Congrats on the businesses by the way. It's really good owning your own business. Most people are scared. I'm heading that path too.
keepingitbig;457677 said:
I see nothing wrong with Kingsnake acting the way he did. Seen both DlD's threads and Kings over at �other PE site�. None of them expressed arrogance, but were helpful to guys other there. Thunder could've just warned you for not having a commercial account. It's not professional at all to just ban someone for secretly marketing a product. Plus you have a job as well. It takes time to do one business opportunity when you're working full time somewhere else. Something tells me it's more than," breaking the rules." More like jealousy to get your ass out of there. Fear of being de-throned, or either challenged?

Maybe I should explain myself a bit more. Thunder did not warm me in PM's, he encouraged me to go forward with my plans for MOS paysite (not forum). I still have the PM's as well as the complete �other PE site� MOD forum posts for 2 months before my ban and another month after my ban (yes Thunder, you have moles). No where in the Mod forum was I warned or threatened in any way. Every mod, including Thunder, encouraged me to create MOS. About 5 days after the announcement I received a message from Thunder saying I was demodded. No explanation, only a change of status. Curious, I had a few of the mods at �other PE site� send me all correspondence in MOD forum and Private Messages (yes, I am that G) these messages all were plots to A.) Ban me, B.) Discredit Me C.) Plans on how to eliminate MOS, aside from that it was a bunch of bitches whining about me in every envious way known to man....sad really. Once I knew what they were planning I decided to change Matters of Size from being a website to becoming a full out forum and website! I made my final post at �other PE site� and never, ever posted again.

The creation of the Matters of Size Forums was something they never expected:) They never expected me to become what I have. From what I read in their mod forum, they wanted to discredit me and they thought it would be easy with their influence. They must have been smoking crack because the biggest mistake Thunder ever made in his entire life was fucking with me. My face, my cock, my words, my exercises, my routines, my endless posts helping men change their lives lives on and on and on and on!!!! They can't hide that history and it does not tell His Story either! It tells the real deal! I was tossed into the streets by that prick and his goonies and they left me to die. Today, I OWN Penis Enlargement! Big mistake mister thunder.

The future so bright I gotta wear shades! MOS rules.
In addition, Thunder is a straight out liar and it is in the faces of the few visitors they have at their ghost forums. If you go to T's at any given time there are like 800 people online. WIth this average of 800 users they get an average of 12 active threads a day. Does this make sense? Let me help you understand this. MOS has 150 active users and we have an average of 75 active threads. If the money don't add up it's wrong, right? This is a hack that they use. The hack allows them to add members (with posts) to their membership. It also allows them to add as many members to the total membership number. If they wanted to they could make it reflect 1,000,000,000 members and 10 Million active is a simple hack. I could instal it here but wouldn't that be lying? I mean that is dishonest, right?

Also, why not be honest about the affiliations he holds. I am. I am VERY OPenis EnlargementN with every business dealing that happens at MOS. Why? Because MOS is transparent, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to hide. WTF is he hiding? I picture a lonely man in a small office, creating multiple accounts and hacking his forums, creating a life and friends he does not have in reality and feeding off the 12 visitors he gets a day. Perhaps he should join MOS, I can help him with some of these issues.
May be interested in one of these hangers around december since it looks like Bathmate isnt gonna come through with a mid sized model. Keep us up to date if you get a deal going on here.
Hey Ironwill84. That Thunderss asshole banned you to ha. Yeah I remember our conversations in my pic thread over there. How have you been bro. It's good to hear from you. I remember your dick size was or is fucking huge in the 8 to 9 plus inch catogory and the gains you were making were excellent.

Notice how most of the well endowed guys that have made huge gains like me, DLD and Ironwill84 get banned for whatever reason. Coincidence?? I think not!! Watch out fellas. If you guys reach a size of 9 inches or over with thick girth, prepare to get banned by Thunderss and his admins since attention will be taken away from them and on the guy that possess the 9 inch plus happy stick.

Hey Ironwill84. When you have more time we'll be here to fellowship with you brother.

Hey DLD. You hit the nail on the head bro. I wouldn't be suprised if Thunderss himself and his punk ass admins have signed up to MOS just to spy on us and perpetrate. Wouldn't be suprised at all.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if the member that set me up was Thunderss or one of his admins in disguised setting up that sting operation. Totally a bitch move on there part and I'm gonna make them pay for it. I'm going to help elevate DLD's website to the fullest and have �other PE site�'s members navigate primarily over to DLD's where real folks hang.

Haterade was definitely going on there. Especially when I had Admins hitting me with PMs telling me to keep the posting of my Penis Enlargement progress pics to a minimum to not discourage members that were less endowed and not making gains. If that ain't a bunch of haterade from Thunderss and the Admins, I don't know what is. Totally a big croc of shit for them to tell me to stop posting my Penis Enlargement gains so much and just keep it to myself if I gain more size.

If anything my Penis Enlargement journey and progress pics motivated members to keep on pushing through with there Penis Enlargement training. My sex life thread over there also motivated members to keep on pushing since I posted my weekend nights with the ladies as the rewards from all of the man hours I put in with hanging, clamping and pumping.

Hey DLD. I totally agree with you. The normal members at Thundersplace are good people but Thunderss himself, the admins and the mods are a bunch of haters that have some kind of lame ass system of control. When a guy like me comes around that brings massive attention and influence, they shit bricks in fear that saiyan22 may rock the house to much and they banned me. Well the may have silenced saiyan22 but they can't touch the man within. The snake man, that is. LOL.

Hey TRBDONG. Once me and DLD get shit rolling we got you bro.
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kingsnake, we at MOS would love to see your weekend hunting nights thread here on MOS :blush:

+ I cannot understand the admins at T. I think inovation is the only way in Penis Enlargement (and life), so they should try to keep members like you. It's their lose.

Kingsnake dont let the hate consume you.Dont degrade yourself.
This ban is the biggest compliment you could get.

Remember �other PE site� doesnt hate you,he hates himself cause you are representing everything that he wants to be.

Blue Whale over and out.
Hey Faber. I will definitely be posting my weekend nights here for now on. What I'm going to do is post some of the updates from this year that were big events in my life. I wil be posting my past events with my friend Reeko in his sex parties that happened to me this year. My man crue that I role with on pussy hunting night are my friends Mike and Brian. So look out for those yall. I'm posting these events that have already happened to me this year to catch everybody up on what's been going on in my life. This way when I start posting new updates of my weekend nights, everyone will know what's going on and who's who.

Hey bluewhale. Thanks for the positive words bro. Yeah I'm over it now and you're right. Thunderss did do me a favor because now I'm amongst a better group of guys to fellowship and share Penis Enlargement knowledge with.
Well at least you found out who is the real. Stick around Snake, many of us really look forward to your contributions!
We have been the Island of Misfit toys since the beginning, but at least us misfits are making gains:)
no they banned him b/c he was running this PM-based hustling business. I'm not gonna lie: I think that was a pretty shady operation. Still, you didn't force anyone to buy and I don't think you lied about anything so whatever.

Your threads are very motivating, that's for sure. Are you gonna keep the stories coming over here?
Thanks Starks for the warm welcome back. That link you posted with that guy is not Reeko but his girth is right up there with Reeko's. Reeko's is black and latino and his skin color is lighter then that guy in the link.

Hey DLD. Hell yeah bro. We misfits but we get shit down around here.

Hey SirKyle. Yeah I will now be posting my weekend nights here now. Right now I haven't been going out much because of the overtime I have to put in at my new job right now but in 3 weeks my work schedule will go back to 7am to 3pm. When this happens I will be going pussy hunting with my freinds Mike and Brian again and post the events here.

Alot of major events has happened to me this year that I only posted at Thundersplace in my sex life thread so to bring everyone up to date here, I am going to post those same weekend updates here at MOS to bring everyone up to speed on the people in my life. I will be posting all these major event updates tommorrow so look out for those. This year I have gone to my friend Reeko's two sex orgy parties and fucked some hella pussy. ME and my two buddies, Mike and Brian have been doing damage this year with the pussy so I'm gonna post those updates here even though they are old updates that have happened through out the year.

Hey SirKyle. Since you post on Thundersplace, these updates I'll be posting tommorrow are updates that you've probrabley already read before so there will be nothing new to you tommorrow but I want to bring everyone else hasn't been Thunderplace up to speed.

Right now the people in my circle that you guys proprabley don't know are my pussy hunting friends, Mike and Brian. Then there's my rival aka friend Reeko who's dick greatly out classes mine. Then have Reeko's older brother being Dawntay who's is also packing 9 plus inches but I have him beat in girth. Then we have the Reeko's hung squad in which I'm apparently a memberr of when we are out fucking new women.

For the women or my regulars that I'm currently fucking right now, we have Janice how is a big time manager at my job. She is the one who got me my new job from all of the dick I have been slinging her. We even fuck in her office during my lunch break. LOL.

Then we have my regulars being Shaniya which I have pics of in my pic thread, we have Tiffany, Eva, Kara and Rayven as well which are apart of TEAM SNAKE. These updates I will post tommorrow will explain who everyone is in my life to bring yall up to speed for when I start posting my current weekend nights in the future.
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Hey Fabor. Belive it or not but Reeko is actually longer then this guy but his girth looks about the same as this guy's. Me and Reeko are close in length with him being about a quarter inch or more longer in then me but his girth is of monsterous proportions just like this guy in the link you posted. I'm at nbpel 9.3 x 5.8 x 6.35. Reeko appears to be around nbpel 9.5 - 10 x 7plus midgirth x 6.75 base girth. Reeko has base ball bat syndrome with his midgirth being fatter then his base girth.

Reeko's brother Dawntay is also huge as well but I have his brother beat. Dawntay looks to be around nbpel 9 x 5.5 midgirth x 6 basegrith
They must be larger then Shane-D and Shorty Mac plus larger then __________ in total volume. Encourage them to do �naked people movies� on the side. How do women take that girth cos they must be thicker then me and I have problems?
Wish I could afford to go out at night sometimes, lol. I wanna' fck some sluts. ^-^
Hey Red. During the orgy parties from what I see first hand, Reeko usually is only able to get half of his dick in most chicks and they are usually in pain in the beginning but after a while they enjoy it. When it comes to blow jobs every women I've seen blow him can't get past the glans at all.

With Dawntay he to is in the 9 inche realm but he is smaller then me looking to be nbpel 9 x 5.5 x 6. I'm a little longer and thicker then Dawntay.

Hey keepingitbig. Just come on down to ATL bro. I'll introduce you to my boys Mike and Brian and we can all go out and hunt down some pussy.
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Looking at your starting size, our girths are the opposite! My midshaft girth is 5.5 with my base girth being just a little under 5.2! Of course, you had me greatly beat in length, with my BPenis EnlargementL barely making 7"!

For some reason, even with a girth of 5.5 I still feel like I have a pencil dick, lol. I can still wrap my thumb and pointer fingers around it and grab it with some space left. Did your dick look slimmer since it was pretty long?

Much love and I look forward to your fulfilled adventures!
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