Longth;675423 said:
You'd say that about any proof BTW. Any data or study or testimonials are fabricated in an elaborate scheme. I could have a before and after and I would have Photoshop accusations because that never happens. You are unmovable. You'd be the guy who gained a tenth inch, stopped for a month, and get surprised your body corrected the issue. Thus proving yourself right.

So yea, you're right in your world, because there's no way you have the patience for cementing gains and apparently lack enough understanding of how the process works to make anything happen to cement. Truly it all does make sense when you take the time to learn, and when you understand some of the practices are older than Egypt. But surely it's all those countless generations of men that had it wrong all along. We all just needed to hear it from you.

there are 12 PE studies on Pubmed. One got results......coincidentally the one funded by Andropenis so that's null and void. A separate 6 mth. study could not replicate those results thus they are fake.

11 say it doesn't work.As I said there is NO proof it works except shady pictures and shadier people. If you believe, fine have fun.I don't.
Yeah the three marks are better, and about side measurement I've never taken one so idk. Maybe its because you're a endomorph type, and lots of us are meso
deadwood187;675438 said:
there are 12 PE studies on Pubmed. One got results......coincidentally the one funded by Andropenis so that's null and void. A separate 6 mth. study could not replicate those results thus they are fake.

11 say it doesn't work.As I said there is NO proof it works except shady pictures and shadier people. If you believe, fine have fun.I don't.

Have you ever done manual work?
kyomoto;675442 said:
Have you ever done manual work?

Yes . Jelqing , stretches etc. I followed Titelist (on thundersplace) regime to the "t". I also had in depth conversations with him where he sort of insinuated he never gained and was pulling people's legs.He said his before pic was 100% not his but uses it because people doubt him. He said he pulled one pre digital so people couldn't analyze it. A common trick these shysters use. I did believe him at first but now I think he's just a crazy person out for laughs. He admitted he's dishonest so why should I trust him and supposedly he's the God of PE.
deadwood187;675448 said:
Yes . Jelqing , stretches etc. I followed Titelist (on thundersplace) regime to the "t". I also had in depth conversations with him where he sort of insinuated he never gained and was pulling people's legs.He said his before pic was 100% not his but uses it because people doubt him. He said he pulled one pre digital so people couldn't analyze it. A common trick these shysters use. I did believe him at first but now I think he's just a crazy person out for laughs. He admitted he's dishonest so why should I trust him and supposedly he's the God of PE.

Hello! Did you read my thoughts on the thread i posted? I'm a sceptical and a guy that would do a lot for a bigger penis. I have been consistent for 9months. Really consistent. I saw gains on the ruler and measuring tape. But i still sometimes didn't believe. I think gains are made by skin creep & eq gains. Skin creep gains is something i don't like and i recognized they came from stretching. So i stopped that recently and will only focus on tunica & EQ. I will also quit bundled stretches, they give skin creeps. What makes me still keep going and find solutions? I have recognized real penis increase beyond what i could manage to get bedore PE. If i measure and not add my skin creeps i still have gains, but just not as much gains. I want to make healthy growth, not make my penis uglier than before with shaft hair and odd skin creeps. Tunica gains are the way to get this i think right now. But when i get more experience and find out more maybe i don't believe that either. The only way right now to gain real penis size and that i 100% believe in and know is true. That's EQ gains. You get them by improving blood flow to your chambers, so they can fill up to their potential and give best possible size your genetics have to offer. Do Keegels & Edging for this. This is proven to work mainstream btw. You don't need a secret forum to approve this, everyone can. Now i'm on my journey to find out how to grow my penis bigger and healthier without skin creeps! If mattersofsize goal is to sell products, who knows. I'm going to buy a bathmate anyways. Just to experiment for myself and sed what it does and how it works regarding gains. There also is a theroy from my side that PE is only working because it is covered by skin all over. And you can manipulate skin. Make it thicker & longer. Which could lead to a visual bigger penis, but it wouldn't work as good as a penis that truly are bigger geneticly from beginning. Lets say the skin covering the dick gets bigger, but tunica/cc/cs is not getting bigger. That will lead to a penis that looks bigger and feels bigger in hand, but doesn't feel bigger in the pussy since when you penetrate or squeeze the penis you will suddenly reach through all the "swollen" skin and feel the hard tunica, and this is what the vagina will feel, the hard tunica, not the soft skin. I think this theory is pretty good and could be explanation to why you get girth size other than EQ improvements. But i hope i am wrong for the sake of penis enlargement. A guy at PEGym forum used bathmate and had a relationship for 44 years with a girl. After 5 years he grew his penis girth with 1 inch. During this period and after she didn't notice a difference in penetration. But she could sed and feel it was bigger in hand. This approves my theory. His answer was that the girl probably get used to size overtime because it took 5 years.

But yeye :) Thanks for listening.
Why are we arguing with this guy? He's one of those "nay" sayers that claims he half ass tried something and it didn't work for him. He quoted "notice my join date, I have tested it, I have tested 20 devices diligently " we all know that's bullshit. His join date is 3/23/15. That's only 8 months. All of us that know about PE and the dedication it takes and the pains and frustration and the highs and lows we endure know that 8 months ain't shit. PE takes TIME dumbass! You say you tested 20 different devices diligently. That's bullshit. First off there's not 20 different devices in the PE world, I don't think there's even 20 different variations of the tools that we use. Second you couldn't have done it diligently in that time frame, that would be a new device about every 12 days or so. Anybody that knows anything knows that's not enough time to "diligently " work with something let alone expect results from it. Hell 8 months ain't long enough for one device for most of us. You think you could pick up some weights, half ass do some exercises with them for 8 months and expect to enter a bodybuilding competition. Get real brother. Put some real time into PE then come back and give your opinion. See you in a year or two.
habban;675453 said:
Hello! Did you read my thoughts on the thread i posted? I'm a sceptical and a guy that would do a lot for a bigger penis. I have been consistent for 9months. Really consistent. I saw gains on the ruler and measuring tape. But i still sometimes didn't believe. I think gains are made by skin creep & eq gains. Skin creep gains is something i don't like and i recognized they came from stretching. So i stopped that recently and will only focus on tunica & EQ. I will also quit bundled stretches, they give skin creeps. What makes me still keep going and find solutions? I have recognized real penis increase beyond what i could manage to get bedore PE. If i measure and not add my skin creeps i still have gains, but just not as much gains. I want to make healthy growth, not make my penis uglier than before with shaft hair and odd skin creeps. Tunica gains are the way to get this i think right now. But when i get more experience and find out more maybe i don't believe that either. The only way right now to gain real penis size and that i 100% believe in and know is true. That's EQ gains. You get them by improving blood flow to your chambers, so they can fill up to their potential and give best possible size your genetics have to offer. Do Keegels & Edging for this. This is proven to work mainstream btw. You don't need a secret forum to approve this, everyone can. Now i'm on my journey to find out how to grow my penis bigger and healthier without skin creeps! If mattersofsize goal is to sell products, who knows. I'm going to buy a bathmate anyways. Just to experiment for myself and sed what it does and how it works regarding gains. There also is a theroy from my side that PE is only working because it is covered by skin all over. And you can manipulate skin. Make it thicker & longer. Which could lead to a visual bigger penis, but it wouldn't work as good as a penis that truly are bigger geneticly from beginning. Lets say the skin covering the dick gets bigger, but tunica/cc/cs is not getting bigger. That will lead to a penis that looks bigger and feels bigger in hand, but doesn't feel bigger in the pussy since when you penetrate or squeeze the penis you will suddenly reach through all the "swollen" skin and feel the hard tunica, and this is what the vagina will feel, the hard tunica, not the soft skin. I think this theory is pretty good and could be explanation to why you get girth size other than EQ improvements. But i hope i am wrong for the sake of penis enlargement. A guy at PEGym forum used bathmate and had a relationship for 44 years with a girl. After 5 years he grew his penis girth with 1 inch. During this period and after she didn't notice a difference in penetration. But she could sed and feel it was bigger in hand. This approves my theory. His answer was that the girl probably get used to size overtime because it took 5 years.

But yeye :) Thanks for listening.

That is seriously retarded. You have posted about your gains before but you want to convince everyone pe is an optical illusion or the result of better eq. If better eq added inches to your dick everyone in the world would pop Viagra like candy.
Yes my dick is bigger and it feels bigger in a vagina not just my hand lol. The problem here is not hard gainers or pe isn't real, the problem is just bad attitude.
My wife says my cock is too thick now and it hurts her, but you guys are right pe is fake and all the picture proof is just photoshop
IVEADREAM;675454 said:
Why are we arguing with this guy? He's one of those "nay" sayers that claims he half ass tried something and it didn't work for him. He quoted "notice my join date, I have tested it, I have tested 20 devices diligently " we all know that's bullshit. His join date is 3/23/15. That's only 8 months. All of us that know about PE and the dedication it takes and the pains and frustration and the highs and lows we endure know that 8 months ain't shit. PE takes TIME dumbass! You say you tested 20 different devices diligently. That's bullshit. First off there's not 20 different devices in the PE world, I don't think there's even 20 different variations of the tools that we use. Second you couldn't have done it diligently in that time frame, that would be a new device about every 12 days or so. Anybody that knows anything knows that's not enough time to "diligently " work with something let alone expect results from it. Hell 8 months ain't long enough for one device for most of us. You think you could pick up some weights, half ass do some exercises with them for 8 months and expect to enter a bodybuilding competition. Get real brother. Put some real time into PE then come back and give your opinion. See you in a year or two.
I agree, these guys probably have this attitude about everything else in their lives
IVEADREAM;675454 said:
Why are we arguing with this guy? He's one of those "nay" sayers that claims he half ass tried something and it didn't work for him. He quoted "notice my join date, I have tested it, I have tested 20 devices diligently " we all know that's bullshit. His join date is 3/23/15. That's only 8 months. All of us that know about PE and the dedication it takes and the pains and frustration and the highs and lows we endure know that 8 months ain't shit. PE takes TIME dumbass! You say you tested 20 different devices diligently. That's bullshit. First off there's not 20 different devices in the PE world, I don't think there's even 20 different variations of the tools that we use. Second you couldn't have done it diligently in that time frame, that would be a new device about every 12 days or so. Anybody that knows anything knows that's not enough time to "diligently " work with something let alone expect results from it. Hell 8 months ain't long enough for one device for most of us. You think you could pick up some weights, half ass do some exercises with them for 8 months and expect to enter a bodybuilding competition. Get real brother. Put some real time into PE then come back and give your opinion. See you in a year or two.

LOL. You seem a little angry. Are you trying to convince me or yourself that PE works? Any ways I am the same Deadwood here (https://www.penisenlargementforum.com/forum/penis-extender-devices/rest-period-t3698.html). My join date was 2011. Is 5 years enough for you or is that "not enough time" or did I "harden my tunica" or "insert cult like excuse here"???

Same deadwood from �other PE site� (was banned for a bad review on BIB's crappy hanger).

PE is a cult like Scientology.You have three types of people:

1. The top 1% who profit from the lie and jealously guard the lie and promote the lie because they profit for the lie but they know it's a lie.
2. 95% who come, take a look, invest 6-12mths into the lie, see the lie on their own and quietly move on as "nothing gained, nothing lost".
3. Then 4% are the lonely, miserable losers who fully swallow the lie to fill their devoid and useless lives (you). They invest 1000's of hours and 1000's of dollars in useless devices and when they see no results they drink the Kool Aid and spout the PRE programmed cult talk: I DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT, MY TUNICA IS THIS OR THAT, ETC ETC. AND REPEAT SOME UNSCIENTIFIC, UNPROVEN SHIT WHY IT DIDN'T WORK.

Here are the facts:

- there is NO proof it works

End of story. And save the pics. I know the tricks . I know the excuses. I know the bullshit. Can a pump give you a temporary gain? Yep. Show me any pump gains that last 2-7 days if the guy stops pumping. Is it fun? Yep. The chase is fun. Does it work? Hell no. No one has increased their size permanently. No one. Any fool can enlarge his penis with a pump, post pics and have the lonely desperate losers drool over it. However the real proof is lacking. Sorry, it's the way i is.

insult me, discredit me, make fun of my name, ban me etc etc. It won't change a damn thing especially the size of your penis.
acromegaly;675459 said:
That is seriously retarded. You have posted about your gains before but you want to convince everyone pe is an optical illusion or the result of better eq. If better eq added inches to your dick everyone in the world would pop Viagra like candy.
Yes my dick is bigger and it feels bigger in a vagina not just my hand lol. The problem here is not hard gainers or pe isn't real, the problem is just bad attitude.
My wife says my cock is too thick now and it hurts her, but you guys are right pe is fake and all the picture proof is just photoshop

Perhaps the Tunica is growing then? Or the skin gets thicker. The point is i'm arguing with myself to convince myself. If it works for you don't get angry. Just looking for different pespectives to help me win the argue against myself, to convince myself what is working with PE and not.
deadwood187;675462 said:
LOL. You seem a little angry. Are you trying to convince me or yourself that PE works? Any ways I am the same Deadwood here (https://www.penisenlargementforum.com/forum/penis-extender-devices/rest-period-t3698.html). My join date was 2011. Is 5 years enough for you or is that "not enough time" or did I "harden my tunica" or "insert cult like excuse here"???

Same deadwood from �other PE site� (was banned for a bad review on BIB's crappy hanger).

PE is a cult like Scientology.You have three types of people:

1. The top 1% who profit from the lie and jealously guard the lie and promote the lie because they profit for the lie but they know it's a lie.
2. 95% who come, take a look, invest 6-12mths into the lie, see the lie on their own and quietly move on as "nothing gained, nothing lost".
3. Then 4% are the lonely, miserable losers who fully swallow the lie to fill their devoid and useless lives (you). They invest 1000's of hours and 1000's of dollars in useless devices and when they see no results they drink the Kool Aid and spout the PRE programmed cult talk: I DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT, MY TUNICA IS THIS OR THAT, ETC ETC. AND REPEAT SOME UNSCIENTIFIC, UNPROVEN SHIT WHY IT DIDN'T WORK.

Here are the facts:

- there is NO proof it works

End of story. And save the pics. I know the tricks . I know the excuses. I know the bullshit. Can a pump give you a temporary gain? Yep. Show me any pump gains that last 2-7 days if the guy stops pumping. Is it fun? Yep. The chase is fun. Does it work? Hell no. No one has increased their size permanently. No one. Any fool can enlarge his penis with a pump, post pics and have the lonely desperate losers drool over it. However the real proof is lacking. Sorry, it's the way i is.

insult me, discredit me, make fun of my name, ban me etc etc. It won't change a damn thing especially the size of your penis.

What you say is a logical and reasonable opinion/perspective. They shouldn't blame you. I don't blame you. If something makes someone happy, then let him do it. But if it's all fake somehow it's just another way to take someone else money. If you think about it, this whole thing is really really smart to trick souls that are unhappy about their size and make money on it. But yeah, all this could ve real. Who knows. No evidence, then it's free to say whatever :)
Also. It is pretty funny how you can see this site is set up for advertising. DLD makes money on this. He probably also added a couple of members to help him answer for him, they also get paid somehow. And his gains? Ofcourse he has to state about big gains so people will listen to him more. If he made small gains no one would care as much. When i took up my problems and let them know i was going to buy a bathmate they didn't wanted to argue further, they did their job. Made another guy spend money. The companies making products are working together with the forums. Some get paid, some get fooled in to the lie and help the big names. Everything is so smart, but again.. To make money. The world is build on that. This is VERY logical, more logical than that PE works. You can manipulate the skin on your shaft/around your shaft to make it look bigger with the ruler, and it's all an illusion. Except. With keegels and edging you promote the blood flow to give size. What can you do more? You can do temporary effects to the penis/skin, that will last longer if you do it long enough. If someone wanna buy a bathmate and make it bigger in this way, this is a different way then puberty growth. Let him do it. Obviously works to an extent. Has both benefits and downs.

I'm gonna keep improving my penis with how i think all this work. We don't win anything on arguing against it. Let them play. :) If i need help i will ask them, but it doesn't mean i will follow them. If DLD wants to prove this once and for all he can just make a mattersofsize video 2 with his claimed super size and tell the world and the people that doesn't believe it: Fuck off.
No actually I'm not angry because I'm not having to prove anything to you or anybody else for that matter. I do PE for myself. Not to go out and bang chicks, not to win some kind of contest, not trying to sell anything ect. but just for me. I've been doing PE of some sort since 2008. When I first started I came across jelqing and thought that was going to give me a huge dick. I half ass did it and some how squeezed out 1/4" nbpel. I then joined this site in June 2013. I realized that there was a lot more too it then just jelqing and proper tools to get the job done and more importantly a proper way of doing it. Since then to this date I have gained another 3/4". So a total of an inch in seven years. Do I have picture proof? No. Do I have documentation? No. Cause I'm doing this for me, not to prove anything to anybody. I'm sorry for your luck, sorry it didn't work for you. All I can tell is my dick is an inch longer than it was 7 years ago. Was that a long time, yes it was but my dick is still an inch longer no matter how you look at. Good luck to you.
IVEADREAM;675468 said:
No actually I'm not angry because I'm not having to prove anything to you or anybody else for that matter. I do PE for myself. Not to go out and bang chicks, not to win some kind of contest, not trying to sell anything ect. but just for me. I've been doing PE of some sort since 2008. When I first started I came across jelqing and thought that was going to give me a huge dick. I half ass did it and some how squeezed out 1/4" nbpel. I then joined this site in June 2013. I realized that there was a lot more too it then just jelqing and proper tools to get the job done and more importantly a proper way of doing it. Since then to this date I have gained another 3/4". So a total of an inch in seven years. Do I have picture proof? No. Do I have documentation? No. Cause I'm doing this for me, not to prove anything to anybody. I'm sorry for your luck, sorry it didn't work for you. All I can tell is my dick is an inch longer than it was 7 years ago. Was that a long time, yes it was but my dick is still an inch longer no matter how you look at. Good luck to you.

So if a major pharmaceutical came out with a pill that they claimed cured cancer and said "we have no proof or documentation that it works but TRUST US!!!! it works", would you believe them?

But yet you expect us to take you for your word. As far as I am concerned it's all stories and fantasies until proof is offered. No proof= you are a liar. It's pretty clear cut my friend. I can say I gained 4" and attack and insult anyone who says other wise. It makes me a bully and a liar, not a realist.
habban;675465 said:
Also. It is pretty funny how you can see this site is set up for advertising. DLD makes money on this. He probably also added a couple of members to help him answer for him, they also get paid somehow. And his gains? Ofcourse he has to state about big gains so people will listen to him more. If he made small gains no one would care as much. When i took up my problems and let them know i was going to buy a bathmate they didn't wanted to argue further, they did their job. Made another guy spend money. The companies making products are working together with the forums. Some get paid, some get fooled in to the lie and help the big names. Everything is so smart, but again.. To make money. The world is build on that. This is VERY logical, more logical than that PE works. You can manipulate the skin on your shaft/around your shaft to make it look bigger with the ruler, and it's all an illusion. Except. With keegels and edging you promote the blood flow to give size. What can you do more? You can do temporary effects to the penis/skin, that will last longer if you do it long enough. If someone wanna buy a bathmate and make it bigger in this way, this is a different way then puberty growth. Let him do it. Obviously works to an extent. Has both benefits and downs.

I'm gonna keep improving my penis with how i think all this work. We don't win anything on arguing against it. Let them play. :) If i need help i will ask them, but it doesn't mean i will follow them. If DLD wants to prove this once and for all he can just make a mattersofsize video 2 with his claimed super size and tell the world and the people that doesn't believe it: Fuck off.

Will bathmate really improve your penis? How so? Being two tone and discolored is hardly an improvement. Not to mention the wasted time.
habban;675465 said:
Also. It is pretty funny how you can see this site is set up for advertising. DLD makes money on this. He probably also added a couple of members to help him answer for him, they also get paid somehow. And his gains? Ofcourse he has to state about big gains so people will listen to him more. If he made small gains no one would care as much. When i took up my problems and let them know i was going to buy a bathmate they didn't wanted to argue further, they did their job. Made another guy spend money. The companies making products are working together with the forums. Some get paid, some get fooled in to the lie and help the big names. Everything is so smart, but again.. To make money. The world is build on that. This is VERY logical, more logical than that PE works. You can manipulate the skin on your shaft/around your shaft to make it look bigger with the ruler, and it's all an illusion. Except. With keegels and edging you promote the blood flow to give size. What can you do more? You can do temporary effects to the penis/skin, that will last longer if you do it long enough. If someone wanna buy a bathmate and make it bigger in this way, this is a different way then puberty growth. Let him do it. Obviously works to an extent. Has both benefits and downs.

I'm gonna keep improving my penis with how i think all this work. We don't win anything on arguing against it. Let them play. :) If i need help i will ask them, but it doesn't mean i will follow them. If DLD wants to prove this once and for all he can just make a mattersofsize video 2 with his claimed super size and tell the world and the people that doesn't believe it: Fuck off.

I'm sorry you think like that.DLD is legit,his gains are legit,this site is legit,Bathmate is legit,everything is legit.If you don't want to believe,that's your problem.acromegaly stated well : " thread title should be "i dont want to believe" .DLD or MoS didn't payed me anything,i gained a decent amount of size : 1.5" in length and more than 0.5" in girth,i lost some size on the way due to inconsistency but i know PE is a real as possible.DLD advices people to buy devices like BM or SG because they are cheaper with the MoS discount and using these devices will speed up the gains.DLD or MoS doesn't have to prove you anything,DLD showed pictures with his measuring and that's enough proof.If you believe those pictures are photoshoped or something like this,it's your problem.Do not expect DLD to prove you anything.You're the one losing if you don't want to believe.You're losing your chance to increase your penis size.

Will bathmate really improve your penis? How so? Being two tone and discolored is hardly an improvement. Not to mention the wasted time

Yes,the BM will improve your penis.If you use it 5 hours a day of course you will get discoloration.If you''re smart about it,the only thing that will happen is you will get a big dick.

So if a major pharmaceutical came out with a pill that they claimed cured cancer and said "we have no proof or documentation that it works but TRUST US!!!! it works", would you believe them?

But yet you expect us to take you for your word. As far as I am concerned it's all stories and fantasies until proof is offered. No proof= you are a liar. It's pretty clear cut my friend. I can say I gained 4" and attack and insult anyone who says other wise. It makes me a bully and a liar, not a realist.

Most of the times i compare PE to God.There is no proof He's real.You cannot prove God with science.All you had to do is pray , be honest and He will reveal to you.Same with PE.You can find proof,but you will ignore it.All you have to do is to try PE,give all you can,and you will gain,after that you will believe.
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deadwood187;675471 said:
So if a major pharmaceutical came out with a pill that they claimed cured cancer and said "we have no proof or documentation that it works but TRUST US!!!! it works", would you believe them?

But yet you expect us to take you for your word. As far as I am concerned it's all stories and fantasies until proof is offered. No proof= you are a liar. It's pretty clear cut my friend. I can say I gained 4" and attack and insult anyone who says other wise. It makes me a bully and a liar, not a realist.
But you see brother I'm not trying to convince you it will work for you or for anyone else for that matter. I know what worked for me. If you think I'm trying to convince you of something that works by telling you it took me seven years to gain an inch then I'm not a very good salesman. I would feed you claims of 7" in seven years.
And besides why would I lie to you about what I gained if I'm not trying to sell you anything. There is no benefit to me if you make your dick bigger. No offense but I could care less if your dick gets any bigger or not. Mine did. Took seven years to get where I'm at and since I'm not trying to prove anything I don't care if it takes another seven years to get one more inch out of it.
Now if you want to use the cancer treatment example think about this. How many people have been cured thru radiation treatment but then how many people have died getting the same treatment? Does radiation treatment work? For some yes for others no. That's just a fact of life.
Some people win the lottery first time playing others play for years and never win a dime. Some people are lucky some are not. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with PE. Doesn't mean it's fake just means some gain others don't. A lot of factors come into play.

Ok it seems to me you're trying to convince everyone else that PE doesn't work. Fine lay it out there for me. What have you done? What 20 devices have you used? For how long did you use them ect. Lay it out there. And make no mistake, I'm not trying to "tweak " your routine I want you to convince me it "doesn't" work and I'll take you at your word on what you've tried cause I'm not in the habit of calling people liars especially when I don't even know them. So come on convince me.
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Hey man :/ I told you buy a bathmate because it would actually help your situation. When I learned of PE all I had to see was the endless anecdotal evidence to believe that so many males had to be onto something. Its like childish said people like to dismiss god, but there's no way there isn't a god, everybody knows nigguh
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5-ESdYwJMW4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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