No way! I am only doing 2 now, I really need to step it up!
Originally posted by Supra
No, not unless the "BIB Snatcher" comes!! LMAO LMAO LMAO

Is this a creature related to the "Underwear gnome"? LOL.

I myself will be 95% hanging. I'll do a few minutes of stretching when I go piss or when I'm not hanging and have a few minutes here and there. But thats it. I doubt it will be enough manual stretching to really have much if any impact on gains. 4 hours+ total hang time a day is not too much as long as you are smart about it and do not over exaust your penis. 4 hours total hang time a day will be the goal for the average. Sure there will be days like before when I've done this where I wont be able to hang that much due to pure tissue fatigue, but on average that is what I will be doing.

I personally will only be working length with hanging weights and the sparse manual stretching as mentioned above.
Im joining the hang off whether you like it or not lol
But Im kind of a newbie (Penis Enlargement for 2 months), and have never hanged, but Im planning on working up to 4hrs+ of hanging soon for this winter/spring. I already do 2 hours of intense manuals per day right now, so the transition shouldnt be that bad. Im gonna use the Wench until I feel the need to buy a Bib. Good luck!
I'm curious to how you can hang for up to 4 hours a day - aren't you supposed to be standing up while using the BIB hanger, or can you somehow sit down on a chair while doing you hanging routines ?

But the way - good luck with the hanging schedule - I also consider buying the BIB hanger to further lenghten my penis.

>>> Supra - may I ask why you are selling your penis master ?

Aren't you satisfied with the gains you get from the PM, or do you consider the BIB hanger a better device for strecthing your penis to new and larger gains ?

I've owned the JES Extender for a while now and have experienced pretty solid gains from this in combination with the Power Jelq, VIGRX and manuel stretching routines (DLD blasters and other stuff)

But I seem to have hit a plateau (9,75" BP lenght - 9" NBP lenght) - and I really would like to reach my end goal of 10 solid inches lenght.
I've pretty much Penis Enlargement on and off for 3 years now just like "still wnat more"- and started with 7,5" NBP length and 6" girth.

Would the BIB hanger push me in the right direction - then I would consider buying it ?
But I'm able to wear the Jes Extender while working at home and watching TV - but how the heck can you wear the BIB hanger while sitting down ?

Thanks for the nice information on this forum by the way.
I have gotten what I needed from the PM and now, and am ready to move on. BIBs are they best, they are "plateau breakers" , DR Ralf, your huge man, if start hanging you will get even bigger. How big do you want to get.
Originally posted by Supra
I have gotten what I needed from the PM and now, and am ready to move on. BIBs are they best, they are "plateau breakers" , DR Ralf, your huge man, if start hanging you will get even bigger. How big do you want to get.

I've always had an end goal of 10" length NBP and 7,5" girth midshaft.

I strongly consider buying the BIB hanger to get the extra gains - but you still have not answered my question:

Can you use the BIB hanger while sitting down - if not then 4 hours use pr. day with the BIB hanger will be very hard to go through.

I've read about the BIB hanger on and has come to the conclusion that 2-3 sets of BIB hanging a day of 20 minutes should give me a good chance of reaching a new plateau - because I'm kind of stuck where I am right now.
Haven't experinced new gains in over a month now.

My current routine is:

1. Use the Jes-extender for up to 6 hours a day (I sleep with it for 2 hours a day) for gaining manily length
To get to the next plateau, I try to extend my penis an extra half inch while in the JES-extender. This is quite painful and I can only do this for 30 minutes straight - then I have to take a brake.

2. Use the Power Jelq device for up to 20 minutes a day for gaining mainly girth

3. Doing manuel streching routines for up to 20 minutes a day - DLD blasters, ULI's and other stuff that I've laerned from these excellent Penis Enlargement forums.

I hope the BIB hanger might do wonders for me - but I can't see that I can use the BIB hanger for more than maximum 1-1,5 hours a day, if I can't sit down while using the BIB hanger.

3 sessions of 20 minutes a day with the BIB hanger, if it is not possible to wear it while sitting, would easily be possbible - I could use it in the morning while making breakfast, in the afternoon while making lunch and while talking on the phone and then the last session in the evening while making dinner.

But more than this would become a big nuisance.

Please tell me how you have planned to use your BIB hanger ?
As posted above, I am going to be hanging 100% BTC (between the cheeks). This is done in a sitting position with the hanger hanging over the edge of a chair, legs propped up, feet resting on something. This tilts your pelvis back and brings the hanging angle downward into the BTC position. I could never do a total of 4 hours+ a day standing either.
First I am selling my PM because I do not use it anymore. I got good results out of it about 1.5 inch on my flaccid and .5 erect.

I owned a jes before, I was way to uncomfortable for me so I retured it and got the Pennimaster and uprgraded it useing SWM idea with my own.

How do you like the Power Jelq?
Originally posted by Supra
First I am selling my PM because I do not use it anymore. I got good results out of it about 1.5 inch on my flaccid and .5 erect.

I owned a jes before, I was way to uncomfortable for me so I retured it and got the Pennimaster and uprgraded it useing SWM idea with my own.

How do you like the Power Jelq?

OK - it would be wrong of me to say that the JES is comfortable to wear, but it has helped me a lot with my length gains - I've used the JES for a year now, and I would say that the JES has given me probably 1,5" gains in erect length, and close maybe 1,75" gains in flaccid length.

I can't wear it for more than max 2 hours straight - then I have to unmount it. But I keep the presure on my penis on max while wearing the JES - and I think it gives me a great strecth.

As for the Power Jelg I do think this device is excellent, and gives an excellent jelq workout. I try to do 500-800 jelq's with this device - going from very slow to very fast jelq's - and mixing it up in between.
I think (but as I use a lot of different equipment it's hard to tell precisely ) the Power Jelq may have given me 0,75"-1" extra added girth in the year I've used this device - and I still use it 5 times a week for 20 minutes a day - and expect to reach further gains in the girth department thanks to the this device.

But I really would like to get hold of this BIB hanger device - but Pay pal IS NOT my pal >:(
and BIB don't take credit cards ?:(
thanx for posting that pic on the 'tunica stretch', i was having difficulty understanding how a hanger was supposed to pull straight out, but I am still having a bit of trouble understanding what soem of the others mean, like BTC and OTS, have you got any pics or diagrams of them.
Help is much appreciated!
4-6 hours a day huh? Is this actual hang time, not including breaks? If so, you're looking at perhaps 5-7 hours or more. Can you fit an 8 hour a day job into that schedule? Is this consecutive hours or a split routine as in morning/night.? Quite a challenge. I wish you both (and all other contestants) good luck and good gains.

4-6 hours of actually hang time not including breaks. SWM and myself can fit it in.
OK I’m in for the hang challenge (I planned on hanging for the next 6 months anyway) but this is more fun having a competition where after the set time everyone can compare results. I will be hanging for 3 hours a day, 2hrs in the morning and try and get 1 hr in at night exclusively V-Hanging, I also will be doing some jelqing and light stretching through out the day. I may also play around with tempurture like cooling the penis after a session.


length 6.5 nbp - (7bp)
girth 5.75 mid shaft

6 month goal

7.5 nbp - (8bp)length
6 mid shaft - girth

not to fussed about girth just yet

good luck to all!

LET'S GET IT ON :hanging:
Have you two (SWM and Supra) started the 'hang off' yet?
I'm ordering my hanger tomorrow but i live in the UK, anyone know about delivery time for the UK?
I hang every day, but we are both waiting for our new bib starters to come! Then we will get going for real!!
Cool, we will let all of you guys know when we kick it off!!
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