Usually a man does not consider his size until something comes along that brings a sense of insecurity. Things like negative remarks from a girl during sex, watching big dick �naked people movies�, made fun of in the shower rooms at school and other events like this. The reason I started was because I was not able to achieve a full erection due to medication and I wanted a way to strengthen my EQ. Once I got involved my girlfriend, at the time, told me she was with 2 men who were bigger than me. That comment made me ever so determined to get bigger. With that kind of fuel in my system I tacked on 2" in six months and I graduated to the biggest she has ever had. The rest in history...including her:)

2 inches???
can 2 inches be added to that so rigid tissue the penis is made of???? in pure shaft length??
2 inches???
can 2 inches be added to that so rigid tissue the penis is made of???? in pure shaft length??

I sent it to everybody if I can do it anyone can do it! There’s nothing special about me but the fact that when I want something I’ll do whatever I have to get it. So yes I made a 2 inch gain in six months but I probably put in three years of work into that six months. This is way before we had tools and everything was manual so you can imagine how hard I worked to get what I have. About a year and I saw the first extender come out but they were so overpriced there was no way I could afford one. So the first two are used I made myself which was called the PowerAssist. The PA allowed me to do many fulcrum stretches that I could not do before which helped me gain more size. It wasn’t for a few more years that we saw the bathmate and phallosan. If I had that equipment back when I started it would not of taken me 10 years to make the gains I made, I probably would’ve done it inside of three years. You guys don’t know how lucky you have it!
Hi.Its a great exercice .I get 0.2 inches using it for 3 months
Hi.Its a great exercice .I get 0.2 inches using it for 3 months

Wow graduation is on the great gains you have me in such a short time! Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!
Thanks DLD.I was in plateau so I want to change routine so I do this exercice and I break plateau and gained 0.2 inches
Thanks DLD.I was in plateau so I want to change routine so I do this exercice and I break plateau and gained 0.2 inches

That’s what’s up! Congratulations my brother get into a plateau is a very joyous thing especially when we’ve plateaued for quite a while. I’m glad that you see now that when you come to a plateau it is imperative that you change exercise intensity, exercises, tools and other things In your work out or the plateau will remain. SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory has done the best job of incorporating all of this into one routine that continues to evolve as you gain so you never reach a plateau.
I'm going to give these another bash soon. Anyone wanting to target the suspensory ligament in isolation should give these a bash. If you hang straight down or BTC, use these beforehand if you like, to really fatigue, and even after a hang session as well.

I remember these helped me go from 8"-8.2".
This is another exercise I will be modifying once the SizeDoctor & SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger arrive with me.

I'm thinking, like I posted in expressive hanging thread, which hasn't been tried & tested yet, to do a hanging modification of this.

It should be easier, allot easier. If anyone reading this, wants to try it :) you would need to be hanging the weight SO [Straight Out] or SD [Straight Down] to really target the suspensory ligament.

Stood up may be difficult to isolate the ligament because its tense, not relaxed like you are in the diagram.
So SO, seated may be more effective?

Just a case of getting into that type of setup, where you are attacking the ligament with weight, and can still reach in with something to isolate it further.

I thought of hooking the ligament with a finger, or thumb, but that wouldn't last long. It needs to be more time under tension at a high intensity while hanging the weight. Maybe even using a thin remote control to trap, and put tension on the lig at an angle.

Certainly has further cope for increasing its intensity levels, and if you can use different equipment in the original V SES other then a PA or LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, that is perfectly fine. Its about isolating the ligament, and putting direct force onto it with that equipment.
Thanks DLD.I was in plateau so I want to change routine so I do this exercice and I break plateau and gained 0.2 inches

I’m glad Red bumped this thread as now I can ask you where have you been my brother? I hope you did not quit yet. Please come back and let us know how things are going, thanks.
Hi.Sorry to responds late.I was in thundersplace for few times but when I discover your site I found out that I missed with a lot of things .This site is the best in PE.I did jelq,manual streching now I try some kind of exercice describe by you master DLD
Hi.Sorry to responds late.I was in ? for few times but when I discover your site I found out that I missed with a lot of things .This site is the best in PE.I did jelq,manual streching now I try some kind of exercice describe by you master DLD

Better late than never! I think most people make their way to the brotherhood eventually because we’re the ones who create exercise, tools and routines that nobody can touch. I’m so glad you joined our family and I wish you the best on your journey. I’m Nother brother just makes us stronger!
Can anyone make a video ?
Can anyone make a video ?

On the to do list.
Cant somebody take picture while doing this stretch? Id love to try it. I was doing some experiments trying to figure it out but couldnt lol
There was one at one time ?
Cant somebody take picture while doing this stretch? Id love to try it. I was doing some experiments trying to figure it out but couldnt LOL
I had to really study RED's diagram for a while. I realized it's fairly simple once my eyes figured out how to focus on the drawings. And I've done variations on thos stretch before, not knowing it it was an actual thing.
It’s like a mini A-Stretch over your finger and thumb.
Somebody please just take a couple of pics while doing it. We will never see your face, we will never know who you are other than a nick name.
Study the basic diagram that is now 10 years old, its viewpoint is Birdseye looking down on you .. its very simple, all your doing is trapping the suspensory ligament on the right side, then stretching.

I used the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, the older model was easier to perform this then the newer one, but it can still be done.
A bit off topic but I found the __________ Stretch on video
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