BeBobBox said:
I was cheeky cherry for a while and gained about half an inch then stoped Penis Enlargementing for quite a while. Then I got back into it earlier this year and since then have been Penis Enlargementing once again.

Have you made gains since then? What was your name at CC?

TheExecutioner said:
I took up some exercises did them for some months but gained very little, what I did gain never lasted. That's when I came accross Foreskin restoration, which is now my new project!

Perhaps a new routine would shock you into some good growth. What is your current routine, let us look through it and see what we can do to help.

REDZULU2003 said:
For me, I see a 10'' erect long dick in the near future .... I dont aim for girth anymore, just some width now and alot of length.

My first MOD and dear friend:) I know you will get there, you have been so consistent with Penis Enlargement that nothing can stand in your way. You have grown allot more than your penis here, I have seen you become very mature and a solid leader. Much respect.

nystrongstroke2 said:
I started dry jelquing intensely,at the time my girl had told me she wanted to do a 3 sum with me with her friend.I did my routine and belive it or not would kinda like do some edging when my girl and i had se(angry)because we would fuck for long periods of time without me releasing)and my dick swole up on me something fierce during one our sessions.

It is amazing how much inspiration a girlfriend, or partner, can give us. I bet that one episode got you Penis Enlargement'ing like a motherfucker! I know for me a compliment from JEN is better than more length on the ruler.

ebon00 said:
I first got into Penis Enlargement when I got seriously online back in 1997. Bakc then there weren't much of a Penis Enlargement community, just a few sites that sold text-only downloads with Penis Enlargement exercises.

That is just crazy! The Penis Enlargement world has changed so much since my involvement, 1997 must have been very archaic. If I had a site like MoS then you can guaranty I would not be looking for donations:D

ebon00 said:
Last year I stumbled upon this whole thing again and found a number of great forums. I learned a few new tricks, and also rediscovered a few old, and decided to get back in the game again. By now I've broken 8" BPenis EnlargementL (started at 6.2"). My girth is just over 6" last time I measured.

That is awesome! 8" is suck a landmark in Penis Enlargement and your girth is off the charts. Congratulations!

WantToBeThick said:
I first heard about Penis Enlargement through the back of some magazine.

Like Charles Atlas:D

WantToBeThick said:
I gained most of my lenght in the first couple of months. The girth has come since. I also took a long ass break (2 years). I just started back in early August and I've already seen some minor gains, so I'm hopeful.

Welcome back! It sounds like you have been around Penis Enlargement for a long time, it is great to see such a seasoned vet return time and time again.

kong1971 said:
When my wife and I married about a decade ago, I foolishly asked her if I was the best lover she ever had. This was after being married about six months. We were laying in bed one night, talking, and I was curious. I was getting a vibe from her that she wasn't happy about something in the sex department.

Her answer was no. She's an honest woman.

Like a ton of bricks!

kong1971 said:
The best thing about MOS is the freedom that DLD gives us. He has never berated my views on foreskin restoration and has always allowed me to preach my unique combination of FR and Penis Enlargement without coming down on me for it, which I think is awesome!

Never happen. MoS is about being heard even if some guys don't want to hear it. Censorship slows down the Penis Enlargement process. Many a great thing has come from a not so nice beginning. MoS is about being yourself and growing in more ways than your dick. You are my latest MoD and I am so happy to have you on board.

C-Guy said:
Its hard sometimes to listen to the newbies talk of how they are dissatisfied with there 7 or above start size but then I guess that is just as important to them as my 4 1/2 in start size. I don't want anyones pity cause I KNOW that oneday soon i will be above average. I long for the day when I can look in the mirrow and not see the look of disappointment, but rather a look of accomplishment. Thanks for listening.

C-Guy, we go back to a time that none of these words would cross your lips. You have been through more shit than, dare I say it, me:D and you have succumbed and came out a better person. Your gains mean so much to me as I know the whole story. You are a landmark in the Penis Enlargement World.

pUNKY said:
I searched and searched the net to find something to help me, i came across pridepenis were i started a basic routine and went from 5.5"EL to around 5.75"-6" and girth from 4.1"EG to 5". I quit Penis Enlargement for a while then came back to it only to find pridepenis had pretty much died, i found a post by DLD and joined MOS. Started another more advanced routine and got too 6.25"EL but lost .25EG. I have recently lefted Penis Enlargement mainly through lazyness and have now came back.

So may of us met at PridePenis back in a time when Penis Enlargement was not so vicious. You have gained over an inch and that in itself is a miracle. I am glad you are back and involved again.

joe_bloggs808 said:
My only problem is 1, finding enough time, and 2, keeping up the motivation, but I am sure when I start to see REAL erect gains I'll be AWAY-hay-hay :)

As long as you stay involved with the forums I guaranty you that you will stay involved with Penis Enlargement. 9" is an incredible goal and motivation is a huge part of the process. Keep a reminder around, get a picture of your ideal penis and look at it every time you lose motivation, this will keep you in the bathroom. Good luck!

crazyed27 said:
Man I bullshit you not, he was in 5th grade and his dick hung down just short of his kneecap. I was big and hairy I was amazed by it.

:D There is the fuel! My first run in with a monster was a John Holmes movie where he was getting it on with two girl scouts. I was amazed, disturbed and confused:)

crazyed27 said:
I saw DLD’s pics and couldn’t believe that this could be true.

...and still don't:D No worries, you have an amazing tool now and I know your pictures are an inspiration to many.

msustud said:
I guess in some ways some people have it worse than others

Very true but I have seen many guys who have come to the Penis Enlargement table with nightmares turn their shit around. I have always seen the guy who went from 4.5 to 6.5 as being the biggest inspiration.

AlloyCG said:
I am able to give her 5+ orgasms, sometimes them lasting 5 or 6 minutes, and every single time she makes the comment that it's by far the best sex she's ever had. Maybe one of the most rewarding thing I've ever heard.

Very cool indeed! That is a practiced art that I am ashamed to say I have slept on over the past year. Hearing this gets me motivated to become a great lover again.

poonologist said:
I guess a couple months passed and this was when DLD(a member i had known as i followed many of his threads and quickly became a believer in his geniune personality and friendliness he portrayed in each and every post.)made mention of his own paysite.I had decided at this point i was joining this great mans paysite.Luckily DLD decided to have the forums for all to share information as well as the paysite.(best choice he couldve made imo)This led me to learn much more about penis enlargement and alot about myself too.This forum is like the innovator of the enlargement community.This is where you come for the latest exercises,advice and support and no place on the net can match it.The commarodary between members here is amazing.Im proud to be a part of it all.

There was a time I was not even going to have forums. I had VB software that I was going to use for just the paysite members but after the shit that went down at �other PE site� JAZ convinced me to bring the forums public. Back then I was so down, I remember many a day when there was only 4 people online at MoS. Damn, things have changes. Your post was very inspirational. Hearing all these stories gets me back to my roots in Penis Enlargement, keep it up guys.
i was like 5.25 x 4.25 then gained .5 x .5 (while at cheekycherry) then stoped and lost like .25 inches off each then started back up and now im at the stats in my sig.

I was BigDaddy on CC. Everything was going fine till some guy pissed me off and I had a few mean posts and they banned me. Plus I knew bout Matts scam bout him owning that other Penis Enlargement site which charges.
Now I ain't the most experienced man if ya' reckon by length (of time :p) spent on these Penis Enlargement boards.


But, I do know that I become ravenous whenever I see pics of DLD's cock...


I mean, that doesn't make me gay, right?...

Just because I salivate at the sight of a large cock... a thick, juicy sausage... ripe and ready for oral loving...


I was at Cheeky Cherry for almost a month, and learned jack shit except how to take shit from uppity mods/admins. I started doing double duty between CC and here about a week ago, and I'm now banned there because I praised DLD and his ... kickass, best-ever-made forum.

The gains are good, and the people here seem honestly committed to both their own Penis Enlargement quest, and in supporting each other. Kudos to everyone, and... now it's off to yank on my dick.

I must say that i live in Serbia so my english probably sucks.For me all about Penis Enlargement started in NOV. Of 2002.For all of my life(14-24) i was afraid to sleap with girls,becouse i was small(only 5 inch. EL and 4,25 EG).So that had big influence on my whole life .I have been with a lot of girls but only kissing and soo... was there to happen,nothing else!At the age of 26 ,guess, i yust had 4 girls down in bed!For this reason i didnt finished my studies of Electronics,(i stumbled at second year).After that i went to army were i was a poor soldier,not appriciated in that society either.After army all sorts of shit happened in my life.I had bad acna problem,that seamed not to go away.Had bad friends that underastimated me.I could go on like this,but you would probably guess what came next.I feal in love with a girl 8 years younger.i assumed that she wouldnt be interested in sex cos she is only 16.But she did,and i slept with her,but she never cummed.She thought that it will take time for us to adjust,and then it will happen ,but it never did.That was the reason for me to yell on her,one night (our last) I started quarrel that ended you know how...!i felt sorry for my self,frustrations yust became worse from then on.All of the 4 girls said that they had boyfriends with bigger dicks and almost allways cummed during intercourse.From the moment i opened my eyes till the moment i went to sleep,i was trying NOT TO THINK about my frustration cause but that wasnt easy.Even had a relationship with a girl that loved me more than she did her self.Her family also loved me,but that even made me more nervous cose i wanted not to dissapoint them all.She did cumm but only when i licked her.We broke up 10 month relationship and 3 months later i so her walking with her boyfriend looking more happy then she was when she was with me.I even heard from her friend that she is living DOLCE VITTA!Allways smiling when she was walking on the streat,passing me buy but not noticing that i am there!I wanted to jump from the bridge and end this fucking life.About at the begining of january 2003,i wanted to see if something could be there on the net that could help me.I found a site Penis enlargement 4 and instantly started exercising.Some Jelqs and lot of stretching.In 2 weeks i gained 0,5 inch EL but nothing of girth.It made me feel victorious!!!But soon after i noticed my girth is not getting better so i stopped,assuming that was it.Have heard something about pumping but was affraid to try that.For a long year my life seemed a bit better than before,but not god enough for me.Nothing special has changed,i was still a loser.But nothing in life happens buy chance,so this happend.I found out some guy(on the net) who claimed that had some exercise program that realy makes the diference.I belived,but i had to pay a some 5 euros for that.It was a scam,a lay!Nothing arrived in my E-mai box.I wanted to say I BELIEVED it was possible and whole day i imagined my bigger penis,i was so happy about it.Went surffing on the net,and buy chance i found MOS Forum.Today is a totaly different story(only 3 months later on) i abandoned all my previous wrong way of life,and i am more happy,having further goals in my life,like finishing school,making lot of money,in my free time i chase girls.That never happened before cos i was too ashamed.Today i am ,so more confident then ever was before,and a totaly different man also,only 3 months man!!!REDZULUs guide helped me mostly,cos i am doing havy clamping ,sometimes twice a day,but if not clamping some erect jelqing on days off.

My stats today: 6.5 BPenis EnlargementL 5,1 EG

Starting stats:5 BPenis EnlargementL 4,25 EG

GOAL 7x6! Till New year.
DLD said:
Perhaps a new routine would shock you into some good growth. What is your current routine, let us look through it and see what we can do to help.

Well I have been off of Penis Enlargement for quite some time now. I have had lots of experience with it, so I feel I can handle the advanced routines. I am thinking of going back one day, I have a good vibe. The sort of routine that would suit me would be one which is short and intense type thing. I can't sit around for like 1 hour+ each time I do it, due to privacy and being busy.
Now I have started to restore though, I feel as though I cannot do Pe until I am restored as I know this may sound sili but IF I do gain, It will set me back with the skin gains I have made!
Thanks anyway.
Red for my fav' teams colour = Manchester United
Zulu for the people I ASMIRE for their courage and determination = Zulu Warriers of Zululand
Lol Man-U for life red! But zululand? Dont you mean Africa? There is no Zululand lol.

Anyhow, my story is as goes...

I started @ 16 with 7 x 5.5 I grew naturally to 7.25 x 5.5 where I Penis Enlargementd to 7.5 x 5.5. I took time off. At 17 I Penis Enlargementd up to 7.75 x 5.75 and am now Just under 8 x 5.75 BP. I got a g/f now. She has never cummed or orgasmed, with me (only had sex 3 times) or her last boyfriend. She said fingering herself doesnt feel like anything really either. But she does say it feels good when we do it and she gets into it, and really likes doing it, just not too often, so it stays special. I gotta post this in another forum to get help. She is coming up on 17. I dont really last long, I need to work on that. She said she knows from my short performances if I went longer I could make her orgasm/cum

Anyways, she says I am big, but doesnt believe I am 8, she says I am like 7 lol. I gotta prove this shit to her. I told her what if I was 10 x 7 and she said thatd be freaky and she would cut all relations with it. Lol 10x7 here I come.

Anyways I am streaking at an away game for our football team with my best friend, right before half time show starts. It is on November 5th. I relied on this IGF-1 idea to be the magic wand so I wouldnt feel small (yes even at almost 8x5.75 I feel small flaccid). I streaked sopHydromaxore year @ homecoming when my sis was up for queen, but I was in a speedo, so it was different.

Even then people in the stands, especially from our school, will talk shit. It is easy for someone who has never showed, to criticize, especially from a distance, IN THE COLD!

Lots of people like me and some specific people/groups dont. Football players generally dont like me, although some are cool. So they will talk shit, but I dont fucking care. I am out of this place in 1 year on to better things. Might as well make some lasting stories to tell in the future.

Anyhow, I need to improve how long I last, my sex technique and building trust with g/f so she will let me finger/eat her out(which she thinks is sick) so I need to be more romantic/etc, and so she is more comfortable naked around me, and I want to get up to 9x7 NBP
I also made the dumb mistake of asking my girlfriend how I stacked up, of course I wasn't the biggest. My new found insecurity drove me to research, once I found a few different sites I joined one. I from that point on determend to give myself a monster penis. This is the third site I've signed up to and by far the best. At first it I guess it was all about me being insecure with my average size, now I can honestly say I'm fine with it even though my gains if any have been next to nothing. I'm confident that I can make this stuff work for me. I've pe'ed for about a year now, off and one. I've got a healthier dick and maybe a tiny bit more erect length and girth, my flaccid has definatly gotten bigger. My big mistake thoughout my peing has been not keeping a close eye on my progress. Most likely due to my hatred towards the ruler. I've been on a couple different intense routines over the last few months with no success. I'm currently on my second day of a little break. I am most likely goin to start over from phase one and see what I can do. I've been looking into different routines you guys use and how you've gained from them and it very inspirational, but I still haven't become confedent as to what will work for me as far as rest days and specific exercises. I plan to start a new routine in a week or so but I'm really antzy so I might end up doin some stretching later this afternoon.
Great idea for a post DLD, I hope to see more like this. Good luck to you all!
To hopefully inspire more people to tell their story, I'll have you know I've read most of these and WILL read them ALL.

I got into Penis Enlargement at about 16/17 because I was surfing the net bored one day. I didn't believe that such a thing was possible, except maybe with surgery, but I wasn't unhappy with my dick particularly. Except that I never got to use it.
I guess I took to it for self-esteem reasons. Although I was lucky enough to be blessed with a good length to begin with, it didn't matter much. I thought I was never going to get laid. My problem is I'm highly sensitive. I know there are some of us on MOS who have depression and other illnesses which they are fighting and I don't want to jump on the bandwagon by making it seem like I'm comparing being a highly-sensitive-person (HSP) with OCD or anything. But things can be very difficult for me and it's hard to get people to understand. When you're sensitive you feel too much, you're too intense, you notice things too easily. Girls didn't think me boyfriend material. I fell in love once and got badly screwed around; it tore me up as it does all of us.
My decision after I started gaining was to show those little bitches who humiliated me and put me down and those guys who picked on me, and even the teachers who shouted and didn't understand, who I could be. When I got up to 8" I knew, for the first time in my life, that I was going to do this. And to this day, there has been no question in my mind that I'll hit 10.5x7. The thought that I might not make it didn't even occur to me. It is not even an issue. I'm gonna be the greatest lover there is and boy, I'm gonna make all the girls who ever hurt me stay up all night wishing I was with them and all the guys get sick wishing they were me.

The girl who I fell in love with and who rejected me saw my cock for the first time not to long ago. This was her reaction as I was getting it out:

"Hey it.....oh my Go...OH MY GOD!! Fuck!"

I told her never to underestimate me again.

lol, sorry. I was told at 14 that my anger came out in my writing.

Keep the stories coming guys. I'm finding them all inspirational. :)
Shazbut said:
My problem is I'm highly sensitive. I know there are some of us on MOS who have depression and other illnesses which they are fighting and I don't want to jump on the bandwagon by making it seem like I'm comparing being a highly-sensitive-person (HSP) with OCD or anything. But things can be very difficult for me and it's hard to get people to understand. When you're sensitive you feel too much, you're too intense, you notice things too easily.

You have no idea how much I can relate to that... ;)
It's not easy being a sensitive, empathic person. Well, life won't ever be emotionally dull for you, but you will end up getting more deeply hurt throughout your life than most people. Then again, the peaks and joy in life are also magnified tenfold, so it's a double edged sword.
Originally posted by Shafty
You have no idea how much I can relate to that...
It's not easy being a sensitive, empathic person. Well, life won't ever be emotionally dull for you, but you will end up getting more deeply hurt throughout your life than most people. Then again, the peaks and joy in life are also magnified tenfold, so it's a double edged sword.

Yes! I knew there must be another one of us on here. Thanks for the support, brother. Life has already been more beautiful and horrible for me than I think it's been for most people, I suppose it's a blessing really.
I wish I knew someone like you in real life.
Peace. You'll make those goals by the way. :)
Shazbut said:
Yes! I knew there must be another one of us on here. Thanks for the support, brother. Life has already been more beautiful and horrible for me than I think it's been for most people, I suppose it's a blessing really.
I wish I knew someone like you in real life.
Peace. You'll make those goals by the way. :)

Thank you very much for the kind words, Shazbut! :) It would indeed be great to meet someone in person who could feel what it's like to be this way. I think most men would consider being empathic and sensitive ''weak'' traits.. but I say fuck it; it's a true sign of strength of character when you have the balls to admit that to yourself and to those around you. If you are in touch with your emotions you are MUCH more of a man than if you keep them bottled up inside throughout your life and put on a tough front. I've seen too many good men end up killing themselves after decades of carrying around emotional baggage they could not process openly out of fear of ridicule/losing face. I sure as hell am not going to end up as one of them!
Besides, it is much better to go through life experiencing the whole spectrum of colors it has to offer, and not just the shades of gray!

Oh yeah, and thanks for the encouragement on the gains! ;)
profesionalac said:
I must say that i live in Serbia so my english probably sucks.For me all about Penis Enlargement started in NOV. Of 2002.For all of my life(14-24) i was afraid to sleap with girls,becouse i was small(only 5 inch. EL and 4,25 EG).So that had big influence on my whole life .I have been with a lot of girls but only kissing and soo... was there to happen,nothing else!At the age of 26 ,guess, i yust had 4 girls down in bed!For this reason i didnt finished my studies of Electronics,(i stumbled at second year).After that i went to army were i was a poor soldier,not appriciated in that society either.After army all sorts of shit happened in my life.I had bad acna problem,that seamed not to go away.Had bad friends that underastimated me.I could go on like this,but you would probably guess what came next.I feal in love with a girl 8 years younger.i assumed that she wouldnt be interested in sex cos she is only 16.But she did,and i slept with her,but she never cummed.She thought that it will take time for us to adjust,and then it will happen ,but it never did.That was the reason for me to yell on her,one night (our last) I started quarrel that ended you know how...!i felt sorry for my self,frustrations yust became worse from then on.All of the 4 girls said that they had boyfriends with bigger dicks and almost allways cummed during intercourse.From the moment i opened my eyes till the moment i went to sleep,i was trying NOT TO THINK about my frustration cause but that wasnt easy.Even had a relationship with a girl that loved me more than she did her self.Her family also loved me,but that even made me more nervous cose i wanted not to dissapoint them all.She did cumm but only when i licked her.We broke up 10 month relationship and 3 months later i so her walking with her boyfriend looking more happy then she was when she was with me.I even heard from her friend that she is living DOLCE VITTA!Allways smiling when she was walking on the streat,passing me buy but not noticing that i am there!I wanted to jump from the bridge and end this fucking life.About at the begining of january 2003,i wanted to see if something could be there on the net that could help me.I found a site Penis enlargement 4 and instantly started exercising.Some Jelqs and lot of stretching.In 2 weeks i gained 0,5 inch EL but nothing of girth.It made me feel victorious!!!But soon after i noticed my girth is not getting better so i stopped,assuming that was it.Have heard something about pumping but was affraid to try that.For a long year my life seemed a bit better than before,but not god enough for me.Nothing special has changed,i was still a loser.But nothing in life happens buy chance,so this happend.I found out some guy(on the net) who claimed that had some exercise program that realy makes the diference.I belived,but i had to pay a some 5 euros for that.It was a scam,a lay!Nothing arrived in my E-mai box.I wanted to say I BELIEVED it was possible and whole day i imagined my bigger penis,i was so happy about it.Went surffing on the net,and buy chance i found MOS Forum.Today is a totaly different story(only 3 months later on) i abandoned all my previous wrong way of life,and i am more happy,having further goals in my life,like finishing school,making lot of money,in my free time i chase girls.That never happened before cos i was too ashamed.Today i am ,so more confident then ever was before,and a totaly different man also,only 3 months man!!!REDZULUs guide helped me mostly,cos i am doing havy clamping ,sometimes twice a day,but if not clamping some erect jelqing on days off.

My stats today: 6.5 BPenis EnlargementL 5,1 EG

Starting stats:5 BPenis EnlargementL 4,25 EG

GOAL 7x6! Till New year.

EXELLENT the clamps have another victim LMAO
WOW what a great thread, lets keep adding to this. YOUR pe story of success, blood sweat and tears.
I started jelqing in high school, around 2001. Like everyone else, I found out about it though the web, but I can't remember where. I also don't remember why, in the moment that I did, I was looking up penis enlargement on the internet. My girlfriend at the time made me very insecure about size because she was experienced and I wasn't. She asked my size once and I told her (6.5) and she feigned excitement. She'd had better, apparently. I'm not one to chase after women, but I never wanted to see that look again. That "oh, great, 6.5" look.

Jelqing worked pretty well, but I didn't trust the website I got the information from. Later on I would find out that the recommended routine was very much like the newbie routine here at MOS. Jelqing and stetching. There was a lot less information and it was all offered with a giant grain of salt. Like, "this is what some idiots think will make their dicks bigger".

I got back into Penis Enlargement almost two years ago when I'd graduated from college and was just working a crap job. I'm not very social and find myself with a lot of time, so I remembered Penis Enlargement and did some more research to see if I could find a more reliable website. I discovered Bib at �other PE site� and studied hanging while maintaining a jelqing routine. Bib is very straight forward, no nonsense, and that drew me in. Then out of nowhere I found a post by DLD on a random Penis Enlargement website. It was an older post and he was talking about DLD Blasters. This exercise was great, by the way, when traveling and not able to carry a hanger and weights. So I searched DLD and found a big post somewhere about Penis Enlargement and what it was really about, the soul of it. He was asking, what does it mean to have or want a large penis? He was really talking about what we all new intuitively from the beginning of our time in Penis Enlargement. Most articles you see cover the same basic points: men are stupid for wanting larger penis, men who try to get larger penis are in fact apes, and women don't want large penis anyway. We have known this is all garbage and DLD talks about it openly. That's when I knew I was in the right place and the rest is history.
Given the growth of "americas top model". breast implants, botox etc,etc it really should be no surprise that enlargement is a growing industry. given your no.1 position (or no.2 after �other PE site�) dld, you should be well placed to make some money out of it ... not sure subscription will make that much as people maybe embarrassed about having it on credit card bill but am sure advertising could be huge given the growth in internet volume that is likely to be coming.

you know this side of the business better than me but there should be megabucks in the enlargement industry - especially quality sites like this - once your consumer realises pills and surgery don't work.
Anyway my story is one of insecurity and curiousity. :O

I met my wife on an internet dating site about 5 years ago. She was great looking and i felt a bit insecure i might not be good looking enough etc,etc. I remember maybe after shagging her once or twice she said, completely out of the blue, "you know i've never seen any difference between the size of guys... they're all much of a muchness" - or words to that effect.:O I remember thinking - BUT I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT SIZE! WHY BRING THIS UP IF SIZE WAS NOT IMPORTANT? It was hard for me to know for sure, but i strongly suspected she must have thought i was small. Trust me, i had had a few relationships and f*cks up to this point and size had never, ever even entered my brain.

Since then that one innocuous comment has bothered me greatly. Also when we did it doggy, i felt she was backing her bum up sometimes to try to get me in deeper. This bothered me as no girlfriend had ever done this before.

Finally she would always say something when i had a really fierce boner...ooooh you are so hard. It just felt like my performance was being measured although this had a lot to do with my insecurities too.

I started Penis Enlargement at about 5.5 and am now 6.75 inches. Given the soreness of the __________ stretch, i reckon i could be coming up to 7inches with a really fierce boner. i am stunned to know that statistically i now have a bigger than average dick (in the top 10% depending on who you read). When i f*cked her a few weeks ago, she said 'f*ck me with your big dick" - it just slipped out (the comment that is LMAO ), and neither of us referenced it.

I have some esteem issues and clearly Penis Enlargement is addressing the symptoms rather than the cause but its been a fun experience, is not unhealthy, and helps with my confidence. but ultimately a 1.5 inch bigger dick won't make you happy (although maybe will give my wife a few more orgasms! :) )

thanks for all the help and advice on the way.:cool:
pr0to;111113 said:
Now I ain't the most experienced man if ya' reckon by length (of time :p) spent on these Penis Enlargement boards.


But, I do know that I become ravenous whenever I see pics of DLD's cock...

WHERE are these pics of DLD's cock?
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