oh and one more thing.

It is my honest opinion that if these types of women didn't turn old and wrinkly (hence unable to attract quality cock after a limited time) they would never get married. they get married when their pussy stock prices starts to drop on NASDAQ. Then they find some sucker to sign a contract with them for life. Of course you can cancel the contract when you realize you've been ripped off, but it's gonna cost you half your shit.

To those guys out there who are happily married, good for you! we all envy you. a good woman is rare to find.

*VK gets back into Vaseline_mobile*
VK, man that picture of the empty chairs made me laugh. Thanks for making my night.
VK, That's true. I think there are a lot of men on this board and around the world who don't get the fact that as we age we increase in value, but as women age they decrease in value. That's why guys like Heff or any man over 40 CAN get play from a woman who is between the ages of 18-30 because he has lots of value in their eyes. I think it's a very interesting thing, and I just recently thought about it in that way. I'm only getting better with age, and wiser about the women I will and will not deal with. That makes a huge difference. If you understand your own value as a MAN, and understand yourself then you've got more going for you than 80-90% of the other men out there. Of course that could be why I'm still single. I'm too damn picky. I have to have a woman who doesn't need me 24/7 but wants me and can understand that I'm a busy man and I have a life outside of her. That seems to be a problem with most of the women I've met recently. Of course they all fall in the age range of 18-25.
esteban said:
Its true, girls don't like guys with low self esteem. I think my low self esteem for a little while was the beginning of the end in my last relationship. Sure, there are some girls out there that would date a guy with low self esteem. And, many might even stick around and try to change that, but those ones you probably wouldn't even want if you're picky. You have to work on your inner game first before trying to meet a woman. I'm just not figuring that out. Its a hard thing to change from seeing yourself as nothing special for years and years, to trying to feel and act like you own the room when you walk into it. But, thats the kind of guy most women like, even if they don't want to admit it. They want a guy thats nice, sweet, emotionally involved, etc. They want a guy thats all those things BUT not ALL the time. If you're constantly trying to do things for her, most girls will view you as clingy and run. Again, it depends upon her age, and each persons personality is somewhat different.

But bottom line, if you want to be with someone and find that love, you need to work on your self confidence first. Its tough, I know this, as I'm dealing with it right now. But in my opinion its the only way to go, and find what you really want. And what happens if you don't get the girl, so what, you feel better about yourself anyways, and thats always a good thing.

Ah, maaaan. Penguinsfan I sure hope you've since changed this mindset. It's not that a woman would want to or actually does want to be with someone in a relationship where she'd be able to control or manipulate her "man" anytime she wanted. Women want a man they think will be a challenge to tame. It's all about games and tests with them and if you're not up to their standards and/or a bit of a challenge to them in terms of the games they like play then you've got no shot and they won't take you seriously. I haven't gotten laid in a long time, but that's because I stopped giving a shit and before I was pretty immature hence I've gotten laid a handful of times since high school. I've pretty much stopped trying because I hate myself, but that's a whole set of problems unto itself. Women can sense that shit in a man too. What can't they sense? Their own bullshit.
Wow, old thread.

Guys, this chick is a good personal friend of mine, and I can vouch that she's not the type that VK seems to be bitter toward. She's a cool girl, although she was very sheltered when she first came across this site, so it was a bit of a "culture shock" for her, so she was trying to figure some things out. I don't think she's been to the site in over a year because she's off at college and has a big social life, but mainly I just think the novelty of being at a Penis Enlargement site wore off and she moved on. Let's let dead threads rest.
millionman said:
I have to have a woman who doesn't need me 24/7 but wants me and can understand that I'm a busy man and I have a life outside of her.

:clap: Agreed.
iwant8inches said:
Ah, maaaan. Penguinsfan I sure hope you've since changed this mindset.

I could talk for days about the things that frustrate me about women. Women are a necessary evil...or at least sometimes I just about get to that point. <:(
penguinsfan said:
I could talk for days about the things that frustrate me about women. Women are a necessary evil...or at least sometimes I just about get to that point. <:(

I agree 100% penguinsfan

I sometimes find it tough, like I do have an inner desire to settle and just chill w a gf, let down my guard and just play no games. But no matter who the girl is, I find that as soon as they 'think' they 'got you' they get bored. So for me it's always about making sure that they KNOW that i won't tolerate any of their shit, and that I'm volatile. I make sure she 'accidentally' meets some girl that might like me and girls are quick at things like that the second they see a girl that might be interested in their man they smell it. Sometimes I make a girl like me, by some very simple mind games and with no mention of the fact that I'm seeing some1 else, then as she herself is playing a game of hard to get with me, I go to where she works/chill with the girl I'm seeing. Either I introduce them together or I don't. This does two things at once:

1) when I introduce them, the girl will inevitably be shocked that I'm comfortably introducing her to my gf, and she'll be caught offguard cause she'll be somewhat pissed but at that moment she'll think back and see that I in noway ever made a move on her and that it's all been in her head. in turn her frustration will be picked up on the gf radar, and she'll know that this gurl got upset by seeing me w her.

using the female over exageration factor to my advantage, I would say something like 'she's such a nice girl' or something neutral like 'she's so chills/funny/etc.' the gf's mind goes into obssessive panic mode which means she's gonna be pissed for a bit (which I completely ignore cause if you pay attention to that she's gonna bitch and make your life hell! ). After she sees that you don't show any reaction about her being upset, she's gonna think 'fuck i shouldn't let her win, he might like her' so i get a very good 'please stay with me' reward.

2) the girl that got upset seeing w my gf will feel like an idiot that she played hard to get with me. while she was running for me to catch her, I was playing with some girl she had no idea about. So she'll feel turned off by me and flush me out of her mind but she'll nevertheless be a little intrigued by me. After all, I didn't give two shits about her if I introduced her to my gf. The next time I see her, all I need to do is a little bit of a flirting spark and she's back in the game now knowing I have a gf. Now if my gf for any reason pisses me off, bye bye to her, and hello to this newly obssessed girl which thinks she's WON me off.

now reading that you might be like 'pfft who the fuck wants to play that much mental game man, leave the fuck alone i want a girl that treats me like blah blah blah...'

fact of the matter is you will never find a girl that will give you your space unless you kick her out of it. you will never find a girl that will be into you unless you make her mentally addicted to you so that if you don't like something you have the power of telling her what to do ( like not getting drunk while going clubbing, or clubbing at all with her friends) where as if you were to TELL a girl 'don't club>:( ' she's more than likely to tell you 'who do you think you are telling me what to do w my life blah blah' .

I should also add, looks do nothing for a guy, but confidence does.
When I say looks I mean your facial features. In no way do I mean your physical features. If some1 tells you 'you don't need to be fit to play women' they're talking shit. being fit, more than a physical attribute, is a charcter trait which shows men and women alike that you care about yourself and have great respect for your body to spend the time to take care of it. but other than that, the confidence that comes from it is unlike anything else you could do to enhance your game.

You can click on my profile here to see a picture of my abs during summer. right now I'm in school and barely have the time and my body is garbage out of shape. on the days that I felt self concious about my build during winter days, I wouldn't be able to talk to girls as much, but now I'm just as confident in myself off season as I am on season and with that confidence there, I can talk to any girl I want. So if you're not a pretty boy (neither am I) don't think you should regress and not get into the game cause you weren't born with it. respect yourselves and get your Penis Enlargement'd dicks to work!
That's good stuff right there. Dang man, what are you a pro fitness dude or some shit? How do you get into that kind of shape? Is it more of how and what you eat than the exercises you do or is it both? Good stuff though. I talk to women every day, but I no longer care what the fuck is up with them or anything really. I just go about my day so I probably won't take this advice, but others it sure as hell sounds like it would work on most any kind of woman.
I'm hearing you Vaseline Knight. I think that men have just as much right to live the way they were born as women do. A lot of the time women feel that they are better or more righteous than men because they want something 'deeper' in a relationship.(for those of you laughing you arses off I mean deeper as in more meaningful. LOL):)

But that doesn't mean that they're better it just means that they are after different things. Men find a lot more happiness from objects than women do. Does that mean that men are right? No, it just means that they are different.

Men spend a lot of time feeling guilty about how they feel because women are telling them that they should be feeling a different way and that they are wrong for feeling the way they naturally do.

The post at the start of this thread really pisses me off. What gives her the right to come here and judge us? I would never go to a female orientated site and do that. It is IMO in keeping with a growing trend in society that is all about dominant women forcing their values on to us.

I, as a man, should not have to make excuses for my desires (within reason of course) or my values. I have just as much right to have them as any jumped up feminist. If you hate men so much then firstly why are you here and secondly why don't you just become a lesbian.....maybe you are...seriously.

As a side note I have a massive amount of respect for women as a whole but it's just this kind of judgmental attitude that gets to me.

PHEW... deep breaths. :)
Hey 9, this thread can't die:D
TomdW said:
I'm hearing you Vaseline Knight. I think that men have just as much right to live the way they were born as women do. A lot of the time women feel that they are better or more righteous than men because they want something 'deeper' in a relationship.(for those of you laughing you arses off I mean deeper as in more meaningful. LOL):)

But that doesn't mean that they're better it just means that they are after different things. Men find a lot more happiness from objects than women do. Does that mean that men are right? No, it just means that they are different.

Men spend a lot of time feeling guilty about how they feel because women are telling them that they should be feeling a different way and that they are wrong for feeling the way they naturally do.

The post at the start of this thread really pisses me off. What gives her the right to come here and judge us? I would never go to a female orientated site and do that. It is IMO in keeping with a growing trend in society that is all about dominant women forcing their values on to us.

I, as a man, should not have to make excuses for my desires (within reason of course) or my values. I have just as much right to have them as any jumped up feminist. If you hate men so much then firstly why are you here and secondly why don't you just become a lesbian.....maybe you are...seriously.

As a side note I have a massive amount of respect for women as a whole but it's just this kind of judgmental attitude that gets to me.

PHEW... deep breaths. :)

See, I think that argument can be turned on its head. I see men as finding more enjoyment/satisfaction for what they do or what they can build,learn,discover basically all things that they can look to as establishing their perception of self-worth whereas I see women tending to be on the side of finding satisfaction in projection as in who or what they own or are married to and that qualifies their status for them in their community/society. Men and women in the U.S. are of course at the mercy of advertisement and the things we believe are of value in society. A diamond ring signifies a commitment to a life of love together or suggests love. That's the dumbest thing that's ever been pushed onto people or at least one of them, but most women love diamonds and talk about getting that RING like it's a birthright. It definitely speaks volumes to what kind of internal variables have changed into external variables and have become infused into our society's values. This is for the U.S. though and I am young so I don't know. I am probably speaking from a very limited view seeing as how I only really pay attention to women my age. Women family members play a role in our perception on that too so who knows? I think what you may have been touching on with your assessment was more of what men want in a relationship though so I just wanted to throw my two cents in on that comment because that irked me a bit. I genuinely don't care what I own, but if I do something or create something or otherwise accomplish something it doesn't matter what it was it was the fact that I had the apptitude to do it that brings a sense of joy, pride, and fulfillment. It's still all fairly primitive the way we go about "love." We sometimes need to realize when we are letting that EGO get in the way of our reptilian brain and vice versa.
Good point.
I agree with you that men are 'builders' in the sense that I take great pride in any projects, be it musical or business orientated, that I have in the works.

I don't think that we have a problem with love. We just do it in a different way to women. I'm not saying that we just want sex. Actually men don't connect as much meaning to sex as the majority of women do. What I'm saying is that men just have a different way of showing our feelings and maybe we care about other things.

Women actually have this way of bonding with people that they have developed in order to make them bond well with and take great care of their babies. We don't have that. A lot of the time I question the validity of mariage and devoting yourself to just one partner for your whole life. I'm just not certain that it is natural for men. It's what is expected of us so it's what the majority of us do which again is in keeping with my belief that women's values, ect are being pushed on to us to the degree that now we feel bad if we don't just get married. If this is really what men are supposed to do in life then why are so many of us having mid life crisis'? Also, men don't run out of steam sexually for well after women i.e. menopause.

Women have a great ability to connect with people in a way that the majority of men cannot. We just biologicaly can't do this. We can go along with what is expected of us, being the 'good' man, but eventually we crack and have affairs. Doesn't that tell you something's not right.

In fact it is now seen as bad to think in the steriotypical male way. Well I say fuck that! I think how I think and I will not change it for anyone. No matter how bad they try to make me feel about it.

Also. Men do have EGO. We are naturally competative in a lot of ways. That is not something to be ashamed of or to try to control. It is who and what we are. In fact it would be much more wierd for us to try to love women in the same way that they love us.

Don't get me wrong, men need and give love as well but just not in the same way or to the same degree as women do. Truely great and successful relationships are ones in which both partners know what the other person needs and is willing to give it to them. They also appreciate that they may not want the same things but they are willing to do the work to give their partner what they need. :)
TomdW said:
Good point.
I agree with you that men are 'builders' in the sense that I take great pride in any projects, be it musical or business orientated, that I have in the works.

I don't think that we have a problem with love. We just do it in a different way to women. I'm not saying that we just want sex. Actually men don't connect as much meaning to sex as the majority of women do. What I'm saying is that men just have a different way of showing our feelings and maybe we care about other things.

Women actually have this way of bonding with people that they have developed in order to make them bond well with and take great care of their babies. We don't have that. A lot of the time I question the validity of mariage and devoting yourself to just one partner for your whole life. I'm just not certain that it is natural for men. It's what is expected of us so it's what the majority of us do which again is in keeping with my belief that women's values, ect are being pushed on to us to the degree that now we feel bad if we don't just get married. If this is really what men are supposed to do in life then why are so many of us having mid life crisis'? Also, men don't run out of steam sexually for well after women i.e. menopause.

Women have a great ability to connect with people in a way that the majority of men cannot. We just biologicaly can't do this. We can go along with what is expected of us, being the 'good' man, but eventually we crack and have affairs. Doesn't that tell you something's not right.

In fact it is now seen as bad to think in the steriotypical male way. Well I say fuck that! I think how I think and I will not change it for anyone. No matter how bad they try to make me feel about it.

Also. Men do have EGO. We are naturally competative in a lot of ways. That is not something to be ashamed of or to try to control. It is who and what we are. In fact it would be much more wierd for us to try to love women in the same way that they love us.

Don't get me wrong, men need and give love as well but just not in the same way or to the same degree as women do. Truely great and successful relationships are ones in which both partners know what the other person needs and is willing to give it to them. They also appreciate that they may not want the same things but they are willing to do the work to give their partner what they need. :)

Well, I think part of the problem is we are too tapped into this materialized world where everything is a projection of what we are displacing the things we truly desire with the material things that we associate as bringing us those displaced desires. Biologically, yeah we are going to want different things in a relationship, but that's why we seek out a partner in the first place. We are mostly operating with the reptilian brain in these matters in fact I think a bit too much, but that's very much another subject all together. It's just like anything else though in that if you had enough knowledge and time the dots are all connected eventually. I believe in love whereas many do not or at least have some problem understanding how it could even exist on any kind of level other than on a biological one. There is obviously another level to love and that's a spiritual level in which I'd imagine in true love (where sex isn't limited purely to physical actions) is there all the time. We can never escape our reptilian brains and in today's society it's easy to understand how women and men are so far a part as a whole, which is exactly what we are here for. You can apply love to any two human beings too by the way.

As for the EGO I was referring to, it wasn't necessarily our ego in the sense you are bringing about, but I meant the part that allows us to mitigate or otherwise reason with our primal instincts among other much deeper issues. Sometimes we feel the need or deep desire to cheat or fuck another women and that is letting our reptilian brain get the better of us. Sexual relationships are the trickiest things in life where we are constantly at odds with either our reason or our desires. It doesn't matter who tends to cheats more in the sense that who knows for sure because we have it in our heads that women don't do it as often as us meanwhile they might just be better at not getting caught because the EGO,as in the way you used it, (it's sort of the same thing obviously, but we used it differently) gets in our way to think about that possibility. I don't know though. I mean men think that they have more of a sexual need than women do, but I don't think men cheat because they need that sex from someone new(planting as many seeds or whatever). I think men cheat for the same reason women do and that is because they didn't care enough about the other person in the relationship and/or they weren't satisfied with the relationship because of any number of reasons such as perhaps they are hurt because they know or suspect their partner is cheating. It amazes me how territorial we ALL are, men and women, yet when it comes to suspicion we tend to become cowards and resort to games as opposed to coming out with our concerns. If you don't work it out then you are resorting BACK to fight or flight mode. Again...primitive. The people who find love have it difficult, but it's definitely more worth the eb and flow of a relationship when there is love as opposed to more lust and fixation on physical attraction and actions.
I agree with alot of what was just said on this thread from Tomdw, Iwant8, and VK. Very interesting insight you have with women Vaseline, I'm discovering a good deal of this to be true myself while being exposed to so many different kinds of women in college. Props on that formula you made too. Just one question I got confused on.............lol what's with the GIANT horse balls?!?
I agree with you on many of your points. It's very true that men need love just as much as women do.

One thing that sticks out for me is the sense that men biologically are designed to have more than one mate in our lifetimes. For instance if you look at monkeys or gorillas they have children with a partner and then get on with their own lives although they still care for the children they also have other sexual partners.

Maybe it is built into us to want more than one sexual partner over time. I'm generalizing quite a lot but I'm talking about men on average. Look back a few hundred years ago men had more than one wife a lot of the time.

When I go out I spend a lot of my time looking at and thinking about women. I think that it is built in to us psychologically to always be looking for new mates. Whereas in women they don't think about it as much. Say you're in a relationship and you go out with your partner. You want to look at the other women but you are not allowed to because your partner will become jealous and angry with you. Eventually you snap and have an affair which hurts everyone more than if you were just honest about who you were in the first place.

I don't think that that is the way it should be. Realistically you are only looking to have sex with them but because women attach a lot more meaning to sex they think that you are after more than you really are.

All in all I think that society doesn't play into our hands.

Tell me more about this 'Reptilian Brain' you are referring to. :)
9cyclops9 said:
Guys, this chick is a good personal friend of mine, and I can vouch that she's not the type that VK seems to be bitter toward. She's a cool girl, although she was very sheltered when she first came across this site, so it was a bit of a "culture shock" for her, so she was trying to figure some things out. I don't think she's been to the site in over a year because she's off at college and has a big social life, but mainly I just think the novelty of being at a Penis Enlargement site wore off and she moved on. Let's let dead threads rest.

I didn't read your post until after I posted my stuff last night. I don't know what kicked this thread up back into action again, but the subject matter really is relevant material.

It's nothing to do with your friend or her original question. We all know there are chicks that are cool as hell and there should be no offense taken by anyone. It's just that those of us that have had a hard time and bad experiences are leaning more towards the notion that the cool chicks are fewer and further between. Hope your friend is having fun at college.
TomdW said:
The post at the start of this thread really pisses me off. What gives her the right to come here and judge us? I would never go to a female orientated site and do that. It is IMO in keeping with a growing trend in society that is all about dominant women forcing their values on to us.

I, as a man, should not have to make excuses for my desires (within reason of course) or my values. I have just as much right to have them as any jumped up feminist. If you hate men so much then firstly why are you here and secondly why don't you just become a lesbian.....maybe you are...seriously.

Come on, Tom. From what cyclops said, she may probably won't even come back here, but when it's all said and done she was just totally confused and asked the question, which was perfectly reasonable. It was basically a "you guys think with your dicks, but worry about your relationships, so what gives?" kind of question. It would be like one of us going to a female site and asking how come women constantly bitch about just wanting a nice guy and never give anyone the time of day except assholes, and keep going back to the assholes that treat them the worst. It's a perfectly legitimate question. You might not go to such a site and ask it, but I'm sure some men do. The topic is a good topic but it wasn't addressed at anyone personally, so take it easy.

As a side note I have a massive amount of respect for women as a whole but it's just this kind of judgmental attitude that gets to me.

That's kind of funny. I have so little respect for women as a whole because I see them making the same mistakes over and over again because so many of them can't possibly manage to substitute logic for emotion, even in the most obviously important decisions. Plus, I feel very discriminated against by women as a whole.

That being said, of course there are women I dearly care for and think are cool as hell, but I just usually have to get to know them. I don't mistreat women at all or anything. Most of them would never know my gripes without getting into a deep philosophical discussion.
iwant8inches said:
A diamond ring signifies a commitment to a life of love together or suggests love. That's the dumbest thing that's ever been pushed onto people or at least one of them, but most women love diamonds and talk about getting that RING like it's a birthright.

Man, that is funny shit. I don't have any problem with the whole idea of the diamond ring, but only under normal circumstances.

I have a friend that has been living with his girlfriend for like over three years now and she's been pushing to get married and tells him she "won't accept" a ring that costs less than like $5,000 or $6,000 or more. I can't remember exactly. Anyway, this guy probably pulls in less than 30K per year when it's all said and done. Spending that much on a ring is great if you got money, but it's stupid if you're struggling. I like his girlfriend and she's incredibly sweet, but I just don't think she should be putting demands like that on him.

And then there is the issue of the fact she's already living with him. I suppose I'm a little old-fashioned, but I kind of think I would not want to actually fully live with some chick (as in actually sharing the same mailing address, lease agreement, etc.) prior to marriage. To me, it just seems if you're going to have a big celebration over something, it should be significant. I think it loses all significance when you not celebrating the convenience, joys, and even challenges of having a full-time companion because your life is no different after the elaborate wedding ceremony than it was before. I'm not saying I would never cohabitate before marriage, but if I did I guarantee you the best offer I'd ever put forth is "no ring" and a "quick formality at the courthouse".
penguinsfan said:
That's kind of funny. I have so little respect for women as a whole because I see them making the same mistakes over and over again because so many of them can't possibly manage to substitute logic for emotion, even in the most obviously important decisions. Plus, I feel very discriminated against by women as a whole.

That being said, of course there are women I dearly care for and think are cool as hell, but I just usually have to get to know them. I don't mistreat women at all or anything. Most of them would never know my gripes without getting into a deep philosophical discussion.


ya what he said

btw, TomdW and Iwant8inches: very nice posts ;)
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