Jun 3, 2003
My experience with this whole game went through many stages. I have been on pretty high doses of certain medications that throughout my adult years have slowly made getting a good erection difficult. About 3 years ago I decided I wanted to do something about this. I did a simple google search on the net for this condition and the first link I clicked brought me to the back door of some Penis Enlargement site that I still have no clue to who it was. I printed out the complete info and started to read. I had no interest at the time of increasing the size of my penis nor did I think it even possible. I never felt small, I did have some faith in the exercises geared at increasing erection strength. I decided to do the whole program anyway to see what happens. Now it is very important to understand the claims this guy made and how that affected my own results as I slowly gained faith in the entire program. He claimed a few things that seemed impossible to me at the time. Some being; gain 4" in one year, gain 2" of girth in one year, last longer, the hardest erection ever, among other extraordinary claim. Well about two months into the program, which I followed religiously, I started to notice changes, as did Jennifer. The first being stretch marks on the belly of my penis. Quickly following were much harder erections, I was lasting much longer, sex started to feel tighter, I noticed hair growing up the side of my penis, things just started to happen that he said would happen. I was a convert, I BELIEVED!

After my newfound confidence and faith in this program I started to add and incorporate. I still had not measured my penis but as I said that was not the original issue of doing these exercises. This program was intense and grueling. I took allot of time and was done daily. By the time I did finally measure I was 8.25" long and 6 months into the program. I started at 6.5" so this only made my confidence in his program that much greater. At this point I stumbled on to the peform.net site and started to read and study.

I actually felt discouraged about my gains thinking I should be closing in on at least a 3" gain because I was moving into the last third of my year. According to the original ligature 4" was what was promised and so far everything he promised materialized. This is when I made my first post at peforums.net. I came out saying how depressed I was about my minimal gains and needed some help to get bigger. Well this was not appreciated very much and an all out attack ensued on me. People thought I was full of shit and making all this up. It wasn't until further inspection that I realized the extent of my original gains. Soon after seeing what normal gains were I could appreciate the forum anger. I really wanted to be accepted by this elite force of Penis Enlargement brethren and I was willing to do what I needed to be accepted. At the time I posted my first pictures I was closing in around 9” in length and I about 6” of girth. I knew to be accepted, as a real person photos would be important. They were just the things to gain acceptance.

The first people that befriended me were Dino, Buster, DrGmerlin, Luvdadus, Twatteaser, Pamdaga and my long lost friend MisterEd. I was quickly encouraged to get involved in the forum and I slowly did. After reading how good my gains were in comparison to what people usually gained I entered my first plateau. I started to lose faith in the original text and start believing I made all the gains I could. 10” seemed out of the question and I stopped believing. This is when I met Bib (Bigger). When I heard he broke these barriers I quickly regained my faith and redesigned my entire program.

I started looking into all forms of science and how they apply to penis enlargement. I took a particular interest in simple machines and how I could incorporate this knowledge into my own manual exercises. Around this time I had injured myself with a tear to the frenulum. This forced me to take a break from Penis Enlargement. During this time I did a ton of research. I remember how I took a special interest in kegels and how these seemed to be a very big difference in my program compared to many of the other guys. I started experimenting with reverse kegels and I found a very important link to LIG gains and stretching. This was during rest so it was all theory at the time. When I healed I jumped head first into physical applications of my studies and the BLASTERS were born. I had literally piles and piles of notes and ideas for exercise. I had more than 40 different techniques I was working with. This whole time I kept a close, illustrated record of all of it. I was working with a number of guys on their program that became part of my notes. These physical trials with other men were refreshing because they were seeing similar gains to me.

During this entire process I was suffering with my own mental disorders and felt so connected to this forum that I decided to start being honest with these issues. I suffer from acute O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and as a result I am agoraphobic. Due to this disorder basic life is very difficult for me to live. I cannot go into public. It takes hours to bathe, I cannot hold any type of job, and normal relationships are a luxury I will probably never see. (Thank God for you guys and my dear Jennifer) My initial fear of rejection was quickly dimmed by the incredible support I received. This led to some of the studies I have worked on. The friends I made in these forum really encouraged me to take control of my problems and start doing something about it. Over the following months I jumped head first into “Is Everything you See Really what Your Seeing”, The Yakface thread “Self-View”, and my numerous other threads addressing these problems and what to do. The people of these forums quickly did not only embrace me but I was joined in my struggle. I found out that many men suffered from some of the same problems I did. Since that time I have devoted much time to working on these issues and offering help to my brothers in these forums. I saw that when I could help someone I was truly helping myself. I worked on some other important studies that helped identify obsessive compulsiveness in Penis Enlargement and steps to relieve this. Most of my work is available within the forums.

I divided my time between Peforums, Cheeky Cherry, Thundersplace and PridePenis. I spent my days doing Penis Enlargement, developing exercise, working one on one with guys and my continued studies of the physical and mental aspects of the penis enlargement. I had found my love and Penis Enlargement was it.

Sometime about a year ago I had compiled many exercises. I kept very good notes and records of my progress. I also kept very accurate drawings of my work. Times were getting tough for me financially. I was spending my days in the various Penis Enlargement forums, developing exercise, working with guys and doing my own program. I had to make a decision. If I stayed involved with the Penis Enlargement world at the level I was I was going to be out on the street with nothing (but a big dick of course) I did not want to stop my involvement, I loved Penis Enlargement. I loved the people involved. I finally found a way to help others as I helped myself and this felt really good. I went to Thunder for advice. I asked him how he thought I would do with a paysite. He gave me allot of encouragement and I really saw a positive future. A future doing what I love and being able to pay my bills.

At this point I had gotten in touch with my dear friend JAZ. He has been the one friend I have had through most of my life and someone I could trust and count on. I went to work….he went to work…hours turned into days turned into weeks turned into months. I wanted a site that was a true reflection of my Penis Enlargement spirit and I wanted it to be second to none. I was working my own Penis Enlargement in throughout the days…thank GOD for LAZY ASS STRETCHES.

After about 3 months of 80-hour weeks MoS was born! It was my baby and I was so proud of it. It was everything I wanted it to be. I could not wait to let my friends see the test site and give me feedback. I remember I let a few guys in to see it. Everyone loved it; accept Thunder, which really depressed me because I had great admiration for him. Somewhere around this time my welcome had worn out at Thundersplace and I was not sure what I was going to do. I felt like my life was ending…everything I worked so hard for just seemed to crash down around me. I had to do something so the Paysite Jaz and I worked so hard on was going to feature a private user forum. Well that private forum became the public forum you guys see today. Within a weeks time I had left Thundersplace, opened my paysite and launched MoS free forums. I was scared out of my mind. I really thought I was going to fail without �other PE site� help…and it was hard. I had to start over again and I knew this was going to be hard work.

During most of this period my gains pretty much stood still. I had broken the 10” barrier and my girth still hovered around 6.5”. I felt my dick had to be on hold while I got this other stuff going. I trained daily but it was more to relieve stress than make gains. After the site was launched and open to the public I was finally able to get back to exercise development and making gains. I was able to spend allot more time within the medical sites studying the penis and brain storming exercise. Since then it has been pretty smooth sailing. I developed the GIRTH BUSTERS, which were my doorway to 7” of girth (post workout). I was also able to tack on another .75 of erect length thanks to the introduction of SUPenis EnlargementR-SETS. Everything has really come together. Although I am still very poor, I am extremely rich in friends. A year ago I thought I was all done…today I am proud of my perseverance.

My NBP Stats have changed over the past few months due to weight gain. I hope to get back into aerobic activity to reclaim my NBP size.
For me it started when my friend brought me some Penis Enlargement pills one day. He had bought 2 packages of it to see if they work and wanted to use them with him. With his order came a paper that said to do some light jelqing and stretching everyday with the pills in order to see optimal gains. After 2-3 months I didnt really see any difference, but by that time had read alot about different kinds of penis enlargement and stuff like that. I was cheeky cherry for a while and gained about half an inch then stoped Penis Enlargementing for quite a while. Then I got back into it earlier this year and since then have been Penis Enlargementing once again.
Unfortunately for me, my Penis Enlargement story hasn't been so positive. I heard so much stuff in the media about how a small dick was seen to be bad I realised how small my penis got while it was flaccid. I felt embarrased about this and decided to search high and low for the internet. It took a while before i found genuine free information, so much scam stuff going on. I found actionlove, which told me about ballooning, I later read an article from him saying that ballooning will only work if you have foreskin! So natuarally i was disuaded. Then through some luck i found some static html sites which told me about jelqing and what not. I read and gathered this information contemplating about doing it, but hearing so much stuff about how Penis Enlargement was fake I wasn't so sure about starting it straight away. I finally stumbled upon Cheeky cherry and began some exercising. I met many great people there, and i was one of the "guinea pigs" in a 24hour cock ring experiement. I read a post on there made by dld with a link to his paysite. I saw it open and here I am today. I took up some exercises did them for some months but gained very little, what I did gain never lasted. That's when I came accross Foreskin restoration, which is now my new project!
I wanted to get into pe because i had noticed that i would get weird erections.Some days it would be longer or fatter than others so i decided to do a search and found an online forum.When i had first started i told a couple of my friends and my girl and no one would belive it would work.I tried for length at first but my length gains were taking to long to show up and i got impatient.I started dry jelquing intensely,at the time my girl had told me she wanted to do a 3 sum with me with her friend.I did my routine and belive it or not would kinda like do some edging when my girl and i had se(angry)because we would fuck for long periods of time without me releasing)and my dick swole up on me something fierce during one our sessions.Ever since then i've been coming back and forth to pe.I had stopped once because my girl would complain about sex hurting,then another time i had got big headed because of my girth gains and just stopped.Pe has worked wonders for me,i'm glad that i can exercise my dick as much as any other part of my body without actually having sex.It works,all u gotta do is read into it,and apply the time--have patience do it for the way it feels inside and in no time you'll be working ur way up the ladder
Great input guys! We need more of your stories, it is a real inspiration.
I first got into Penis Enlargement when I got seriously online back in 1997. Bakc then there weren't much of a Penis Enlargement community, just a few sites that sold text-only downloads with Penis Enlargement exercises. I never got the hang of stretching back then so I only jelqed and did some minor pumping. (I tried hanging but the problems there were the same as with manual stretching.) Nevertheless I was tireless to the point of injury (mostly from not knowing what the hell I did pumping) so I had a few breaks in that first year. I totalled about 7 months of Penis Enlargement and managed to put on a little over an inch in length (back then I didn't care on iota about girth).

Last year I stumbled upon this whole thing again and found a number of great forums. I learned a few new tricks, and also rediscovered a few old, and decided to get back in the game again. By now I've broken 8" BPenis EnlargementL (started at 6.2"). My girth is just over 6" last time I measured.
I first heard about Penis Enlargement through the back of some magazine. This was in college. I called the number and spent $40 for a pamphlet giving the basics on jelqing and pumping. I then spent $80 for a pump which I had no business spending as I was a dirt-ass-poor college student. I pumped off and on for about a year with some light stretching and jelqing. I think I gained about a half inch, but I'm not sure as my measurements weren't great so I don't include that in my stats.

Years passed until the summer of 2001. I rented a documentary on modern day swingers called The Lifestyle. One of the guys said that he had a big dick because he hung weights. That got me to searching the internet. I soon stumbled into a back door to a paysite. I still have the download. The stuff here is better. Eventually, I happened on Penis Enlargementforums and then �other PE site� and then here.

I gained most of my lenght in the first couple of months. The girth has come since. I also took a long ass break (2 years). I just started back in early August and I've already seen some minor gains, so I'm hopeful.
ebon00 said:
Last year I stumbled upon this whole thing again and found a number of great forums. I learned a few new tricks, and also rediscovered a few old, and decided to get back in the game again. By now I've broken 8" BPenis EnlargementL (started at 6.2"). My girth is just over 6" last time I measured.

It is incredible how much Penis Enlargement has grown over the past few years.
When my wife and I married about a decade ago, I foolishly asked her if I was the best lover she ever had. This was after being married about six months. We were laying in bed one night, talking, and I was curious. I was getting a vibe from her that she wasn't happy about something in the sex department.

Her answer was no. She's an honest woman.

Well, we got into it, and I found out about Mr. Big, and how he always made her cum and how she was having problems cumming with me. I found out that he was about an inch bigger and she thought that that was the difference. I went and measured that night after she fell asleep and found out I was 5.5" BPenis EnlargementL. I know that that's average now, but I felt like a loser at the time. I was a 6'3, 230 lb man with a 5" winkie. Every guy who ever said anything about their dick to me back then had claimed 8 or 9 inches (cough--bullshit!) I felt like shit.

There was no such thing as Penis Enlargement back then. No internet. But I figured, if she needed an inch more, I'd give it to her. I started stretching my weiner at night in bed before going to sleep. Straight down, just like you're supposed to! I didn't know about jelqing or clamping or anything. I just pulled it. I figured it would stretch, like any other part of the body.

After a while of doing that, my wife started having consistent orgasms. I had made it long enough to hit that sweet spot, which was good enough for both of us. I didn't really worry about Mr. Big. She was happy. I was happy. I quit stretching and forgot all about it. I didn't measure it after all that stretching because I'm not really that size obsessed. I figure I probably got up to about 6, tho. All I was worried about was her being satisfied in bed at the time.

Flash forward 10 years...

Last summer, I began to have some erectile problems. I was having trouble getting it up and keeping it up. I love sex, but it just didn't feel that good anymore. My orgasms were just...blah... It didn't seem to be worth the effort anymore. I didn't know what was wrong. A friend of mine told me how he had used vacuum pumps to get really hard, so I went to the local adult book store and bought one. I started pumping when I could sneak off.

It made a slight difference. My wife noticed that my girth had improved. I gained a little length too, getting up to around 6.5. I told her I was doing "penis exercises" but left it very vague. One night, she told me after sex that I was the biggest she'd ever had for the first time. I was pretty excited about that.

Although the pumping helped me gain some more length, I still wasn't happy. There was only a minimal increase in sensitivity, probably from increased blood flow. Pumping wasn't what I needed, and to be honest, the guys on the pumping forums seemed obsessed with making their cocks these huge, swollen, slug-like fluid bags...it was just nasty!

I did stumble across foreskin restoration on the pumper forums, tho. I got interested, started reading about it, and realized when looking at my poor scarred and bent penis that my problem wasn't hormones or age or testosterone, but lack of skin and keratinization of the glans. I started restoring, gained some more length, threw away the pump. I found out about Penis Enlargement at about the same time and then discovered MOS. I was a little under 7" BPenis EnlargementL when I joined MOS and have gained up to 8 since being here.

The best thing about MOS is the freedom that DLD gives us. He has never berated my views on foreskin restoration and has always allowed me to preach my unique combination of FR and Penis Enlargement without coming down on me for it, which I think is awesome!
These stories are very motivational and great reads, maybe oneday we could all compile a book with our Penis Enlargement and sex lives?? this is GREAT stuff, I really like it.
As depressing as it is to recall the events that led me to this place in time I will share it again.

I was not average when I started pe. If I had been I probably would never have given it a second thought. I was well below average. My pre pe size was 4 1/2 erect bp and 3 3/4 nbp. My girth was around 5 1/4.

I was always surrounded by the best looking girls in high school. I had very few dates in HS because I feared that it would lead to sex and I would have rather died than to have the girls spread the rumor that I was small.

I finally found the girl of my dreams and got engaged. I was terrified of what would happen when she found out the truth. Yeah we were both from the old school and wanted to wait till we were married to have sex. WHAT A MISTAKE! Our wedding night was a disaster. The disappointment was obvious. I started reading up on enlargement programs and started working my ass off trying to make it work. I tried everything I read and nothing worked. My wife became more distant. I found out that she was having an affair. I understood that the real reason was that she was not satisfied (with me) and who could have been? I am not sad that she decided to leave. At the time I thought my world had come to an end but not anymore. I am actually relieved as some of the pressure was then gone.

I found a site that had a chat room (forsize .com) One very desperate night I was close to the edge. I was ready to end my life and had pretty much given up hope. I meet a young man that night that I had heard about from some of the other guys on the chat room. One dude told me that if anyone could help me this would be the one to talk to. he talked me into joining �other PE site� Place and reading all his posts which I did. He helped me with a routine which I tried and still gained nothing.He then suggested I try the DLD Blasters.

I strated trying to do them and decided to check into this DLD character. I sent him a pm I think it was the last week that he was at �other PE site�. I asked him a million questions and he asnwered a million times. He finally suggested that I try the jelq at 100% erection. He said and I wholedheartedly agree that this is NOT for beginners. I had been conditioning myself with 18 months non stop pe at this point with only 1/8 of an inch growth. ALmost instantly a saw a little increase. I added some more stuff that he suggested and the growth kept coming. In around 3 months i went from 4 1/2 bp to 7 1/8 bp.
A ton of shit happened after that and I had to literally walk away from pe for many months. A family member was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the house was literally filled with company for months. I'm talking people sleeping on the floor type full house. There was NO privacy for pe. So in the course of many months off I lost around a 1/2 inch due to the fast gains not being cemented.

Now that I am living alone I have the option to pe once again. I do not regret losing the length and I would do it all over again if faced with the same circumstances. I am agressively attacking pe again with a more hardcore routine and added hanging to the daily grind to hasten the gains again.

Its hard sometimes to listen to the newbies talk of how they are dissatisfied with there 7 or above start size but then I guess that is just as important to them as my 4 1/2 in start size. I don't want anyones pity cause I KNOW that oneday soon i will be above average. I long for the day when I can look in the mirrow and not see the look of disappointment, but rather a look of accomplishment. Thanks for listening.
All these stories are just amazing to read, how Penis Enlargement has changed the life to some of you. This really gives motivation to head on. And keep them coming! :D
simply amazing, these are really motivating. Anyway heres mine.

I always thought i was kind of small in the penile department but didn't know anything about Penis Enlargement or what not. Anyway i got into a relationship with this girl and it was going great, she didn't complain about my size but nether complimented it. After a month or so we slept together and it seemed ok, even though i could tell i was not satisfying her as much as she wanted. Time passed and my friends told me she was cheating on me, i didn't listen and carried on with her. I went on Holiday with my family and my best friends family and on the second day she phoned me up to say she had been cheating on me and it was over. I was unset as expected and it started to wreck my holiday, on the second week of my Holiday i was kind of ok. My ex and i were classed as friends yet she spoke about her new bf all the time which was like a week after we broke up, so it hurt like hell. To cut a long story short the whole experience made me feel that my penis was small but what kicked me when i was down was that my ex told my friends the same thing, to spite me i guess. I searched and searched the net to find something to help me, i came across pridepenis were i started a basic routine and went from 5.5"EL to around 5.75"-6" and girth from 4.1"EG to 5". I quit Penis Enlargement for a while then came back to it only to find pridepenis had pretty much died, i found a post by DLD and joined MOS. Started another more advanced routine and got too 6.25"EL but lost .25EG. I have recently lefted Penis Enlargement mainly through lazyness and have now came back.
Great post C-Guy, and you ARE well above average now mate.

I had often heard of Penis Enlargement through spam emails and always shrugged it off...if only there were pills that could give you inches! That got me thinking about how much I would LOVE a bigger member though.

Well my Penis Enlargement experience really started much the same as Reds, I was surfing for �naked people movies� on ultimatepasswords and found the same backdoor to the pridepenis paysite. I copied all the exercises and read them carefully, this was all back in 2001. I liked the idea of getting a bigger dick but the effort that was involved put me off slightly as I had very little time alone. Although I, like many men probably, have a complex about my size I never got into Penis Enlargementing at that time but always had it in mind, so did the odd stretch and dry Jelq here and there.

It wasnt untill the end of 2003 that I started to think about Penis Enlargement again, my girlfriend had cheated on me with a great looking, hard bodied big dick and my self comfidence was shattered. Fine...I'M gonna have a big dick aswell. I joined the PP forum and a few others and spent many months just reading peoples posts of experiences and exercises. This was the first time I saw DLD's paysite and read his testemonial......Jesus christ, I hope I can do that, lol! I finally began to Penis Enlargement religiously at the beginning of 2004 for a few months. Unfortunately I stopped due to bruising on my shaft that never really went.

After this break about a month ago, I finally regained my motivation for Penis Enlargement and a little extra time to do it. I went back to the PP site and found a link to this forum. EXCELLANT just what I needed. I found out that the discolouration was most probably pigmant change and would probably never go so I have decided to get back into doing my Penis Enlargement. If you cant beat it, join it!

I have only just started again, infact this is my first week. I did notice gains when I first started at the beginning of the year, mostly in flaccid size and most importantly my dick felt REALLY hard and healthy, which was in turn enough to give me confidence.

So at 26 I have now finished uni and am trying to start up my own business and get my life to how I want it. I have moved to Manchester and am now ready for the dick of my, and hopefully lots of the ladies I meet, dreams. So it was an accident I stumbled across Penis Enlargement, but something I am happy I did.

My only problem is 1, finding enough time, and 2, keeping up the motivation, but I am sure when I start to see REAL erect gains I'll be AWAY-hay-hay :)

BTW did anyone else in the UK see the programme on BBC3 called 'mind, body and kick ass moves' the other week. It showed these Shaolin monks hanging...no shit....100+Kg from pieces of cloth wrapped round there dicks!! Then one of them pulled a huge truck about 10 metres with his. Oooh, thats gotta smart!

Onwards and upwards....well untill 9inches anyway
This is an incredible thread! Please, those who have not told there epic journey, do so. This is the priceless stuff that keeps guys motivated.
doublelongdaddy said:
This is an incredible thread! Please, those who have not told there epic journey, do so. This is the priceless stuff that keeps guys motivated.

Dld here ya go here is mine! :O

Penis Enlargement has become an obsession. This is why I started in the world of Penis Enlargement. Since I was a kid like 11 or 12 years old I thought I didn’t have a large enough penis nor would I ever. It started when I was in a locker room for swimming lessons. There was this dude named Rico, we were in 5th grade. I believe he was a year older than everyone because he got held back a grade. Anyway I remember taking a shower after our lesson. There was like 5 guys in the shower and then Rico walked in. Everybody started to make comments to him. Man I bullshit you not, he was in 5th grade and his dick hung down just short of his kneecap. I was big and hairy I was amazed by it. Then I look down at mine and it looked so small in comparison to his. From that day on I believed my dick was small. So here I was in the 5th grade and had not even hit puberty yet and already thought I had a small dick. Ever since then I have always compared my size to other guys sizes, whether it be in a magazine, �naked people movies� movie, locker room, even bulges. I’m a sick puppy I know!

A few years latter I began to experience sexual encounters with girls. Not necessarily sex, but petting, hand jobs, I would try to get a girl to see my penis so I could see her reaction. At this stage I was 13 to like 16. Even though I got good reactions and responses on my size I still felt small. I even got the “Your Huge” comment once. I would even get my friends to show me their sizes to see if I was bigger. I would say something like this, “I bet my dick is bigger than yours” they would accept the bet. To make it worth something we’d put up money, baseball cards, whatever we could agree on. Most of the time I would win these bets, but moments after winning I would still believe my size was small. Somewhere I heard that the average penis was 6 inches long, so I get a ruler and measure it. I think I was like 16 or 17 it came to be 7.5 inches. I was cool I’m now know I’m big. That didn’t last too long. Me and a friend used to joke around about getting a pump. Calling it a PPenis Enlargement (personal penis enlarger) but I never got one. I had a girlfriend that broke my heart when I was 20, she played me. Then she became heartless towards me. I was talking to her and a friend, trying to get her back. Her friend asked does he have a big dick. She looked at me and said no. I was like WTF she used to always brag to people in our circle that I had a big dick. The she went on about her new boyfriend, saying “I’m moving on to BIGGER and BETTER things” this messed me up for a while. I was insecure anyways and that just made it worse.

So I sunk down in this deep emotional hole of shit. I let this girl get the best of me, after this my whole life began to go downhill fast. I quit my job, started to get drunk everyday, I would smoke as much weed as possible. With this lifestyle I began to get into illegal activities, so I didn’t have to work and could be high and drunk form the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep. This landed me in a medium security state prison for 3+ years. No I did not get my shit pushed in. While in there I saw too many bigger dicks than mine, or at least I thought they were bigger. Seeing hundreds of dicks in 3 years didn’t help my mental out at all. I always wanted a huge penis for my enjoyment, so I won’t have to worry about someone thinking I’m small. So when I got out I bought a PPenis Enlargement (pump) it was a piece of shit, the tubing collapsed on me when I was using it. Plus I did not like the way my penis look after a pumping session, it looked totally deformed. I thought about pills, but never went out and got them because I simply couldn’t afford them. Believe me if I could have bought some I would have. Somehow one day I was surfing the net looking at �naked people movies� and stumbled on some thing called the jelg. It said if you do this you will get a bigger dick. I gave written instructions on how to do this. I thought bullshit, and then began searching for Penis Enlargement on the net. I found a lot of sites talking about this exercise called the jelg, and began hearing about Kegals, stretches, and hanging. Somehow I stumbled on MOS it was the last forum I came across, I saw DLD’s pics and couldn’t believe that this could be true. So I lurked on MOS and other forums gathering info. So one day I decided to jelg, and to my surprise my limp looked huge right after my workout. So I continued to do it. Not knowing what I was getting myself into. Now I am completely obsessed with making my penis look the way I always wanted it to look. I don’t know if I’m more fucked up now, on the obsession of my size, or was I more fucked up before. There is one thing I do know now is that I’m not alone with this mental struggle, to measure up. This is my personal story on why and how I became obsessed with my penis size. I’m relieved to know that there is something that can actually be done about it! Penis Enlargement works only if you can be consistent and intense, and you deep down really want it!!
crazyed27 said:
Dld here ya go here is mine! :O

Penis Enlargement has become an obsession. This is why I started in the world of Penis Enlargement. Since I was a kid like 11 or 12 years old I thought I didn’t have a large enough penis nor would I ever. It started when I was in a locker room for swimming lessons. There was this dude named Rico, we were in 5th grade. I believe he was a year older than everyone because he got held back a grade. Anyway I remember taking a shower after our lesson. There was like 5 guys in the shower and then Rico walked in. Everybody started to make comments to him. Man I bullshit you not, he was in 5th grade and his dick hung down just short of his kneecap. I was big and hairy I was amazed by it. Then I look down at mine and it looked so small in comparison to his. From that day on I believed my dick was small. So here I was in the 5th grade and had not even hit puberty yet and already thought I had a small dick. Ever since then I have always compared my size to other guys sizes, whether it be in a magazine, �naked people movies� movie, locker room, even bulges. I’m a sick puppy I know!

A few years latter I began to experience sexual encounters with girls. Not necessarily sex, but petting, hand jobs, I would try to get a girl to see my penis so I could see her reaction. At this stage I was 13 to like 16. Even though I got good reactions and responses on my size I still felt small. I even got the “Your Huge” comment once. I would even get my friends to show me their sizes to see if I was bigger. I would say something like this, “I bet my dick is bigger than yours” they would accept the bet. To make it worth something we’d put up money, baseball cards, whatever we could agree on. Most of the time I would win these bets, but moments after winning I would still believe my size was small. Somewhere I heard that the average penis was 6 inches long, so I get a ruler and measure it. I think I was like 16 or 17 it came to be 7.5 inches. I was cool I’m now know I’m big. That didn’t last too long. Me and a friend used to joke around about getting a pump. Calling it a PPenis Enlargement (personal penis enlarger) but I never got one. I had a girlfriend that broke my heart when I was 20, she played me. Then she became heartless towards me. I was talking to her and a friend, trying to get her back. Her friend asked does he have a big dick. She looked at me and said no. I was like WTF she used to always brag to people in our circle that I had a big dick. The she went on about her new boyfriend, saying “I’m moving on to BIGGER and BETTER things” this messed me up for a while. I was insecure anyways and that just made it worse.

So I sunk down in this deep emotional hole of shit. I let this girl get the best of me, after this my whole life began to go downhill fast. I quit my job, started to get drunk everyday, I would smoke as much weed as possible. With this lifestyle I began to get into illegal activities, so I didn’t have to work and could be high and drunk form the time I woke up to the time I fell asleep. This landed me in a medium security state prison for 3+ years. No I did not get my shit pushed in. While in there I saw too many bigger dicks than mine, or at least I thought they were bigger. Seeing hundreds of dicks in 3 years didn’t help my mental out at all. I always wanted a huge penis for my enjoyment, so I won’t have to worry about someone thinking I’m small. So when I got out I bought a PPenis Enlargement (pump) it was a piece of shit, the tubing collapsed on me when I was using it. Plus I did not like the way my penis look after a pumping session, it looked totally deformed. I thought about pills, but never went out and got them because I simply couldn’t afford them. Believe me if I could have bought some I would have. Somehow one day I was surfing the net looking at �naked people movies� and stumbled on some thing called the jelg. It said if you do this you will get a bigger dick. I gave written instructions on how to do this. I thought bullshit, and then began searching for Penis Enlargement on the net. I found a lot of sites talking about this exercise called the jelg, and began hearing about Kegals, stretches, and hanging. Somehow I stumbled on MOS it was the last forum I came across, I saw DLD’s pics and couldn’t believe that this could be true. So I lurked on MOS and other forums gathering info. So one day I decided to jelg, and to my surprise my limp looked huge right after my workout. So I continued to do it. Not knowing what I was getting myself into. Now I am completely obsessed with making my penis look the way I always wanted it to look. I don’t know if I’m more fucked up now, on the obsession of my size, or was I more fucked up before. There is one thing I do know now is that I’m not alone with this mental struggle, to measure up. This is my personal story on why and how I became obsessed with my penis size. I’m relieved to know that there is something that can actually be done about it! Penis Enlargement works only if you can be consistent and intense, and you deep down really want it!!

Crazyed27 I am sorry to hear that girls are being bitches as always, but when she said that you were small and you know you werent. I would of have been like oh no and pull down my pants to show them what you I got. Good luck with your exercises tough man.

My story was almost like yours except I was to shy to want to get girls to see my penis. I remember the times going in to the locker rooms after Penis Enlargement (physical education :)), and then taking a shower. I always would look at the other guys not in a gay way but you can't help it noticing what they have. I was always in the small to medium range. Even shorter guys had bigger ones then I did. There were some tall guys who hung like horses and that made me insecure about my penis. I knew through the whole time in hs that my dick wasn't to big at all, so I decided to do something about it and see if there was anything. I found a free information site one night about how to jelq and manually stretch. I did that for a while, and then decided to look for other forums where I found peforum, cheekycheery and �other PE site�. I stayed there for a while gaining knowledge all in the while increasing my size. Then eventually as we know it I am here now :). I haven't had a girl tell me that I am small, but I have had a girl tell me I was huge once on the phone after we had fun together one night. I guess in some ways some people have it worse than others and for those who do have it worse. I wish you luck in what you do and always think positive man.
damn crazyed, 7.5 inches and you thought you were small?! maaan. I wish I was 7.5 inches
I posted this in Penis Enlargement Forums a while back. Obviously the stats have changed.

I started at a modest BPenis EnlargementL of 6.8 and a EG of 4.2... hardly anything to brag about. I've had serious anxiety about my size my entire life and finding out something could be done about it was a godsend. Well I started in May and my measurements have increased to BPenis EnlargementL of 7.25 and EG of 4.6 - well on my way =)

Well, in addition to the physical benefits of Penis Enlargement I really believe I have not only a new lease on sex, self image, but life as well. Before i was heavily into drugs and have several mental disorders but if there is one thing that has made a bigger impact on my life it is this site, these members, and Penis Enlargement.

It has given me motivation and dedication, something I can look forward to and be excited about. I have put the drugs away, not only because I don't want ANYTHING to interfere with my routine, but because of this increased motivation and having something to be excited about.

As far as sex goes, I've always been very anxious about my penis size and so wrapped up in it that sex is unenjoyable and dissappointing. Now with my current girlfriend, this has been a definite problem. I could never make her cum, and I would routinely have premature ejaculation problems or inability to achieve or maintain erections. I actually passed her off as one of those girls who just couldn't orgasm easily if at all, and it really got to me.

Enter Penis Enlargement - my penis was never, and is still not optimum for sex... I'll be the first to admit it. But lately, my confidence has skyrocketed. I am slowly overcoming my penis anxiety and the quality of the sex has increased exponentially. Now it's no secret that probably almost everyone she's been with has been at least slightly bigger than me - but for the past few weeks I've been so confident that I am able to give her 5+ orgasms, sometimes them lasting 5 or 6 minutes, and every single time she makes the comment that it's by far the best sex she's ever had. Maybe one of the most rewarding thing I've ever heard.

I've no doubt that this is a result of the things I've learned and practiced from this board. The momentum is only picking up...
Crazyed youre an inspiration man.Alot of women are material,self indulging creatures/bitches and i stand by that to this day.Majority of the ones that strike blows to men such as your ex are in defensive mode based on their own insecurities/shortcomings.Those types take from others in an effort to build upon their self esteem.Nowadays i enjoy neg hitting these type of women just to take em down a notch.

As far as myself,i got into p.e similar to how Redzulu did.I was looking for �naked people movies� passwords one night and stumbled upon a penis enlargement site.I had never been obsessed with size,nor had i been subject to any bad experiences with women based on the current size i had then.My curiousity became aroused at the fact that i could enlarge my penis though.That was when i began a jelqing routine and basic stretching.(which was the stretch in every direction,up,down,left,right and hold for so many seconds)Im not really sure when i began to see gains as i wasnt very thorough in measuring and keeping track.However the benefits of jelqing did not go unnoticed as i had harder erections and load size seemed to increase as well.I followed basic jelqing for around 3 months time.I then fell off from working out for a considerable amount of time.All during this time i wasnt insecure at all of my penis size.I then started to notice studies on average sizes and mine was about average.Who wants to be just average at anything?After much discussion with female friends and noticing they always craved the "big cock,monster cock,trouser snake",i then began to feel a bit small.I once again started to crawl the internet and google looking for any info i could on sizes,studies and other enlargement sites.I stumbled upon �other PE site�(i never heard of cheekycherry or a few of the others mentioned here).I didnt really feel at home in �other PE site� site as people seemed to get harsh welcomes and it in a way felt like some sort of elite society that you have to "know someone" to get in and not be banned.So i decided to lurk and absorb what info i could.I guess a couple months passed and this was when DLD(a member i had known as i followed many of his threads and quickly became a believer in his geniune personality and friendliness he portrayed in each and every post.)made mention of his own paysite.I had decided at this point i was joining this great mans paysite.Luckily DLD decided to have the forums for all to share information as well as the paysite.(best choice he couldve made imo)This led me to learn much more about penis enlargement and alot about myself too.This forum is like the innovator of the enlargement community.This is where you come for the latest exercises,advice and support and no place on the net can match it.The commarodary between members here is amazing.Im proud to be a part of it all.
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