Maybe 12” ? Who knows with all this new equipment!

Things like this really make me wanna get back into stretching instead of sticking to the Bathmate for now. Not that I want 12 or even 10" but I'd like to be 7.5-8. Maybe 8.5 BPEL.
Things like this really make me wanna get back into stretching instead of sticking to the BM for now. Not that I want 12 or even 10" but I'd like to be 7.5-8. Maybe 8.5 BPEL.

If it’s working stick to it. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. Stick with what you’re doing keep your mind focused and when is time for re-focus on length.
If it’s working stick to it. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. Stick with what you’re doing keep your mind focused and when is time for re-focus on length.

My girth is pretty decent. Not sure what I'm at right now but it's certainly satisfying. Wanna hit those deep spots all the time and gonna need another inch to do that.
My girth is pretty decent. Not sure what I'm at right now but it's certainly satisfying. Wanna hit those deep spots all the time and gonna need another inch to do that.

With the decent girth you have I would continue doing what you’re doing until you get the length you and after that we can go for girth. This will keep things simple and allow you to concentrate on one thing at a time which is so smart when doing PE for some folks. When you’re ready to take on girth let me know and I’ll help you with the routine.
With the decent girth you have I would continue doing what you’re doing until you get the length you and after that we can go for girth. This will keep things simple and allow you to concentrate on one thing at a time which is so smart when doing PE for some folks. When you’re ready to take on girth let me know and I’ll help you with the routine.

I'll be ready to get back to length some day soon. It's a matter of time and motivation to make time. I know the Bathmate helps with length as well as girth and I'm working my way up the tube slowly.
bit-by-bit and the next thing you know, you've reached a new kinda sneaks-up on you :)
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I'll be ready to get back to length some day soon. It's a matter of time and motivation to make time. I know the Bathmate helps with length as well as girth and I'm working my way up the tube slowly.

You are right where you need to be and things are happening as they should do continue in confidence. When your ready for length we will attack it with speed and intensity!
bit-by-bit and the next thing you know, you've reached a new kinda sneaks-up on you :)

That's the best part, growing little by little.

My belly has done the same thing - grow little by little. Been trying to eat a bit better to lose the little handles I've gotten on my sides. Gets harder to do as you get older so I'm trying to get a jump on it now.
That's the best part, growing little by little.

My belly has done the same thing - grow little by little. Been trying to eat a bit better to lose the little handles I've gotten on my sides. Gets harder to do as you get older so I'm trying to get a jump on it now.

Indeed as you get older you need to start doing things to keep everything working properly. I’m almost 52 and things are very different than when I was 42. So the quicker we work a good diet and exercise routine into our lives for the better.
Indeed as you get older you need to start doing things to keep everything working properly. I’m almost 52 and things are very different than when I was 42. So the quicker we work a good diet and exercise routine into our lives for the better.

It's hard to avoid the cookies and junk food. I have my eating routine and sometimes I have to ask myself if I'm actually hungry or if I'm eating out of habit.

Been trying to eat less junk when I do eat it as well. Added more fruit and veggies intuitive my diet also. Every little bit helps. I do not want a Dickiedo.
It's hard to avoid the cookies and junk food. I have my eating routine and sometimes I have to ask myself if I'm actually hungry or if I'm eating out of habit.

Been trying to eat less junk when I do eat it as well. Added more fruit and veggies intuitive my diet also. Every little bit helps. I do not want a Dickiedo.

I don’t believe in quitting anything really, I look for moderation in all things. So if I want some french fries I’ll have some but it won’t be something I do every day. The same goes with many other things in life, all things in moderation if you keep it in check this way you’ll never have to quit anything as you’ll have discipline over it. Be sure your diet and exercise routine is realistic and something you can do or else it just won’t work. If you like junk food make sure you include junk food in your diet but do it in moderation. Anything we abuse we end up losing the license to use it.
I don’t believe in quitting anything really, I look for moderation in all things. So if I want some french fries I’ll have some but it won’t be something I do every day. The same goes with many other things in life, all things in moderation if you keep it in check this way you’ll never have to quit anything as you’ll have discipline over it. Be sure your diet and exercise routine is realistic and something you can do or else it just won’t work. If you like junk food make sure you include junk food in your diet but do it in moderation. Anything we abuse we end up losing the license to use it.

Moderation has always been the key.

One of my biggest issues has always been eating breakfast. For years there were times I wouldn't eat anything until 6-7hrs after I got up. I've started making myself eat some yogurt about 2 hours into my day. Eating breakfast is supposed to help kick start your metabolism and I've found that I get really hungry a few short hours later.

Eating better is expensive though. My grocery bills have increased greatly as I'm trying to eat slightly better. If I went full force health food nut I'd spend 2x as much at the store. Makes no sense that eating healthy costs so much. It's as if they want you to eat like crap and have health problems so they can take all your money and if you don't they're going to take all your money buying healthy foods.
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what's a good online supplier for high quality generic viagra ?
With the 36 hour Cialis are you able to get the 110% EQ those drugs provide even after you've had a few orgasms? I've been told that they're only guaranteed for 1 ejaculation.

It'd be awesome to spend a weekend with the repeated granite solid erections of an 18yr old and orgasm 4-9 times. Lots of lube so we don't get sore and just have fun.
what's a good online supplier for high quality generic viagra ?

Same question
I posted the name/number of my guy in The Viagra thread
I posted the name/number of my guy in The Viagra thread
As an alternative, I've used Canadian Pharmacy for the last few years and they're more competitive that ADC and don't require any online questionnaire. I just text a guy named Paul 480.525.0901 and a few weeks later it's in my mailbox. I think the last shipment for 200 Vitamin C's was $100 or $150
Moderation has always been the key.

One of my biggest issues has always been eating breakfast. For years there were times I wouldn't eat anything until 6-7hrs after I got up. I've started making myself eat some yogurt about 2 hours into my day. Eating breakfast is supposed to help kick start your metabolism and I've found that I get really hungry a few short hours later...

Ideally, you should eat something within the first hour after waking up to restart your metabolism for the day. It's been slowed down 6-8 hours while you're sleeping. Also, eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day. Food(fuel) is energy, what you don't use will be stored away for later. Body fat is stored energy.

So, ideally, you want to consume enough fuel (food) to get to the next fueling-station (meal). You shouldn't wait until you feel hungry to eat. Just eat something every 3-4 hours. Eating enough food every 3-4 hours helps regulate the metabolism from dipping, slowing down.

Weight-control is 80%-85% diet. It's learning what to eat, a balance of nutrients for the body to function properly and when to eat. Don't eat a huge meal and then go to asleep, you're not using that energy you just consumed. It will be stored away. Everyone is different, it's finding the right balance that works for you.
Ideally, you should eat something within the first hour after waking up to restart your metabolism for the day. It's been slowed down 6-8 hours while you're sleeping. Also, eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day. Food(fuel) is energy, what you don't use will be stored away for later. Body fat is stored energy.

So, ideally, you want to consume enough fuel (food) to get to the next fueling-station (meal). You shouldn't wait until you feel hungry to eat. Just eat something every 3-4 hours. Eating enough food every 3-4 hours helps regulate the metabolism from dipping, slowing down.

Weight-control is 80%-85% diet. It's learning what to eat, a balance of nutrients for the body to function properly and when to eat. Don't eat a huge meal and then go to asleep, you're not using that energy you just consumed. It will be stored away. Everyone is different, it's finding the right balance that works for you.

Yeah most people don't understand that you need to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight and spread it out through the day. My only immediate goal is to lose a little bit of the midsection fat slowly. Long term I'm trying to keep from getting the dreaded "middle age gut." Now that the weather is getting warm I'll start running a few times a week again but it doesn't burn as many calories as people think. You have to run 10-12 miles to burn off that McDonalds meal. Make it 14 miles if you get an apple pie. I just want to keep myself healthy and active so hopefully I can remain that way when I'm old and grumpy.

My diet or eating habits are in no means perfect and I do eat the most in the few hours before bed but that's because of my work schedule. I've been eating less carbs with my late dinner though and almost always have a decent size salad. This makes my feel okay about that bowl of ice cream I eat after all that. Gotta justify it somehow!

Soda and sugary drinks have become a rare treat. There was a point in time I'd drink up to 4 sodas a day plus who knows what else. Ended up gaining 20lbs I didn't want. It's easy to put on the weight and harder to lose it.
the dreaded 'middle-age gut' is a beeeeotch!
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