Ok, i've just got the computer in my bedroom connected (been using the one in the study up until today) so I am gonna get my table set up like I saw one on here (I think it was yours Supra) to do SO hanging, i'll have to put a hook under the table to feed the wire through, also, that V-hanging looks very good, have you tried this yet?
I have not tried v-hanging I want to though. A picture of my hanging set up is in the tunica hanging thread.
Originally posted by Supra
I hang every day, but we are both waiting for our new bib starters to come! Then we will get going for real!!

You guys both have (had) regular Bibs. Why are you swithching to starters? Do the starters hold better? Less pinching, slippage etc? I have all these problems with my Regular Bib and have been unable to overcome them, despite over a year of friggin' around with different wraps, settings, etc. The starter might be the solution. Comments?

I am taking SWM's advice on the bib starters but from everything I have heard they work better. Order a starter they are better. Less slippage!!
What a kewl motivator. I'm in!! I started handing with a homemade hanger back in Sep 2003, but not everyday. A new year and a new routine. Will continue to use the homemade hanger BTC during the 6 month hang off. Hell I'll go for the full year tracking my LOT and going SO or OTS when LOT drops to 9 o'clock. :clap:
I'm a student so 4 hours a day is a piece of cake - more is also possible.
Just ordered my BIB starter, anyone from the UK know roughly how long delivery takes?
I ordered mine too. falcon told me that when he ordered his it took about 3 weeks. Bib just got back from vacation and is behind. There is a post at �other PE site� made yeaterday 1/5/04 in the hangers forum that discusses what is going to be shipped and when.
Well me and SWM have started our hang off!
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Supra, are you using the Bib starter or regular? If the starter, do you like it better than the regular and if so, why?
I may consider trying a starter after all the probs I've had with the regular. Good luck with the "hang-off".


PS. Built my ring of power today and am wearing it now. Had to make one of the latex tubes longer as it was a bit tight and irritating. I don't "feel" anything as far as current goes, so will have to wait and see what other results may come. will keep ya posted.
Read my post in here Starter VS Regular

BTW WE both are using the starter
that pretty much says it all. Thanks, Supra. StillWantMore, if you're reading this, what's your take on the starter? Same experience as Supra?

Originally posted by Fillerup
that pretty much says it all. Thanks, Supra. StillWantMore, if you're reading this, what's your take on the starter? Same experience as Supra?


I love it too.
Ok guys, since you're obviously on-line and probably hanging as we speak LOL, here's what I really need to know. My biggest problem with the bib regular was pinching skin. No matter how I wrapped (and SWM you tried to help me in the past with this and I thank you), I still ended up pinching skin somewhere and it hurt like hell. Do you guys think the starter eliminates this? I'm uncut and am sure that's a contributing factor, but if you guys really think this starter is the cat's ass, I think I'll order one. Standing by...

Hey I'm also uncut - would like to hear about itching problems with the BIB starter too :O
Originally posted by Fillerup
Ok guys, since you're obviously on-line and probably hanging as we speak LOL, here's what I really need to know. My biggest problem with the bib regular was pinching skin. No matter how I wrapped (and SWM you tried to help me in the past with this and I thank you), I still ended up pinching skin somewhere and it hurt like hell. Do you guys think the starter eliminates this? I'm uncut and am sure that's a contributing factor, but if you guys really think this starter is the cat's ass, I think I'll order one. Standing by...


You need to adjust the bottom two adjustment nuts on the inside, go to www.bibhanger.com he has all the info there.
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Originally posted by dr.ralph
Hey I'm also uncut - would like to hear about itching problems with the BIB starter too :O

What do you mean by itching problems?
Originally posted by Supra
You need to adjust the bottom two adjustment nuts on the inside, go to www.bibhanger.com he has all the info there.

I have adjusted those nuts so many times I can't even count. Like I said, it doesn't matter what "setting" I use, what wrap I use, whatever, I can't get away from my skin being pinched in the hanger. I've gone through all the info at Bib's site, as well as direct contact with him on a few occasions. It makes no difference. I CANNOT USE THE BIB WITHOUT GETTING PINCHED!! Sorry, just my frustration with the whole thing. But it is the reason why I'm asking you and SWM if, in your opinions, the starter could be the solution to this problem. Perhaps being smaller, there's less area to get pinched, right? I don't know, but I do know that Bib thinks it will make no difference and, in fact, I may have more difficulty with the starter. This seems to contradict what I've heard from you guys so far.

SWM and myself have had huge success with the the bibs and even more with the starter, so some reason they work for us, I think because we are both Greek lol You may want to try the Captins Wrench.
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