Stevie7inch the pictures of dld's cock were removed because his wife Jen didnt like them being on the internet anymore, this is what he told me in the chat rooms.

If you want to see dld's penis than I believe a '3 Hander video' is linked here and several members past and present incl dld are incl in a two comparison shots to illustrate the sizes they have, thats here.
This is my pe story.

During late 2001 I was at college and during this time like most 17 year old's at the time, I was surfing the net for �naked people movies� when I wasn't supposed to and got banned numerous times but thankfully allowed back on.

It was while looking for �naked people movies� password sites that I came across a penis enlargement site called with the username and password details for this, so I investigated the site and quickly saved all the members pages to floppy dicks, as thats what we used back than.

I would than read this stuff when I got back home and learn more. I was interested and when back at college, because I didnt have the internet at home back than, would search for free penis enlargement sites ... I dont wish to think what the tech guys must have thought about me hahaha maybe they were glad in the longrun, being tipped off!

It was during my searches I found information on a site called Cheekycherry which is a free online forums like MOS but run by a British guy named Matt who has dealings with someother Penis Enlargement paysite, but I dont recall which and has never been proven, just speculation later down the line.

Again I would save the stuff I found interesting and as I got more into it found �other PE site� and Penis Enlargement forums which I learned most of my early stuff.

I would get home and read all about it and remember seeing dld's ancient work back than on them old style forums with Big-Al ... those were the days, I mean that ... so fresh and young haha

Well, I started the penilesecrets course and gave it a bloody good go and noticed gains after 4 weeks in my size and was like, cool this is good stuff and carried on with it as the proggramme had stages if you will, like dld's but nowhere near as advanced but it was useful.

I will tell you this and its the honest truth ... I never went searching for this stuff at first and found out about it by complete 100% accident and jeez I'm SO GLAD I did otherwise I wouldnt be here now. Things happen for a reason.

As I carried on doing the stuff and gaining I started doing my own routines and adding my own styles etc and than it was 2003 [Hence that in my name] when I got online in the pe world and joined Cheekycherry firstly which I didnt enjoy the company as it was very arrogant and hush hush. I got banned because I started talking about the constrictors ''clamping'' and the 'gods' thought it was too dangerous for everyone and I was talking bullshit to harm others, so they banned me.

I than dragged my arse over to another free pe forums and this was the place I made my name if you can call it that, lets say its how I got to know more guys in the field, started to offer my wisdom to others and met dld himself. was this site and the owner LukeyBoi who also has links with various penis pill sites welcomed me and I made my nest at PP. The site boomed and became a big hit with many around the world albeit nowhere near the size of the large US forums but we had a large crowd nethertheless.

I got my clamping stuff on pride penis and it was again met with hostility by the two mods whom one was called HotSauce and they made false names and posted on the forums saying that their penis head had exploded and needed stitches from my hardcore methods ... even tried driving me out of PP with hate campaigns etc but it didnt work because I had the brothers behind me who knew I was the real deal and Lukey promoted me to become his admin over the site.

Chat rooms were setup and big names came such as SWM and DLD which was a fucking huge thing for such a small site to have those two what were famous natural pe pioneers to become members at some 'backstreet' pe site.

I made lots of new freinds and enjoyed myself immensely but it didnt last forever. Lukey decided that I had become too big for my boots and banned me from the site which probably also had something to do with him sniffing about my freindship with dld and him starting MOS and the free forums which lukey allowed us to link at his site, but he shortly afterwards kicked my ass through the door.

Visit Pridepenis now and you will see its DEAD and nothing ... it does nothing now and is a very barren place. Look through the forums if you can be bothered and you will see my ancient threads when I was a younger cocky lad haha

It was than the turning point I came to MOS and helped build it what the place is today. I was dld's first mod and the 3rd or 4th member here, so I'm proud to see how its become what it has.

I've also got membership to �other PE site� and posted like four years ago regarding clamping and got a very warm welcome and liked it very much but I cant keep up with two forums and give it my all, so I stick with MOS and this is the only pe forums I frequent now with mynewsize from time to time but I have no membership with them.

Now .. my gains were good and started on that penilesecrets course with basic jelqs really, nothing special and as time went by I started adding Uli's, Horse Squeezes, 'V' stretches, JAI stretches and various other methods I read about on the Penis Enlargement forums and �other forum�.

I started to buy devices such as bib hangers and tried various methods and saw results with them too although I loved girthwork the most.

It was this love for girthwork that got me interested in my theory surrounding clamping or what I call constrictors as a clamp need not be used. I experimented for hours and hours as no one I could find had done anything longterm with this stuff and made anything such as a routine. All I could find was the odd mention of uli devices at �other PE site�, guys using elastic bands now and again for fun around their penis and strippers doing similer things.

I nearly lost my penis doing such experiments oneday in the woods .. yes this is true because I had limit of privacy, so I went deep into the woods where no one goes and would perform this stuff. I remember my cock going dark blue after 10 minutes of constrictors done with some string which I used often in the early days tied in either a loop or slip knot.

As time went by and I kept testing it out I noticed gains in my size and than I knew this stuff was working and my theory was correct ... that keeping the penis fully erect and engorged with blood and than working with this blood by doing whatever exercise one would choose, can allow the penis to become larger when it heals and has time to grow and would be superior over many other natural methods such as doing horse squeezes un-constricted etc.

My size was getting bigger and bigger with my girth going into the mid 6 inch range I was getting well known on Pridepenis as a big chap. I started using the clamps when I found them in B&Q oneday and thought ''They would be good'' so they started to be used.

I became more advanced over the years and incorporated pumping into my routines, extenders, clamping, power assist, ROP, hanging, chemical pe and whatever else I have forgotton to mention here haha

My starting stats were 6.6 inches BP length by 5.4/5.5 inches erect girth mid-shaft and to this day they stand at 8 inches spot on BP length and 6 7/8 inches girth mid-shaft while 7.2 inches girth at the base! My penis head has increased in size immensely but I dont know the starting size to begin with. My flaccid stats were 3 inches BP before I started and now it varies on mood, temperature and other factors between 3 and 6 inches BP flaccid and I have the flaccid girth I had when I was erect before I started .. how insane is that!!

I have provided pictures along my journey incl recent measured ones and I hope this can help others know of the natural ways and that my methods do indeed work, that maximum engorgement can be used safely to encourage gains ... even stretching, once your advanced enough that is.

Let me say that I've never had a serious injury touch wood and pray to god I never do but I've had my fair share of blisters and very sore skin alongwith red spots etc.

My constrictor guide became a massive hit around the net and I have to date over TWO MILLION downloads from various locations across cyberspace for my guide which is just .. well shocking. What began as a side project into a theory has become a natural pe hit and you mention clamping now on any pe forum and they will know what you mean and I bet you can find plenty guys who have done it or are doing it in their routines.

This has made me proud and made my mission a success ...... to HELP Penis EnlargementOPLE as I'm a careing guy myself and dont expect much in return apart from the fact we can all add to this fountain of knowledge where possible.

Now whats my path in this field? I have ambitions to oneday have my own 1 to 1 Penis Enlargement service online where I would take say 5-7 guys at a time every 8 weeks or so and get them solid gains and a bigger longer fatter fucking cock they can slam about town with and I would get them the gains, be assured of this as I will go tooth and nail for my brothers with 100% dedication. I would have e-mail access, forums, website and phone but its in planning now and isnt set in stone ... planning phase and I need to sort various things in my life out first but I know I can do well in it. The service would cost but I see it as more personnal and unique than all the other paysites incl MOS as I would cater for the person and make the routine for the person ... so no generic routines from me, each person has a unique programme for them.

So I have plans for that and also I'm makeing the new revision for the free constrictor guide series which will have many updates on clamping methods etc and a photo shoot from Eva Wyrwal the sexy Anglo-Polish model, who I have paid to do some photos for the guide.

My final goal for my size is .....

* 9/9.5 inches BP erect length
* 7 inches flaccid as my maximum
* Rid my turkey neck
* Get lower hanging balls
* Make my glans the largest portion of my penis which it is in part now
* Grab another 1/2 in erect girth to the middle portion of my penis, makeing it 7.2 inches.

I can get all of these and will in time. That would give me a penis of approx 9/9.5 x 7.2 inches mid shaft with a massive head, low hanging balls and reduced turkey neck.

The flaccid length would be just for show and isnt a big deal really.

In the comming months I intend to embark on my most dareing and dangerous experiment yet which is to replicate under conditions a priapism leading to megalaphallus and permanent increase in penis size on titanic proportions possibly, via clamping and chemical pe using such aids as Befar or Caverject to keep the erection for hours .. please see the clamping section and the sticky for more on that project.

Lastly ... I've seen many changes in this world of underground pe ... some for the best and some well, for the worse. I see in the future guys getting rich from this with paysites such as MOS because in time it will become a mecca for guys wanting a bigger penis and to get away from penis pill advertisements and the other stuff they get hit with in the genre.

It will become more commercial, not like on the T.V but with �naked people movies� stars being open about it and speaking openly about it etc.

I liked it best in the earlier days when it was raw and more fun to be apart of because it still had that mysterious thing to it and now it seems to be a money makeing racket and not for the everyday man by the everyday man but for the everyday man by the man who sold out, but thats the choice they make and if they can do it, so be it but they must understand that many legal pitfalls could await them ... think about it.

I enjoy being part of this and will for sometime to come with mos being my home ... what has become a journey for me from that afternoon in college looking for �naked people movies� passwords is quite amazing but I wouldnt trade it now ... here's to even more gains and more success for the future in everything we do in life ... god bless.


Forgot to mention my timeline as to my activity when I pe'ed as I get asked allot

2001 I did it consistent to 2004
2004 to 2006 was inconsistent
2006-2008 I did none except odd jelq
2009 - Reborn!

Last edited:
REDZULU2003;337211 said:
2009 - Reborn!

Indeed you are. You have come so far and you are about to really blossom. Your open mind and ability to apply some of the stuff we have been discussing is going to change your entire life. I really hope we can work together in South Beach.
I found out about Penis Enlargement back in 2004. I walked into the local �naked people movies� shop and there was a book in the back that said penis enlargement on the back. On the back of the book there was a picture of John Holmes in all his glory. I bought the book and read it. Sadly it didn't tell you crap. It had a section about Jelqing and I tried it. It also said it would give you 2 inch gains in 4 weeks. So I figired I would gain 1 inch in 2 weeks. Once I didn't see any gains I got pissed off and threw the book out.

I still had faith in Penis Enlargement but figured I was given the wrong information or not enough information. I did research for 3 years on the internet which led to a 2 inch binder full of info about Penis Enlargement. I started again with my new info about warmups, stretching, jelqing, and warmdowns.

The thing was I thought you had to do it all in one sesion for it to work. The thing was after 30 40 minutes of stretching my dick out I was definetly not in the mood to get an erection. I tried this for 3 days and got pissed off again and gave up.

I have known about this site for about 2 years and had total confidence in it but was still held back from the previous times It didn't work. I joined the free forum and read alot of stories and my hope began to rise. I read a post that DLD made about doing his stretches in the morning and that lifted the biggest weight off of my shoulders! I was like a pig in shit when I found you could split the exercises up!

I bought the dvd and it arrived a week ago and here I am. I'm on my 6th day and I am definetly noticing a difference in my erection hardness. After I do a jelqing session I temporary have about a 1/4 inch increase in girth for up to an hour or 2 after the workout and 1/2 inch increase in length after my stretching! I definetly have to say I'm excited this time.

Throughtout the years I have learned a little patience goes a long way. It wasn't that Penis Enlargement wasn't for me it was that it wasn't the right time for me to start!
I have to watch what I say in this post as I think a female from my past has discovered that I'm on here. Anyways, I've always been insecure about my penis size. I'm remember when I was younger I would say to myself that I'm when I'm an adult I'm going to be a big dude with a big penis. Being the one large, athletic, (part) black guy with a less than adequate penis is not the reputation that I wanted to have or would ever settle for. I've also found myself being jealous of the portrayal of big penis' in Hollywood movies (ex. Baseketball, Boogie Nights, Naked Gun 33 1/3, Soul Plane, etc.), and said I want to be that big. My current penis & testicles on a physically smaller (ht and or wt) person would look much more impressive, so I must strive for a bigger penis.
I grew some in school, but the idea first came to me in the early 90's when I was in high school about getting a bigger penis. Girls would talk about wanting a guy with a big dick, and making fun of guys with smaller ones. I was determined that would not be me. One day when I got out of practice, I was walking this girl I knew to the bus stop. She looked o.k., and I didn't have a thing for her, but I had the biggest erection I ever had up until that point. I remember I had on black sweats and she looked in awe and said to me "Do you have to use the bathroom or something?" I'm guessing I was probably about 7" BPenis EnlargementL. The idea of Penis Enlargement was still in my head, but I wouldn't try anything until a few years later in college.
I tried to apply my weight training knowledge to pe in the form of hanging. I would work up to hanging a 45 lb Olympic barbell plate from my penis, but I must have done something wrong as although my flaccid length improved somewhat, my penis began to turn to the right (which I still have), and my erection length actually shrunk. It was also during this time period that this lowlife guy on the football team that I strongly disliked was spotted in the shower, and apparently was hung to his knees according to several other athletes, and made fun of guys with smaller penises. I'm guessing that the claims of his endowment were exaggerated, but that fueled the fire for my quest for a larger penis. I just didn't know how yet.
During my senior year of college, I began exploring the internet for penis enlargment techniques/devices. I first began pumping then, which was a short term success, but in the end netted little to no gains. I even bought the following items off of ebay: some kind of penis enlarging oil from Asia, penis enlargement pills, and a penis enlargement hypnosis tape; none of which worked (Yes, I know I was a sucker) . The only thing that I did manage to get worth while was a Penis Enlargement exercises manual about $15, which including jelqing (at this time on the internet, pe exercises were only on pay sites)
I had been doing Penis Enlargement and thought I was making progress, until 1 day during a job outing, a coworker of mine dropped his draws for all to see. The guy was huge. He said he was 10 1/2" and I believe him. His thickness was unreal. An attractive married woman even went up to him gawking at him, right in front of her husband. He also claimed to have done some work or was about to do some work for the �naked people movies� company Extreme Associates. I did not want to be put in the position of having a girlfriend/wife desiring another man's penis over my own, so on I would continue with my Penis Enlargement, even more vigorously.
I would stick with manual stretching & jelquing. It wasn't until after I got out of college that my "work in progress" would finally be shown. This girl was the first (and only so far) to deal with my penis and was impressed with my size (especially my girth). My goal was for her to be able to get 2 hands on my penis (length wise), and she did with my head still exposed. I felt like the years of Penis Enlargement had finally paid off. I can now get both hands on my penis with the head exposed, and my hands are quite a bit larger then hers, which shows I've made some progress.
I found this site 3 years ago, and ordered the Viamax extender shortly after. I remember I got it as I was dating this girl who I thought I might of been able to have a future with. I had got the impression based on things she I had been told that she had been with some "larger than life guys", and I didn't want to be put to shame. She never saw my penis, but I'll hopefully be able to share it with a good woman sooner than later.
This site has been valuable in that I know that I'm not alone in this struggle. I'm now able to spot fakes easier, am aware of camera tricks, and have gained info on good pe exercises. My goal is to get to as big as possible, and not waste my time in doing so. I've achieved just about all of my weightlifting goals, now if I could just get this Penis Enlargement goal, I'll be set.
Since i was 12 or so, i was thinking about dick size. All my friends had a bigger dick and I felt very small. If always thougth i just have to wait, I'm young and it will grow. I never had problems with my errected dick size and girls never complained, it was more my flaccid penis I was worried about. (~4'')
One day i watched pay-TV and saw a spot ''Get a bigger penis with natural methods''. I was curious, so I started a research in the internet and i just took me 2 minutes to find a german Penis Enlargement-site - that was absoluetly free!
I was really enthusiastic when I read about it and staret doing stretches and jelqing. I noticed somes changes (harder errections, bigger flaccid penis) but after 6 weeks, before I meassured the first time I just lost motivation, went on vacation and had a break of almost 2 months.
Then I started again in August 08 and from this day on, i did Penis Enlargement for the last 10 months, and never had a break that was longer than 3 days.

rivieraman71;340569 said:
I found out about Penis Enlargement back in 2004. I walked into the local �naked people movies� shop and there was a book in the back that said penis enlargement on the back. On the back of the book there was a picture of John Holmes in all his glory. I bought the book and read it. Sadly it didn't tell you crap. It had a section about Jelqing and I tried it. It also said it would give you 2 inch gains in 4 weeks. So I figired I would gain 1 inch in 2 weeks. Once I didn't see any gains I got pissed off and threw the book out.

I still had faith in Penis Enlargement but figured I was given the wrong information or not enough information. I did research for 3 years on the internet which led to a 2 inch binder full of info about Penis Enlargement. I started again with my new info about warmups, stretching, jelqing, and warmdowns.

The thing was I thought you had to do it all in one sesion for it to work. The thing was after 30 40 minutes of stretching my dick out I was definetly not in the mood to get an erection. I tried this for 3 days and got pissed off again and gave up.

I have known about this site for about 2 years and had total confidence in it but was still held back from the previous times It didn't work. I joined the free forum and read alot of stories and my hope began to rise. I read a post that DLD made about doing his stretches in the morning and that lifted the biggest weight off of my shoulders! I was like a pig in shit when I found you could split the exercises up!

I bought the dvd and it arrived a week ago and here I am. I'm on my 6th day and I am definetly noticing a difference in my erection hardness. After I do a jelqing session I temporary have about a 1/4 inch increase in girth for up to an hour or 2 after the workout and 1/2 inch increase in length after my stretching! I definetly have to say I'm excited this time.

Throughtout the years I have learned a little patience goes a long way. It wasn't that Penis Enlargement wasn't for me it was that it wasn't the right time for me to start!

Excellent Story! Your tenacious disposition will definitely reward you in your journey.
zartan;340572 said:
I have to watch what I say in this post as I think a female from my past has discovered that I'm on here. Anyways, I've always been insecure about my penis size. I'm remember when I was younger I would say to myself that I'm when I'm an adult I'm going to be a big dude with a big penis. Being the one large, athletic, (part) black guy with a less than adequate penis is not the reputation that I wanted to have or would ever settle for. I've also found myself being jealous of the portrayal of big penis' in Hollywood movies (ex. Baseketball, Boogie Nights, Naked Gun 33 1/3, Soul Plane, etc.), and said I want to be that big. My current penis & testicles on a physically smaller (ht and or wt) person would look much more impressive, so I must strive for a bigger penis.
I grew some in school, but the idea first came to me in the early 90's when I was in high school about getting a bigger penis. Girls would talk about wanting a guy with a big dick, and making fun of guys with smaller ones. I was determined that would not be me. One day when I got out of practice, I was walking this girl I knew to the bus stop. She looked o.k., and I didn't have a thing for her, but I had the biggest erection I ever had up until that point. I remember I had on black sweats and she looked in awe and said to me "Do you have to use the bathroom or something?" I'm guessing I was probably about 7" BPenis EnlargementL. The idea of Penis Enlargement was still in my head, but I wouldn't try anything until a few years later in college.
I tried to apply my weight training knowledge to pe in the form of hanging. I would work up to hanging a 45 lb Olympic barbell plate from my penis, but I must have done something wrong as although my flaccid length improved somewhat, my penis began to turn to the right (which I still have), and my erection length actually shrunk. It was also during this time period that this lowlife guy on the football team that I strongly disliked was spotted in the shower, and apparently was hung to his knees according to several other athletes, and made fun of guys with smaller penises. I'm guessing that the claims of his endowment were exaggerated, but that fueled the fire for my quest for a larger penis. I just didn't know how yet.
During my senior year of college, I began exploring the internet for penis enlargment techniques/devices. I first began pumping then, which was a short term success, but in the end netted little to no gains. I even bought the following items off of ebay: some kind of penis enlarging oil from Asia, penis enlargement pills, and a penis enlargement hypnosis tape; none of which worked (Yes, I know I was a sucker) . The only thing that I did manage to get worth while was a Penis Enlargement exercises manual about $15, which including jelqing (at this time on the internet, pe exercises were only on pay sites)
I had been doing Penis Enlargement and thought I was making progress, until 1 day during a job outing, a coworker of mine dropped his draws for all to see. The guy was huge. He said he was 10 1/2" and I believe him. His thickness was unreal. An attractive married woman even went up to him gawking at him, right in front of her husband. He also claimed to have done some work or was about to do some work for the �naked people movies� company Extreme Associates. I did not want to be put in the position of having a girlfriend/wife desiring another man's penis over my own, so on I would continue with my Penis Enlargement, even more vigorously.
I would stick with manual stretching & jelquing. It wasn't until after I got out of college that my "work in progress" would finally be shown. This girl was the first (and only so far) to deal with my penis and was impressed with my size (especially my girth). My goal was for her to be able to get 2 hands on my penis (length wise), and she did with my head still exposed. I felt like the years of Penis Enlargement had finally paid off. I can now get both hands on my penis with the head exposed, and my hands are quite a bit larger then hers, which shows I've made some progress.
I found this site 3 years ago, and ordered the Viamax extender shortly after. I remember I got it as I was dating this girl who I thought I might of been able to have a future with. I had got the impression based on things she I had been told that she had been with some "larger than life guys", and I didn't want to be put to shame. She never saw my penis, but I'll hopefully be able to share it with a good woman sooner than later.
This site has been valuable in that I know that I'm not alone in this struggle. I'm now able to spot fakes easier, am aware of camera tricks, and have gained info on good pe exercises. My goal is to get to as big as possible, and not waste my time in doing so. I've achieved just about all of my weightlifting goals, now if I could just get this Penis Enlargement goal, I'll be set.

Your story is like so many others. It makes me so happy to know that my sites are reaching so many men with similar goals and dreams!
Well I dont really know where to begin I don't know where or how i got started doing Penis Enlargement, I think some time my senior year of high school i tried some penis pills i saw in a king magazine they didn't really do crap for me so i thought there was no such method to make ur penis bigger. I was never insecure about my penis because pretty much every girl i met told me that i was big or the biggest they ever had. Then when i came to college i pretty much tried to get with every girl i could and wasnt expecting to be told i was big because it college im sure these girls have seen more then their fair share of penis, but i still would get "your huge or your really long". then i started to have some issues getting it up because i was messing around so much i guess, so i did a google search and came accross some supplements.

At the end of my fresHydromaxan year i tried pumping my penis looked huge after 20-30 mins of that. so at the end of my sopHydromaxore year of i finally settled down with this one girl who she seen her fair share of guys. So one night i just asked cuz she only made on comment about my size before so i asked her am i big? she said ehh yea your pretty long but your kinda average a little over average in girth. So i asked well where am i out of all ur guys she said second or third in girth and second in length, so it pissed me off a lil bit.I decided i wanted to have the biggest and longest penis she ever had. So during our summer break i looked into different ways to make my penis bigger and found a forum site (�other PE site� and penis health) so i saw some posts about this guy who added 4 inches to his penis. So i googled the guys Mike S. aka DLD and say this white guy with a hugh penis that was 10inches.

So i finally came over to this forum read some stuff and was like what the hell i can give it a try. The first two weeks i only really did lazy ass stretches while i was at work, and then tried the newbie routine. The first week of the newbie routine i noticed my erections were hard as rock, and it looked stronger. So i measured it still it was only 7inches nbpel, and 4.75 eg so i read a few threads to see how long it takes. Now after 3.5 solid months of Penis Enlargement i have measered 7.75nbel and 5.25eg and my girl told me i am bigger then she thought i am definately second in length and girth. so i asked well how big was this one guy and asked her to use a ruler to estimate length and different bottle sizes for girth. So she said he was about 8inches longx5.5-75eg. My goals arent anything extreme when i first started it was out of envy now i do it because i love making my girl cum and love to see how big i look. I dont want to get over 8.5-9''nbpelx6.25''eg i hope to be there by my 9months mark. Thanks DLD for the enlightenment i didnt really think it was possible to get bigger but now i see literally it is.
C-Guy;110480 said:
As depressing as it is to recall the events that led me to this place in time I will share it again.

I was not average when I started pe. If I had been I probably would never have given it a second thought. I was well below average. My pre pe size was 4 1/2 erect bp and 3 3/4 nbp. My girth was around 5 1/4.

I was always surrounded by the best looking girls in high school. I had very few dates in HS because I feared that it would lead to sex and I would have rather died than to have the girls spread the rumor that I was small.

I finally found the girl of my dreams and got engaged. I was terrified of what would happen when she found out the truth. Yeah we were both from the old school and wanted to wait till we were married to have sex. WHAT A MISTAKE! Our wedding night was a disaster. The disappointment was obvious. I started reading up on enlargement programs and started working my ass off trying to make it work. I tried everything I read and nothing worked. My wife became more distant. I found out that she was having an affair. I understood that the real reason was that she was not satisfied (with me) and who could have been? I am not sad that she decided to leave. At the time I thought my world had come to an end but not anymore. I am actually relieved as some of the pressure was then gone.

I found a site that had a chat room (forsize .com) One very desperate night I was close to the edge. I was ready to end my life and had pretty much given up hope. I meet a young man that night that I had heard about from some of the other guys on the chat room. One dude told me that if anyone could help me this would be the one to talk to. he talked me into joining �other PE site� Place and reading all his posts which I did. He helped me with a routine which I tried and still gained nothing.He then suggested I try the DLD Blasters.

I strated trying to do them and decided to check into this DLD character. I sent him a pm I think it was the last week that he was at �other PE site�. I asked him a million questions and he asnwered a million times. He finally suggested that I try the jelq at 100% erection. He said and I wholedheartedly agree that this is NOT for beginners. I had been conditioning myself with 18 months non stop pe at this point with only 1/8 of an inch growth. ALmost instantly a saw a little increase. I added some more stuff that he suggested and the growth kept coming. In around 3 months i went from 4 1/2 bp to 7 1/8 bp.
A ton of shit happened after that and I had to literally walk away from pe for many months. A family member was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the house was literally filled with company for months. I'm talking people sleeping on the floor type full house. There was NO privacy for pe. So in the course of many months off I lost around a 1/2 inch due to the fast gains not being cemented.

Now that I am living alone I have the option to pe once again. I do not regret losing the length and I would do it all over again if faced with the same circumstances. I am agressively attacking pe again with a more hardcore routine and added hanging to the daily grind to hasten the gains again.

Its hard sometimes to listen to the newbies talk of how they are dissatisfied with there 7 or above start size but then I guess that is just as important to them as my 4 1/2 in start size. I don't want anyones pity cause I KNOW that oneday soon i will be above average. I long for the day when I can look in the mirrow and not see the look of disappointment, but rather a look of accomplishment. Thanks for listening.

You gained over 2 inches in 3 months? Sry, but thats complete BULLSHIT.
hy guys here is why i got into this...or to put more exactly ..i will be getting `cuz now i am gathering info :D
so here it goes....and be amazed...
last year around this time of december 22nd 23rd...something like that i was dating this petite curvy hourglass shaped brunette.gorgeous.
new years eve party comes along.awesome !
roughly 11:00 pm : we all gathered in a char crack some jokes have a good girl was sitting next to me .we we sitting on a one point in time..she puts her hand in my baggy pants and starts fishing (looking for my gigantic , godzilla like penis ) ,,she grabs my dick (i was flaccid ps : i am xtremelys mall when flaccid :2-2.5 inches ) and she goes like : oh my god ( i was like ...yeah baby i am hung like a horse !!! but then=> ) you are so so small ! so small my dear ! why don`t you have a bigger one?oh my my.. <= the rest of the people present in that room had this stupid look on their face like : not good boy !
and i felt like SHIT man SHIT with a capital S ! fucked up new years eve party !!
after i started thinking : i am big fucking loser and after 20 days we broke up.god damn it !!!
some time goes on..and i was thinking like : man if only i had a bigger dick !i started asking my friend how big they were and stuff like that ...i was hearing left and right that black people are well endowed and stuff like that..and i felt like a piece of shit...later that year ..late august i find about MOS ..he he ...awesome .
i watched the entire dvd and decided to get more info about this DLD guy that seemed arrogant and cocky at first.. ps :: DLD you are one the coolest and most generous people i ever met and supportive as well . God Bless You and decided to get into its late is around the corner .and my gift to myself is going to be bulletproof commitment to enlarging my dick to 8.5 X 6 ...i will commence in february
thank you all for reading
God Bless DLD
i dont really have much to say about it yet. when i had my first sex really young i was like 18cm (7''+, 2001) bpel and when i started i was like 23cm or 23,5cm (9''+, 2009, nature). i actually was confused about all the �naked people movies� tricks and often fake penises. i wanted to outlength them. for a lot time i was confused about all day stretchers. so i tried to re-build the pro-sizer, but it didnt work. some time later i found a pdf about the basic exercises and started doing them. i stopped it after some time, because the stupid nbpel and different weights screwed it up. somehow i was confused about it after using bpel all my life long. however, later i found another extender, which looked better. the penimaster, but i didnt have the money and i started researching about the surgery. i had to outlength that __________ and possibly get the record.

later i found another site again. that german site. it was weird though. seemed like it kinda was something like a church for the small ones. however, i started reading there, finished there texts after a while and changed to the mos for reading, because i was used to english instructions from countless experiences with technical issues of all kinds, but mainly occurred due to the fact that someone always invents a better idiot and a me for helping them :)

after reading a while i got my ideas and invented new exercises, but i got much stronger in that time. so most exercises went too tough for me, but i intent starting them again when im for some time in Penis Enlargement after a two month injury break.i always had good flaccid gains. 7cm (almost 3'') in a few months, but there weren't great bpel-gains. a lot of the gained inch in bpel ist caused by dlds deep lig jelq. great exercise, thanks man, but the eg was such a thing. i messed up to measure it when i started. i only measured width (6cm), but i wanted more when nohing really happened there. so i injured myself with clamping, ulis and clamped jelqs what lead to the break for 2 months.

now i finally got the extender and i start again all over after a long break. lets see how it goes. __________ should be in reach for that year, bib will be next and when dld falls is dependend on his later gains. __________ was a fake anyway :)
Whats wrong with this thread? I just get the first post on the first page (Excellent post btw) and only up to post #26 on the 2nd page? When I open this thread I get a warning message that my computer has blocked an attack on this page. Is it because of this guys signature- post# 2- BeBobBox?
Turnover;398431 said:
Whats wrong with this thread? I just get the first post on the first page (Excellent post btw) and only up to post #26 on the 2nd page? When I open this thread I get a warning message that my computer has blocked an attack on this page. Is it because of this guys signature- post# 2- BeBobBox?

I deleted the signature, let me know if this fixed your issue.
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