Going to try to do an open box video tonight. I received it last week but have been too busy to do, my son should help me shoot the video tonight, Mike
I mean taking it completely off and massaging a bit to get the blood flowing and then putting it back on. Helps me.
944 posts in this thread so far and from my estimation one person indicated that they had experienced gains (dickleaker). Anyone else seen any results?
I'm about 90% positive I am making gains with this. I go 2 hours at high intensity with the extender (with pmp) while using the v stretches about 5 days a week. I use the Bathmate about 3-4 days a week. I have a power assist and do other manual stretches 10-15 minutes every day. When I am not Penis Enlargementing I am in my divosuit and have stopped wearing underwear (unless I am working out at the gym). Since I have started using the v stretches, all of a sudden my penis feels much thicker and hangs way better. My head is getting some good expansion too. I am not doing any measurements until August, but right now, I feel like something crazy is going on.
Dickleaker was one of the first to use this he was the reason I got it but give it time most guys are getting use to it and just started using it
CaptainCaveman;484792 said:
944 posts in this thread so far and from my estimation one person indicated that they had experienced gains (dickleaker). Anyone else seen any results?
tbone, that sounds exciting man. I hope you're in for a treat when you measure in August. Hey, how do you do v stretches with the pmp? I'm curious since you said you can feel their effect.
tparker, I understand this is a new trip we're on. Looking forward to what awaits us.
I just got mine today i had a little trouble getting the head attatcHydromaxent on but it's very comfortable
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CaptainCaveman;484824 said:
tbone, that sounds exciting man. I hope you're in for a treat when you measure in August. Hey, how do you do v stretches with the pmp? I'm curious since you said you can feel their effect.
tparker, I understand this is a new trip we're on. Looking forward to what awaits us.

when I am in the extender use a pen or marker and kinda weave your penis and the bars of the extender....gives a really good stretch.

check the pictures in this thread: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?66671-V-stretch-in-extender
8incyclops;484830 said:
I just got mine today i had a little trouble getting the head attatcHydromaxent on but it's very comfortable

I am still having trouble getting mine out of the box:) I wish I had a second penis!
Thanks tbone! I usually use the leg strap because I do stealth Penis Enlargement. So I'm not sure if that approach is something I can use. But out of curiosity, have you noticed that it makes a big difference when you do the V or A stretch as opposed to regular version?
When I take the PMP off there is a ring at the glans. On the left side of my glans it's how I think it's supposed to be-right behind the ridge. But on the top and right side, the ring is on the actual glans itself instead of behind it. I don't think the ring is from the adapter, but rather from the latex being tight there. I'm on the border of the 24mm cutoff between small adapter and no adapter, but I use the small adapter because it holds better.

This isn't painful, but I want to know how I could get it to stay behind the glans. Once the headpiece is on, I can't tell where the ring is going to be formed even if I move to sluice ring to look. It may just be something anatomical with my glans, or maybe I need to change the latex pieces, which is something else I'm not sure of. How do you know when to replace the latex? Obviously if there is a leak, but they also slowly stretch out and I don't know if they need to be changed just from the stretching out.
Most all of my latex failures have been with the diaphragm rupturing, only once did I develop a pin hole in the sluice. I use them until they fail.

It can be a bit of a challenge to enter the chamber evenly all the way around, you can slightly release some vacuum, and get the glans squarely positioned & then vacuum again. Not too big a deal in my thinking.
Part of the reason could be that my coronal ridge isn't very deep on the top of the glans. It would probably hold better if the was deeper, although the ridge is pretty deep on the sides and it still happens on one side. If the chamber was clear I might be able to see if I'm in evenly, but I can't tell. It always looks like I go in evenly. Actually I usually put the glans + some shaft into the chamber, then manually pull, which pulls some of the shaft out as long as the latex has lube on it. This gets the chamber where it's supposed to be.
CaptainCaveman;484873 said:
Thanks tbone! I usually use the leg strap because I do stealth Penis Enlargement. So I'm not sure if that approach is something I can use. But out of curiosity, have you noticed that it makes a big difference when you do the V or A stretch as opposed to regular version?

Hi CC,

are you using the PMP leg strap or the VLC one? If the VLC one, how did you mod it?
CaptainCaveman;484873 said:
Thanks tbone! I usually use the leg strap because I do stealth Penis Enlargement. So I'm not sure if that approach is something I can use. But out of curiosity, have you noticed that it makes a big difference when you do the V or A stretch as opposed to regular version?

i don't know if it's a huge difference, but it's different enough to matter. I guess I just like to change things up. It's a great stretch.
tbone77;484909 said:
i don't know if it's a huge difference, but it's different enough to matter. I guess I just like to change things up. It's a great stretch.

Hey tbone, I'm very glad to see that you are getting good results and that you are an active part of the forum, I remember when you started out not long ago. Good job man
I'm using the leg strap that came with the pmp so no mods necessary. But its very comfy.

I understand what you mean. Maybe I'll change it up in a little while....
I used to have a similar issue. The see through glans chamber would be a huge plus but some things make the job much easier. The small adaptor was a great choice for me because the longer I kept it on blood would gradually flow out of my glans and it would get smaller and it would half way come out. Ended up getting fluid retention in the glans too. The XL sleuce and diaphragm made a huge difference. Not at first though since I had to relearn how to get it just right. But now its amazing. The latex pieces are easier to get in to and the adapter keep everything snug.
The other thing that I don't go without is the lube on my actual glans. Just a tiny bit makes the glans get sucked in much much easier and without the need for too much vacuum. So a pinch of lube on the glans and on the diaphragm/sleuce will do the trick.
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