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MAXAMEYES;363802 said:
QUOTE: "Ok. So, I am no troll. I simply brought up a potential 'risk' that I came across at �other forum� that I thought might be worthy of discussion as it can potentially ruin your erection ability."

OK, fair enough, if you prove not to be a troll I'll issue a retraction.
But as far as this "risk" you are warning us all about, without any real facts or numbers, hell, even anecdotal evidence, all it really amounts to is pissing into the wind.

The point I made that you failed to comprehend is that life itself is inherent with risks, sometimes brutal, tragic, fatal risks. And without any substantive proof accompanied by verifiable figures this "risk" you tout
borders intimately on the fictitious .

Degenerating rapidly into the fabricated.

Maybe this is a better explanation of where i'm coming from:
I work in a field where I witnessed alot of death and serious injury. I also happen to like the idea of a motorcycle, but with what I have seen, I just can't bring myself to buy one due to the VOLUNTARY risk. I don't need to ride a motorcycle. I can get where I need to go in a much safer car.

This is all i'm saying. Penis Enlargement, with all it's benefits, is still voluntary. I totally appreciate the idea of keeping this site positive, but going at it blindly isn't a great method either. With enough vigilance, I think the discussion here can embrace risks and injuries and move forward as a group by constantly improving Penis Enlargement which should include risk aversion.
Then clearly delineate the risks factually and substantially.
Hell, start off with a definition of "erection valve" and a viable medical discourse on how it is damaged, perhaps even permanently, by NPenis Enlargement.
All you present amounts to nothing more than an opinion without these.

If you truly are so concerned with other men's erectile quality why haven't you described this valve, its function, the precise actions which cause it to fail.

Are there remedies?
Risk factors, either lifestyle or genetic?
Penis enlargement workarounds to avoid this supposed tragedy?

What actual percentage of the population is susceptible?

Hey, if this issue is so compelling, then c'mon; pony up the FACTS.

Not the fear.
P.S. Google "erection valve" if you wanna waste about three seconds of your life.

There is no such thing.

At least, according to Google.
Posted warning at �other forum� Newbie page:


It has recently come to our attention here at �other PE site� that there appears to be a small percentage of the male population that may have a defect in the valves of the penis that allow an erection.

This defect may go unnoticed your whole life until you begin to do Penis Enlargement. It seems we have seen several cases where even Penis Enlargement done properly may be enough to damage these defective valves to the point where erections are no longer possible.

We have had literally thousands of Penis Enlargementers that have practiced Penis Enlargement safely. Usually the only ones that have injuries are those that go outside of recommended force levels and safe practice guidelines. However there does seem to be a very small percentage for whom even safe practices have resulted in injuries that may be permanent.

FURTHER, there doesn't seem to be any signs or indications before hand that you may be one of these unlucky few.

THEREFORE understand that if you decide to practice Penis Enlargement you are doing so at your own risk."
Read This First: Warning To Newbies
OMG ... venous leakage. We're all doomed.

These "cases" on Noisy's Place aren't giving all the facts. Such as their P.E. routine(s), method(s), intensity, simply they did some jelqing in moderation and their EQ was null and void within a month never to work again. IMO, hard to believe ... Then some moderators (TP) claiming they have a "Medical-Background" and saying I believe what they are telling us as fact.

I knew about �other PE site� having a Digital Forensics Department, but this is the first for me about them having a Medical Research Department also . . . impressive.

It's a known issue about venous leakage and Erectile Dysfunction in the medical field, it's not caused my practicing P.E. in general. As in any physical endeavor one does; safety first and heed the warnings... DUH !!!
MAXAMEYES;363863 said:
QUOTE:[ blah...blah...blahhh] UNQUOTE



Ok. Where do we draw the line? Are you a physician? I'm not. What type of 'facts' are you looking for? Do you know how many diseases/illnesses present with basic, common symptoms before anything is discovered/isolated about them? All I am doing is presenting a condition that is presumed to be Penis Enlargement related by someone at �other forum�. This does not mean that bringing this up is meaningless because I didn't survey 100,000 Penis Enlargement'ers through a double-blind university study or because I can't speak in the urological lingo that might better illuminate this condition.

The way you guys respond is so angry. Kind of like those guys that thought the world was flat back in the day. What were they asking for back then?: 'facts'. History always repeats. And so it goes...
You make a claim: back it up.
On what actual data is this warning of yours based?
That's all.
Without data it's only assumption at best, fabrication at worst.
Facts are to be dealt with.
And fabrications are to be ignored.
grinder1;364081 said:
The way you guys respond is so angry. Kind of like those guys that thought the world was flat back in the day. What were they asking for back then?: 'facts'. History always repeats. And so it goes...

Has a point if you ask me!

MAXAMEYES;364094 said:
You make a claim: back it up.
On what actual data is this warning of yours based?
That's all.
Without data it's only assumption at best, fabrication at worst.
Facts are to be dealt with.
And fabrications are to be ignored.

In all fairness it was a warning, and he was asking for thoughts. Wasn't like he came in saying this is how it is and you all have to deal with it. He was stimulating conversation, even if the intent was not so admirable.

This is a Penis Enlargement forum right? Shouldn't we be able to discuss risks involved in Penis Enlargement as well, even the ones that aren't proven with microscopic statistical data analysis stuff and junk?
allergix;364098 said:
Has a point if you ask me!

In all fairness it was a warning, and he was asking for thoughts. Wasn't like he came in saying this is how it is and you all have to deal with it. He was stimulating conversation, even if the intent was not so admirable.

This is a Penis Enlargement forum right? Shouldn't we be able to discuss risks involved in Penis Enlargement as well, even the ones that aren't proven with microscopic statistical data analysis stuff and junk?

Well, he broached a topic and asked for feedback, my feedback was, mostly; a warning isn't a warning if it has no basis in fact. It's "the sky is falling!". Now if there actually is a medical basis for this warning then by every means reasonable dispense with the facts and help anyone who may be potentially susceptible avoid personal tragedy.

So far, this vital information remains ...let's just say, unavailable.

Remember, there are lots of guys on MOS from other countries whose English isn't the best, they might be put off Penis Enlargement completely by unfounded fears. Same rationale for younger and/or inexperienced members.

Now, if taken at face value, with no other information concerning how to identify your potential for being susceptible to damaging this-nonexistent-"erection valve" how many guys might just give up all thoughts and hope of a larger penis, perhaps forever?

That's the higher responsibility one has when making claims of this nature.

That's my main contention; claims require proof, evidence, supporting facts, medical citations, published articles, and on, and on, and on.

All we have so far is one warning from another website. That's it. That's as credible as highway graffiti; anyone can post anything on their own website, doesn't make it a viable source of information.

Hell I can find LOTS of website warnings about the hollow earth, UFO babies, Hitler's clones, our reptilian government and, again, on, and on, and on.

My position is this: I'll view this "warning" with all the credibility he has presented us with. Which, so far, amounts to......?

P.S. Don't confuse skepticism with anger, they are quite different.
This thread is getting very scary:)
"That's the higher responsibility one has when making claims of this nature."

I couldn't disagree more. You're whole stance has been one of an assumption that Penis Enlargement is a basic life necessity. It's not and me saying this isn't going to damage this site. MOS is a great place where 99.9% of members are probably going to have very happy Penis Enlargement lives, but it is VOLUNTARY.

The HIGHEST responsibilty should be safety and caution. You have it backwards. I am not a urologist, so there is no way I can provide whatever it is you are looking for. Drug companies don't say "let's release this drug until we here it causes adverse effects." They do testing for safety and then release the drug.

All i've done is bring up a concern of someone who thought his aliment was Penis Enlargement related. This may inspire someone with more knowledge about the subject, or, maybe even someone who was afflicted with the same condition that can speak to it medically. But, please don't tell people not to broach a subject because it may not be proven true. It's the subject itself and the subsequent discussion where the value to all Penis Enlargement'ers will come from whether it proves to be a true concern or not.
grinder1;364143 said:
"That's the higher responsibility one has when making claims of this nature."

I couldn't disagree more. You're whole stance has been one of an assumption that Penis Enlargement is a basic life necessity. It's not and me saying this isn't going to damage this site. MOS is a great place where 99.9% of members are probably going to have very happy Penis Enlargement lives, but it is VOLUNTARY.

The HIGHEST responsibilty should be safety and caution. You have it backwards. I am not a urologist, so there is no way I can provide whatever it is you are looking for. Drug companies don't say "let's release this drug until we here it causes adverse effects." They do testing for safety and then release the drug.

All i've done is bring up a concern of someone who thought his aliment was Penis Enlargement related. This may inspire someone with more knowledge about the subject, or, maybe even someone who was afflicted with the same condition that can speak to it medically. But, please don't tell people not to broach a subject because it may not be proven true. It's the subject itself and the subsequent discussion where the value to all Penis Enlargement'ers will come from whether it proves to be a true concern or not.

It's a valid concern that falls in with the whole concept of this is a form of body modification that has potential for injury. It's not something to be taken lightly. Most of us have read such warnings either before beginning Penis Enlargement, or afterward. I've hung probably a collective figure of ''hundreds'' of pounds from my penis over the years...and I'm still here to talk about it. Just an example, and a testimony I guess that when you use some sense, and listen to your body you will be fine. Sure, some small percentage of men ''may'' be subject to this ''defect'' you've outlined. It's a valid point, and I'm not trying to belittle it. You came off as a troll or as someone who was hell bent per se on dissuading men from Penis Enlargement. You claim that's not your purpose, and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. That said, do you Penis Enlargement? Does your concern that you may be potentially susceptible to this valve issue keep you from doing Penis Enlargement?

Do you guys know that a certain percent of any given population is at a potential risk of having ''some-thing'' (insert Captain Kirk dramatic voice) genetically wrong with them that could pre-dispose them to something that ''could'' kill them unexpectedly?? The ''healthy'' man who works out 4 days a week, cardio, weights, healthy diet. One day, he's at the gym doing some squats, and he collapses dead on the scene. Cause of death, congenital (born with it) heart defect. His aortic valve was defective unbeknownst to him, and ruptured from the stress of the workout. Shit happens every day. The odds of me slipping in the shower and fatally injuring myself are approximately 1 in 3,000 but I still shower daily sometimes TWICE a day. Am I toying with death? Possibly, but I still love a good shower, and the odds are in my favor. ;)

Again, I'm not trying to belittle what the OP is trying to get across, but the ''odds'' are just that. Sure, one in so many guys will suffer some sort of injury from Penis Enlargement. That's a chance most of us are willing to take. I've known of TWO over the course of NINE YEARS who have seriously injured themselves from Penis Enlargement. The one guy was beating the shit out of his dick for hours a day, pretty much daily. He'd fatigue the shit out of the tissues with extreme girth work, THEN hang weights for a couple hours. ONE day, he was hanging and suddenly felt a sharp, severe pain. He TORE his tunicae in the shaft of his penis. I don't remember if he ever completely recovered. Even after reading that story and true account, I still chose to keep hanging weights. Why? It had proven effective for countless men before me, and I had already amassed hundreds of hours in hanging experience. Also, I know this stuff works, and chose to continue despite potential, yet SMALL risks. Just like most things in life, there are risks. The odds are usually in your favor though.

Something else guys, this has been said by me and others over the years. WE are not urologists or medical professionals (I have known of some being members in the past), if you EVEN SUSPenis EnlargementCT you have something wrong with you or your Penis EnlargementNIS, consult someone who is QUALIFIED to diagnose you rather than a bunch of strangers who may or may not steer you in the right direction. Also, if you even suspect or wonder if you have something wrong with you, or wonder if you have some sort of minuscule chance of having some sort of issue, defect, valve problem, whatever...consult a medical professional, preferably a urologist to put your fears to rest. Nothing better than having a clear bill of health from an actual professional to put your mind at ease.
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MAXAMEYES;364103 said:
That's the higher responsibility one has when making claims of this nature.

That's my main contention; claims require proof, evidence, supporting facts, medical citations, published articles, and on, and on, and on.


He didn't CLAIM anything. He is bringing up a topic for discussion. That's what discussion boards are for :) Why are you making this political? Will we have to bring scientific data to prove all conversation topics in the future?

Are we seriously supposed to tiptoe around because some people can't speak english? Personally I'd rather have people know the possible dangers of Penis Enlargement before deciding to do it, especially if there is any possibility that they may never get an erection again. If they can't speak english and misunderstand the threads, how do you think they are going to be at reading instructions for stretching/jelqing/whatever. It's probably BETTER that they're scared off! For their own safety.

Max, I think you're great and all, don't get me wrong, but I think you're going about this all the wrong way. :( Dismissing the chance of permanent damage to any mans penis because there is lack of data is incredibly irresponsible, we should be encouraging people to consider/discuss the risks involved in Penis Enlargement before doing it!

Dont confuse claims with topics for conversation.
grinder1;364143 said:
"That's the higher responsibility one has when making claims of this nature."

I couldn't disagree more. 1) You're whole stance has been one of an assumption that Penis Enlargement is a basic life necessity. It's not and me saying this isn't going to damage this site. MOS is a great place where 99.9% of members are probably going to have very happy Penis Enlargement lives, but it is VOLUNTARY.

2) The HIGHEST responsibilty should be safety and caution. You have it backwards. I am not a urologist, 3) so there is no way I can provide whatever it is you are looking for. Drug companies don't say "let's release this drug until we here it causes adverse effects." They do testing for safety and then release the drug.

All i've done is bring up a concern of someone who thought his aliment was Penis Enlargement related. This may inspire someone with more knowledge about the subject, or, maybe even someone who was afflicted with the same condition that can speak to it medically. 4) But, please don't tell people not to broach a subject because it may not be proven true. It's the subject itself and the subsequent discussion where the value to all Penis Enlargement'ers will come from whether it proves to be a true concern or not.

1) Wrong. My whole stance has been: You claim something as being factual; back it up with your facts.

2) Yep, that's why, with no factual basis your cautionary posting is worthless and the necessity of finding any factual basis- if one actually exists- is even more important; to move this from urban legend status to an actual, rational practice to be followed when endeavouring penis enlargement if such need actually exists.

As I've stated before: You have made a claim, divulge the basis of this claim. Support your contention with fact. From the complete lack of said fact so far, I'm quite inclined to believe there is none whatsoever.


3) It (the absent data for your assertion) doesn't exist. You can provide no support at all for your nebulous claim of "erection valve" injuries damaging erection quality for an equally unsubstantiated and unspecified segment of the population via some equally unspecified types of penis enlargement exercises.
Why? If this is actully your reason for joining MOS and opening this thread, please provide any basis whatsoever, any reputable data whatsoever, any anything reliable whatsoever to substantiate your claim.

Anything, anything at all.

4) Personally I don't care at all what subject people broach, in fact I enjoy good, healthy debate and intellectual exploration. But let's distinguish between practical, useful reality and mere speculation.

If someone, YOU, present something as true, then yes, it MUST be provable as true.
Otherwise you are engaged in deceit. For reasons which may not have the best interests of the general membership in mind.

You presented a position as if it were established, accepted medical fact. I, once again, ask you: Where are your facts? Without them your claim is just that, a claim, conjecture, speculation.
Might make for a good conversation over a beer or two, but nothing more.

Without any true basis for concern the best you could hope to succeed in is inducing unnecessary fear, doubt and stress in the minds of anyone who may already have doubts about Penis Enlargement in the first place. May induce someone to seek a completely unnecessary medical procedure or expend time and money chasing a "problem" which doen't exist. And that kind of baseless fear-mongering has no place in any fact-based discussion or forum.

My final statement: What are, and where are your facts?
If you have none, as I fully suspect; I sincerely suggest you drop this thread as completely useless and potentially destructive.
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