Hey DLD! I tried the UJS and it works great, but what bothers me is that it gets purple to very dark purple( only if I go for an hour) and feels a little cold (the glans). What would you advice m to do? I am frekin out every time I see a purple glans. Could this cause an injury? Thanks :)
Zambrodom3;547590 said:
Hey DLD! I tried the UJS and it works great, but what bothers me is that it gets purple to very dark purple( only if I go for an hour) and feels a little cold (the glans). What would you advice m to do? I am frekin out every time I see a purple glans. Could this cause an injury? Thanks :)

Completely normal, just remove the strap every 30-60 minutes to return good circulation, to get in some good angular stretches and to re-strap with intent and intensity.
Thanks DLD! Now it works just fine and I can notice I can last with the bandage on longer than before :)
Zambrodom3;547757 said:
Thanks DLD! Now it works just fine and I can notice I can last with the bandage on longer than before :)

Yippie! Love when my help helps:)
DLD, I read in J1L's SG log that it is most efficient to stretch in the SG at .25-.5in past your EL.. If we are wearing the SG for 4 hours, with each time at increased intensity, what would you recommend as a guideline for stretch length/tension for each interval?

A random example:
Set 1: EL
Set 2: EL+.25in
Set 3: EL+.4-.5in
Set 4: EL+.5-.75in

Or, would we go by tension? I'm really not familiar on this yet or how to even messure it, other than it's in grams of pressure..

Sorry if you have already been specific on this somewhere else. I have read through many pages on the SRT thread, but not all 27 LMAO

Just trying to be as efficient as possible. Thanks
I asked this in another thread, but i understand this site is massive and DLD cant be everywhere.

I wanna buy a Bathmate, can any one recommend a specific model and size if i am bone pressed 8 X 5.75?

Thanks gang
This is my answer to the same question (but with different measurements). Hope it helps :)
You are not the first to ask this question. Yesterday, there was a guy that asked the same question. Here is my answer:

or in text:
The X-40 can fit a size of 8,5 in length and 6,25 in girth.
The X40 can fit a size of 9 in length and 6,5 in girth.
The X40 can fit a size of 10,5 in length and 7 in girth.
The X-40 can fit a size of 12 in length and 7,5 in girth.

The X40 and X40 are said to provide more (better) suction intensity (by DLD himself in the Bathmate vs penomet video). I would advise you to get the X40- it will fit your size very well and will be ok even after the expansion. Some people have over an inch by inch (length by girth) expansion after the pump's use. But if you get a inch increase in girth the X40 will not fit you, so judge yourself. So, if you get a temporary pumping increase in girth of more than 0,7-0,9 inches or more- the X-40 might be the best Bathmate you can purchase.

The Penomet can fit 11 in length and 7,5 in girth. It is quite more expensive, but it is much better (that's what I think). The reason is because they give you more gaiters, providing different amount of suction intensity and you can change them. The newest gaiter is going to be released very soon (the one that will give the best suction intensity of all the existing pumps) and you will get it for free if you get the Platinum Penomet membership. Hope I helped! All the best, Zam.

It is not the answer to your question (to another user), but I think it will give you the answer you are looking for. Tell us what your choice was. All the best, Zam

P.S- Damn, nice size you have :)
Thank you very much. i appreciate it. Now to save the cash, set up a private PO box and order one.
DLD did you update the SRT routine yet I remember a few pages back you said you were. I saw the SRT short YouTube video I'm looking for the full length. When I read the SRT a while ago it kind of got me going in the right direction and I wouldn't be at the level of pe if I was never fed the milk of the word. :)
If i just focused on kegels and jelqing for the rest of 2013 but add srt to my routine, could i still get decent gains? Bu decent i mean mayb 1/2 inch lenght and 1/4 inch girth. Im perfectly fine with gradual process and focusing more on EQ.

Unless i am confused by the concept of srt, i was thinking good jelq session, then a little ssj followed by up to 2 hours of srt with a cock ring.

thanks gang
grapeape;548839 said:
If i just focused on kegels and jelqing for the rest of 2013 but add srt to my routine, could i still get decent gains? Bu decent i mean mayb 1/2 inch lenght and 1/4 inch girth. Im perfectly fine with gradual process and focusing more on EQ.

Unless i am confused by the concept of srt, i was thinking good jelq session, then a little ssj followed by up to 2 hours of srt with a cock ring.

thanks gang

Kegels are as important to gaining as they are to healing and should be used at every place possible. I myself will do Kegels all day, during driving, working, playing, etc. I also use them in DLD Blasters as a fatigue method to enhance ligamental stretching and it's opposite, the Reverse Kegel for the same. In erection quality, the stronger the pelvic floor muscles are the better eq is and the bigger you are.

Kegels are not those only part of SRT that is important, making an embodiment of the entire process is important, creating a routine that covers all important points and is doable, or within your abilities. All healing aspects should be followed by newbies and veterans alike. Put together a total routine idea and let me review it and help you in making sure it is compliant with SRT.
I dont have any idea on counts per day for 2 reasons, it seems unpopular to count because it makes it unsexual and 2ndly, i am gradually building up to long term goals i guess.

*First thing in AM doing resistance kegels (i dont know what they are called) but the same idea as towel raise but laying on my back and using 1 finger as resistance on the topside of my unit.......I'd like to get strong enough to do this the majority of a 10 min session some day

*From the drive to work til i get home, i'd like to kegel a ton. some days my pc seems weaker and its easier to do 1 second kegels, some days its easier to do 5-10 second holds...............I really dont know what should be a long term goal here. it seems like a lot of guys routines vary. Im not sure if i should be aimging for 1 minute holds or 1000s of short holds.

*shower after work would be an ideal time to get my jelqing in..........i am shooting for 500 a day (maybe i should be looking at time)

*after my jelq sessions i was planning on some ssj work followed by a cockring for about 2 hours

*then the last few hours of the nite i was thinking your of using your "first routine" plus my version of the blue whale (forgive me if i label things wrong)
I take my dick up the back side of my palm (like holding a pool cue straight up in the air but the cue is on the backside of my hand) and fold it over the top of my hand back into the palm, get a good grip behind the glans and pull my palm down toward my body. it gets incredible pressure. I also really enjoy the A stretch?? the one where it goes over your opposite wrist maybe?

*then an uncle jimbo wrap to wear to sleep

First off, i would like to thank you and everyone for patient advice, i'm like any other newbie and flood this place with posts. you guys have answered 1000s of questions over the years (alot of them repetetive) and i appreciate you guys continuing to help ME(people) out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a bbq guy and if i ran a forum for over a decade in which i had to explain ten thousand times how to cook pulled pork....i dont think i could be as awesome as you are with this site.

2ndly, i may have not measure correctly the first time i logged in nov of 12....but i swear i was 7" and im clearly 8 right now. i have done some light hanging and then the 2 stretchs i mentioned above are wonderfully comfortable to me and they seem to be excellent.

I guess while i am covering everything (and being long winded) when i hang, i have yet to find a comfortable way to do it with one exception. I dont know if this method has been done before, i dont know if its brilliant or wreckless......Its uber comfortable and seems to work well. i'll explain the best i can.....I warm up, get a sock on my lil guy, then i put a cable clamp secure but not tight in the middle of my shaft, then i fold my shaft in half with the head now down at my base. next i put another clamp around both portions of my dick at the base, it's about 1/4 the way up from the base and its also above the glans now that they are pointing down. I clamp this down secure. then hang the weight from the loose middle clamp. I hope this was a decent explanation.
upon further review, the hand stretch i am doing might be your bundled stretch....i dont know.

great routine, defo gonna start that. Just had some questions not sure if you already went through them but i searched the thread but may have missed it.

I wanted some stuff clarified pls

- are the pills you mentioned (enhancement pills) only for oveweight people? if not how do you take them?
- In week one it is all about stretching should we not do anything else?
- Once we finish the stretches we apply the cream, so we apply the cream after each hr of cranks?
- once the 6 hrs of cranks are complete, do we leave the strap for the rest of the day or we dont wear anything?
- Do we do length and girth in one day?
- this is a 12 weeek routine, do we alternate each week for length and girth so 6 weeks length 6 weeks girth?

Thanks for the help.
telepa12;549138 said:

great routine, defo gonna start that. Just had some questions not sure if you already went through them but i searched the thread but may have missed it.

I wanted some stuff clarified pls

- are the pills you mentioned (enhancement pills) only for oveweight people? if not how do you take them?
- In week one it is all about stretching should we not do anything else?
- Once we finish the stretches we apply the cream, so we apply the cream after each hr of cranks?
- once the 6 hrs of cranks are complete, do we leave the strap for the rest of the day or we dont wear anything?
- Do we do length and girth in one day?
- this is a 12 weeek routine, do we alternate each week for length and girth so 6 weeks length 6 weeks girth?

Thanks for the help.

I am not DLD, but since he is pretty busy himself these days I'll try to help you with what I can. MY answers might not be correct, but I'll write as much as I know :)

- are the pills you mentioned (enhancement pills) only for oveweight people? if not how do you take them?
I think that it does not matter if you are overweight or not- they will still have the same functions.

- In week one it is all about stretching should we not do anything else?
It is well written- below the highlighted "Week 1 Length"- you have your first week length routine and a scroll or two (a little below that) you have written "Girth session", which is not highlighted and this is where your confusion starts I suppose.

- Do we do length and girth in one day?
- this is a 12 weeek routine, do we alternate each week for length and girth so 6 weeks length 6 weeks girth?

Well, according to what I understood- length and girth workouts enhance each other and should be done together in one day. There is a specific time in the program where you must do length immediately after your girth session, but for the rest part- just do one in the morning (and heal till afternoon) and the other in the afternoon (and heal till you go to bed), then you can put UJS to heal while you sleep if you feel like it. :)

You should wear the strap for some time and when you do your girth session put on the cock ring. The strap is only for length.

There are 1 or 2 questions I couldn't answer you, because I don't think I understood the questions, but I hope my answers do help you. I hope when DLD has enough time and does not have his head full of new product release and videos will answer your questions himself. All the best, Zam :)
Zambrodom3;549238 said:
I am not DLD, but since he is pretty busy himself these days I'll try to help you with what I can. MY answers might not be correct, but I'll write as much as I know :)

- are the pills you mentioned (enhancement pills) only for oveweight people? if not how do you take them?
I think that it does not matter if you are overweight or not- they will still have the same functions.

- In week one it is all about stretching should we not do anything else?
It is well written- below the highlighted "Week 1 Length"- you have your first week length routine and a scroll or two (a little below that) you have written "Girth session", which is not highlighted and this is where your confusion starts I suppose.

- Do we do length and girth in one day?
- this is a 12 weeek routine, do we alternate each week for length and girth so 6 weeks length 6 weeks girth?

Well, according to what I understood- length and girth workouts enhance each other and should be done together in one day. There is a specific time in the program where you must do length immediately after your girth session, but for the rest part- just do one in the morning (and heal till afternoon) and the other in the afternoon (and heal till you go to bed), then you can put UJS to heal while you sleep if you feel like it. :)

You should wear the strap for some time and when you do your girth session put on the cock ring. The strap is only for length.

There are 1 or 2 questions I couldn't answer you, because I don't think I understood the questions, but I hope my answers do help you. I hope when DLD has enough time and does not have his head full of new product release and videos will answer your questions himself. All the best, Zam :)

Thanks alot Zam

it was a help.

Sorry what i meant for the other questions was related to the length using UJB, after doing the normal routine DLD said to put the strap on and every hour to do the 25 crancks every hour for 6 hours. I wanted to know after the six hours do we stay in the strap and do we apply the cream every hour for the 6 hours?

Thanks alot again
telepa12;549370 said:
Thanks alot Zam

it was a help.

Sorry what i meant for the other questions was related to the length using UJB, after doing the normal routine DLD said to put the strap on and every hour to do the 25 crancks every hour for 6 hours. I wanted to know after the six hours do we stay in the strap and do we apply the cream every hour for the 6 hours?

Thanks alot again

Yes, great answers Zam! Very helpful when a Brother pitches in when I am on the Lamb:)

I would only use the hydrocortisone cream once per day, in the evening, while you sleep.
doublelongdaddy;549391 said:
Yes, great answers Zam! Very helpful when a Brother pitches in when I am on the Lamb:)

I would only use the Hydrocortisone cream once per day, in the evening, while you sleep.

Thanks DLD.

so the cream just before i sleep and what about the strap after the 6 hrs of work do i leave it on for he rest of the day
I dunno if I've missed it in the thread, but is there a good alternative to the Monkey Spanker? I'm not exactly sure what it is other than a deep tissue massage device, and I could do that with my hands. I'd rather shell out 50~60 bucks for Supras RoP than the Monkey Spanker.
I have read through most of this thread and I may have missed it. Is there an actual defined program with this SRT or is SRT mainly a concept that should be added after a routine of our choice?
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