
Dec 27, 2004
Simple Question:

Can anyone answer me honestly how they treat a girlfriend/wife/fiance? Out of most of the stuff I've read all you guys want is some sex and you're good. This is sad. Please let me know honestly what you want/expect from a relationship, no bullshit, even if it is just sex. However, I do find it funny how some of you post about how you should "just get her to suck you off and leave dat bitch" and then wind up posting about your girl problems and need advice. Funny stuff. I dunno, just leave me your comments, all are welcome. I'm just wondering.
One thing about being on this forum is you'll definitely see a whole different side to men. But also keep in mind it's a sex-related forum, so some things are going to be said that generally wouldn't get said otherwise. Take things with a grain of salt.

Oh, and you know me and my fiance, so I'll let you be the judge. ;)
Well to be honost in a relationship with a girl sex is one of the things I least expect or want. I have trouble finding a girl that I like to be with, becasue most girls I run across are boring as hell. So if I'm with a boring girl then yea if I get some sex out of it I'll be happy, but I rather not even bother date a girl if I dont really like her. To me in a relationship I expect/WANT the companionship, the trust, and the feeling that goes along with it. Being with someone that you feel totally comfortable with and enjoy being around. And as much as you can feel that way with your bros, its just not the same as when you find a girl you can be like that with. The feeling is amazing, so sex is the last thing I care about in a GOOD relationship.
I have learned over the years that what I want most is excellent companionship. Companionship is the top of the list and an excellent companion is made of many great qualities. Making love is but one of these qualities and is only a minor portion of the focus. It is a focus, however, that cannot be ignored even though not too often. The real value is to make love to your companion rather than simply having sex. Just having sex is of very little value to a mature male but is the main focus of the less mature. Just my opinions.
Well, I think my sig says enough of what I am expecting...Ultimately, a man has to be respectful, loving, caring, considerate, and passionate...In the woman I desire more than anything for her to be smart, intelligent, and genuine...From that relationship the expectation would be that I don't want sex...not that I'm not interested, it's on my mind, but it's so much more than that...it's affection and honety, and of course you have to have romance....I'm the guy who wants to be the knight in shining armor....and I need a beauty to rescue...I can think of nothing more that I could want...The Lord is faithful and I know I have a long way to go before I can be in that relationship...
I love sex. LMAO But I would give it up with my ex if she would grow up and want to be with me. Don't get me wrong, she's the best I've ever had, but having sex, then not knowing if you can trust her just isn't worth it.

To me trust is the most important. I am not controlling, so if she wants to go out and talk to guys, meet people, go to parties etc. I don't really care. If I can trust that she's not going to be getting involved with another guy, I will never try to control her. All I want besides that is for her to want to be with me and much as I want to be with her. Someone you can have fun with, enjoy being around, not argue over stupid things....bottom line, make me happy and I'll do anything I can for you. Making me happy isn't very hard either. For Christmas, I asked her to not buy me anything, spend her money on tuition or whatever. Just give me a day, or even 2-3 hours of worry free fun with her. I don't care if we would have just sat on the couch or in my bed, and watched tv together, and just had a good time. That would have been the best present to me.

So what does she get me? Not what I want. She gives me a break-up basically, 4 days before Christmas. Thanks. So yeah, relationships don't have to be complicated, but some people just make it that way.
Sex would be very important to me. I've had sex a few times, but I have never been in any kind of relationship (FYI, I'm 30). Sure, I've had a couple opportunities, but not too many. I am very picky in the sense that my stubborn nature has me determined that I will not settle with being with someone I really shouldn't be with, just to be with somebody. If I never have sex again, I'll live with that. It would suck, but I'll live with that, rather than be miserable with someone that is incompatible.

What I really want is love. Again, I'm not going to just seek it anywhere. The idea that someone really gives a damn about me is just totally foreign to me. I have no idea of what it is like to have someone do little special things to make me feel worthwhile and work my needs into her busy life is quite appealling to me. I think it must be incredible to know someone cares that much about you. I can remember thinking, while having sex, about what a great experience sex must be with someone you really care that much about to.

I have many issues that just make finding such a relationship difficult. I am financially broke right now. Although, many people have told me that my appearance is not that bad, I absolutely hate the way I look and I have no self-esteem. My guy friends keep telling me that women will never go out with a man with low self-esteem. I never could figure that one out, as I would think a woman would view such a man as an easy one to control and hold on to. Either way, I am what I am and that won't change anytime soon. I guess I can't complain about a woman having emotional baggage, because I carry some serious cargo myself.
penguinsfan said:
I have many issues that just make finding such a relationship difficult. I am financially broke right now. Although, many people have told me that my appearance is not that bad, I absolutely hate the way I look and I have no self-esteem. My guy friends keep telling me that women will never go out with a man with low self-esteem. I never could figure that one out, as I would think a woman would view such a man as an easy one to control and hold on to. Either way, I am what I am and that won't change anytime soon. I guess I can't complain about a woman having emotional baggage, because I carry some serious cargo myself.

Its true, girls don't like guys with low self esteem. I think my low self esteem for a little while was the beginning of the end in my last relationship. Sure, there are some girls out there that would date a guy with low self esteem. And, many might even stick around and try to change that, but those ones you probably wouldn't even want if you're picky. You have to work on your inner game first before trying to meet a woman. I'm just not figuring that out. Its a hard thing to change from seeing yourself as nothing special for years and years, to trying to feel and act like you own the room when you walk into it. But, thats the kind of guy most women like, even if they don't want to admit it. They want a guy thats nice, sweet, emotionally involved, etc. They want a guy thats all those things BUT not ALL the time. If you're constantly trying to do things for her, most girls will view you as clingy and run. Again, it depends upon her age, and each persons personality is somewhat different.

But bottom line, if you want to be with someone and find that love, you need to work on your self confidence first. Its tough, I know this, as I'm dealing with it right now. But in my opinion its the only way to go, and find what you really want. And what happens if you don't get the girl, so what, you feel better about yourself anyways, and thats always a good thing.
When I got married, I was looking for an equal.

I am honest and trustworthy and loyal, so that is the qualities that I looked for and found in my mate. I can tell her anything and she can tell me anything, and neither one of us has to worry about the other stepping out. And by honest, I mean both the good and the bad stuff. I can tell her that I don't like something she cooked without her blowing up at me, and she can tell me to go wash my smelly feet! :D

I am a horny guy, so I looked for and found a gal who could keep up with me in the bedroom. We are unafraid to tell each other what we want, need and have shared and acted out one another's fantasies. She needs it a little bit less than I do, but it is okay. I understand that two people are not always in sync. There has been a few rare times that she has wanted it and I didn't. Still, I really wanted a girl that was as much into cock as I am into pussy, so there are alot of sparks flying when we make love -- which is an important part of long time relationships, regardless of what the romantic pusses say about romance and friendship. If a couple doesn't want to fuck all the time, it ain't going to last. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I wanted someone who was as smart as me, and independent as me, and as stubborn as me...and I got it.

We've been happily married ten years. Maybe some women want the fairy tale with the dashing prince who is always romantic and clean smelling and apologizes after sex-- but that was not for us. We want the real thing. I would die for her and she would die for me. We are one person.
Yeah...all that shit Kong said. That's what I want.

Seriously? Great sex life, along with compatible personalities and the ability to be frank and open with each other. What more could a person want?
esteban said:
Its true, girls don't like guys with low self esteem. I think my low self esteem for a little while was the beginning of the end in my last relationship. Sure, there are some girls out there that would date a guy with low self esteem. And, many might even stick around and try to change that, but those ones you probably wouldn't even want if you're picky. You have to work on your inner game first before trying to meet a woman. I'm just not figuring that out. Its a hard thing to change from seeing yourself as nothing special for years and years, to trying to feel and act like you own the room when you walk into it. But, thats the kind of guy most women like, even if they don't want to admit it. They want a guy thats nice, sweet, emotionally involved, etc. They want a guy thats all those things BUT not ALL the time. If you're constantly trying to do things for her, most girls will view you as clingy and run. Again, it depends upon her age, and each persons personality is somewhat different.

But bottom line, if you want to be with someone and find that love, you need to work on your self confidence first. Its tough, I know this, as I'm dealing with it right now. But in my opinion its the only way to go, and find what you really want. And what happens if you don't get the girl, so what, you feel better about yourself anyways, and thats always a good thing.

Thanks for the advice and stuff.

I guess it's not as if I feel totally worthless. I am very self-conscious about my appearance, which looks to me to be nothing short of hideous. Others have assured me it's not that bad, and even tell me it's good on rare occasion, but I totally HATE MYSELF, physically. I have also made some poor choices careerwise and miss a couple opportunities. I don't have such a bad job, but it isn't a real good one either. After I pay my bills each month (mostly credit card debt), I really have nothing left to speak of. I can understand how an outside observer would flat-out label me a "loser" in terms of career accomplishment. As of now, I'm still not sure where to go next, but have accepted that I've pretty much peaked where I'm working now.

All that aside, I have a pretty good heart and personality to offer someone. I can be open and frank, like Kong talked about, which I consider to be an asset in the eyes of someone unless she is hypersensitive about things. I am a pretty intelligent guy with a great sense of humor. I will do most anything to help those I care about. I can be thick-skinned, cold and cutthroat when I have to be, but in the interest of those I care for. Guess that's about all I have going for me.
penguinsfan said:
but I totally HATE MYSELF, physically.......All that aside, I have a pretty good heart and personality to offer someone. I can be open and frank, like Kong talked about, which I consider to be an asset in the eyes of someone unless she is hypersensitive about things. I am a pretty intelligent guy with a great sense of humor. I will do most anything to help those I care about. I can be thick-skinned, cold and cutthroat when I have to be, but in the interest of those I care for. Guess that's about all I have going for me.

Not trying to lecture you at all, so don't take it that way ;) but you really shouldn't hate yourself in any way. I don't know you, maybe you look bad, I don't know. But for yourself, you have to accept yourself as not just someone who looks bad but has a good personality. Its more about looking at yourself from the inside out. If you instead focus on your good personality traits, and then look at yourself in the mirror, you'll instead see someone that has many good things to offer someone, and the physical part won't really bother you as much.

Just an example of this: My ex kind of had some self esteem issues. She said that she thought she was pretty, but had some other things that she just didn't really like. I would always tell her that I thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever saw in person. And why was that? I truly believed it, and not because she was the most beautiful person I'd seen. But, when I looked at her, I don't care if she had just gotten up, had no sleep, no makeup, hadn't taken a shower, etc....I saw the Penis EnlargementRSON behind the eyes. True she was beautiful physically, but the person she was and still is, made her physical appearance so much more attractive.

Think that way about yourself and eventually you'll have the confidence to believe someone else will see you in that way. And, hopefully it'll help your confidence. :)
I know that out of a relationship i would like to have trust, I love everything about sex but i am not a sexaholic. I want a woman who has alot of things in common with me, I want someone who i can talk to everyday to let them know how i feel and to share things with. There are a whole lot of things that i would want out of a relationship.
I feel like there is awhole lot more to life than just sex. However sex is enjoyable but there is more meaning to a relationship than just sex. That is the way that i feel about a relationship. I mean you have family and people around you that care about you but it does not feel the same when you have a woman that you can be with that cares about you and that is a good thing. Being with someone that you love and enjoy doing things with is love. Telling your companion how you feel and being honest to one another is beautiful. That is my point of view on a relationship and how it should be.
virtue and integrity. dreams with me, has faith in things yet is realistic in faith and maintains priorities. can keep her eyes on the ball amidst passion, thinks long-term and also feels when the time is appropriate to take her eyes off that ball and run free with me. my alpha-female.
millionman said:
Come on VK, why the cynicism?
This is a guy's forum, if a girl needs her insecurities addressed she needs to go somewhere else. I personally get enough drama from girls in real life, and to me, MOS is an escape from that. Many here are happily married, some not so happily, while others are single or in some sort of a relationship, and we all have only one thing in common:

We do NOT want to EVER hear a girl put us down due to something like penis size. We want to be untouchable, unreachable and that makes us in turn feel good about ourselves.

Don't for one second deny that. NOONE Penis Enlargement'S because it makes them feel good about themselves (well not initially anyways, fucken exercises are addictive after a while). We Penis Enlargement because in those minutes that we spend with ourselves enhancing our dicks, we are free of all female bullshit and propeganda. If it weren't for women's crap no guy in the world would EVER feel the need to pull on his dick for it to get bigger. you don't see people pulling on their index finger to get it bigger do you? its not because a bigger dick is any more usefull than a bigger finger, its because females dont say 'omg my xbf's finger was sooo bigggggg'.

So PLEASE let's keep MOS pussy free. and if some girl happens to want to enlargen her penis, she can head straight to �other forum� as they seem to be good at female type gossip and shit talk. You'll mix well w the rest of the pussies there. :p


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Well the girl who started the thread hasn't been active here since January of last year. There aren't a lot of women here, so it's not a big deal. Sometimes women have the impression that we only want one thing, and sometimes that's the truth but then again we're not always that way. Personally, I don't like the drama either, and you can either deal with it or now, and usually I choose not to. There's no point to dealing with it as it will never go away, because there's always something going on in their world that they just want to bitch about.
millionman said:
Well the girl who started the thread hasn't been active here since January of last year. There aren't a lot of women here, so it's not a big deal. Sometimes women have the impression that we only want one thing, and sometimes that's the truth but then again we're not always that way. Personally, I don't like the drama either, and you can either deal with it or now, and usually I choose not to. There's no point to dealing with it as it will never go away, because there's always something going on in their world that they just want to bitch about.

ya i agree
i'm not a woman hater or I wouldn't be here if I was.
I'm a jackass to girls, and that's the only reason they like me. They TELL me how some guy loves them off and they don't pay any attention to him cuz I'm the 'challenge' and I'm the one that makes her feel like nothing and she feels the need to somehow get my attention to make her feel good about herself (which I ultimately never do, you have to feel good about urself, not rely on some person to pamper you). So when I hear this bullshit on a forum thats full of genuwine people I get pissed. Chances are you guys are much higher in the 'jerk ladder' than i am, in which case what I say is just a confirmation of what you already know. But chances are some of you are 'good guys' and you think 'wow thith nithe lady came on MoTH and wath talking about how nithe she is and how she want-th a true relathionthip.' bullshit! the only time 99% of women want relationships is when they have some sort of short comming in life and want to take care of it and once that emotional/psychological need has been taken care of by a guy w a truely good heart, they go on partying w some1 like me and laugh at his ass. then when I don't call back the next day you see them talking about guys being dicks, pigs and assholes and how guys only want sex from a relationship.

They're either too dumb to realize (or just refuse to realize) that all they were asking for was there for them by that nice guy they took for granted.

and please don't hate me for playing women. I only play the ones that I know play the game with others.

*VK gets in his Vaseline_mobile and disappears into the dark night where he can find more applicants to use vaseline on*
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