My trainer at lifetime said to use a multivitamin, preferred organic, fish oil and that's it. Says everything else is crap. I dunno I recognize we live in a world of chemical compounds in every leaf... must be some of those leaves have something that will have an effect in our bodies. Why else is big-pharma combing the jungles of the Amazon?

Advise me please. Heck advise carpei. Its his thread.

I dropped 40# in 3 months due to calorie restriction and high exercise. I ate 1500-1800 intake and burned, with Bathmater in, 3000. As stated above, I couldn't sustain it. Next 10# was much harder and I regained 10# over 3 months. Still trying to find a combo of diet + exercise I can afford and lose fat.

Cut back white carbs (limit rice, pasta, potatoes, sugar, flour) and no high-fructose corn syrup (no cokes) kwere two main food buying/ eating rules... fruits and veggies are carbs, fiber is carbs.
Try to follow 30 p, 30 f, 40 c rule... ie pizza is perfect. LOL jk.

My math ain't that detailed in the kitchen so I just try to stay a little hungry while providing fuel to burn in my workouts.
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LoveHerDeeply;558620 said:
My trainer at lifetime said to use a multivitamin, preferred organic, fish oil and that's it. Says everything else is crap.

Everything else is crap? Ask your trainer why creatine is helping Parkinson's patients and demonstrating neuroprotective effects when it comes to Alzheimer's then...

He told you to take a multi-vitamin? Does he know that the amount of Vitamin D contained in the average multivitamin is about 1/10th of the Vitamin D Research Council's recommended intake?

Your trainer doesn't get a fuck about you. He's taking your money to regurgitate some company tag-line advice which obviously doesn't fucking work since 99% of the Western world is getting sicker and sicker every god damn day.

LoveHerDeeply;558620 said:
Advise me please. Heck advise carpei. Its his thread.

I did.

"The Paleo Solution" from Robb Wolf. As far as exercise goes, if you're massively overweight, the only exercise you should need to lose fat is going for walks every morning on an empty stomach. Anybody who tells you differently or recommends some complicated program is trying to take your money and that's it.

Ditch your trainer, read that book, start walking.

Buy a kettlebell. Learn how to use it.
Af3, you doin okay brother? Many of your posts lately have read kinda cranky. Kind of AT people and is if you're typing in caps... hope you're okay man. Take it easy. Peace and brotherly love, man. I mean it.

So when I got my gym membership I got 3 free trainer visits plus a blood and fitness health profile combo test. I took about 3 months into my major weightloss program to finally do these. I had lost 40 pounds already. He added up with my typical daily workouts and Bathmater, I was burning 2100 calories laying in bed in a coma, so 3000-3200 daily with my workouts. He'd seen me daily for 3 months so he knew this was no shit.

But my meager diet I described he actually plugged the actually products by name into the computer and it added up the breakdown... I was eating 1500-1800 calories per day. I was floored. No wonder I was dropping weight so fast. I knew I couldn't go on so I was seeking a new plan.

I told him my budget did not include continuing to go long term with paid trainer. Maybe twice a year I might shell out for blood/fit check and tune up my program. I told him I might go for some basic suppliments but I didn't have even $100 per month for supps including protien and vitammins... so this wasn't a rich client ongoing deal. I needed a simple plan to follow for 6 months and check back in.

So the bloodwork showed excellent health, high good cholesterol, low bad cholesterol, good oxygen count, good blood sugar after overnight fasting... I don't remember the details exactly being 6 months past. My fitness was great with good aerobic capacity... just needed to lose about 40# more bodyfat. Otherwise no points docked off anything else. They gave me 84 out of 100 points. Only lost points for still overweight.

Then the trainer visits I gave them a baseline history of where I was coming from and my goals heading towards. He did some homework in between the next visit. Then gave me a sample routine based on my goals and starting fitness and knowledge. Added more volume to my lifting, meaning my stronglifts 5x5 was okay but lets try a series of freeweights, especially dumbbells, low weight high reps... slow and careful on form. Had to Master form or higher weights could injure me. He showed me how to do each move right.
. 3 main workout days of different body groups but intense work. I mean my weights were low but after an hour of "push" moves I was spent. Felt awesome. Pull day and "legs" day.
And get 20-30 minutes minimum of *something* done *every* day. So daily walking outdoors, jogging, biking, hiking... The routine worked in some " real world" moves like pushups, pullups, dips... I liked the real world aspect. I'm not fond of the weird motion of elliptical trainers but treadmill I can do every day. I'm up to 5 miles (before leaving wife's house I was the classic, winded by the 1 flight of stairs in her house.)

3rd visit was about diet and suppliments. I mentioned I had read somebody"caveman diet" article and liked the concept. He referred me to a "Paleo diet" book, I think same one mentioned above. I read from library. Nice healthy concepts. Raw foods, whole, organics, plenty leafys, good mix of main 3 energy components and a Tad weighted to carbs just watch the empty carbs and starches, like no big sugar bowls at night before bed... kinda tips. Said even fiber is a carbs, most fruits and veggies give a locarbs"carbs" so to not get too freaked out or hung up on "low carbing".
He told me about eating fuel at the right time before and after workout and throughout the day. Some cool recipes. Resource references.

So as far as vitimins only, just a good, preferred organic, multivitamin. And fish oil.
For growing muscles to use protiens and creatine as the Better version of that...

So two things happened. One is my appetite returned, after 3 months of starvation it was expected... and my weihtloss slowed. Two my muscles grew a bit faster, so I lost 15 pounds fat but gained 10 pounds muscles... it looked like no more weightloss. Took a while to get to my -50# goal. When I hit it my arms and shoulders had grown and started showing.

Then my focus shifted to dating my wife n trying to save my marriage... 3-4 months. I gained a little which ive already cut back off. So when my main job starts back up in a couple weeks, I will be able to get on a consistent lifevscheduke, I plan to make regular gym a part if it consistently again. I'm going for that next -30 pounds fat. Then trainer visit and see where I'm at then.

I know the only reason I'm not where I wanna be is ME slacking. Need to balance consistency, intensity, duration and multiplex attack... same as Penis Enlargement.

Advice, comments questions fellas?
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AF3;558301 said:
Right, so the error you've made here is known as "confirmation bias". You specifically combed the literature for evidence to support your hypothesis, instead of being a good scientist and looking for counter-evidence.

Had you done a more thorough search, you would've seen that this effect does not pan out in primates. You could see, for example, the following general article published in Nature last year:

As a sidenote, people much smarter than you have speculated that we don't see the same effect of calorie restriction in primates because we have drastically different mating patterns than those of rats.

Personally, I think both both you and youknowme are a bunch of jackasses for engaging your egos instead of pointing carped1em to somebody who actually knows what they're doing. The guy obviously wants some help and he's going to have some serious health problems if he doesn't get some soon.

ok i havent been on this forum for a while so apologies for the late reply.

as for your post, its a bit rude and uncalled for. yes that study is a little irrelevant, but i just wanted to find something that would show youknowme that calorie restrictions arent going to kill you or negatively affect your health, you're right i should of used a more appropriate study/ article.

im also not engaging my ego, i was actually trying to provide this thread with correct information, as i wouldnt want the OP to think just eating healthy will mean he loses weight, because if he's eating loads of 'healthy' food he wont, simple as. i have nothing to gain from trying to be superior on an internet forum where none of you know who i am.

to carped1em: there are many different ways/ diets you can use to lose weight and the key is finding which one works best for you/ is easiest for you to stay consistent with. i think for most people who are overweight and trying to diet down, a big part is not getting rid of the foods you enjoy completely. if you really love donuts, having one or two a week wont hurt. if you try and completely cut out all the foods you love though, many people tend to do really well for a couple weeks, then binge and ruin all their hard work.

a simple guide (without having to look into nutritional science/ calorie counting) would be to replace some of the carbs you eat with protein/fiber. also eat slowly. these two things will increase satiety both mentally and physiologically. this will likely also lead to lower overall daily calories as you have to think a little more about the food you eat, and it's also harder to a bunch of chicken breast than to eat a bunch of fries.

if you did want to increase your knowledge on nutrition a little deeper, i would suggest looking up some of alan aragons work and/ or layne nortons (biolayne) youtube logs
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