It just feels like I'm actually making progress now instead of treading water you know. With the equipment I'm learning to become more efficient. The ulis and SSJ got even better with the divosuits. Especially at night after girth work I put on the divosuits and do the Ulis, horses, and SSJ. The compression of the suits work well to force the blood into the glans.
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truant;514358 said:
It just feels like I'm actually making progress now instead of treading water you know.

Always a great feeling my friend. Nothing worse than trying to cross a barrier and putting in maximum effort just to find out you never went anywhere. Congratulations by the way on making progress!
BigDickler;515209 said:
Always a great feeling my friend. Nothing worse than trying to cross a barrier and putting in maximum effort just to find out you never went anywhere. Congratulations by the way on making progress!

Good shit!
Guys - I am a newbie and have SG with me. I want to gain length and girth - some of these abbreviations are new to me. It took a while for me to read all the wonderful posts here and understand
SG - stands for Size Genetics?
Bathmate - Bathmate?
LM - Not sure what that is - is this LengthMaster? if yes whats LengthMaster
SSJ or ulis - ??

I have started a month ago and I am curious as to how the progress been for some of you or all of you here on the forum? How long did it take to add any length and girth to your Penis?

Thanks much for your replies
Hi man im very intersted in this routine ...

im newbie and new at this business...

i would like to ask whats better routine for girth but especially i want to focus on length ...
so this routine or DLD Newbie's routine??

thanks for the answer.:s
Sorry for the late response, it's just been crazy with hurricane Sandy but everything is good now.

BigDickler and DLD thank you so much for the support. Yeah I never realized till recently how important it was to always stay in the lengthened state.

Sam31: After about a month of wearing the divosocks and using the Bathmate occasionally, it's hard not to see gains. I've seen that my penis has become more stretched out then I've ever seen it just by doing that. Ulis are where you grab the base of the penis while erect and squeeze. It works better with the face down ok-grip and do kegels to pump the blood in. SSJ is a bit more detailed to explain it's on one of the stickies I forget which.

Maorsaidy1233: I mean I got my ideas from DLD's routine so. It depends on your schedule really like I based mine around the times I have work. Luckily I don't have a lot of hours so I have more than enough time to do length before work and girth when I get home all while constantly wearing the divosuits.

I'm still wearing my ball weights and divosuits 24/7, and using the Bathmate occasionally. It's kind of a lazy mans routine but I'm planning to work in the LM as well as trying to go in the SG with VLC for about 4 hours a day before work. When I got a job it changed around my routine and the divosuits and ball weights is what really got the ball rolling because I'm wearing those 24/7 regardless of exercises. I've even noticed a little foreskin restoration action with the divosuits. Now my routine looks something like this..

- wake up, take off divosuits, warm up, and do the LM
- throw on the SG about 4 hours before work
- put on the divosuits again before work
- come home and do girth with the Bathmate and the SSJ or Ulis or clamped edging
- shower, put on the divosuits and relax before bed

I don't do all this but it's my plan, I'm already seeing the best gains I ever saw just by using the Bathmate and the divosuits so imagine if you follow through with that everyday you are shore to see gains. Don't forget your kegels I'm slacking on them too lol.
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I will put up a more detailed version of my latest routine soon. It's hard cause not everyone has the equipment and same schedule. I'm still trying to find out whats the best time of day to do kegels and other detailed stuff. Like for example DLD had a good point about doing kegels before exercise to pre-exaust the tissues. So for me I would want to do my kegels when I wake up before I stretch and go in the SG. Just little things like that and when to do certain stuff to get the most out of your routine. All this a more is coming in the next version. I'm trying to make the routine as solid as a rock with no loose ends. Also an updated equipment list is coming.
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BADASS I just ordered my devosuits (so stoked!!!) Hey traunt, how many layers do you put on? The guy who sells them told me he wears 6 at a time now. He says it gives him great compression. So I think I might buy 2 or three of them and work up to amount of layers used.

Also, I've posted this in the LM forum with no response but does anyone have a LM that they are willing to sell? New or used.

Good shit on your routine man, the one I read when you first posted this thread. How many days a week do this? Ive been hanging and Bathmate 6 times a week and about 2 or three times in Bathmate I do the hardcore stretches. My dick is taking a beating. No more morning wood and erections are hard to maintain. Any suggestions? Im wondering If I should just say fuck it and go back unto manual stretches while still using the Bathmate and SG, and now with the Divosuit I think I got a recipe for some pretty amazing gains.
house: Glad to hear you ordered the divosuits. Did you order them already?

It works if you cut the socks in half, you end up with a 5'' sock that's more than long enough.

I have to fold mine about 1'' from the glands so the glands have room. And for people that are circumcised you can actually notice a little bit of FR as the socks keep the foreskin up.

Six divosuits! That's a good amount to have on if you really want to see those fast gains. The only think is I wouldn't want to sleep with 6 on. For healing in the lengthened state during the day that is a good idea I admit. Most I've worn is is 4.

Isn't DLD supposed supposed to have improved version of the LM coming sometime in the summer?

Thanks bro, the first routine would be done as much as I could that week lol. But 6 days on sounds like a great idea and leaving one day to heal.

Yes it's going to be good that your doing all that hanging. I want to start hanging again but I heard you don't really gain much just in base girth? The Bathmate hardcore stretches is one of my favorites. :)

As for the eq I would try the kegel workout mentioned in this thread and don't be afraid to take a day off. The good thing is you will always have your divosuits on 24/7 to make those gains happen.

Yes I agree it's a very powerful recipe. I haven't used the SG or my LM that much for that matter with the divosuits. I think your gains will double with the LM and SG even if you use it a little bit at a good tension.

The best part is you can actually see the divosuits working and shaping your penis. After a nice Bathmate session you can just see the difference. The foreskin is looser, your erections feel better and longer and your girth is improved.

You can actually stay hard in the divosuits for a really long time while laying in bed and that counts as a workout lol. Also I've noticed that my cumshots even improved. I can only imagine what it would be like if I did this for years. :)
Also I wanted to mention to anyone reading this... DO NOT BUY THE OSBON RINGS! Plain and simple they break way too easy even the largest size and they don't give refunds. Buy a ring that won't break like the Osbon ring did on me twice!
The Bathmate is the Bathmate. It's hard to describe everything, some people don't have the same equipment and it gets complicated. Next version of the routine I will try to make things easier to understand.
truant;517570 said:
house: Glad to hear you ordered the divosuits. Did you order them already?

It works if you cut the socks in half, you end up with a 5'' sock that's more than long enough.

I have to fold mine about 1'' from the glands so the glands have room. And for people that are circumcised you can actually notice a little bit of FR as the socks keep the foreskin up.

Six divosuits! That's a good amount to have on if you really want to see those fast gains. The only think is I wouldn't want to sleep with 6 on. For healing in the lengthened state during the day that is a good idea I admit. Most I've worn is is 4.

Isn't DLD supposed supposed to have improved version of the LM coming sometime in the summer?

Thanks bro, the first routine would be done as much as I could that week lol. But 6 days on sounds like a great idea and leaving one day to heal.

Yes it's going to be good that your doing all that hanging. I want to start hanging again but I heard you don't really gain much just in base girth? The Bathmate hardcore stretches is one of my favorites. :)

As for the eq I would try the kegel workout mentioned in this thread and don't be afraid to take a day off. The good thing is you will always have your divosuits on 24/7 to make those gains happen.

Yes I agree it's a very powerful recipe. I haven't used the SG or my LM that much for that matter with the divosuits. I think your gains will double with the LM and SG even if you use it a little bit at a good tension.

The best part is you can actually see the divosuits working and shaping your penis. After a nice Bathmate session you can just see the difference. The foreskin is looser, your erections feel better and longer and your girth is improved.

You can actually stay hard in the divosuits for a really long time while laying in bed and that counts as a workout lol. Also I've noticed that my cumshots even improved. I can only imagine what it would be like if I did this for years. :)

Yeah, stoked on these things. I slept with 8 on last night. No loss of circulation. I will post gains in the near future.

hahaha I also noticed since I started doing my kegel routine with more dedication that I can spray fucking far! last night I almost hit the ceiling, literally.

I dont know whats up with the LengthMaster, there were some supposed to be coming out towards the end of Oct... And yeah, hanging does give you good base girth. I hung for about a month and have noticed a big difference in my base girth. My dick was more like bat shaped and now its even from base to head. I've decided Im putting the hanging on the side for now for the fact that Im goin g ot be traveling soon for about 3 weeks and its just really gona get in the way of my training and also that I've decided to go back to basics and im gona try to maximize as much as possible with basic stretching. The difference is I will be using the SRT mindset of staying elongated as much as possible throughout the day and night. At the very least I think I might just go ahead and buy the PA to start until the LM comes out.

Dude I think you should get a SG, I think you will be very pleased with it.. as you probably already know, you can get them cheap on here. Itys got tons of ways to wear it tha make it really comfortable. I use it with the foam pad and the rubber ring with the comfort strap. I owe alot of gains to this thing fo sho..
Hey guys I'm back and more into Penis Enlargement than ever! I realized I had to make changes in my life to be more consistent in Penis Enlargement. For me that meant quiting smoking all together because it was making me lazy and also deleting facebook. I don't go out much besides work so I have a lot of time on my hands for Penis Enlargement. I also changed up my routine a bit so it's more heavily based around the SG as the main ingredient for growth. I will get started right away, on the next post below I will list all the equipment and misc items needed to follow this routine.
Main Equipment
1. Bathmate
2. Size genetics Extender
3. VLC tugger and Skin Cones to use with the Size Genetics extender (also look into the new TLC-X?) I currently use the VLC and Skin cone 3-pack
4. Penis Master Pro - Also known as PMP you can use this with the Size Genetics as-well (more expensive than VLC but the most comfortable solution)
5. LengthMaster -Using your hands for stretching doesn't come close to using this tool. On the Misc items list I'll list the items you need to make it even better.
6. Cable Clamps - Find them at the home depot in the electrical section. Great for clamping and edging, don't waste your money on cock rings!
7. Divo-suits - A must! Used as a more comforable and overall better alternative for the uncle Jim's wrap. I don't go a day or night without wearing them :).
8. Donut ball weights - Not eveyone is into ball weights but these are really good quality at a great price! You can find these at thechaingang website just google it. (Please ask for sizing recommendations!)

Misc Items
1. Vasiline - For better seal with the Bathmate
2. Regular Medical tape - Use a small piece to protect your pee hole from the pulling of the VLC tugger (avoid the paper tape)
3. divo-suits: The minimum amount of divo-suits you want to buy are 2. You want to cut these in halfs so you have 4. 4 suits is the the minimum amount you should have on daily. 8 is the max but you will need to buy 4 divo-suits and cut them to make 8. Your options are to always wear the 8, or rotate 2 sets of 4 each day. The most simple and effective option is to just wear 8 strips daily so you have a high compression and each suit gets the same amount of usage. You can also wear 6 and rotate the excess 2.
4. The followling items you will need to customize the LengthMaster for stronger grip
- weather stripping: found at home depot, use this to cover the origional pads of the LengthMaster (secure with medical tape)
- Thera-band: harder to find maybe at walmart? You want the thicker mil either black or silver, use this to cover the weather stripping for extra grip. Also cut in strips to wrap your penis. Use a piece of duck tape or medical tape to secure the wrap onto your penis.
4. I recommend getting good lotions: Palmers cocoa butter is great to use with the ball weights and to apply to the skin before stretching. I also use cetaphil and euricin.
5. Plastic wrap: Used to wrap the penis with then apply divo-suits. This keeps the divo-suits clean and also heals your skin and glans when you use it with the lotions.
6. Weights, hook and chord to hang with the LengthMaster (if you decide to hang)
7. Free downloadable hypnosis content: you can find this by typing Giovani Lordi penis enlargment in google and using the password ''change''
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I believe that's about everything for the items. I will try to add the routine asap. Any questions please feel free to ask I will try to check this thread daily and answer all questions. Thank you
Hey guys, just want to give a quick update. For the past couple of months I have slacked on the consistency of the routine. I have been able to wear my donut ball weight and divo-suits most of the time. My 20mmx40mm ball weight was ok for a while but I was feeling cramped. I was deciding to order a 20mmx32mm or 20mmx34mm weight. I went with the 20x34 and it's a lot more spacious, any bigger and the weight would slip off though because the 34mm already does but it's a rare case. If I were to stack weights I would get a 32mm but I don't think I'm going to do that do to wanting to wear the size genetics with one ball weight comfortably. I could wear my 20x34 weight with ease with my SG. It felt wierd at first but now I see it's usefulness for keeping my balls away from the SG base and it feels fine with the SG and VLC once I got used to it a little I wouldn't have it any other way.

With the divo-suits I just been wearing 4 ( cut them in half ) on the regular but now I use more because there becoming stretched out but they are holding there own after about 3 months of hard use. I want to be more compressed while I do the routine thats the only reason why I might put on a couple more so I might have like 6 on. They are pretty snug when you first get them so you may not need as many like 3-4 but just make shore you rotate.

I also started to get my routine going again. Over these past months it has evolved and I think it's worth an update. Above I have given all the tools you will need which is pretty much it for supplies. Maybe you also might want a big plastic bowl or w/e and wash clothe to warm-up in or to fill the Bathmate with hot water. I'll mention if theres anything else you might need but that about sums it up. The new version will be written below. thank you.
This routine will begin as you wake up. If you don't have time when you wake up or just don't want to you can do it anytime of day inside your room or bathroom wherever you feel most comfortable. Lately I like doing it in the bathroom around when I take a shower. I don't always do it when I wake up either and not everyones schedules are the same. I personally found it best to base your routine around shower time because it gives you the motivation to go in the bathroom and stay inside the warmth.

PHASE 1- Warm-up
First thing I do is bring my supplies into the bathroom or room and start the routine. Things I'll take with me are my Bathmate, size genetics and VLC setup, lenghtmaster with a strip of thera-band, wash clothe, plastic bowl, vasiline and lotions. Now the first thing you do is warm-up, you can do this two ways. Fill the big plastic bowl with hot water and use the wash clothe method. What I like to do especially before a big girth workout is to wrap my glans with the wash cloth and dip it in the steamy hot water and massage the glans and the weak tissues at tip of the glans to prevent any pumping injuries. The second warm-up option is simply fill the Bathmate with the hottest water you can stand and do a quick 3-6 min. set. And I mean quick because you don't want fluid retion for the size genetics. You can do one warm-up method or both it's up to you. Personally I've been getting used to doing 3-4 minutes for 2 sets with hot water to make shore the tissues are nice and warmed up but your going to do another set anyway so even 1 set of 3 min. would suffice.

PHASE 2- Stretching
Again theres 2 two ways, using your hands or the LengthMaster. If you stretch with your hands I highly suggest you get the thera-band for grip. I use the lentHydromaxaster for stretching because it's more intense. I will bundle to the right which is basically doing a 180 or 360 with your penis. I get the best stretch when I do a 360 and bend my penis towards me so I'm creating a kind of rope like tension. The bundled stretches and the bending method are called rolls both are very effective. You can do both with your hands I like using the LengthMaster though. That's why I encourage people to get the LengthMaster because you can do so much with it. I'll stretch in all directions especially heavy down and behind the cheeks for ad least 30 seconds each or until I feel I've got a good stretch. I might even just do down and btc stretches if I feel like it cause all directions might be tedious sometimes. You just need that thera-band and know how to wrap and your good. After your done the first set of streching it's time to go in the Bathmate again for a quick 3 min. set and then yet another set of stretching this time bundled to the left as well to make shore you hit all angles and if you missed something in the first set. After stretching your ready to move to phase 3. At this point you might want to get in the shower and wash your penis for the size genetics.

PHASE 3- Size Genetics
This is where things get interesting because it's like a fork in the road. After phase 2 your tissues will be stretched and warmed-up so the optimal thing to do at this time is to put on the size genetics. So if your going to go this route it would be good to masturbate because it's so much easier to use the size genetics after you cum. Better yet why not even get a nice edging session while your at it. After that go in the SG and try to stay in for 1-2 hours minimum with breaks offcourse. You don't have to worry about going all day in the SG just do as much as you can. If you can't go in the SG for whatever reason you can just do supersets of Bathmate and a manual exercise of choice maybe 1 to 2 more times that day. Or you can simply put on your divo-suits and relax. But the optimal thing would be to log hours into the size genetics. You can even do a stretch of choice every hour while your using the SG. Why not even do Bathmate, stretching and SG supersets which I will explain. You can also use a heating pad while you wear the SG.

PHASE 4- Girth
This would come at night if everything was going as planned. You can use the SG right up to this moment. Take off the SG and go straight to the warm-up. I always like to do a 5 min. Bathmate set as a warm-up. I'll watch �naked people movies� on my phone to pass the time while in the Bathmate 20-30 min. and at the end I'll repump and do downward hardcore Bathmate stretches. Then I'll take off the Bathmate and use the cable clamps to do clamped jelqs and SSJ until I'm satisfied. After this your pretty much done for the day you just put your divo-suits on for the night and maybe some kegels if you want but thats it. NOTE: kegels should be done whenever you think of them. I like doing them when I'm still in bed to really focus and do kegel fowfers and to pre exaust the tissues. You should have one main kegel workout a day where you focus and many random quick kegel workouts with less focus and mix it up like kegel sprints, burns, holds, blasters, 2-sec variation, 1 sec, 5-20 sec extreme bursts, ect.

Now that I explained in detail I'll right it in simple routine form. Note: this routine should be done everyday because you will have days you get lazy or something comes up and you make those your rest days.

Routine 1 (as mentioned above)


- Wake-up kegel in bed 100 reps x 1 sec, 5 reps x hard as you can kegels for 10 sec each, rest 45 sec, 1 rep kegel to failure
- Bathmate 3-4 min. x 1-3 (warm-up)
- Right bundled stretches all directions
- Bathmate 3-4 min. x 1
- Left bundled stretches all directions
- Edging 10-30 min. (cum)
- Size genetics 1 hr -? hours (stretching supersets opt. SRT)
- Or divo-suits

- hot towel warm-up massage glans
- Bathmate 5 min.
- Ulis 5 min.
- Bathmate 15-30 min.
- Clamped Jelqs, SSJ, edging ( no cum), or manual exercise of choice 5min. - ?
- or Bathmate and Manual supersets opt. (SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory)
- repeat kegel workout before bed

Sample Routine

- kegels 5 min.
- Bathmate 3min.
- Stretch of choice 5 min.
- Size Genetics

Repeat every hour for a max of maybe 6 sets?
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I just want to write down a good kegel routine that another member posted but it got lost. You can do it in the Bathmate too. Also I here very good things about kegel blasters while stretching. You can mix kegels in with erect work as well. If you do kegels at these times you won't need to do it at random times. I get the best kegels while I'm laying down with a pillow between my legs as well as my penis tucked in between my legs these are pillow fowfers. So I'm kind of in the fetal position right now. But instead of laying sideways twist your torso up so your chest is facing more upwards like your typing on the phone. You can even watch �naked people movies� on your phone at this moment to turn it into erect kegels. Now for each kegel picture like your lifting up your head while doing an erect kegel even if you aren't erect. Try to loosen your anus muscles as much as possible. If you try to do those things even 1 kegel becomes intense. Now do this for ever kegel rep try and keep that mindset.
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