Physical Values that should matter in Penis Enlargement
There are various physical values that may deal with advantages in Penis Enlargement. I will name some, say a few words about them and tell other things. Be aware that chemically manipulating these values may deal with lifetime side effects, if you don't know what you are doing.

Body fat percentage 13-15%
That is the value which says how much of your body weight comes from fat. First of all it obviously deals with the NBP values, but there is something else. Fat makes testosterone being processed to estrogen - brings you closer to "female" and away from "male". Well, you want to increase your manhood so that obviously is something to be avoided. Higher testosterone values make you much more likely to get better errections in general and in girth workouts and you will havea better insuline sensitivity. That means insulinugenic levels will effect more and with them the values of growth hormones and growth factors chainreact. That leads to a better recovery (injuries heal better, you can train harder) and better physical response to a grwoth stimulation. All these things like bodyfat below 10% are as unhealthy as bodyfat over 20% and deal with some bodyfunctions not working properly. Since Penis Enlargement isn't really scientifically researched you don't know which of these processes you need and thereby you should keep them all work properly. Reduce the bodyfat by losing fat without losing any other body mass.

Insuline sensitivity explained in body fat values.

Testosterone levels / testosterone-estrogen-ratio
Testosterone helps you with errections and and trigger the sexual development towards masculine. Addionally it is in chain reactions with growth hormones and growth factors that help with recovery and growth. Thereby you should somehow benefit from it surely, but the ration between your testosterone and estrogen levels influeces that process too. To get the testosterone level up you should:
-avoid stress
-sleep properly
-eat enough of all fat kinds (there you see how incompetent some wannabe fitness gurus are, but too much fat is still bad)
-get enough magnesium
-get enough zinc
-stay healthy
-do short and intense weight resistance exercise (styles of Mentzer or Yates)

Blood fat values
That is a relatively big topic. They may cause problems with you blood circle and thereby they pose a thread to the EQ and errections - especially for people who have a lot of penis (which way they got it doesn't matter). Addionally it highers the risc of various really bad health problems (heart attacks, diabetes f.e.). So you really should keep them in good regions. Some things which influece them:
-bad lifestyle, negative
-body fat, high body fat = bad for them
-steroid abuse, extremely bad
-too much consumed saturated fats

That is a blood value which says how much oxygen your blood can transport. It doesn't effect on Penis Enlargement directly, but a good VO2-MAX helps you wih sports when you are trying to keep other values fine for Penis Enlargement. Flawless nutrition, good lifestyle, non-smoking are keys to it. Especially the iron in your nutrition effects it, but do not overdose it. Red meat is a good source for it. Usually no need for supplementation, but there are exceptions.

There are various things in Penis Enlargement that go with ages. I personally consider Penis Enlargement a waste of time for people with natural penis grwoth, because their penis growth anyway... What do they need it for? All the physical capacities usually peak in ages between 25 and 35. I don't know how much that effects Penis Enlargement, but a physical peak has to effectr somehow. What can you do to gain these advantages:
-survive til you reach these ages xD
Well, this is an amazing thread.
I've come to the conclusion that you are insane. Your penis is already bigger than the majority of �naked people movies� stars, yet you still are putting this much work into Penis Enlargement.
You are my new role model.
Thanks for your work.
MikeShlort;483079 said:
Well, this is an amazing thread.
I've come to the conclusion that you are insane. Your penis is already bigger than the majority of �naked people movies� stars, yet you still are putting this much work into Penis Enlargement.
You are my new role model.
Thanks for your work.

Newbie09 what size did you started at and how long did it take to get to 10x7,3 (where you are today)?
MartinGlad;510086 said:
Newbie09 what size did you started at and how long did it take to get to 10x7,3 (where you are today)?

I would love to see a photo of this too!
Would love a photo too! I'm 9 11/16 now bpel. Saving up for my Bathmate X-40 to supercharge my gains to 10el. So envious of your 10inch, this is my second go at Penis Enlargement just to get to this level. Keep going!

Btw how does 7.3 girth feel? I'm just 6.5 and I feel huge
jamaicanstalion;538192 said:
Would love a photo too! I'm 9 11/16 now bpel. Saving up for my Bathmate X-40 to supercharge my gains to 10el. So envious of your 10inch, this is my second go at Penis Enlargement just to get to this level. Keep going!

Btw how does 7.3 girth feel? I'm just 6.5 and I feel huge

Hoping we will get some snap shots!
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