Thanks alot for the kind words guys. I'm really glad you understood my point of view the way I tried to bring it across and not as an insult to anybody.

I like this place and many of the guys here ALOT (in a hetero-way :) )

I wish that all of you get the penis they dream of , and even more important : once you have it - DON'T FORGET TO ENJOY IT !
I'll throw in my agreement, too, tbirdy. The issue I'm most concerned about as far as possibly getting to big is "bottoming out", as you mentioned. When I have sex with a woman, I want to be able to feel her whole body against mine, not just what she's got wrapped around my penis.
Man Tbirdy you made me feel like smuck. I am 8X6, but I still have a lot of work to do man. I am stricken with, problems, that I think are problems and no one can change my mind about that. This surgery, variccoles, and restoring my foreskin from a bad circumsision. I hope you dont think I need to stop worry about my penis because, I do man, if I dont continue to try and get myself fixed and improve, I can end up infertile for from the variccoles, and the artierial blockage, and I will never get my small head problem fixed and my CS from never filling up
Supra said:
Man Tbirdy you made me feel like smuck. I am 8X6, but I still have a lot of work to do man. I am stricken with, problems, that I think are problems and no one can change my mind about that. This surgery, variccoles, and restoring my foreskin from a bad circumsision. I hope you dont think I need to stop worry about my penis because, I do man, if I dont continue to try and get myself fixed and improve, I can end up infertile for from the variccoles, and the artierial blockage, and I will never get my small head problem fixed and my CS from never filling up

I read about your situation in the other thread. I feel you man ! What you have is a larger-than-life penis, however it doesn't seem to be functioning the way nature intended it to be, because of the damn accident and the bad circumsision. Yes , you went through alot of shit and the fact that you haven't given up after all the disapointments is a small wonder in itself.

Still, what I'm going to say to you is meant to be objective not as a suck-up you heard zillion times before :

Try NOT to see the bad thngs that happened to you just for a minute. Look at what you really have right now. I've seen your pictures in the "pic proof forum" amongst 100's of other dick pics, and seriously from an aesthetically point of view , yours appears to be amongst the most beautiful ones (especially erect) ! I absolutely can't see how your head is too small ?! You have a straight as an arrow erection, thick and even shaft , great length and great girth. Right now there is absolutely no anatomic or aesthetical reason whatsoever that could stop you from having great sex yourself and giving tons of pleasure to uncountable masses of ladys !
Despite of the troubles you had/have you aren't hindered physically to have great sex. Its your mind really...

What really troubles me is the surgery you are about to make. Think and Re-Think it atleast another 1000 times man ! You are risking everything I mentioned above , everything you still have , despite of injury.
The surgery you consider is rare , hasn't been done often, and there is NO guarantee that your situation will improve drastically or at all. It seems to me , that the chances of loosing everything you have right now are as high as improoving your situation. A huge risk ! A risk different people than you should be taking , people with severe erectyle disfunctions, people with no sex-life, people without the ability to get erect. These are the ones that this (last case) surgery is intended for. No matter how good the doctors are - there is always a high health risk and a possibility of worsening your current situation. Especially with this dificult and rare surgery its 50-50.

I just can't see , how you qualify for such a surgery. Even the firtility thing is questionable. Your balls are perfectly healthy and they will not stop producing semen. With modern medicine it won't be a problem to extract the semen and implant it in an eg of the woman you want to have children with.(maybe in 15 years!!!!)

I realize its hard to walk in your shoes , but heres a lesson I learned the hard way in my life :

If you already have everything you can and want even more , you are very likely to loose EVERYTHING as a result of your actions. Actions motivated by arrogance and greed rather than reason !

It's fates way of saying : "Don't fuck wih me !"
Yea, I'd also definitely have a woman say I was "too big" than too small. I'll never hear the latter though ;)
Yea but what about my variccoles that has to go, and my foreskin, I really do want to restore it.
AncientChina, are you 8" NBP or BP? I'm just's great that you were able to reach your goal though. Who knows, maybe you'll decide to up the enty a little and shoot for an even higher number in the future.
Tbirdy,where are you getting your information from that a man has to be 6-7 inch in circumference girth to give a woman a g-spot orgasim?

I'm 7x5 with an upward curve, only with the exception of me cumming to soon.( which doesn't happen often,but has happen)
I've never failed to make a woman have a vaginal orgasim.

Also Id like to know your resoruces about all the required lengths you posted as well.
do you have any empirical evidence to support what you are saying ?
bigbutnottoo;46248 said:
I'd rather have some left out in the cold than not enough to go in.

Not me, Id rather fit all my 7 into the balls then have a 8-9+ with 6-7 girth that doesn't get all the way hard and only able to dip 3-5 inches in a pussy.

I was jelqing last night and I saw that in a �naked people movies� ,sure the guy had a visually impressive long and thick cock but he really couldn't work a woman like I can,nor fit it all the way in, he had to hold it at the base to keep it hard,it was all soggy and wet noodle looking.:)
I was talking to Nina Hartley a few weeks ago and she told me that very few women "cum" from thrusting even with a really thick one anyways.
Bazooka, thanks man, u brought to life a post I had not seen (I wasn't a member at the time of this post). While there are many valid points in Tbirdy's post, I am afraid there are just as many if not more invalid points. The main valid point is, yes, people go overboard and always want more (men and women, whether it be plastic surgery or whatever); and how 8 X 6 men want more and to take it easy I agree, u should value the one and only penis u have, I completely agree. But I am afraid it ends there.

As far as measures of what can make a female orgasm, it all varies. Some women may salivate at 7 by 5.5 penis, whjere others may just think "ok". I think there is more to it. Myself, I think there is no such thing as too big. Lets face it, 10 X 7 is basically world class dicksize. Take 7 inches in girth alone, women can accomadate this, and a true 7" girth is rare as fuck. No, say 8" in length, women can handle this, and more, and if you come across a woman who can only take 8.5" max, well then in reality only an inch of your dick is being cheated (the least sensitive part of your dick to boot). I would gladly like to be able to bottom out in every girl I come across just to push them to their absolute pleasure/pain limit way up there. And ddont forget, a true 8 or 10 incher is that at fully erect, which I feel is impossible to keep 100% size when actually having intercourse, or else u come too quick. Being "too big" is not nearly as bad of a problem as being too small. I'd rather have extra then be completely lacking, maybe thats just me. Everything in life is relative, and while none of us may get that 10 X 7 we hope for, we can try our asses off.

Lastly, the whole idea of genetically modifying our penises to be the size we want one day, I am afraid is bogus too. I think this is almost as impossible as genetically creating humans with wings. Bare with me here. We as humans get bigger/taller, more muscular through evolution, not through miracles. Think of it this way, I feel humans will get bigger and better over time but it's so gradual and I believe there is a ceiling for what our genes will allow. How easy would it be to genetically make our noses bigger? Or to abonish dark circles under people's eyes? Or to make one's heart/heart valvles bigger or smaller? These are all rediculous and will never happen, just like it won't happen with our penises. In fact, those other examples are only rediculous cuz who cares, but I think there are more limiting factors to the penis that would be too specific to just enlarge and that would be it. It is such a combination of things, ie. urethra length, septum length, length of each of your penile chambers, not to mention all of the internal connections with yoiur body and even testicles (and don't even begin to think about the hormonal aspect). If it happens, it will be way past our time in my opinion. I mean look how damn hard they work to try and cure simple things like male pattern baldness? They can't even figure out how to get people to not react to DHT which our body makes which causes baldness, and tons of dollars are dumped into this and I hear they're finally making some strides with stem cells? Maybe they can do it with the penis, I doubt it tho. Cell biology (which is what this would take) has many more priorities, like cancer for one, in which I wonder if they'll ever be able to eradicate that even. So complex it's mind-boggling.
(sorry, double post. delete the first one, i tried to edit- which never works for me, due to gramatical errors and then reposted the correct one second)
i see Where birdy is coming from don't get me wrong.

I don't know about you man but I get titanium erections100% during sex with my 7x5 and i can go for a long time with out cuming.
I think it truly depends on the woman in what she needs in penis size,I'm not even going to try to make generalizations about what every pussy in the world can and can't handle along with what they all desire.
I can go off the women that I've slept with and I've never had any compliants. I'm sure one of them graduated up to a bigger size ,and enjoyed it ,but i wont say more,because only she knows the answer to that.

I'm shooting for an extra .5 girth for my own enjoyment,and if a woman tells me i'm lacking in the size department for her,then I'll tell her FUCK OFF, it's that simple. Besides I don't live to please women, I live to please myself.
being able to bury a my own cock in a woman with is mad phycological for me and also really pleasurable.

Were you saying that I am the only one who values my penis as in women out there don't ?

To me having to inept cock either way would bite,but if we're talking inept id rather be smaller because of the hassel of having to drag a freak cock around with me , I would l think it would get in the way. mating for the survival of the human speices doesn't require a 10x7 cock or a 2x2 cock ,it only requires a cock with sperm and eggs.

I know scientist are capaible of many things who knows what can and can't be done in the near or far future.

In my opinion a scientist would perhaps try and discover a cure for aids or canser rather then a cure for a 1 inch inept penis or so vain men ( myself inculded) can have bigger cocks valued only by ourselfs and not necessarily a shared value by others .
BazookaJoe;288704 said:
I was talking to Nina Hartley a few weeks ago and she told me that very few women "cum" from thrusting even with a really thick one anyways.

Who is that? Is she some sort of expert?
Drjeckle;288787 said:
Who is that? Is she some sort of expert?

Nina is a �naked people movies� star. Shes also been in a 1 non-�naked people movies� movie that I know of called Boogie Nights.

She played the wife thats gets killed on new years eve by her husband for always cheating on him.

I don't know if shes a expert ,but she has a book out and she has stared in 100's of �naked people movies� flims.

If I talk to her again I could ask her where she's got her information from, but she said a big one doesn't always mean instant or mind blowing orgasims, like us men think it does.
Alwaystrying makes a good point. From the �naked people movies� I've seen and my own personal experience, you are mostly 70-90% when fucking. Personally, it's impossible for me to get a 100% erection while having sex. My theory is that the blood is needed elsewhere, legs, arms, etc. Sex is like working out. When you are jacking off, you're sitting on your ass with no weight on you. Also, you don't have to be in a weird position to compensate for your trying to "connect" with another human. If someone out there can truly be at 100% the whole time during sex, well, that's a dream I hope I can get close to someday.

Taking that into account, getting a bigger penis than your "ideal" does make sense, as you are rarely/never at 100% during sex. Good point alwaystrying.
Hey guys, happy christmas to all of you !

Nice to see, this post come up again.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion ofcourse, I would say most
of the points I made back then I still see as valid today,
however I pretty much concentrated on the "mechanical" aspect of lovemaking.
Where ofcourse "bigger is always" better up to a certain point...

I didn*t take in account back than, that womens feelings also play a huge role
when it comes to sex
so if a woman is emotionally attached to someone , as in "in love" she is much more likely to experience better sensations and stronger orgasms..even if her partner has a small one...and the opposite can be true too...

So the whole point was actually, to put things in perspective so people can actually begin to enjoy what they already have and live a happy fullfilled sexlife , rather than chasing after ideals that noone really needs...

Or to put it this way, even a "total package dick" ist still ONLY a part of a "total package man" ! :-D
i dont care girls confort, i know perfectly that a vagina is a streching monster capable of consume any natural dick size. and most of the girls joke about mans dick size SO THEY WANT BIGGER!!!!! if she says it hurts at least doesnt says its small...fuck bitches
Yeah 10inch, I noticed this when my ex got out a ruler and I assumed my position haha and she was like ready and I got myself hard and she was like "wow you're really hard" cuz through pe I can bring myself to the brink of cumming then take it easy at my own will, with sex it's not so easy. And like u say- during the actual act of intercourse, it's insane to think that you can be 100% the whole time for many minutes at a time (blood rushing elsewhere like u suggested, trying to control your nut, switching positions). Things vary, for me at least. *BUT* when she was like lets measure I was ready for it to get the biggest I could so she then thinks that's what she gets all the time. So when I got myself hard I was 7.25" sitting there at 100% and she measured, but as 10inch said, having sex at 90% the whole time is a very good day and perhaps she gets 6.5" to 7" if I am pounding as hard as I can (which fyi always makes me cum way too quick when I try this but still awesome LMAO). Just a thought.
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