Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I'm going to start wearing my old ROP again soon :)

Lastime it was back in 2005 and I remember seeing some positives but never actually posted online about them.

I cleaned the 3 ROPs I have today with steel wool and I noticed the copper pieces had the plastic tubeing burnt and stuck to it :O LMAO took me ages to get that off and wasnt on the Zinc rods, just the copper ones.

Wont be getting testosterone levels done beforehand as I cant be arsed and will know how its goes from various sensations.

I'm aware that not all of you think the ROP works and its a piece of shit, which is fine and your opinion, your welcome to it but dont hijack this thread with it.

Anyone else who still uses the ROP or has them and wants to do it again than let me know in this thread and we can get started at the sametime and report our findings here.
Anything is possible but 75$ ain't worth something unproven. I know there is some thread out t here that tells you how to make one for like 10 bucks. If you/I can find it, I will give it a shot and post honest results.

I like the concept but I just don't want it turning into something that exploits people for their money. At the same time I would review a homemade version in an unbiased manner.
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I will be following this thread Red. I am going to be making myself a ROP here within the next week or so.
If your not very handy or mechanically inclined, do a search on ebay for Zinger ROP. You can get one for less than $20.
I wouldnt bother, if you want one doing just ask guys on here like DLD, dashdeming or homelesswombat ... men you can trust.
I've been wearing mine most of the day and will give it a quick clean before I hit the sack.
Thus far I have noticed fuller flaccid size and a more fuller erection but that could be from the cock-ring like effect the ROP has, as its a light contriction around the package but it could be something else and is being noted.

My testicles seem slightly fuller to the touch and by that I mean harder.

I'm open minded and remain optimistic about this and will give it a good 6-8 weeks trial before the verdict is made, that is 6-8 weeks 24/7 usage of the ROP with it only being taken off for a shit and to clean it.

Its important to have the hair around the penis, base and inside leg at the crotch to be shaven so when it touches the skin its against BARE skin and not hairs in the way. I've placed some vinegar on the rods aswell which is Acidic and will help the current through the body. Tests on MOS revealed useing Lemon Juice that it increased the current around X4 times than without.

ROP is wrapped around my WHOLE package. Does anyone have suggestions for the experiment? I have two spare ROPs so does anyone think that attaching one of them say around the body of the penis and one around the scrotum would help more? than it would be one around the base, penis and scrotum.
Just reading through older threads and it seems the ROP is usually worn around the balls, not the whole package at the base. This means less latex tubeing is used so it is tight around the scrotum. I always wore mine around the whole area. This is IMPORTANT because guys who wear it in one spot and not the other may get different results.

I'm going to wear one ROP around my base, one around the scrotum and another around the shaft of my penis.

Link to make your own ROP
If you had to wear one where would you wear it. Would it make sense if I put my entire package through it? (not just the balls or just the shaft)
At the moment I have my entire package throught it, penis and balls. Always wore the ROP like that but noticed from other threads that some have worn it just around the scrotum and in some cases the shaft of the penis.

Tried with my two spare ROPs around the scrotum and penis but wasnt practical at all.

Noticed this morning that my erections were very good and hard.
Morning wood again today. I changed rods today too with the first pair already filthy.
I noticed this afternoon that my flaccid hang looked fucking awesome ... really heavy and full looking, like it was bigger. I'm getting slight pains in my scrotum area aswell today. Its not bad and I know the feeling from past experiences, get it when I NEED to ejaculate. I ejaculated before I started this trial so perhaps its a sign something positive is going on down below. Testes are still full and hard to the touch.
Good morning wood once more today. My balls are looking larger for sure now and feel heavier. I still have the ache in my scrotum region near where it connects to the testes which I have had when I needed to ejaculate and once that has been done the pain has gone away.

Already the rods that I changed yesterday are looking like shit. Seem to have gone that way quicker than the first change.

I'm going to try something new with a spare ROP. I shall insert Vinegar through the latex tubeing and than burn via lighter the ends of the tubeing around the Zinc & Copper rods which will prevent slippage of the tubeing. The Vinegar is to help the current as Saline soultion done in a similer fashion 'apparently' helped and Vinegar is acidic.

Testicles are hanging lower too.

I dont think the ROP benefits will be anything like Supra said as he did go over the top with his claims to be honest about these things, sometimes it was damn right bullshit but I do think they 'could' have a positive benefit to the region and that is why I'm doing this.

Please DO NOT buy your ROPs from Supra or the older sellers as it was purely a money racket. ROPs are not wirht what they were selling them for and can be made for $20 and in that you can have several. Ask around here such guys like Dashdeming and DLD because they will make them for cheap if you cant do them.

EBay I wouldnt buy them from because these ROPs arent like buying a pump. Your putting a metal on your penis and who's to say some devious cunt isnt useing lead or something like that? you wont know! so buy from a TRUSTED source and a surce that knows what its doing and can offer support, that isnt on EBay but here ... just search all the shed loads of ROP stuff we have.

Studies can be read on the Blakoe ring which the ROP copied from. Well the ROP is actually a copy of an idea by Tom Hubbard who Supra just read about and adopted the whole concept himself, albeit Supra did allot of research and got it to the massess here but he must have made a nice penny from it, when really he should have pushed members to make there own and not line his pockets.

I liked Supra, he had allot of good knowledge to share and many of his material is around today as I have stuck many and kept it alive but he was a clever buisness man who saw the opportunity and went for it.

Lastly I'm not ''attacking'' a man who isnt here ... rumour had it Supra was KIA but his account actually suggest otherwise with recent activity this month.

If anyone wants to start a ROP test like me than hit this baby
I shot a massive load lastnight to and who can blame me wish such gorgeous women and big juicy arses as they have. God bless Supertangas, Opa for getting the site on here and the women who shre such hot bodies to us all.

My cum was massive big thick load. I shot a massive load first but kept going. I than as usual drank my own cum, sorry too much information but its something I always do and a chef doesnt let his food go out without testing it I say hehehe

So anyways the load was larger and my orgasm was terrific indeed ... was it thanks to the ROP? I dont know because I hadent cummed in a few days and was edgeing towards it aswell.

This morning my dick is full and hanging low flaccid. Balls still low and full.
Good shit Red.

I'll be ordering my supplies within the next day or so. I should have enough to make about 8-9 ROP's after the inital trial ROP.
My balls are still hanging lower these past two days and testicles are a nice size.

I'm also feeling quite horny but that isnt anything different to be honest with you all.
Getting morning wood more frequent now aswell.

Had to take the ROP off around 6am this morning because of pain to the sides from the zinc & copper rubbing which has left a slight mark on me, but it will be okay.

I didnt feel as sleepy yesterday like I normally do. I'm on strong meds and dont sleep at great times, so sometimes I drift off and have to fight it so not to sleep in the day, well yesterday and the day before I noticed none of that with yesterday feeling very sort of upbeat and refreshed than usual but dont know if thats to do with the ROP or not.

Havent cummed since lastime so cant comment on load.

Flaccid hang these past 2 days has been AWESOME at a full hang at times must be 6 inches flaccid and nice and plump.
Since when? keeping logs of it? I'm talking about the ROP here and also message me when you want to hit Gigatribe again.
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