! Pull those pants and leave that damn house!
Ok, the other thread wich is dealing with the question "Does the World Deserve to Know about Penis Enlargement?" inspired me to write this post , however since I hit on a different issue lateron , I decided to make a new thread rather than hijacking the present one :

Reactivating the genes responsible for penis growth WILL BE POSSIBLE in the future ! It's only a matter of time and thats probably a good thing !
There will not be any embarassing locker room scenarios,feelings of being to small, unsatisfied women, cheating because of dicksize/bad lovers and so on.
It will all come down to:


those being the most attractive attributes of a man.
Imagine every guy with a 9"x7" dick. You can't screw up sex at that size !
Lube her up , get erect and put it in and out until she comes several times then finish yourself. The ideal way of making love that every guy on this forum wants to be capable of IS EXACTLY THIS : Bringing your lady to orgasm ONLY by means of ramming the shlong in and out of her.
If you already can (AND U KNOW SHE AIN'T FAKIN) Congrats , you don't need a bigger dick.

Vaginal orgasm is the the ultimate thing you can give to a lady to make you most SPenis EnlargementCIAL (at this time). Admit it to yourself everything else can EASILY be replaced by somebody else. Even by another woman. Everybody can lick a clit to orgasm, thats nothing special...Everybody can put his dick in and move it around for a bit (maybe even GIVE some sort of good feelings) BUT Vaginal orgasm ? Hell no, You have to:

1) Hit the G-Spot (must have: 6"-7" girth and some decent length with upward angle)

2) Hit exactly the cervix (must have 7.5"-8" length)

3) Hit the deep point way past the cervix = epicenter (must have: 8" - 9.5" length)

The latter one being amongst the most satisfying orgasms a woman can have. However there is only one thing greater than number 3) :

A combination of all 3 points ! (must have 8"-10" length and 5.5"- 6.5" girth)

I'm well aware of exceptions depending on the women anatomy, still I'm sure you can satisfy a vast majority with the above mentioned stats.

See my point ? The real stuff is far away in the Future (if there will be one, and I doubt that we will live to see it happen)

At present time its NPenis Enlargement and that as many of you correctly stated means nothing but HARD WORK AND DEDICATION ! The other statments about guys with natural 10"ers that would enlarge theirs to 13" IF they knew about proven NPenis Enlargement is utter bullshit ! Men with 10" dicks already ARE fully capable of satisfying EVERY woman, besides the ones THEY ARE TO BIG FOR ! YES ! To much girth or too much length and you can kiss your happy sex life goodby! It ends up in massive pain for the lady or severe soreness or you will simply not get it in if its too girthy ! That's exactly what I read from experienced well equiped men on all the Forums.

No offense to anyone , but be sensible :

There is no need no sense no reason to have 13" penis or to become the next
DLD. He IS AN EXCEPTION ! Look at the site , it says "GOING FOR THE WORLD RECORD Penis EnlargementNIS" I wish you all the best ot achieve your goal.

My goals however are different. I want nothing but being able to satisfy a woman with a vaginal orgasm (any of the 3 points) , however WITHOUT loosing a great deal of intimacy wich would be the case if I couldn't thrust my penis all the way in. What the hell is this: You make love to a girl and you don't even have full body contact because half of the 13" dick is always sticking out on the outside. SURE , LOOKS GREAT IN �naked people movies� -SORRY!- MAKES NO SENSE IN REAL LIFE ! Making love is about INTIMACY.

Still don't get me wrong: I'm not offending DLD. I see him as truly exceptional AND VERY LUCKY. He was very lucky to enlarge his penis in such a way but he was EVEN more lucky (and he knows that) to have such an exceptional lady as JEN by his side.
What they have is unique ! Basically not comparable. God bless this relationship !

Imagine if DLD had his 13" dick but was single AND NOT IN �naked people movies� BUISNESS !
I bet he would be a sad sad man. Hooking up with many different NORMAL girls and realizing that mostly he is causing pain and has to be very careful with the thrusting. Or a different case than DLD : A guy with 7" girth. Ok thats great , but dude FORGET ABOUT GETTING REGULAR BLOWJOBS !

Being to small is JUST AS DISSAPONITING as being to freaky big.

What is ideal then ?

Ideal is being EXACTLY Penis EnlargementRFECT for the woman you are with. Or second best option (in my opinion) incase you are not a relationship type of guy: Being as big as it needs to be to please a vast majority of women !!!!

SO ,

are you single and 8x6 ?
9x5.5 ?
7.5x 6.5 ?


Yes , "MOST" and thats as ideal as it gets because u can NEVER please ALL , and there is no need to....

Look I had to write this post because It make me sad and sick to read posts from guys who post stats of above 7.5 and 5.5 and whine about feeling inadequate , to small , wanting 10" and so on....its NOT A HEALTHY WAY OF THINKING ! Some signatures below the posts state : 7" then 8" then 9" then ?

Damn, THEN NOTHING! Then you will be to big for most wich is just as bad as being to small for most.

Hell , even the vets ! The huge guys here , who despite having stats ALL of us can only dream of , still work and still want to gain something and still very often SAY : " I don't know if it will ever end "

How sad is that ???? Stop that , Enjoy the fruits of your hard work ! YOU DESERVE IT !

Only exception to all this is when you are with a girl you want to stay with forever (or married) and eventhough you are 8x6 she happens to be deeper than that (and if she says she would want to handle more length/girth). THEN its reasonable and sensible to enlarge your dick even further. I think its true that most guys enlarge their penis ONLY BECAUSE of the female species!!! (besides breaking world records :) ) Admit it to yourself again !
Wether its 20" or 2" its still YOU ! Its your penis , YOUR never-ending source of orgasms and pleasure. Without women on this planet you wouldn't CARE AT ALL. A 5" man would stroke his penis and experience and orgasm just as a 15" man would do.


Let me say it again because some take it for granted :



I hope after reading this you will feel better about yourself and VALUE the penis you have (remember THE ONE AND ONLY) much more than before...

....and definetly if your single (wich I'm not) GO OUT AND USE WHAT U HAVE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN! (wich is what I used to do :) )
You will clearly see the truth if you sleep with 10 women or more.
A perfectly possible outcome would be if you are just 7.5x5.5 :
6 out of 10 will be a great fitting,perfect fuck and will probably comment on your great size ! 3 out of 10 will be freaked out by this size and probably experience some discomfort so lube em up well !!!! And 1 out of 10 will say you're to small and she had much bigger ones ! HA_HA_HA_HA ! BITCH ! GO TELL THE OTHER 9 !!!!! Muahahahahahahhahahaha ! Thats my life experience ! I experienced it this way around and I hear the same from other men who had a vivid sex-life as singles !

My guess is that many of the "hurt guys here" UNFORTUNATLY met "lady-1out-of-10" prior to the other 9 women wich they actually never met because they got so hurt and lost all the confidence and now think they ALL NEED 10" dicks ! BULLSHIT !!!! You don't you need to get goin and fuck 9 other girls to see how they react and I swear to god you won't be dissapointed anylonger ! Don't let anything ever get you down ! You are the man with the one and only penis :) !!!!!

This is a very good post. I'm lucky to be at 8.25 inches at this time. I just need to work on girth while still shooting for my golden 9 X 7.
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