The first two pictures were edited and created by your lackies at �other PE site�. The last picture is right on point, I was 9" at the time????? Can you please look at the pictures I posted and please tell me how they were photoshopped?

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doublelongdaddy;461731 said:
The first two pictures were edited and created by your lackies at �other PE site�. The last picture is right on point, I was 9" at the time????? Can you please look at the pictures I posted and please tell me how they were photoshopped?

View attachment 24590
Only things they added are those lines that show how much you suck in Photoshop. I guess you got better in meantime.

Anyway, I'm out. This discussion is pointless, you keep denying everything. Buh-bye!
justaguest;461734 said:
Only things they added are those lines that show how much you suck in Photoshop. I guess you got better in meantime.

Anyway, I'm out. This discussion is pointless, you keep denying everything. Buh-bye!

So I prove my gains with a photo that is indisputably real and now you decide to leave? You guys do this all the time and it is so pathetic. Stop editing my pictures for your own agenda. I just posted 4 pictures that came directly from the camera, can you please explain where it was edited? You can't and that is why now you decide to shut your mouth. If you were a boxer I would have taken you out in the first 10 seconds. Tell Thunder to stop sending underdeveloped muscle my way (like yourself), send someone who can actually go toe to toe with me.
justaguest;461727 said:
As for DVD, you don't look nearly as big in those videos as you claim, even for that time.

WOW, you just stuck your foot in your mouth and proved my gains for me:) In the videos I was (I think 8.5") today I am 10.75" Thanks for proving my gains!

Blundersplace: Who's Online: 1006 (204 members and 802 guests) You guys are fucking busy today, huh? If you are going to lie make it believable. Last post in the main forum was yesterday but you have 204 active members and 802 guests:)?
slim222;461746 said:
That's what I thought. You can't back up your accusations.

You I may ban just because I think you may have a vagina.
justaguest;461734 said:
Only things they added are those lines that show how much you suck in Photoshop. I guess you got better in meantime.

Anyway, I'm out. This discussion is pointless, you keep denying everything. Buh-bye!

I've saved those 3 images and will upload them to DLD's picture thread ASAP. We are THAT OPenis EnlargementN here on Your leaving now because you know what you have thought all along in those 3 manipulated images via whoever wherever is false and it was looking at you .. all 10 inches of it!!! You seen that genuine shot of Mike's cock measured? save it and get the very boring sad pathetic drips to dissect it into something that makes the day worth living.
Also quit hiding behind vpn's or use one that has better anonymity instead of dynamic IPs ... a tip is use one that is SHARED.
doublelongdaddy;461747 said:
You I may ban just because I think you may have a vagina.

I think they both have one and just wanted you to bitch slap them with your dick Mike. I find you 2 extremely pathetic hence why I am here at MOS and not at your lame forum at �other PE site�. Get over yourself and stop being jeolous of peoples gains and spend time to make your own.
I'll copy and paste my reply in DLD's picture thread


These are the reportedly fake shots that DLD created years ago, according to sources at Thunder.

Now look at the untouched, un-manipulated original.

You can see where someone has been playing around with the picture, in order to make it seem as though DLD has faked it.
Check the middle shot of the three where it has WTF and the darker line etc. The original has none of that. Why is it that �other PE site� dont reveal the genuine image and instead show these tampered ones?


So why is it that the doctored images are only mentioned where the colors are and not the originals which as you can see, are different to the shit churned out and over across the bent blunders.
DLD you should just take a video with your phone showing you measuring yourself with a ruler so that they can shut up once and for all. (p.s. check your pm about my LM lol)
Thanks Red, that was a lot of work and I appreciate it. I am so confused to the reasons why someone(s) would take my photos, edit them to be obviously fake, re-edit them to show the things they created then post them? Are they retarded? Don't they know we know what the originals are? Why does �other PE site� care so fucking much about my penis and my wallet? I mean, this is a chronic case of penis envy...he get some prozac or something!
bigtyivier;461813 said:
DLD you should just take a video with your phone showing you measuring yourself with a ruler so that they can shut up once and for all. (p.s. check your pm about my LM lol)

You have to understand, I am done proving! I have posted pictures, videos and they were both edited or conveniently changed in one way of another. That proof was not good enough so I had 3, totally independent media outlets measure me, in person and print and/or tape it, that was not good enough. Now a phone video? What the hell will �other PE site� do with that? The point of the matter is as such....

I have gone above and beyond any other man on the Earth to prove my gains, no one has been put through the scrutiny like this but me. When your on the top of your game all the competition is clawing at your position. This is me, this has been me and it will be me until the day I leave this Game. Sure Penis Enlargement was around before me but so was telephone....What I did for Penis Enlargement is what Apple did with the telephone. Fuck �other PE site� and his pathetic crew. Any real Penis Enlargement members at �other PE site� who want to "really" enlarge their penis, come join Matters of Size, thats what we do!

What �other PE site� has done for Penis Enlargement is what Bernake has done to our financial system!
REDZULU2003;461842 said:
Shove the video up a camels ring piece!

What I will promise is when I am gone I will have my penis removed and put in a jar of formaldehyde for the world to see.
Hey justaguess and slim222. Both of yall can suck all 9 plus inches of my schlong you bitch ass motherfuckers. Take your sorry asses back to Thundersplace bitch ass motherfuckers. You mean to tell me that yall created an account just so you can come over here and spit out bullshit. Insulting me and insulting DLD.

Hey justaguess. First off. I now exactly who you are on Thundersplace. You and your butt buddy slim222 are just jealous because the big schlongs with real gains rain supreme over here at MOS. Take your sad pathetic bitch ass back to Thundersplace and when you get there tell Thunderss and his punk ass admins that MOS is the top Penis Enlargement site there is. We make more money here then you or slim222 will ever make in yalls punk ass lives.

It's funny how justaguess and this slim222 loser tries to come at me and attack me first then tries to attack DLD. First of all justaguess and slim222. I make a shit ton more money then both of you losers. I get more pussy on a weekly basis then you two clowns will ever get in yalls punk ass no game having lives. I'm a motherfucking winner you two bitches. Don't hate. Congratulate justaguess and slim222. You Thundersplace bitch ass clowns.

I got the ripped physique, a great looking face, the big ass dick, a great job and great friends. My weekend nights with my boys Mike and Brian possess more excitement and thrills then you or slim222 will ever have. Instead of coming to MOS and talking bad about me and my good friend DLD, how about you and slim222 take some notes from us on how to be a winner in life bitch.

Attention, Attention. Is this thing on. Ok it is on. Attention justaguess and slim222 can suck my big low hanging nut sack. justaguess can suck the left nut and slim222 can suck the right nut. That is all. OVER.
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Just curious, is that really DLD in the two pics with the girl getting a bj? Cause I never saw those ones before lol. :)
Immature or not, you're still assigned to suck my right testicle slim222. Since you signed up to MOS to talk shit you must first past the intiation test which is to go suck on that right nut slim222. You can either do that or you can go back to Thunderplace and suck on Thunderss nuts. Either way you still gonna be sucking on somebody's nuts. You and justaguess can go suck on Thunderss nuts. Better yet you two should suck on each other's nuts.
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What are the names of these 2 drips on the Blunders forums? please name them.
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