My new routine is coming soon sorry for the delay. It's pretty much the same except it will be in more detail describing exactly what to do and when. It adds minimal hours of the SG to grow, and shows when exactly to warm-up the tissues to reduce injuries and maximize gains which helped me. So I'm becoming more of a believer in hot warm-ups especially to the meatus before girth. I will also be featuring the products I use and you can ask me questions about them if you need sizing or anything. I just want to continue my routine for a little just to see if I can make any changes. Thank you
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Great attitude Truant! Glad to have you back and active. I read that you have healed from your injury, this is great news! I will be following your training closely.

PS, curious about the calendar you referred to, do you have a link?
Thank you again DLD for the friendly support. How is that new modified SRT girth routine going? Without taking notes from your routines DLD I would have never came up with this program.

I'm glad this is a sticky so people can ask me about sizing for the pe items such as the donut ball weights which I'm going to mention in this thread, a long with all the other products I use, and even pe items that are on my wishlist.

Here's the link

You can sign up for free and use it like that, but I would like a yearly calender that I can hang on my wall so I can always see it instead of having to log in. Or you can simply draw your own calender and do it like I mentioned. Or maybe if you have one of those erasable marker boards you can do it on there.
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Hi, back again to update my routine. I will be going into a little more detail this time. This version will be called 1.0, if I end up making changes in the future I will make a new version called 1.1 and so on.

Routine version 1.0

(These are the main exercises, other exercises and details will be described in the second post below)

* Minimum work load

- SG 1-2 hours
- LM or Manual stretches 5-20 min. x 1 set
- Bathmate 20-30 min. x 1 set
- clamped edging 10-15 min.
- kegels 5 min. worth

* Medium work load

- SG 2-4 hours
- LM or Manual stretches 5-20 min. x 2 sets
- Bathmate 20-30 min. x 2 sets
- clamped edging 15-20 min.
- kegels 5-10 min. worth

* Maximum work load

- SG 4-6 hours
- LM or Manual stretches 5-20 min. x 3 sets
- Bathmate 20-30 min. x 3 sets
- clamped edging 20-30 min.
- kegels 10-15 min. worth

How it's done...

The goal is to ad least complete the minimum work load each day, off days are optional. You don't ever have to step up to the medium or high work load if you don't want to, the minimum work load is the daily routine your going to stay most consistent with. You can choose to do the medium load one day and go back to the minimum the next. If your feeling up to it, maybe you can do the max work load then take the next day off and continue the minimum.

Before I go into the steps of how to perform the routine I will make a list of all the pe items and regular household items I use to aid me. Also I will make a wishlist. If you have any questions about where to purchase the items or anything, please feel free to ask I will be happy to fill you in. Hopefully I can save some people a lot of hassle.

* Items List (that I own)

1.) Bathmate X-40 > Items used to modify the Bathmate

- Wine Vacuum (Vacu Vin)

- Skin cone (very useful because you need it for the wine vac and for the SG mod as well.

- Vaseline

- Universal Pump Sleeves (for when the comfort pad falls off) OR Sandpaper to smooth down the edges if your going to use the Bathmate w/o the comfort pad or pump sleeves like I do.

2.) SG (SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender extender) > Items used to modify SG

- VLC tugger (purchased a long with skin cone/s)

- Skin cone!!!

3.) LengthMaster > items used to modify LM

- Thera-Band (a MUST! for wrapping and modding, you need the black or silver color with the thick MIL)

- weather stripping (to add grip and comfort to the LengthMaster grooves)

4.) Cable Clamps
5.) Donut ball weights
6.) Osbon cock ring
7.) Vacu-Tech cylinder
8.) Alchemy Cock ring ( would not recommend! chrome makes your skin irritated)
9.) brake-bleeder pump (for Vacu-tech cylinder)

Other Household items Ace wrap
medical tape
lotions ( ask me for recommended lotion brands)
baby powder or gold bond
ruler or measuring tape
duct tape
old T-shirt cloth
Wash-clothe & big plastic bowl (for hot towel wraps)


I think that's everything for now. I will write the details of how to go about the routine later or tomorrow. Hope this helped, Thanks for reading :)
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Just a little update before I write the routine. I tried using the osbon cock ring with the Bathmate and it worked perfectly. The osbon ring doesn't get in the way at all for me and I went in more erect than ever. I really think having the ring on will not only bring extra gains but will also reduce fluid retention. It even looks more veiny and bulgy in the Bathmate. Amazing stuff, I will add this into the routine.
How to pe at work...

Even if you work a 9-5 and have little time to pe, there is a way to fit ad least the minimum work load after you come home from work. Your schedule is most likely different then mine so the way you work around this issue. Say you start work at 9am and just have no time to put decent hours into the SG and you simply cannot wear it to work.

One idea that comes to mind if I was in that situation, would be to get a quick stretching session before work and use uncle Jim's wrap to heal in the lengthened state while at work. I've heard the divo-sock is now being used for the uncle Jim wrap.

Another idea would be to make an ADS that attaches to your leg using the Penis-master-pro or VLC-tugger. If it gets too uncomfortable you can unhook it by your leg. The Penis-master might be better for this because it's more comfortable on the glans and not pulling on the skin to cause that burning sensation.

Another idea would be to use your stainless steel donut ball weights and use them as pe weights if your not already using them on your balls. Your just going to have to use cloth wrap or something just below your glans so the weights don't slip off similar to the what the guy did on the peweights site instructional video.

The divo-sock method would probably be the most simple. Especially if you sit at a desk you would have to sit at the edge of the chair so the weight hangs down. I just wanted to write this because I think it would be beneficial to ad least prevent yourself from turtling while at work. Any other useful methods I'm all ears. I think this is a good topic on it's own.
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If you can't do any of the above while at work. Then it's just as good to start your pe day asap when you come home. Maybe just do a Bathmate session while in the shower before work and wear a very low tension cock ring while you go to work. Hey it's worked for me and there's a strut in my step while at work :blush:. Now that I've addressed those issues let describe how to go about the routine.

One suggestion would be to switch up the work loads to fit your needs. For example if you don't have the time to wear the SG or maybe your after more girth. If this is the case, you could do the minimum length work load and maximum girth work load. That 1-2 hours in the SG will help you maximize girth gaining efforts. I added the SG to the routine because it's really effective wether your goal is length or girth. You just simply gain better doing both and the SG w/ Bathmate is such a potent combo.
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Here is the routine in detailed steps. The steps will show instructions for each exercise on all 3 work loads. I tried to make it as clean as possible so the routine flows with DLD's SRT theory.

Below I've described when to stretch using the different work loads..

min.) The optimal time to do the 1 and only stretching set would be before you start the SG so you can heal in the lengthened state.

med.) 1st stretching set: before SG... 2nd set: between SG

max.) 1st set: before SG.. 2nd set: between SG.. 3rd set: after SG and before you start girth... (opt.) you can move one set forward and do it after girth to stretch in the expanded state, and cut out one set.

NOTE: In the Max work load above I basically put every time interval you could stretch in the routine. So if your doing the min. or med. loads you can move the stretching sessions to any one of those times mentioned in the max. load. For example if I'm doing the min. load which only requires to do one set of stretching.

I can move that set to after girth if I wanted or any other time that's written in the max. setting. I wrote this so you don't get confused as to why I'm not writing down the other stretching sets used in med. and max. work loads. Because I'm only writing down the minimum load so you can see a clear example of the routine below.

Routine version 1.0 (minimum)

* Step 1: Out of the 4 times to stretch mentioned above in the max. setting. The most optimal time to make use of that one set in the min. load, in my opinion would be before you start the SG. You can stretch any one of those times so you don't have to stretch for step one. You can just put on the SG for step 1 if you want. A warm-up before the SG or stretching is optional at this stage.

* Step 2: This is the point when you complete the 1-2 hours (maybe more) of the SG for the min. work load. I sometimes even stretch at this point if I miss doing it before so it's up to you.

This is my favorite time to warm-up because it's before girth and sometimes maybe before a stretching session as-well. You can warm-up with a quick 6 min. Bathmate set and/or a hot towel wrap (suggest you massage meatus with hot towel wrap)..

This is also a great time to stretch your sack and put on the ball weights if you have any. The heat works great to help stretch the sack, so your basically massaging your balls with one hand while massaging the meatus with the other if you decide to do this.

Then do the sack stretches I mentioned in the first page of this thread. You can see why I like to warm-up at this stage because I'm doing it for all those reasons. Note: SG and the ball weights are uncomfortable.

* Step 3. Now your ready for girth. This part is actually very simple. I might do some manual ulis to get the blood flowing before I enter the Bathmate. I may or may not use the osbon ring when I enter the Bathmate, it's really up to you if you want to use a cock ring in the Bathmate.

But I may do it for the first Bathmate set to get pumped up for a second set. The second Bathmate set w/o the ring, and it's helped me expand in a cool way. The first time with the cock ring 20 min. max with hardcore stretches off course and a long kegel burn while in the Bathmate for good measure. I come out with minimal FR, then I go into the Bathmate a second time all pumped up and veiny and that's when I relax in the Bathmate for about 30 min. and don't mind getting the retention.

* Step 4: Now it's time for the fun part, that's right it's clamped edging! I log into my xvideos or tube8 account hehe :) and go to my favorites list and get nice and turned on. I put 1-2 cable clamps at the base and get erect, then I tighten the clamps and slip over the osbon ring which rests nicely at the top of the clamps.

It keeps me 110% erect which is great for expanding the tissues after a day of pe and to maximize gains. I take everything off after 10-15 min. to let fresh blood in, if I'm horny like usual and energized I will go for another set. Your pretty much done after that to be honest, you can choose to warm-down or put on a low tension cock ring to heal in the girth state.

The one thing I didn't really mention was the kegels but that's because you can do those anytime, a good kegel workout is on the first page of the thread. Just leave out the kegel burns b/c it's not really apart of the routine it's just something I added. I like doing the kegel burns in the Bathmate though.

In conclusion that's the gist of the program. You can look on the first page to see what specific stretches I like to do, the only thing is not everyone has the LengthMaster so it was either you do manuals or use the LM. If you guys have any questions about products or anything please feel free to ask. Also check out the ''don't break the chain" motivational method. Thanks for reading
I'm very glad to see this thread stuck in the noobie section thanks to Red. It's as if I have my own little home at MOS. A lot of valuable information sometimes gets lost in the forums or scattered about.

I'm trying to bring all the important info that stuck with me into this one thread. Like those Sack stretches and that kegel routine on the first page for example. That info is so lost in the bowels of the MOS archives I couldn't find it if I tried.

Oh yeah I forgot to add DLD blasters and SSJ into the routine but that's okay I think I got my point across and those are more advanced anyway. But yeah my brain feels relieved from not needing to store all the stuff in my head because I didn't really have the routine on paper either lol. Glad it's safely stored in my own sticky thread, pegym or �other PE site� would have never given me my own sticky. Thanks guys :)
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truant;490949 said:
Glad it's safely stored in my own sticky thread, pegym or �other PE site� would have never given me my own sticky. Thanks guys :)

If a member is putting in the work, helping others and staying involved in the forum we will stick the thread. These threads are very inspirational and help so many men who are reading. Keep up the good work!
Thank you DLD that means a lot, MOS is such a great place and I'm honored to become part of the community. Sorry I haven't responded to the thread in a while just been busy with daily life activities but I'm always here to stay.

I just want to mention that while on break, one exercise I found myself doing were ulis. Later I started working in the SSJ. Now ulis are great but they can be a little boring at times. The SSJ first off helped me discover the palm down ok grip so I can grab all the way at the base.

If you use that palms down ok grip at the very base and very slowly milk up like your doing a jelq, just like how the SSJ is. That slow milking action a lone feels really good and is easy to do whenever you feel like tugging. So basically I found myself doing that SSJ milk style and also doing the complete SSJ a long with regular ulis.

If you can somehow replace masturbation with the SSJ, Ulis, or that slow erect milking whenever your horny you might not have the need for tireless edging. I've noticed I've gotten fuller erections when I just do those things.
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I mean edging is great but it's also more of a spur of the moment type thing and who wants to concentrate for long periods of time on edging trying to make gains.

It's easier for me if whenever I get a spontaneous erection and I'm horny to just do some squeezes like the uli and SSJ at random times through out the day.

Such as when you go to the bathroom or something. I have the divo suits now as well so I'm going to see if I can follow through with that while wearing them.
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truant;513466 said:
I mean edging is great but it's also more of a spur of the moment type thing and who wants to concentrate for long periods of time on edging trying to make gains.

It's easier for me if whenever I get a spontaneous erection and I'm horny to just do some squeezes like the uli and SSJ at random times through out the day.

Such as when you go to the bathroom or something. I have the divo suits now as well so I'm going to see if I can follow through with that while wearing them.

I agree. I sometimes will not let myself shoot off until I have edged for a creation amount of time....very spontaneous. I advocated years ago for mini-girth sessions throughout the day but too many thought it was overboard...for me it never was????
I guess it depends on your schedule too and when you do length and girth. After I pump I usually get horny and it's my choice to either edge or do the SSJ so I would do mini SSJ sessions after girth work whenever I get a erection. You can be laying down watching tv and be doing ulis lol.

My plan is to do girth at night then maybe I can just do supersets with the Bathmate and SSJ when I get home at night. And wear the SG until I wake up till I go to work mixed with some stretching and warm-up pumping.

Then wear the divo suits at work and to bed whenever I'm not doing the SG. I can get a nice schedule going. The PMP is on my list but I guess I will have to use the VLC with SG until I get the PMP.
At night when I come home from work is when I'm going to be doing a girth workout. I usually pump 20-30 min. and do edged clamping, not really too much manuals were being added in.

Now I'm starting to wonder if I should try the super sets you mentioned DLD. Like do 10 min. Bathmate and SSJ 5-10 min. Then after a few super sets just throw on a cock ring or even put on the divo suit.

Then if I get the urge to masturbate I can do the SSJ at random moments when I'm relaxing. But I guess the random mini girth sessions may be better than edging and ending up cumming. Instead of the jerking motion trying to cum, replace that with the manuals?
truant;513767 said:
I guess it depends on your schedule too and when you do length and girth. After I pump I usually get horny and it's my choice to either edge or do the SSJ so I would do mini SSJ sessions after girth work whenever I get a erection. You can be laying down watching tv and be doing ulis lol.

My plan is to do girth at night then maybe I can just do supersets with the Bathmate and SSJ when I get home at night. And wear the SG until I wake up till I go to work mixed with some stretching and warm-up pumping.

Then wear the divo suits at work and to bed whenever I'm not doing the SG. I can get a nice schedule going. The PMP is on my list but I guess I will have to use the VLC with SG until I get the PMP.

Now that you mention it, I realized I so a lot of Slow Squash Jelqs during masturbation, if a session lasts 30 minutes I may get 5-10 minutes of SSJ's. I forgot I even did that????
Yeah DLD you were def on to something when you found out the SSJ. I found out that, for me edging is more of a spontaneous thing like you said.

It's hard to do edging as an actual exercise for gains because your gunna be jerking for a long time which is no fun really unless your horny and want too. If I edge I will use clamps and the base and try to have a dry orgasm so ad least the horny goes away. But as far as doing 30 min. of edging every day as part as a routine is too boring unless you do it without knowing cause your just horny.

That's where the SSJ and ulis come in to fill that gap and you do it when you want to at random times when your horny in place of edging. The SSJ is so much better than regular flaccid jelqs and easy to do it's almost like a uli.

Once I got used to them they didn't seem like work anymore when I was horny and that just helped to replace the up and down jerking of masturbation.
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truant;514199 said:
Yeah DLD you were def on to something when you found out the SSJ. I found out that, for me edging is more of a spontaneous thing like you said.

Thinking even more on this, the Slow Squash Jelq was born during masturbation:)
DLD, the SSJ basically had to be born to replace masturbation and the regular jelq method lol. Also I've found out while wearing the divosuits it would be awkward to masturbate anyway. All though you can easily still do ulis and SSJ, the compression of the divosuits even help make them more intense.

The only time I should really be edging is when I'm planning on cumming (1-2 times a week) which I will try to make a long edging session to make up for it. And also a little clamping work during girth sessions if I feel like it which is kind of like edging to me in a way.

All in all everything is starting to come together now. My routine now is simply keeping my ball weights and divosuits on 24/7. A long with trying to do the LM and Bathmate ad least once in the day and once at night with internal stretching. The size genetics I'm just waiting awhile till I get the PMP and I'll do that during the day as well.
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