@ smartie

right i just taken my headpiece off and checked with size genetics bars, it will still work no problem!!!!!!!!!!!
fonic;467866 said:
@ smartie

right i just taken my headpiece off and checked with size genetics bars, it will still work no problem!!!!!!!!!!!

that's something, so their bars are wider? by what amount?
I'd imagine a short piece of silicone hose over the last bar would fix any jiggle...
Smartie;467867 said:
that's something, so their bars are wider? by what amount?
I'd imagine a short piece of silicone hose over the last bar would fix any jiggle...

going on my measurements there bars are 9mm vrs the sg are 7mm.......its really not a problem slightly more shaky thats all, the saviour too is there headpiece is slightly housed with a recess at the end for the bar to sit on :)
The "restroom comment" is meant to address the fact you have to use the bathroom and remove the device and re-apply it.

Glue on skin will eventually wear out the skin starting with the layer it's stuck to. Liquid Bandaid has been using this technique for years. But glue on the skin DOES NOT mean the force leaves the glans intact and unstressed. This is my main concern: when a website makes a spurious claim I have to wonder how much junk science is involved. Glue on the skin produces the same force as vacuum on the skin - it pulls from the skin. The glue can be used to spread the force better than vacuum perhaps, but at certain loads the two will act identically as the surface area of the glans is limited and the attachment point is a fraction of this area (creates a focal point).

1100 grams is 2.45 lbs. It will take MANY hours for this to produce results. Ask any hanger. This weight will produce soreness the first times you experience it especially if you apply it for several hours continuously. However, the tissues will quickly adapt to this load.

The parts are shown in an exploded view and labeled. There are 9 basic components and several sub-components. The "dozen" remark was a generalization of this fact.

The Grip had a similar system they patented in 1997. Pumpers have been condom pumping since the 1990's. I've read about guys using toupee glue to hold the glans.

Don't get me wrong: if this device is the best for you then I'm happy for you and I hope it works out.
about the restroom comment, like i said there is hardly an easier device to take on and off, don't see why that is an issue. are you just looking for faults.

i understand your well versed in this subject field, but the glue now is an issue, i don't think in this day and age a big company like that is going to release

a product that is going to cause skin problems, its well researched the glue will be completely safe, ill contact the manufacturers about this anyway.

as for the load more weight is not always better, longer hours i'm aiming for over a 6 month period and ill see where i'm at, what your saying

about the load can be said the same for any a.d.s but science has proven they do work. companies may have patented this tech whenever i don't know

but thats all its been a patent a bit of paper, never seen the light of day, this is the first release of this style, that was my point.

sometimes we can over analyse things, i know what feels right and is wrong, so go with the flow and adapt to what your body is telling you,

there is no magic formula to how we all grow our penis, what works for somebody may not work for someone else, time will tell i'm an optimist.

i wish you all the best in growing too :)
I think the "science" works in their advantage:

You'd have to account for the elasticity of air. Air pressure distribution has a certain springiness to it, what this seem to do is dampen some part of the springiness so that the amplitude of the oscillation becomes minimal. This probably doesn't matter as much if you don't move (ie excite the oscillation). The glue would be to make sure the glans stays in contact with the diaphragm, so the oscillation you expose the glans to is governed by it rather than the air in the chamber.

Seems like a valid approach. You'd have to add the amplitude of these oscillations to the total amount of force applied because blisters are most likely caused by high bursts of force.

While on the subject I can think of a possible way to improve this concept, like the Bathmate did for pumping water pressure differentials could be applied to this which would completely quench these oscillation since the compressibility of water is almost zero. And since the Bathmate introduces less blisters than regular air-pumping I think I am at the right road with this theory. :)
I like the attachment but want to keep my Sg but looking for something more comfy for the head of my penis
fonic;467899 said:
companies may have patented this tech whenever i don't know but thats all its been a patent a bit of paper, never seen the light of day, this is the first release of this style, that was my point.
The Grip has been selling for many years: http://www.thegrip.com/

fonic;467899 said:
its well researched the glue will be completely safe
How can you know this? Do you think penismaster is a larger company than BandAid? BandAid states Liqiud BandAid can remove layers of skin (among other potential problems they describe).

I'm not sure why you're pushing Penismaster so hard. You've just begun to use this device. I have enough experience to know they all sound great when they first come out. You like it, and that's great! But please don't suggest this is the end-all-be-all at this point. Let's see in a few months. $275 is a lot to plunk down for many guys without knowing for sure what the downfalls are. Please keep us posted with frequent reports.

BTW, you can have all the confidence you want that a "big company" wouldn't do something that hurts you, but I've seen that happen too many times. Even giant companies like Ford can produce a car which bursts into flames once in a while.
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MoreGains123;467942 said:
The Grip has been selling for many years: http://www.thegrip.com/

How can you know this? Do you think penismaster is a larger company than BandAid? BandAid states Liqiud BandAid can remove layers of skin (among other potential problems they describe).

I'm not sure why you're pushing Penismaster so hard. You've just begun to use this device. I have enough experience to know they all sound great when they first come out. You like it, and that's great! But please don't suggest this is the end-all-be-all at this point. Let's see in a few months. $275 is a lot to plunk down for many guys without knowing for sure what the downfalls are. Please keep us posted with frequent reports.

BTW, you can have all the confidence you want that a "big company" wouldn't do something that hurts you, but I've seen that happen too many times. Even giant companies like Ford can produce a car which bursts into flames once in a while.

dont fancy the grip, similar product but not the same, ill take the pm over that any day. push a product, are you out your mind, reality check , you seem like a guy determined to bash a product you never used.

legooo man your clutching at straws, move on.
You stated the concept never saw the light of day: you were wrong. You stated it factually: as if you knew for sure. Several other statements you made were also wrong. However, we should still take your aggressive stance as all-in-good-faith.

Now you're telling me to stop talking about it because you're the authority? Despite your lack of historical perspective, you haven't even made any gains with it yet either.

When you watch the videos you can see this is just a fancy vacuum extender. There's no miracle here. It causes typical glans swelling as do all other vacuum devices. The difference is the containment housing is tighter than other products I've seen. But The Grip, MaxSize, Autoextender, Static Stretcher and others all make this same concept. And for a lot less than $275.

If there was something new here I'd be very curious about it. But I watched all the videos and see nothing worth $275. I'm not clutching at straws: this product makes some claims which sound good but aren't scientifically sound.

Also, the site states "Delivery Free of Charge" however, that's only in Germany. All others are charged for shipping.

I'm not sure why it isn't Ok with you to thoroughly and exhaustively examine something before recommending everyone go out and buy it. I think it's great you're trying it out. I'm glad it's comfortable so far. Now let's see how it performs over the long-haul.
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yeah well, there is no other device the same as this so that is right, i have tried nearly them all this is by far the most comfortable and safe, while offering a good stretch,

that is all i have said from the start, i have never stated this is a miracle device, it will not bring gains any quicker, its still an ads, best one yet imo. you will be motivated

to put the hours in because its vey comfortable, you do not get swelling so stop saying that, the gains will come the same as any ads its all about the stretch, if you mean

same concept as in using vacuum then your right, apart from that there all different animals. you see nothing worth buying, i couldn't care less what you think because

you sound very TROLLHARD!!!! go TROLL somewhere else!
anyone wants to find out how i get on with this device pm me, i cannot be bothered with the hostility that comes with starting a thread and introducing something new, my only intention was to help others that cannot find comfort with other devices.

MERRY XMAS Penis Enlargement BROS
fonic;468018 said:
go TROLL somewhere else!
Pushing guys to buy a $275 product that hasn't been vetted is in nobody's best interest. I'm not sure why you are taking this so personally.

New products come out all the time. If we all bought them based upon early reviews we'd all have a basement full of Penis Enlargement gear that doesn't suit us. Why can't we just get progress reports from you and make up our own minds?
MoreGains123;468050 said:
Pushing guys to buy a $275 product that hasn't been vetted is in nobody's best interest. I'm not sure why you are taking this so personally.

New products come out all the time. If we all bought them based upon early reviews we'd all have a basement full of Penis Enlargement gear that doesn't suit us. Why can't we just get progress reports from you and make up our own minds?

You can't help yourself but troll again, how am i pushing a product, you have a major problem sir, from your very first post in this thread nothing but negativity has come from you. really not one positive.

i have never asked anyone to buy this another misconception from you, merely stated how much i was enjoying the device and i'm sure others would, but you continue to talk verbal diarrhoea, like a broken

record every post you mention cost, well just maybe other people can afford this.

my pm will still be open for people to contact me about this, other than that there is three other forums with users ill share my thoughts with them.

maybe you should have started your own thread "WHY I HATE ON Penis EnlargementNIMASTER EVEN THOUGH I DONT OWN IT"
Lets face it, according to general profit margins in consumer products Penis Enlargement equipment is _all_ overpriced....

Wait was there something about development costs and potential depth in a niche market.... damn :s

Extenders go as little as 20 dollar (ebay no brand) and 600 (X4 full set).
I'd say we'll wait for DLD if he got them to give us a forum discount....

Srsly that's basic capitalist economics, be glad there are people who recognize our niche at all, otherwise you'd still be using tinkered together hanging apparatuses from the hardware store. ;)
How is this not recommending people buy it: "if you have problems currently finding something that works for you, i highly recommend this. its going to be massive in the pe world."

That was from your first post.

All I've been trying to say is:

1) Other companies have produced this concept in the past. It works for some and not others.
2) Let's wait and see how you get along with it.
3) $275 is a lot for most guys to drop on gear they may not be compatible with.

I think you protest too loudly.
I would wait for me to see if I can get them down on the price, if not let me see what I can ask SigeGenetics to create.
doublelongdaddy;468115 said:
I would wait for me to see if I can get them down on the price, if not let me see what I can ask SigeGenetics to create.
Go for it DLD I can't wait what will SG will create :)
Ordered the upgrade kit from Penimaster which includes the head piece and attachment which I can use with the SG.I decided to buy it after watching all the videos and consulting with my buddy Fonic. I figure if it is a level of comfort above the VLC tugger than I will be motivated even more to go longer periods of time each day stretching in the SG.
After reading everything I can get my hands on from the internet and here regarding extenders,the more time spent in one over time the more gains you get.
I figure its a good investment in my cock growth and at this point am such a big believer in Penis Enlargement than the cost was secondary issue.

I will be posting on this once I get it and report my future gains ;)
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