One of my fav reads are on endurance athletes like cyclist or elite swimmers. You can find stuff on Phelps the easiest. But these athletes on average burn 3000-8000 calories daily. That includes BathmateR and external stimuli. They consume well over that in calories. Phelps alone when at the height of his career consumed 12000-20,000 calories daily. And Olympic athletes are famous for not the all around healthiest diets. They often have a mixture of very healthy and then they add in a pizza and things like that daily. He lived in a surplus and didnt gain weight - BLACK MAGIC. I dont gain weight. My clients dont gain weight. YOU WONT GAIN WEIGHT. All high level endurance athletes live in a calorie surplus and dont gain weight. This is so they are functioning at a high level mentally and physically. They can't do that without more than enough calories. It is not as simple as plus and minus. It is so much more complex and fun!! :) :) :)

Eat less calories and lose weight!!! If it were that simple every diet plan would work 100% of the time. I literally just watched a commercial advertising a bar that is 90 calories and "full of all the nutrition you need." Oh and they said drink it with a glass of water and you will be satisfied for hours. If an idiot listens to this BULLSHIT commercial and has only 90 calories for lunch every day and a few small low calorie meals around that they will take in less calories. Probably around 1000-1500. Those #s are popular in diets for total calories each day. They will lose weight and then right when they go back to their more normal diet because they are struggling to maintain the calorie negative diet and they think they can because they have lost some weight they will start to gain the weight they lost and even more weight very quickly.
I am feeling good about what I just posted. I hope you guys take it and use it to learn new stuff and take it into practice. Hopefully you will learn even new information and be able to share that with your clients, friends, and family. It will be difficult and consume a lot of time. It works because it is not simple. Everyone wants a quick fix which is why so many people still think calorie negative diets will work even though in the long run they fail every single time.

Again, it's just plus and minus. A 2nd grader who is good at addition and subtraction could guide someone through a negative calorie diet.
Oh and no one ever take a personal trainer course that you can do at home on your own or go to weekend classes for 2 months. I feel sorry for clients who have trainers who did it that way. Those dam programs always promote the calorie negative diet to lose weight. Go get years of education. Youll be in debt but will make way more then your monthly debt. Youll also have long last, life changing results for your clients.
Muscle building is a quite complicated topic too. Youknowme, I was/am not trying to argue, brother. we are here to discuss and find what is best for every overweight brother who wants to reduce fat. Noone said that big reductions should be made, as they are unhealthy themselves. Noone said that food doesn't matter and the sources you wrote are really the good ones. I think that the starvation response in which the body fights to keep it's mass can be fought with carbohydrate refeeds and some other methods. About the sh*t food craving, there will always be such a thing. Our brains are calorie dense, sweet+ refined foods addicted. But eating healthy is not a cycle for me, that lasts for around 12 weeks or something, for me it is a lifestyle that should last forever( good food choices, eating at the proper times in the right intervals). I, in no way, NO WAY write with any bad feelings, because I think that this thread readers will not get the discussion here. About your advice, thank you, I will be more open minded. I THANK YOU for every piece of advice.

Edit: Wow, that sure is a lot of calories, but don't you think that their HUGE activity level has something to do with this. I will get the education. I hope you and your clients have AMAZING results. What actually matters is making as much people as possible to change their bodies and if your methods are true- I truly hope that your methods get famous and everyone uses them. I still have years and years and... years of education, you are a professional, I just follow the logic of the books I have read, which really seems good( the logic). All the best, bro :)
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youknowme123321;544278 said:
I'm the DLD of this nutrition thread...few believe what i say, but those who do will reap great benefit as well as those close to them.

TRUE NUTRITION FIRST. Calorie deficit diets are an old overly simple method. it is just addition and subtraction. Our bodies aren't elementary school education they are Chaos Mathematics so difficult it is unlikely we will fully understand them before our species goes extinct. Luckily because of DLD, future species will see us DLD followers to be large cocked kings!!! To put it simply, causing our bodies to function highly in the negative is BAD. To function at a high level physiologically and improve longevity by preventing disease and illness we must stay away from the negative and think of only an abundance of nutrition.

If you eat all healthy foods but still function in the negative it won't work for long. This is why those diets dont last. People do it and YES they lose weight. They enjoy these benefits but many negative responses are occurring in the body. The responses STRESS our bodies and minds. While they are losing weight they have strong cravings for unhealthy foods, many of which are the reason they are overweight. Their bodies actually break down muscle into glucose to maintain blood glucose levels reducing their lean muscle mass!!!!!!!! Your calorie negative diet plan causes quick weight loss which is mostly water and lean muscle mass especially if its a calorie and carb restrictive diet. 1 carb binds with 4 grams of water in muscle tissue so if you reduce carbs water leaves muscles because it has no carb to bind to. This effect disappears in 10-14 days once your body won't let more water be released from muscle tissue. This is why popular diets say lose 7-12 lbs in 2 weeks or why personal trainers say it as well to get clients to train with them. After this not only does fat disappear slowly but muscle does as well. Some people last longer than other but eventually 9/10 put the weight back on because their bodies were so stressed they craved. YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING A BODY GO INTO STARVATION MODE!!!!!

Calorie negative diets only focus on reducing numbers on a scale. People either pretend calorie negative diets are nutritious or they're stupid and actually think it's a nutritious diet because if your losing weight you must be healthy. People need true nutrition and a good exercise program individualized to them that balances stress and rest. When you do that calorie numbers mean nothing. Just read about "negative effects of calorie restrictive diets." Look at it from all angles. Cover each body system. Cover as many pathophysiologies as you can. I don't know how old you are but pre-med to DO to ND is the probably best route with a focus in Preventive Medicine.

Go eat 5000 calories a day of non processed foods and non factory meat products every day and exercise (some days vary calories). Only eat whole foods and pasture raised beef and chicken. Best if you can meet the animals before and say hi. Farms that dont hide anything are the best. you wont gain an ounce of fat. youll lose it unless you have none to really lose because you are already shredded up. you may already feel great every day and be super focused and dedicated and on top of everything in your life but all of that will magnify when your body is no long functioning in a negative (if you don't function in a negative calorie balance do it with a client). TRUE NUTRITION FIRST. It's an old overly simple method. it is just addition and subtraction

Let me find the studies i have filed away sometime. No longer have as great of access to research databases since I've been out of school but know i have some in boxes.

Seriously though, give it a try. I know if i did it your way I'd lose weight (i'd also feel the effects of lack of sufficient calories and nutrients). Also, try it with clients. Male clients are the best when testing something out. Just remember, only whole foods and non factory meats.

My daily diet is:

2 lb of raw greens - spinach, kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, bok choy, arugula... basically whatever I have that day
8 oz. fresh tomatoes
2 oz. tomato paste
1 lb carrots
4 avg size pickling cucumbers
8 oz sweet potato
6 eggs
12 oz chicken...i blend 6 oz up in water and drink it down in a few seconds
10 oz whatever kind of steak I have that day *** i buy all my meat in bulk from a small farm. So much frozen chicken meat and practically a whole cow
homemade pizza every day from this point i can make it and have it cooked in 20 mins flat but make 3 pizzas and just cook each at eating time
2 almond butter sandwiches on homemade bread in the middle of the night
*onions, garlic, basil, parsley, tumeric like crazy

I am 5'9'' 175lbs. 8-11% BF. No where near as active as I once was because of new business. I spend more time charting & getting the books straight than exercising (I hang and Penis Enlargement while doing this). This forum is proving to be a nice distraction. I don't gain any weight (muscle or fat) and maintain my muscle mass with 20-30 minutes of exercise daily.

small variations from this with all types of vegetables. And salmon a few times a week. I take nootropic supplements, pressed aloe juice, and about 1000 calories worth of chia seeds a day. Also cannabis orally. Much of my diet is blended to save time and to not tax my GI tract like the american diet does(crohns dz, IBS, cholecystectomies, GERD, colon CA, gastric CA, pancreatic CA, liver CA, esophageal/tracheal throat CA (strong non diet associations with throat CA's such as cigarrettes and HPV(HPV being a newer cause in recent years)). Some people say my life is boring but i cant get enough of it.

Also into alpha brain wave control to reduce sleep needed and reduce stress inflammatory responses in the body.

JORDEY & ZAMBRODUM3 - please just open your minds. Calorie negative know what they are. They have been around since exercise and dieting got big in the 19980's. They are behind every single pop culture fad diet out there. We know they get people to lose weight. we know it is easier to gain back weight during and after these diets because our bodies were in starvation mode because of the negative calorie balance. hopefully you know the huge negative effects of them when maintained over long periods of time. go out there and learn even more. i'll be right there with you reading.

I'm sure we probably agree more on muscle building because that is much easier than weight loss, even for those who see themselves as hard gainers.

i still dont agree with anything youve said and i dont know anyone who would. not because its so cutting edge, but simply because it makes absolutely no sense. diets DO work, well by diet i mean calorie restriction. and by calorie contriction i DON'T mean just eating a tiny amount every day, i mean having 300-600 calories less than what you burn daily.

There are a few reasons why the majority of popular mainstream diets dont work. when people do them they have no nutritional knowledge and so dont understand why they are eating certain thing and so make poor decisions. they also have the wrong focus on calories. so many people ive seen counting calories, look for low calorie foods, then i ask them how much they consume per day and they dont know, so what are they counting for? most diets focusing on eating low calorie foods, but not on the bigger picture of the daily calorie intake. related to this there is also alot of focus on diet/ low fat foods. majority of the time these are more unhealthy than the regular versions, and this stems off of the fact people have little nutritional knowledge and think fat is evil and that eating fat will make you fat which is just not the case. most diets focus on the short term (i.e. abs in 4 weeks!) to draw people in, so they can make money. in real life, the change should be permanent and for life.

i have personally cut and bulked so know exactly what happens at both ends of the scale when counting calories. with a small deficit you WILL NOT lose significant muscle mass if you maintain your lifts. i cut 8 pounds of fat in 4 weeks, losing only 1/2 a pound of muscle. that really isnt much. blood glucose levels are not an issue with a small deficit. you will get enough glucose from the carbs you eat, and if you cut carbs considerable, you will get the glucose from the conversion of dietary/stored fats to glucose, and in rare cases, dietary protein to glucose. you may lose GLYCOGEN from the muscle, but this will not result in a loss of muscle tissue, and as soon as youre consuming enough calories again this glycogen store will be filled up again (the basis of carbloading). your body will not go into 'starvation mode' if you are eating a small deficit, people throw this word around waayyyy too much.

calorie restriction WILL lead to weight loss, and depending on lifestyle/ exercises level will lose fat. i have personally restricted calories and lost weight and most of it being fat (i use calipers to measure fat percentage). if you go on bodybuilding forum or any fitness forum you will see anyone who wants results eats either a surplus to gain muscle, or a deficit to lose fat. you can get ALL of the nutrients you need daily with a small calorie restriction.

i HAVE eaten more than i burn in 'healthy' food. when i started out getting into improving my health/ fitness, i didnt know much about nutrition and thought eating healthy was enough to lose weight. i was eating lean meats, alloott of vegetables, sweet potatoes, brown rice etc. at first i didnt gain any weight. and i didnt lose any. but because i was doing regular exercise for the first time in years iwas getting hungrier, starting eating more (still healthy though) and i gained weight. when it comes to macros and body composition your body doesnt know the difference. when talking about body composition, eating 80g of carbs from potatoes is the same as eating 80g of straight sugar, in the end they will both be monosaccharides and will be used the same way. eating healthier will mean you are healthier, but it wont affect your body compisition if you are eating the same macros from junk food. again, just talking about body compisition here, not overall health.

if you think calorie restricted diets are bad for you, i invite you to research them a little:

this is a follow up study originally done on mice, with the findings being the same. the calorie constriction led to increased longevity. i dont think its a good idea to be on a calorie restricted diet all the time, but going on one for short periods now and then to lose unwanted fat will not at all affect your health negatively, and could actually be beneficial.

im not trying to have an argument or attack you in any way incase thats how i came off, but i would really like you to explain if energy balance isnt true, whats really happening when you consume a certain amount of calories?
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Great post jordey! I completely agree with you. I think you are giving too much of yourself since nor you, nor I will be able to convince him that calories count and that there should be some reductions if fat loss is your goal etc. I think that you should just drop it. But, again, GREAT POST! COMPLETELY AGREE! :)
Zambrodom3;544316 said:
Great post jordey! I completely agree with you. I think you are giving too much of yourself since nor you, nor I will be able to convince him that calories count and that there should be some reductions if fat loss is your goal etc. I think that you should just drop it. But, again, GREAT POST! COMPLETELY AGREE! :)

thanks! yeah i dont want to go too much into it but i dont want a beginner to be looking at this thread and find incorrect information, so just wanted to set things right, and if he was actually correct with what he's saying to provide some outside information and/or studies.

to the OP, sorry for the thread hijack!
Zambrodom3;544325 said:
HAhahahhahahahahahahhahahahah LMAO, yeah the thread got kinda hjacked indeed! LMAO LMAO

Someone call the POLICE!
jordey;544313 said:
i DON'T mean just eating a tiny amount every day, i mean having 300-600 calories less than what you burn daily.

Ya I stopped reading here (this thread is taking up to much time, lol. I do like that you're not a believer of big calorie restrictions for long periods of time. I feel from the first posts about calorie restriction diets on here they were to bare and it made it seem to me like those shit diets that really restrict calories and nutrition and dont give long lasting results were being promoted. To bad we arent all in the same class somewhere bouncing ideas off each other.

I did see your bold increased longevity. Makes me think of Okinawan people. There diet is vastly different from most cultures though as well as their lifestyles. Big into community and low stress lifestyles. We could eat healthy all day the way you recommend or the way I recommend and all be overly stressed and suffer extreme negative effects as the lifestyle is carried on.

Are you guys as bored as me of discussing this??? lol. Well as long as your clients are becoming fitter healthier people and mine are as well, HOORAY FOR US AND THEM!!!

In you personal practice, do you have most of your clients still really enjoy their cheat days? or have strong cravings for certain foods? One big plus with how I work with people is these cravings disappear and are replaced with cravings just as strong for foods like onions, garlic, and various others.
Do share how do you make their sh*t food cravings disappear and being replaced with healthy food cravings. Eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet (yeah). :)
Zambrodom3;544296 said:
we are here to discuss and find what is best for every overweight brother who wants to reduce fat. Noone said that big reductions should be made, as they are unhealthy themselves.

Edit: Wow, that sure is a lot of calories, but don't you think that their HUGE activity level has something to do with this. I will get the education. I hope you and your clients have AMAZING results. What actually matters is making as much people as possible to change their bodies and if your methods are true- I truly hope that your methods get famous and everyone uses them. I still have years and years and... years of education, you are a professional, I just follow the logic of the books I have read, which really seems good( the logic). All the best, bro :)

Glad to see your not into big reductions. When I first read into this thread I got the feeling that's what was being promoted. Calorie reduction does work and people have a better chance of long term results when reductions are smaller and maintained over a period of time as opposed to big reductions which everyone falls off. I see those big reductions being talked about everywhere from TV to local gyms and thought that's what was being promoted.

We all still have years and years of education. Are you dead? No, then keep on learning I always tell myself.

It is because of their huge activity level. But their activity level still doesn't burn as many calories as they take in even with their high BathmateR's.

What I do is expensive and more time consuming for clients and myself. Not only do I cost more than the average Preventative Medicine Practitioner but the food does as well. It costs me $1000/week to feed myself. Very few of my clients eat like I do but their food bills do rise dramatically. I also work specifically to get people off of prescribed meds. Most commonly anti-hypertensives, antidepressants , anxiolytics, and testosterone replacement therapy. Also, a lot of work with menopausal women. Each person requiring more and/or less of certain foods. I turn food into medicine and allow the body to heal itself. Couple this with the right kind of exercise and say goodbye fat and meds.

Are you guys from a fitness or medical background? My formal education is medical and I have various continuing education certificates in fitness. I ask because how and where we learn will shape our beliefs and practices.

ALL PRAISE DLD!!! hahahahaha
Zambrodom3;544377 said:
Do share how do you make their sh*t food cravings disappear and being replaced with healthy food cravings. Eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet (yeah). :)

It falls into the interesting realm of the neuroplasticity of our brains. We evolved to seek out fatty and sugary sources to put on fat as quickly as possible because we never knew how long it would be before our next meal. As we know, sugar has the same effect in our brains as heroin, cocaine, morphine, and many other illicit drugs. It is why when tobacco sales decreased as we became educated on the negative effects of cigarettes many tobacco companies bout into the food industry. It is guaranteed money when you can addict a person to your product. Food is a simple way to do that.

Simply...when you eat this way in an abundance you reset neural pathways and even develop new pathways in your brain. Eating sugary fatty foods are not our default. We did not evolve on an abundance of sugar and fat. But when our bodies discovered them...OH BOY!!!! These sources were a quick way to ensure I'll prevent starvation longer. Now since we are living longer anyways many pathologies result from these "foods" high in sugar and fat.

The pathways in our brains that want shit get turned off basically.
Zambrodum!! YOURE FROM BULGARIA!!! Oh how I miss my times abroad!!!!

жените са прекрасни в Европа
Hahahahhaha! 1- Yes I am glad that we discussed that none of us was wrong, but there was misunderstanding about the reductions( big or small). Damn! You eat expensive!!! But health has no price, it is precious! I am really interested in what you do- treat food as medicine. Could you please tell where you got your education/certificate from? And last, but not least, yes women are beautiful! If you come to Bulgaria( Haskovo, Sofia, Sunny Beach)- the places where I live, will graduate, work in the summer, PM me. :)
Misunderstanding is usually understanding that missed it's mark. On MOS we have become experts with understanding and debates through respect...through this we always land in a position of a greater wealth of understanding.
What's up just an update

After losing about 20 I fell off and gained it back . I am now 290 and trying to get back on track b
carped1em;556526 said:
What's up just an update

After losing about 20 I fell off and gained it back . I am now 290 and trying to get back on track b

Welcome to the rest of your life unless you do something sustainable.

You could try "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf, for example.
jordey;544313 said:
if you think calorie restricted diets are bad for you, i invite you to research them a little:

this is a follow up study originally done on mice, with the findings being the same. the calorie constriction led to increased longevity. i dont think its a good idea to be on a calorie restricted diet all the time, but going on one for short periods now and then to lose unwanted fat will not at all affect your health negatively, and could actually be beneficial.

Right, so the error you've made here is known as "confirmation bias". You specifically combed the literature for evidence to support your hypothesis, instead of being a good scientist and looking for counter-evidence.

Had you done a more thorough search, you would've seen that this effect does not pan out in primates. You could see, for example, the following general article published in Nature last year:

As a sidenote, people much smarter than you have speculated that we don't see the same effect of calorie restriction in primates because we have drastically different mating patterns than those of rats.

Personally, I think both both you and youknowme are a bunch of jackasses for engaging your egos instead of pointing carped1em to somebody who actually knows what they're doing. The guy obviously wants some help and he's going to have some serious health problems if he doesn't get some soon.
youknowme123321;544380 said:
It costs me $1000/week to feed myself. Very few of my clients eat like I do but their food bills do rise dramatically.

This is bullshit. It should end up costing you less in most cases. This thread makes me sick.
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