jcarrier;520379 said:
Regarding Uncle Jim's wrap ads, does it work from bpel or just flaccid length? Also, the fact that you'd be stretching the penis in a state where your girth is at its minimum would contribute to lose girth maybe?

Not at all, when the penis is flaccid there is no real way to increase or decrease girth. Girth is only effected at higher erection levels. Uncle Jims Wrap is an easy way to remain extended after stretching and it is meant to train the penis to stay elongated when soft.
doublelongdaddy;520625 said:
Not at all, when the penis is flaccid there is no real way to increase or decrease girth. Girth is only effected at higher erection levels. Uncle Jims Wrap is an easy way to remain extended after stretching and it is meant to train the penis to stay elongated when soft.

Thanks, DLD. I thought that because people say for instance that edging is good because you keep your penis erect for a longer period of time, thus helping gains as the penis sort of gets conditioned to stay in a bigger state. so i thought that this might apply to the reverse - keeping the penis in an elongated, thinner states could decrease volume. Glad it doesn't I will start to do this ADS. Should I do it on rest days also?

This makes a lot of sense from a physiological perspective, and to be honest I can see this being just about the only way to train for maximal gains. I have a SG only, am fairly new to Penis Enlargement, and am mostly interested in length gains at the moment. Do you think the following routine maximizes the principles of SRT given only the SG and manual stretching?


AM Stretching (as per the Newbie Routine)

6 x 1 Hour Sets in the Extender Immediately Following Stretching

PM Jelqing (as per the Newbie Routine)

Use Uncle Jim's Strapping Method From Post-PM Jelqing To Waking The Next Morning

Thanks for your time and all you great ideas.


Good read, I've taken almost a year off of serious Penis Enlargementing and activity on the site but now I'm back. Reading this thread has gave me a somewhere to start and gain more than I had before taking my break. I'm applying these methods in my Penis Enlargement workouts. Thanks DLD
This is great DLD. SRT sounds really interesting and effective. What are some of the gains that you and the others made. I'm planning to buy some of the equipment in a couple weeks and star this routine
jcarrier;520669 said:
Thanks, DLD. I thought that because people say for instance that edging is good because you keep your penis erect for a longer period of time, thus helping gains as the penis sort of gets conditioned to stay in a bigger state. so i thought that this might apply to the reverse - keeping the penis in an elongated, thinner states could decrease volume. Glad it doesn't I will start to do this ADS. Should I do it on rest days also?

Rest days would only be important only if you were suffering eq issues. I agree with edging and staying in an expanded state for long periods, nothing better to stretch the Tunica.
AF3;522236 said:

This makes a lot of sense from a physiological perspective, and to be honest I can see this being just about the only way to train for maximal gains. I have a SG only, am fairly new to Penis Enlargement, and am mostly interested in length gains at the moment. Do you think the following routine maximizes the principles of SRT given only the SG and manual stretching?


AM Stretching (as per the Newbie Routine)

6 x 1 Hour Sets in the Extender Immediately Following Stretching

PM Jelqing (as per the Newbie Routine)

Use Uncle Jim's Strapping Method From Post-PM Jelqing To Waking The Next Morning

Thanks for your time and all you great ideas.



So simple yet extremely effective. I am so happy so many men are turning to SRT, it really is the way of the Penis Enlargement Future, it happens here first:)

Perfectwingzero;522341 said:
Good read, I've taken almost a year off of serious Penis Enlargementing and activity on the site but now I'm back. Reading this thread has gave me a somewhere to start and gain more than I had before taking my break. I'm applying these methods in my Penis Enlargement workouts. Thanks DLD

Awesome that you are starting again and even better that you will restart with SRT! You will see gains so much faster than your past.

youngstallion;523017 said:
This is great DLD. SRT sounds really interesting and effective. What are some of the gains that you and the others made. I'm planning to buy some of the equipment in a couple weeks and star this routine

Very cool! Please ask any questions you may have or if you need help implementing equipment.

I'm really struggling to gain full extension with the Uncle Jim's Strapping Method. Essentially what happens is that I'm unable to wrap the very base of the shaft and so I lose a bit of the stretch. Do you have any advice or is there a step-by-step guide somewhere on the site?


hey dld
ive stopped wrapping cos i feel as though im not gaining any girth. my dick looks longer but skinnier . and another thing I've noticed is that if i take days off pe its like I've taken a wk off. i basically loose whatever I've gain n i feel like im back at square one ice tried 5 on 2 off 3 on 1 off n its the same shit. can u pls help me with this one? thanks chich
vegts;523147 said:
hey dld
ive stopped wrapping cos i feel as though im not gaining any girth. my dick looks longer but skinnier . and another thing I've noticed is that if i take days off pe its like I've taken a wk off. i basically loose whatever I've gain n i feel like im back at square one ice tried 5 on 2 off 3 on 1 off n its the same shit. can u pls help me with this one? thanks chich

It looks like it has less girth because the longer it gets, the skinnier it gets. Adversely, the more girth you gain, the shorter it looks. In reality the girth is the same as ever.

Just don't take days off if you can help it. Or don't sweat it. Just get your Penis Enlargement in and you will gain. You can't expect it to be an overnight thing
#1 stopwearing underwear
#2 do SRT stretch routine daily
#3 wrap daily, basically live in extended stnate
#4 get SG for length, put it on right after SRT stretching routine, for hours, the uncle jims wrap the rest of the time(non-girth time)
#5 get Bathmate or penomet. do 5 mins Bathmate, 5 mins ssjs, repeat 3x
#6 pput on cockring after, for hours of healing girth in expanded state
#77 lose weight
Thats SRT inna nutshell

do that for 90 days consistently, then report in
hey dld, ive been using SRT for about a month now. ive been stretching in the size genetics, building up to max stretch over a 4 hour period, i then try to use the extender for another 4 hours after that but at a reduced length to allow my dick to heal in a stretched position and then towards the end of the day wrap it up with some ace bandage. i just wanted to know cuas im abit confused......when im using the size genetics for healing after doing my 4hours stretching to max length, should i be using the extender with whatever combination of bars means that im wearing it and its not using any tension (e.g. all the tension lines are visible on the base rods of the extender) or should i be using it extended nearly at maximum stretch (with high tension) but just not at the full maximum i could stretch it to???? i just dont know if my dick will be in the right conditions to heal if there is still tension being applied by the extender or if this is a good thing. thanks dld u really make this all so much easier to understand!
bigpimp;524674 said:
hey dld, ive been using SRT for about a month now. ive been stretching in the size genetics, building up to max stretch over a 4 hour period, i then try to use the extender for another 4 hours after that but at a reduced length to allow my dick to heal in a stretched position and then towards the end of the day wrap it up with some ace bandage. i just wanted to know cuas im abit confused......when im using the size genetics for healing after doing my 4hours stretching to max length, should i be using the extender with whatever combination of bars means that im wearing it and its not using any tension (e.g. all the tension lines are visible on the base rods of the extender) or should i be using it extended nearly at maximum stretch (with high tension) but just not at the full maximum i could stretch it to???? i just dont know if my dick will be in the right conditions to heal if there is still tension being applied by the extender or if this is a good thing. thanks dld u really make this all so much easier to understand!

I would suggest a light tension in the healing phase. You want some tension, enough to fully extend the penis but not so much that you would have to take it off every 20 minutes. A comfortable tension that you can withstand for 2 hours at a time would be perfect. By the time you ar ein the wrap you will be wrapping to heal with almost no tension...more of a training of your flaccid length.
bigpimp;524798 said:
cheers dld

Never a problem Bigpimp, I want you guys to ask and learn as much as possible at the same time I want to learn from you and build on the SRT Routine. I have learned a lot from Penoment and how he does extensive research. I have always done this but now I am doing it with you guys. I have learned that learning from my members is the smartest way to build and evolve the SRT philosophy. I am so close to releasing the new program and SRT is still getting it's final touches. I am so excited because I know it works! Before even releasing it on the site or in DVD I have beta tested it for more than 18 months! As late as 2 months ago I added the masturbation addition, one that I feel will even quicken the time men gain girth and length. I have been mulling it over for weeks now and I want to write it in seamlessly, so it does not add time but moreover reconfigures the time spent. I will be releasing the latest version of SRT later this weekend. I hope that it is worthy of becoming part of the new Matters of Size program.
Im having some problems with my overnight jim strapping...what is a comfortable wrap during the day ends up becoming uncomfortable at night...I normally can go hours during the day with a comfortable wrap in the extended position. but if I wrap to the same tension at night i end up waking up in the middle of the night with my glans burning...as if its too tight a wrap. i think its because i get erections at night. I have tried lightening the wrap and it either wont hold me extended or ends up falling off during the night...thoughts??? suggestions??
dsm4life420;524823 said:
Im having some problems with my overnight jim strapping...what is a comfortable wrap during the day ends up becoming uncomfortable at night...I normally can go hours during the day with a comfortable wrap in the extended position. but if I wrap to the same tension at night i end up waking up in the middle of the night with my glans burning...as if its too tight a wrap. i think its because i get erections at night. I have tried lightening the wrap and it either wont hold me extended or ends up falling off during the night...thoughts??? suggestions??

Have you looked at the TLC Tugger? It has a evening strap that some like more than Uncle Jim's Wrap at night.
doublelongdaddy;524826 said:
Have you looked at the TLC Tugger? It has a evening strap that some like more than Uncle Jim's Wrap at night.

I have been looking into getting an extender...the only thing holding me back is the nature of my work wich may require me to go from a resting state to a high level of activity at any given time in a 24 hour period...for this jims wrap is fine
SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory sounds like a great . Sadly in not sure if i have the time for it. I will however take some things and use them. Like the Jim's while sleeping .

I'm over weight in 284 as of now and would love to help with the diet and workout parts once i get down in weight
hi guys. Day 2 of week 1 of this program.
DLD, can you tell me when you say 1 set BTC between wrapping is that one 30 second straight back stretch?
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