
Apr 24, 2009
Here we go.

As far as I know I am the first one to put a thread for the challenge into being on the space of the great MOS. The purpose of that thread serves an introduction and help for other users with various things.

When I started I only remember as values an FL around 4'' and a BPenis EnlargementL around 9,5''. I felt embarassed by the lack of FL and I was jealous on some �naked people movies� guys who looked like more because of cams and big penises on small bodies. With a relatively high bodyfat and a heigth beyond 6 ft I was not such a guy for penis optics like a __________ and I even don't have the manipulating �naked people movies� cam team on my side as he does.

I first got aware of Penis Enlargement with some extenders and tried to rebuild them because I didn't have the money. Later I discovered the manual Penis Enlargement and started in the middle of the year 2009. That is where the 09 in my name comes from. I chose Newbie as nick because it would seem ironic with a starting EL that is above most goals and because of my state at the time of account creation.

All the ways to archieve goals in Penis Enlargement simply seemed amazing so I researched a lot about it and developed my own exercises... The F-Stretches were the first ones and had a proper resonance. Later I came up with Anti-LOT, Spiral Stretch, Leg Lever Stretch without such a feedback. I kept Penis Enlargementing until my study consumed too much time. When it failed I had the time again and tried to combine my stretches. NewbieX1 and NewbieX2 were born.

At the start I was in the German forum and failed to get the maximum of the possible gains due to misinformation about the training frequency. After I got the advice to do daily Penis Enlargement from DLD I put all my new stuff together and had my first proper routine:
-20 minutes supersets of 20 Jelqs and 1 Pressure Uli
-10 minutes Clamping (every 2nd day, MOS advice)
-10 minutes kegels
-10 minutes reverse kegels
-~15 minutes of stretches in all directions (up, right, down, forward, left in that order)
-2x2,5 minutes __________ Stretches
-2x2,5 minutes NewbieX2
-2x2,5 minutes NewbieX1

It gave me 2cm FL in 4 weeks.

I am a bit said that noone is using it, because in my oppinion it is the miraculous stuff everyone is looking for.

After being injured by Bathmate usage I developed something innovative to cure Penis Enlargement injuries. It was the NewbieX3. A new system to get more sensitive, get a better skin quality, get more likely for errections, improve orgasms and much more, but it is on suffer of the stamina. The exercise might be a good thing before doing DLD Deep Lig Jelqs. That exercise gave me fast and good gains and the NewbieX3 should help to do it better. That will be an insane combination to get the best progress towards a pussy torture apparatus in your pants.

The last measure stats where:
-BPenis EnlargementL 10''
-EG 7,3''
-FL after workouts 7,5''
-FL a bit over 6'' (going for 8'' this year)

You will find my inventions linked in my sig.

Now some specific stuff...

Bathmate X-40
The Bathmate always seemed like a fine device, but it was too small. I was happy when I have heard of the X-40 model was relased and got mine. It seemed pretty solid and I had lots of problems with it because of missing pumping experience. Now after some issues and injuries with it I will post what I personally found out as best use for myself...

-use it as last Penis Enlargement activity of the day, daily (avoids probles with stretching)
-Put vaseline on the base of the Bathmate
-get semi errected
-put warm water in there (hold your fingers on the valve til it is attached)
-attach it (enter from above, attach it as high as possible to prevent testicle suctions)
-pump a few times
-lay down somewhere where you can pump (most comfortable for me)
-if pumping hurts somewhere try to get tensions in the ligaments on the inner side of the thighs and try to the the base ring pressure while pumping on them (ankle of pumping)
-pump a few times til less water comes out the valve when you pump (low pressure level) and let the errection come for like 5 minutes
-after the you pump to a moderatre level of pressure (half as much water as with the first pumps should come out every pump)
-after that you pump once every 2 minutes for 2-3 times
-after that you pump once every minutes for 3 times
-after that you pump to the limit for 5 minutes
-finished, press the valve down and get the Bathmate off

Note: I think it works best while taking a bath

I started hanging relatively early. First I simly wrapped tight and in the end I wrapped in a rope holding the weight. It wasn't pretty comfortable and had it's limit at 3,75kg that way. Later I bought the BIB hanger. After some time getting used to it, it worked. I will not recommend any wrapping style because I think everyone should find the best for himself. That is what basic hanging is. After you found out your personal wrapping style you can bring the weight up as long as it remains comfortable. The first hanging set should be right after stretching. My personal wrapping style is to wrap a few rounds right after the glans (foreskin pulled back) and then some rounds around base and glans. All the wrapping is done tight. What I do different than most users is that I keep blood in the glans to get a clamp effect in the glans. So far 2-3 sets of 20 minutes where enough. If you have problems with the weight doing 5 minutes with 1/2 or 2/3 weight and adding the rest after these 5 minutes for the rest of the time might be a sufficient way to bypass some problems. Unless you can do you full weight for 3 times 20 minutes, I would recommend not to increase the weight.

I heard some things about it and decided to try out. After some injuries and failed attempts I found out my way that I prever. I clamp after the manual girth workout. My clamping style is to wrap around my penises base tighly to get the bondage clamping and put on a cable clamp over that addionally. While doing that I edge a bit and kegel. That is insanely hard, but working. I Do that for 10 minutes every 2nd day. Since doing it this way everything works fine.

I use the penimaster which is pretty similar to the size genetics. The best way for ADS usage is after hanging daily for like 2-3 hours on maximum intensity. I do it without a brake after the last hanging set...

-get on the base attachment
-attach the head attachment
-put the head attachment on the rods

For wrapping I recommend to do a few rounds tight after the glans (foreskin pulled back), 1-2 rounds around the head, fold the bondage and wrap somethimes around the glans to create a bumb that effects like a hook over the end of the glans. The head attachment should kinda hook in there.

DLD Deep Lig Jelq
It is a great exercise. My way of doing it was in supersets. A few Jelqs (like 20), 1 Deep Lig Jelq (30-60 seconds), 1 Pressure ULI (5 pumps) for 20-30 minutes. You can lever a bit to make it strong by pushing the base holding hand down while pulling and the head holding hand up while pulling.

Blue Whales __________ Stretch
It is a good exercise and I recommend everyone doing it.

If you have any questions, ask them. If you have any comments or feedback, you are welcome.
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Penis Enlargement Philosophie
"A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" I think that there are lots of values in Penis Enlargement that may plateau other things. In some cases the braker is obvious and in some not. Lot of people came up with big theories about isolation a supposed problem. I think that is wrong. Some things may decompensate while not being worked out and if you are thinking the wrong thing keeps you back some months will be wasted. What can you do about it? The most logical way is to simulate everything that could have to do with Penis Enlargement. Allways try doing something for everything. That includes basics things as PC muscle, manual girth exercises, lig stretches, tunica stretches, long time workouts for the inner cord. Don't let the chain have a weakling. Get everything to the max and the growth will be at the max. That is what the creation of the routine posted above is about. As long as something is progressing everything is alreight.

As always nutrition is a key fact. Why? How can you build a house without any materials? They need to be in the body and geting fat is bad for NBP values. Sometimes if there are issues with the body some body functions may not work properly. Some things in Penis Enlargement like gaining tissue or getting a better PC muscle are about regeneration so the body should remain healthy to ensure that everything works and enables the required functions. All this is an endless system of chain reactions and being healthy is the base of keeping all of them working. Suffucient supplies of nutrients is the next step of getting all to work. So far I tried some supplementations of nutrients, but all I noticed was NO effecting supplementation (arginine) may help with girth workouts. All I can recommend is: no junk food, no grilled meals, natural meals, vegatables in every meal, a multivatimine after breakfast and dinner, maybe magnesium.
WOW, this is a great start! Very impressive:)
I use pretty much your routine. This week I do:

10-15 mins of standard stretches
4 x 1 min __________
4 x 1 min X2
4 x 1 min behind cheeks
Then some other shit just watching tv and stretching a littlebitofthis and alittlebitofthat.

Dont be sad, it's a GREAT routine. I'm kind of wondering the same why other people don't incorporate some of your stretches into their own routine.
Wow nice thread Newbie09!

You always got great ideas. After my latest girth overdose, I'm all length work now. I will make shore to check out all your exercises.
Thanks for the resonance. Go for my stuff and get your pussy torture apparatus.
Explanation of the Pressure Uli
This is a girth exercise, mainly for the front part of the penis. I don't know where I found it anymore, but im going to explain it shortly. Do it after jelqs or in supersets with jelqs. Get errected like 90-100%, do a reverse OK grip at the base, press with thumb and index finger. move up on your penis while pressuring. A bit forward on your shaft you press with all fingers half power. Than you do something like pumping with the other fingers. Full power pressing shortly for 3-5 times. You should feel it pretty intensely in the glans. Do at least 10 reps, but not more than 20. The whole procedure counts as one rep.
This thread is awesome!
Advanced Kegling
The PC muscle serves a high purpuse. It enables you to use what you work for with the Penis Enlargement. In Comparison to the usual stuff it is a muscle. A stronger PC muscle goes with various benefits and that stronger muscle is rather build under sports princples than under Penis Enlargement principles. One big difference is that the muscle will definetly profit from performance enhancing drugs. With the other Penis Enlargement it is doubted or not sure, but in case of the PC muscle it is obvious. Another big difference is that it should profit from a bodybuilding nutrition. This means high protein intakes and clean nutrition. Usually a muscle should rengerate for growth, but you don't want it to grow. This mean you got to handle regeneration different. This is about making the body think the muscle has to be stronger. If you do that, the body will respond and act. Short and infrequent weight resistance training deals with an increased hormonal surrounding for muscles. This will also assist the PC muscle as it does with every muscle and should definetly help with him.

Some people may wonder why I always do the kegels after manual girth and right before lenght. The reason is quite simple. A fresh PC muscle will work best for girth and do a better job with the errections when you want them. Quite simple isn't it? But why the hell right before lenght? There are too reasons. First, if the PC muscle is finished you are less likely to get errections and second, there are all the rumors about the kegels preventing lig length gains, because of a PC muscle pulling the penis back. That is why I stretch after kegling. The muscle gets stimulated to concentrate there (pull together). At the same time I am going to stimulate it to get stretched and let everything hang out there. On the other hand it will be less resisting while doing stretches when it is exhausted. It kinda is isolated from stretching away.

Usually people only kegel for numbers or time, maybe reverse kegels too and think that's it. There are lots of things to be takes care off. First is that the muscle responds best to full concentration. That means every kegel should be done as "deep" as possible for stimulation of all muscle fibres (extremely simplified parts of the muscle). The other thing is that you want it to be able to pump a lot and hold pressure. But the muscle can only be stimulated to one change at once (there are some circumstances when a second effect gets a side effect, but not really here).

How to apply it? Do periods!

2 weeks - 10 minutes of regular keling and 10 minutes of reverse kegling
1 week - 15 minutes of regular kegling and 15 minutes of reverse kegling
1 week - 15 minutes kegel maxes and 15 minutes of reverse kegel maxes

A max with kegling goes quite simply. Kegel to maximum contraction (as far as possible) and hold that as long as possible. When you can not hold it anymore you take a few seconds breake like 10-20 and do it again until the time is over. Ideal would be if you can hold both kegels as long as your girth routine takes in the end and do regular kegels without any problem for the whole girth workouts time. This ensures that you can go to a 100% intensity level all the time of the workout and helps you with things like dry orgasms.

For the beginner this will be not necessarry. An untrained muscle reponds to almost everything with full results.
What I posted is only an example of what you can do. You can find other ways to do that too. Regular kegels should be done for at least as much time as the maxes, but you can take more time for that like in the example too.
Top contestant running so far


I especially like that you currently have an injury but you are still very much involved! Good show!
Today I only did like half the routine. I still do that because I am scared from previous injuries. I intent to go back to the full programm step by step. The next time I gonna write a bit about the smoke withdrawal and Penis Enlargement.
newbie09;383955 said:
today i only did like half the routine. I still do that because i am scared from previous injuries. I intent to go back to the full programm step by step. The next time i gonna write a bit about the smoke withdrawal and pe.

make sure you heal up first!
Mate, nice routine....and one hell of a goal. You're at 10" now? What did you start with? Keep it up buddy!
Thanks! It was something in the 9,5 BPenis EnlargementL range. I'm blessed with good genetics. I don't know where I am right now exactly. All the injury related brakes scare me to measure. At the moment I am aiming on creating the case to be able to do routines that require 100% errections constantly for 30 minutes or the ability to take hardcore stuff like 720° bundles, bundled hanging and such things.

Hey, where are we? We are in MoS big goals for big people and all the required work to archieve them. Not like some other web presence where the goal to go above 8'' is questioned. This page is about determining goals personally and reaching it and that is what everyone here is a part of.

doublelongdaddy;383956 said:
make sure you heal up first!

There was plenty of time. I gave it more than it was supposed to be to be more than 100% sure. I am not the person for no risc no fun games anymore. So I would never do a priapism experiment, but some things just have to be done!
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How far does the mind go with Penis Enlargement? The simply is you. As with anything it will be heavily benefitial, if you can control yourself. There won't be any miraculous way to think the body into an auto-growth state and gain from doing it. The mind is rather about other things. There are tons of Penis Enlargement theories, philosophies and what so ever. They all have one thing in common: Constancy is the key to success!

With your mind under control you will have less difficulties in doing a proper work job constantly and get the proper results. For lucky people who just gain or people in good periods such things won't be any problem. The motivation will be upped by the power results, but what about less lucky people? You need to get your motivation up to keep doing Penis Enlargement even if there is no succes. Anyway, every real man should ban the sentence "I quit" from his vocabulary, because that is doing nothing except making efforts from the past vanish into nothing but a waste of time. You need to find something to stay on the road to the goal. Fuck it, if you gain almost nothing! If you are one of these people you will feel even greater than others after archieving your goals, because you will know that you have come over all the obstacles and destroyed them by being stronger, being harder, being better!

This is not about doing most will give you most. Maybe there is some way you can profit from a smart break. Unfortunetly you can not be totally sure. If it is intented and working it wouldn't be a mistake. There are lots of people who work 150% of the average work time. Some are underpaid and some are managers. There are others who work commonly and are commonly... and there are people who work more and harder and end up on top. Others find a smart way and archieve the same. Lucky bastards who get it from nothing are even more rare than lotto jackpotts! Fuck the last ones and overcome them by your mind. Your mind is what you do.

Know that you will reach your goals if you constantly work for them. Depening on the goal more or less might be require in terms like time or trickiness, but in the end it is about knowing that you will reach them if you do all that is requireed and fail if you don't do well enough.

There can be so much blabla, but the best way to conclude it is everything Rocco says in The Boondock Saints II.
Withdrawal experience of legal drugs and their effect on Penis Enlargement
Drugs always deal with side effects. That means they may cause problems in Penis Enlargement which is meant for a properly working body too. These things deal with addictions. As longer you took it as worse it is for the addiction. Same goes with the frequency of intakes. These are factors that effect on how your brain gets used to the substances and when your mind starts depending on them we talk about a psychological addiction. If you body gets depending on it we talk about a physical addiction. The last one is worse and occurs only if you are on the substance for a serious amount of time daily.

Because of that getting away from the alcohol excess on Friday and Saturday wasn't that difficult in my case, because I was only used to 2 of 7 days on it. All the differences I noticed were missing hang over days, more fitness, more sexual drive. I withdrawed before doing Penis Enlargement. So I can't tell how it effected on Penis Enlargement. I think it would benefit from the withdrawal, because the alcohol is a cellular poison and getting rid of it should be an advantage if you want to gain cellular tissue.

The cigarettes are the worse part. You smoke multiple ones daily, spread over the day. That is why it deals with a worse addiction. You will probably encounter a physical addiction and so it happened for me. In comparison to alcohol I never made to stay clean, because there always were problems. There are various things it can deal with. Manily results of non-working hormone functions in the brain. Usually they return after some time off, but when you don't have one month without seriious stress it will be difficult. I encountered all these problems and felt back time after time. What I noticed in off periods was that Penis Enlargement was easier. Faster healing, more power, better EQ.

My advices:
-get rid of these things
-if required take one month of to withdraw (even if it is unpaid, the lifetime extension will pay off anyway)
-if you got yourself under control you can do like 2-4 parties with alcohol the year without any serious problems
-a beer once the week doesn't pose a threat

And now an important one:
If there are serious psychological problems during withdrawal, don't do any cure for them! This may be a result of you body needing to re-adapt to the clean state. Let the body fix it and you will get rid of them. If you take antidepressiva or things as valium, it may make the problems permanent. Common problems that may occur:
-issues with sleep

If you need it take the week off. Your whole body will be thankfull
I guess Newbie is the only one going for this, no other entries?
I think a few guys think your going to pick there thread for the contest. They started some without saying they want to compete.
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